2007-08-09 09:01:11 CEST

2007-08-09 09:01:11 CEST


Stora Enso Oyj - Company Announcement

Stora Enso s co-determination negotiations at Kemijärvi concluded

Stora Enso Oyj Stock Exchange Release 9 August 2007 at 07.00 GMT

The co-determination negotiations that started in June at Stora
Enso's Kemijärvi Pulp Mill in Finland concerning temporary lay-offs
of personnel due to shortage of wood have been concluded. The
shortage of wood anticipated in the early autumn has been alleviated
through increased domestic wood supply so the immediate need for
lay-offs has been averted.

The outlook for the wood supply in Finland later in the autumn and
winter remains uncertain at this point. This causes a risk of
temporary lay-offs later in the year. Furthermore, increased wood
costs are aggravating the operating environment.

For further information, please contact:
Kai Korhonen, SEVP, Packaging Boards, tel. +358 400 686 679
Kari Vainio, EVP, Corporate Communications, tel. +44 7799 348 197
Keith B Russell, SVP, Investor Relations, tel. +44 7775 788 659



Jyrki Kurkinen              Ulla Paajanen-Sainio