2017-02-17 07:00:01 CET

2017-02-17 07:00:01 CET


Anglų Suomių
Comptel - Financial Statement Release


 Stock exchange release 17 February 2017 at 8:00 am

  -- Net sales and profit grew, earnings per share grew 154.4 %

Key figures for the Fourth Quarter of 2016:

  -- Net sales EUR 29.9 million (Q4 2015: 32.6), change -8.2% 
  -- Operating profit EUR 5.0 million (5.6), change -10.2%
  -- Operating profit 16.8% of net sales (17.2)
  -- Profit EUR 8.0 million (4.0), growth 100.9%
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.07 (0.04), growth 96.3%
  -- Order backlog EUR 65.7 million (66.3), change -0.9%

Key figures for Full Year of 2016:

  -- Net sales EUR 100.0 million (2015: 97.7), growth 2.3% 
  -- Operating profit EUR 11.0 million (8.5), growth 29.8%
  -- Operating profit 11.0% of net sales (8.7)
  -- Comparable profit, excluding the India tax accounting, was EUR 7.1 million
     (4.5), growth 57.3%
  -- The reported profit EUR 11.7 million (4.5), growth 157.5%
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.11 (0.04), growth 154.4%

Dividend Proposal

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend
be paid for the financial period ended on December 31st, 2016. 

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Annual
General Meeting authorizes the Board of Directors to decide on a dividend
payment of up to a maximum of EUR 0.04 per share in one tranche for the
financial period ended on December 31st, 2016 conditional upon the Transaction
Agreement entered into on 8 February 2017 by and between Nokia Corporation and
Comptel having been terminated for any reason other than consummation of said
tender offer, meaning that the authorization can be used only provided that
tender offer announced by Nokia Corporation on 9 February 2017 for all of the
issued and outstanding shares and option rights in Comptel Corporation is not

The authorization to decide on payment of dividend shall be valid until 31st,
December 2017. Based on this authorization, the Board of Directors is entitled
to decide on the dividend record date, dividend payment date and other matters
required by the matter. When deciding on the possible payment of dividend, the
Board of Directors shall assess the company's liquidity and financial position
as required by the Companies Act. 


We expect 2017 revenue to grow with double digit percentage and we expect
comparable EBIT to be between 10-15% of net sales. 

Characteristically a significant part of Comptel’s operating profit and net
sales is generated in the second half of the year. 

These statements for 2016 are based on the company's audited financial
statements. The Auditor's Report was issued 16 February, 2017. 

Juhani Hintikka, President and CEO:

Both Business Units’ net sales grew slightly in the year 2016. Also, both
Business Unit’s profitability improved clearly in 2016. 

We continued, as planned, to bring new solutions to the market and this can be
seen in the distribution of the net sales. The important FulFillment solution
net sales grew over 20 per cent compared to previous year. In Intelligent Data
business unit both our Fastermind solution as well as the Monetizer solution
grew significantly during 2016. Fastermind solution grew 50 per cent and
Monetizer 70 per cent compared to previous year. The net sales of traditional
products declined and therefore overall growth of the company was modest. We
expect in the future our new products growth to continue and impact more
significantly the overall company growth. 

The FWD cloud solution got traction in 2016 and at the end of the year we had 4
signed contracts with customers. In addition, we have several ongoing
negotiations with new customers and expect the net sales to start showing in
2017 numbers. 

Regionally, EMEA continued to grow with strong performance in 2016. In Europe
we received a significant reference, when one of the biggest operator chose
Comptel as a partner for developing jointly their future virtual solutions.  In
APAC, we experienced some continued delays with our customers’ decision making
as well as increasing competition among vendors. 

In Latin America, the year 2016 was challenging and we implemented changes in
the operational structure to better match the market conditions. Especially the
traditional solutions net sales declined in Latin America. We expect this
situation to improve during 2017. During 2016 we increased our investment in
the North American market and built a good foundation for future growth. 

The company profitability developed positively and our EBIT for the year
improved from 8.7 per cent to 11.0, despite significant investments into R&D
and sales coverage. I’m especially pleased with the company’s profitability

The full year profit increased significantly, being EUR 11.7 million and
earnings per share 0.11. We managed to complete the process concerning a large
part of our outstanding withholding taxes in India. This had a significant
impact on our net profit for the year. 

