2016-12-21 14:00:00 CET

2016-12-21 14:00:00 CET


Soprano Oyj - Pörssitiedote

Soprano: New Informator Tieturi Group plans to invests in EdTech platform

Soprano Plc Stock Exchange Release 21.12.2016 klo 15.00

Soprano: New Informator Tieturi Group plans to invest in EdTech platform

Informator Tieturi Group reaches out to invest in an easy-to-use education
platform, that will connect trainers and those in need of training, to the same
service. With new disruptive EdTech solutions, the company is aiming for
international growth and for significantly better profitability. 

Soprano’s fully-owned subsidiary Informator Tieturi Group, which will begin
it’s operations on January 1st 2017, is operationally profitable and has a
turnover of approximately 10 million euro which makes it the leading private
ICT training operator in the Nordic countries. Both of its brands are
well-known in the domestic markets. Of the company’s turnover currently some 70
percent originate from Sweden and 30 percent from Finland. 

The company has as of 2016 invested in new Training Cloud and Remote Cloud
Access solutions and has since October started the pre-marketing of a
Training-as-a-Service concept addressing the need of Continous Learning. The
company’s goal is to bring together the industry’s most sought after trainers,
and those in need of ICT-training, as users for their cloud based training
services. Already at this moment, the united companies are training their
client companies employees in dozens of countries across the world, through
it’s cloud services, about 40 training specialist and with 300 network
educators. The company currently has training centres in Stockholm, Gothenburg,
Malmö, Helsinki and Tampere. 

At the moment all the Informator Tieturi Group’s services are being fused into
one learning platform, where it’s training programs will become available in
Finnish, Swedish and English. Through 2017 to 2018 the company plans to expand
it’s services in the Nordic Countries and the Baltic region with it’s easily
replicable and geographically scaled cloud based services. In Finland Tieturi
seeks to, in the short-term, increase it’s sales with the high profile training
portfolio already in place in Sweden, and with remote distribution of training
in Swedish for the Finnish-Swede customer base. 

Managing Director Emil Robertsson: - At the moment we are evaluating
crowdfunding, in either Sweden or Finland, as a source of financing our
continued investments in EdTech, their deployment and internationalization
during the first part of 2017. We believe that the new disruptive solutions
will create high customer value and lead to better profitability. 

Soprano Plc

Additional Information:

Informator Tieturi Group,
Managing Director, Emil Robertsson, +46 70 999 80 44,
www.informator.se  www.tieturi.fi
Chairman of Board, Arto Tenhunen, +358 400 413 314, arto.tenhunen@soprano.fi

Soprano is a development company, whose  parent company Soprano Plc is listed
on Nasdaq Helsinki’s main market.  The Soprano Group consists of two
fully-owned business segments from the January 1st 2017: Nordic ICT-training
specialist Informator Tieturi Group and leadership training company Management
Institute of Finland MIF. The third segment is Soprano Plc with it's associated
companies Ambientia E-Commerce and Brain Alliance. 

In the training industry, Soprano has become the leading private training
company in Nordics. The training business is just now on the edge of
digitalization, moving to the cloud and industrial arrangements have begun. Our
aim is to be the most desirable partner for our customers in competence
development. We offer our customers the most suitable trainings, the most
qualified coaches and modern learning environments. 

Soprano Plc focuses on Service Industry investments, in which we seek new
restructuring and consolidation opportunities. We are interested in businesses
where significant value can be achieved through digitalization. 

Our experts are at your service in Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Stockholm,
Gothenburg, Malmö and St. Petersburg. Our extensive international network
covers dozens countries and we are also able to serve our customers virtually
across the globe. 

Soprano Group | MIF | Infor | Johtamistaidon Opisto | Informator | Tieturi |

For further information about our company and services:

Soprano Oyj

Management Institute of Finland MIF

Informator Tieturi Group