During 2016, we secured 21 orders valued over EUR 1.0 million. In 2015, the
comparable number was 25. We also won 9 new customers during 2016. 

In the beginning of 2017 our sales pipeline is significantly higher than a year
ago and we are confident that we will achieve double digit growth in 2017.” 

Business review of 2016

In the fourth quarter, Comptel’s net sales declined by 8.2 percent compared to
previous year and were EUR 29.9 million (32.6). Both business unit net sales
declined in the fourth quarter, compared to previous year. In the fourth
quarter net sales continued to grow in the EMEA region while all other regions
net sales declined. 

Full year net sales grew by 2.3 per cent compared to previous year and were EUR
100.0 million (97.7). The new solutions sales continued to grow significantly
while some of the traditional solutions sales declined compared to previous

Operating profit for the year improved by 29.8 per cent and was EUR 11.0
million (8.5). Significant investments into R&D and the product portfolio
continued during the year 2016. 

For the full year 2016 financial income/expenses were EUR 0.9 million (-1.1).
This includes EUR 1.1 million interest income that relates to withholding tax
refund from India. The other financial income/expenses were mainly due to
fluctuation in exchange rates between EUR and other currencies. Shares in
associated minority companies impacted results before taxes by EUR -0.2 million

Profit before taxes, for the full year, was EUR 11.7 million (7.6) and profit
for the reporting period was EUR 11.7 million (4.5). Earnings per share for the
year was EUR 0.11 (0.04). 

The tax expenses for 2016 were EUR 0.1 million (3.1), including EUR -2.7
million of withholding taxes (1.2). The 2016 tax expenses include the India tax
refund that was received during the year. The EUR 4.5 million withholding tax
refund included EUR 3.4 million tax and EUR 1.1 million interest. At the end of
the year EUR 3.6 million has been paid in cash to the company. 

In 2016, Comptel received 21 orders of which the value exceeded EUR one million
(25), of which Intelligent Data unit received five (four Data Refinary
solutions and one Monetizer) and Service Orchestration received 11 (11 FlowOne
solutions). Five orders were multi-solution orders across the business units.
Comptel reports orders for sold projects and licenses with a minimum value of
EUR 1,000,000. 

The Company’s 12-month order backlog was EUR 65.7 million (66.3). This was due
to several significant orders were delayed to 2017. The total order backlog was
around EUR 90 million at the end of the year. 

Business areas

Net sales,             10-12  10-12  Change,   1-12  1-12  Change
EUR million             2016   2015        %   2016  2015       %
----------------------       ------------------------------------
Intelligent Data        13.1   14.6    -10.0   43.8  42.5     3.0
Service Orchestration   16.8   18.0     -6.8   56.1  55.2     1.6
Other                    0.0    0.0      0.0    0.1   0.0     0.0
Total                   29.9   32.6     -8.2  100.0  97.7     2.3
Operating result,                                                
EUR million                                                      
Intelligent Data         2.6    3.5    -26.4    6.8   5.8    16.6
Service Orchestration    3.5    2.9     21.2    7.5   5.1    46.1
Other                   -0.1   -0.7    -36.0   -3.3  -2.5   -32.3
Total                    5.0    5.6    -10.2   11.0   8.5    29.8
Operating result,                                                
% of net sales                                                   
Intelligent Data        19.5   23.8            15.5  13.7        
Service Orchestration   20.8   16.0            13.4   9.3        
Other                      -      -               -     -        
Total                   16.8   17.2            11.0   8.7        

In the fourth quarter both business unit net sales declined compared to
previous year. The relative profitability of Intelligent Data unit decreased.
For Service Orchestration, in the fourth quarter, the relative profitability
improved compared to previous year. 

For the full year 2016 both business unit’s net sales slightly grew. The
operating result for Intelligent Data unit grew by 16.6 per cent and for
Service Orchestration 46.1 per cent compared to the previous year. This growth
in operating result was also reflected in the relative profitability in both
business unit’s. 

Net sales breakdown,            10-12  10-12  Change, %   1-12  1-12  Change
EUR million                      2016   2015              2016  2015       %
Project & License business   21.0   24.0      -12.8   65.1  63.3     2.9
Recurring business                9.0    8.5        5.7   34.9  34.4     1.4
Total                            29.9   32.6       -8.2  100.0  97.7     2.3

In the fourth quarter the net sales of project and license business declined by
12.8 per cent compared to previous year. The support and maintenance business
grew by 5.7 per cent. 

For the full year 2016 the net sales of project and license business grew 2.9
per cent and support and maintenance business grew 1.4 per cent compared to
previous year. 

Net sales Regional breakdown,  10-12  10-12  Change, %   1-12  1-12  Change, %
EUR million                     2016   2015              2016  2015           
APAC                             6.6    8.9      -26.1   30.1  29.6        1.6
EMEA                            21.6   20.5        5.2   61.6  56.9        8.3
AMERICAS                         1.8    3.2      -44.6    8.3  11.2      -26.0
Total                           29.9   32.6       -8.2  100.0  97.7        2.3

In the fourth quarter, the EMEA region net sales continued to grow by 5.2 per
cent compared to previous year and this was the 6th consecutive quarter that
the region grew. Both the APAC and Americas regions net sales declined in the
fourth quarter. 

For the full year 2016 net sales grew in EMEA by 8.3 per cent compared to
previous year. In APAC the net sales grew 1.6 per cent compared to the previous
year. APAC net sales slowed down in the 2H of the year due to customer delays.
For the full year 2016 Americas net sales declined by 26 per cent compared to
the previous year. 

Financial Position

EUR million                                  31 Dec  31 Dec 2015  Change,
                                               2016                     %
Statement of financial position total          94.9         86.4      9.8
Liquid assets                                   9.2          3.0    205.0
Trade receivables, gross                       40.4         42.1     -4.1
Bad debt provision                             -1.9         -1.6     13.7
Trade receivables, net                         38.5         40.5     -4.8
Accrued income                                 15.8         10.0     59.0
Deferred income related to partial debiting     4.8          3.3     47.2
Interest-bearing debt                           9.5          7.5     32.3
Equity ratio, per cent                         58.6         52.4     11.8

The statement of the financial position on 31 Dec 2016 was EUR 94.9 million
(86.4), of which liquid assets amounted to EUR 9.2 million (3.0). The operating
cash flow was EUR 15.6 million (0.6) in 2016. 

Trade receivables were EUR 38.5 million (40.5) at the end of the period. The
accrued income was EUR 15.9 million (10.0). The deferred income related to
partial debiting was EUR 5.0 million (3.3). 

Comptel has a EUR 25 million credit facility arrangement consisting of a EUR 20
million revolving credit facility and a EUR 5 million overdraft capacity on
current bank account. Out of this arrangement Comptel had EUR 8 million of the
revolving credit facility outstanding at the end of the period and EUR 0.8
million of the overdraft facility. The credit facility is valid until July

The equity ratio was 58.7 per cent (52.4) and the gearing 0.5 per cent (11.1).

Research and Development (R&D)

EUR million                             10-12  10-12  Change  1-12  1-12  Change
                                         2016   2015       %  2016  2015       %
Direct R&D expenditure                5.8    7.5   -22.2  21.8  20.3     7.4
Capitalisation of R&D expenditure    -1.7   -1.5    16.8  -6.2  -5.2    19.5
 according to IAS 38                                                            
R&D depreciation and impairment       1.2    1.4   -17.6   4.9   5.5   -12.1
R&D expenditure, net                  5.3    7.4   -28.9  20.5  20.6    -0.9
Direct R&D expenditure, % of net     19.5   22.9          21.8  20.8        

Direct R&D expenditure represented 21.8 per cent (20.8) of net sales.

The key focus of Comptel’s R&D expenditure was in the further development of
our existing solutions (Service Orchestration and Intelligent Data) and FWD
time-based mobile data marketing solution. 

Development work was focused on securing recurring revenue with competitive
products, winning new markets by giving customers unique value, and by
improving margins with better deployment and scalability of our products. 

The FlowOne Fulfillment solution ensures unified order and service delivery
flows for orchestrating services. FlowOne V is a design-led service
orchestration for virtual networks. Data Refinery captures data-in-motion,
turns raw data into immediate value and integrates into any data source.
Monetizer is the business policy and charging solution that sets the speed to
money and allows the innovation and designing of rich communication and data.
Fastermind offers artificial intelligence apps, predictive analytics and
machine learning capabilities for digital telcoes. In all of these areas,
Comptel seeks global thought leadership in solving the business challenges of
operators and digital communications service providers. 

During 2016, the company continued to develop its current offering. In 2016 ten
major software releases were launched in the product areas mentioned above. 


EUR million                             10-12  10-12  Change  1-12  1-12  Change
                                         2016   2015       %  2016  2015       %
Gross investments in property, plant      0.2    0.2    46.3   1.5   0.6   177.6
 and equipment and intangible assets                                            

The investments comprised of devices, software and furnishings. The investments
were funded through cash flow from operations. 


                                          31 Dec 2016  31 Dec  Change, %
Number of employees at the end of period          837     742       12.8

                                               1-12  1-12  Change, %
                                               2016  2015           
Average number of personnel during the period   791   723        9.4

The number of employees increased in 2016, compared to the previous year, due
to the increase in product investments and delivery capacity. In the fourth
quarter, the personnel expenses were 43.3 per cent of net sales (47.2). For the
full year, personnel expenses were 46.8 per cent of net sales (47.9). 

At the end of the period, 28.1 per cent (29.5) of the personnel were located in
Finland, 22.7 per cent (25.5) in Malaysia, 15.5 per cent (11.3) in India, 12.2
per cent (10.2) in Bulgaria, and 21.5 per cent (23.5) in other countries where
Comptel operates. 

Comptel share

The closing share price of the period was EUR 2.37 (1.83). Comptel’s market
value at the end of the period was EUR 258.7 million (198.1). 

Comptel share               10-12  10-12  Change %  1-12  1-12  Change %
                             2016   2015            2016  2015          
Shares traded, million       10,4   16,6     -37,4  48,4  41,2      17,3
Shares traded, EUR million   23,7   24,7      -3,9  92,4  52,9      74,8
Highest price, EUR           2,56   1,93      32,6  2,65  1,93      37,3
Lowest price, EUR            1,96   1,15      70,4  1,19  0,84      41,7

Of Comptel’s outstanding shares, 5.1 per cent (6.0) were nominee registered or
held by foreign shareholders at the end of the period. 

At the end of the period, the company held 117,129 of its own shares, which
represents 0.11 per cent of the total number of shares. The total counter-book
value of the shares held by the company was EUR 2,295. 

Corporate Governance

Comptel Corporation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 6 April 2016.
The AGM resolved the number of Board members to be five. Mr. Pertti Ervi, Mr.
Hannu Vaajoensuu, Ms. Eriikka Söderström, and Mr. Antti Vasara were re-elected
as members of the Board of Directors. Mr. Thomas Berlemann was elected as a new
member of the Board of Directors. 

The AGM appointed Ernst & Young Oy as the company’s auditor. Mr. Mikko
Järventausta is acting as the principal auditor. 

The AGM resolved that a dividend of EUR 0.03 per share was paid for the year

In its meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors
elected Mr. Pertti Ervi as chairman and Mr. Hannu Vaajoensuu as vice chairman. 

The Board of Directors decided to establish an audit committee to deal with the
preparation of matters relating to the company’s financial reporting and
control. The Board of Directors elected Ms. Eriikka Söderström as the
chairperson of the audit committee, and Mr. Pertti Ervi and Mr. Antti Vasara as
the members of the audit committee. All the members of the audit committee are
independent from the company and its significant shareholders. 

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on share issues amounting
to a maximum of 21,400,000 new shares and on the repurchase or conveying of the
company’s own shares up to a maximum number of 10,700,000 shares. The
authorisations are valid until 30 June 2017. However, the authorisation to
implement the company’s share-based incentive programs is valid five years from
the AGM resolution. 

A separate stock exchange release about the authorisations given and other
decisions made by the Annual General Meeting was published on 6 April 2016. 

Events after the Reporting Period

On the 9th of February Nokia announced its intention to acquire Comptel to
advance its software strategy. Nokia made, recommended by the Comptel board, a
cash tender offer for all the shares and option rights in Comptel. The offer
price is EUR 3.04 in cash for each share in Comptel. A separate stock exchange
release on this has been published on 9 February 2016. 

Near-term Risks and Uncertainties

Comptel develops dynamic end-to-end solutions for leading operators globally in
the telecom field. This requires Comptel to understand correctly the trends
taking place in its business environment and the needs of its customers and
resellers by each region. Failure to identify market conditions, address
customers’ needs and develop its products in a timely way may significantly
undermine the growth of Comptel’s business and its profitability. 

Characteristics of Comptel’s field of industry are significant quarterly
variations of net sales and profit, which are related to customers’ purchasing
behaviour and the timing of major single deals. 

Comptel’s business consists of deliveries of large productised IT systems, and
the value of a single project may be several million euros. Therefore, the
credit risk associated with a single project or an individual customer may be
significant. Furthermore, some of Comptel’s customers operate in countries
where the political or financial climate can be unstable which in part may
increase credit risk. 

Comptel operates globally, so it is exposed to risks arising from different
currency positions. Exchange rate changes between the Euro, which is the
company’s reporting currency, and the US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling and
Malaysian Ringgit affect the company’s net sales, expenses and net profit. 

The application process to prevent Comptel’s double taxation is still pending
with the Ministry of Finance in Finland. However, the process between the
states is very slow and the timing of change is hard to forecast. The
interpretation of tax treaties may result in different views between the
countries in question. This could mean that the double taxation will prevail.
Comptel has also applications for return of withholding taxes in other
countries but they are subject to local legal processes, which take time to get

The risks and uncertainties of Comptel are described in more detail in the
company’s financial statements and the Board of Directors’ report for 2016. 

Business outlook and markets

Gartner forecasts operator investments will grow about 4 per cent during next
few years. For Comptel the most important trend is that new investments go more
to Cloud technology and software-based network solutions. This has been
evidenced during the last year when we have seen that all leading operators
have started building their next generation systems on software and cloud.
First of these implementations have been commissioned into trial use beside
traditional systems and proved that they yield considerable savings and ease
the promotion of new services for the digital society. However, the most
important impact is that software networks are essential for launching new
concepts like Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G. 

We assume that this development is getting traction during the next years and
will improve Comptel’s position when the number of managed services and volume
of accumulated data will increase. We believe Comptel’s ability to successfully
manage hybrid networks where old and new systems are used in parallel is a
strong differentiator. 

Another important trend is the huge growth in number of services and the aim to
make them more personal. Operators will face a problem when they are combining
the wide scope of services from large multinational giants (like Facebook,
Google and Apple) and new innovate service developers. This will require
improvements in network capacity, service management, scalability and
management of the huge amount of data to meet the expected level of customer

We see that Comptel’s role within the new network concept is to build user
services from available resources and create balance between user experience
and resource costs. This function is now strongly integrating with the
cloud-based business systems (like sales, customer relationships, charging) and
result is that we need to take a role as provider of real-time end-to-end data
and control function. 


We expect 2017 revenue to grow with double digit percentage and we expect EBIT
to be between 10-15%. 

Characteristically a significant part of Comptel’s operating profit and net
sales is generated in the second half of the year. 

Board of Directors proposal for the Disposal of Profits

The Group parent company’s distributable equity on 31 December 2016 was EUR
13,002,143 (7,692,598) 

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend
be paid for the financial period ended on December 31st, 2016. 

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Annual
General Meeting authorizes the Board of Directors to decide on a dividend
payment of up to a maximum of EUR 0.04 per share in one tranche for the
financial period ended on December 31st, 2016. The Board of Directors proposes
that the authorization to decide on such dividend is conditional upon the
Transaction Agreement entered into on 8 February 2017 by and between Nokia
Corporation and Comptel Corporation (the “Transaction Agreement”) having been
terminated for any reason other than consummation of said tender offer pursuant
to the Transaction Agreement, meaning that the tender offer announced by Nokia
Corporation on 9 February 2017 for all of the issued and outstanding shares and
option rights in Comptel Corporation is unsuccessful. 

The authorization to decide on payment of dividend shall be valid until the end
of December 31st, 2017. Based on this authorization, the Board of Directors is
entitled to decide on the dividend record date, dividend payment date and other
matters required by the matter. When deciding on the possible payment of
dividend, the Board of Directors shall assess the company's liquidity and
financial position as required by the Companies Act. 


Board of Directors

Additional information:
Mr Juhani Hintikka, President and CEO, tel. +358 9 700 1131
Mr Tom Jansson, CFO, tel. +358 40 700 1849


The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34,
Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies and
methods of computation adopted in the financial statements are consistent with
those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 2015. 

All figures in the financial report have been rounded and consequently the sum
of the individual figures can deviate from the sum figure. The interim report
is unaudited. 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive       1 Jan –  1 Jan –  1 Oct –  1 Oct –
 Income (EUR 1,000)                            31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec
                                                 2016     2015     2016     2015
Net sales                                     100,011   97,728   29,930   32,611
Other operating income                             27       63        6       40
Materials and services                         -4,141   -5,546     -897   -1,556
Employee benefits                             -46,763  -46,764  -12,964  -15,383
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment      -5,817   -6,756   -1,451   -1,672
Other operating expenses                      -32,314  -30,251   -9,588   -8,432
                                              -89,036  -89,317  -24,899  -27,043
Operating profit/loss                          11,003    8,474    5,037    5,608
Financial income                                3,269    1,392    1,503       91
Financial expenses                             -2,365   -2,541     -264      -65
Share of results of associated companies         -172      287     -171      287
Profit/loss before income taxes                11,735    7,612    6,105    5,921
Income taxes                                      -77   -3,085    1,857   -1,958
Profit/loss for the period                     11,658    4,527    7,962    3,963
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Other comprehensive income to be                                                
 reclassified to profit or loss in                                              
 subsequent periods                                                             
Translation differences                          -934      189       45       75
Cash flow hedges                                 -296       14     -479     -505
Income tax relating to components of other         59       -3       95      101
 comprehensive income                                                           
Total other comprehensive income               -1 170      200     -338     -329
Total comprehensive income for the period      10,487    4,728    7,624    3,634
Profit/loss attributable to:                                                    
Equity holders of the parent company           11,658    4,527    7,962    3,963
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                     
Equity holders of the parent company           10,487    4,728    7,624    3,634
Shareholders of the parent company:                                             
Earnings per share, EUR                          0.11     0.04     0.07     0,04
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR                 0.10     0.04     0.07     0,04

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (EUR       31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                                      2,646        2,646
Other intangible assets                                      14,095       12,837
Tangible assets                                               1,707        1,152
Investments in associates                                       788          960
Available-for-sale financial assets                              87           87
Deferred tax assets                                           8,242        7,685
Other non-current receivables                                   570          646
                                                             28,135       26,013
Current assets                                                                  
Trade and other current receivables                          56,977       56,930
Current tax asset                                               532          403
Cash and cash equivalents                                     9,242        3,030
                                                             66,751       60,363
Total assets                                                 94,886       86,376
Equity and liabilities                                                          
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                             
Share capital                                                 2,141        2,141
Fund of invested non-restricted equity                        1,975        1,698
Fair value reserve                                             -407         -170
Translation differences                                      -1,443         -510
Retained earnings                                            42,783       34,165
Total equity                                                 45,049       37,324
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                                      2,805        2,572
Non-current financial liabilities                               491           92
                                                              3,296        2,664
Current liabilities                                                             
Provisions                                                      116        1,090
Current financial liabilities                                 8,993        7,075
Trade and other current liabilities                          37,432       38,223
                                                             46,541       46,388
Total liabilities                                            49,837       49,052
Total equity and liabilities                                 94,886       86,376

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                      1 Jan – 31  1 Jan – 31
(EUR 1,000)                                                      Dec         Dec
                                                                2016        2015
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
Profit/loss for the period                                    11,658       4,527
Non-cash transactions or items that are not part of cash       6,497       7,834
 flows from operating activities                                                
Interest and other financial expenses                            250         273
Interest income                                               -1,197         -88
Income taxes                                                      77       3,069
Change in working capital:                                                      
Change in trade and other current receivables                   -174     -14,240
Change in trade and other current liabilities                 -1,500       5,031
Change in provisions                                            -664        -277
Interest and other financial expenses paid                      -250        -273
Interest received                                              1,197          12
Income taxes paid and tax returns received                      -291      -5,245
Net cash from operating activities                            15,603         623
Cash flows from investing activities                                            
Investments in tangible assets                                -1,417        -456
Investments in intangible assets                                -132        -102
Investments in development projects                           -6,185      -5,176
Proceeds from the sale of tangible assets                         95           7
Change in other non-current receivables                           29          -3
Net cash used in investing activities                         -7,610      -5,730
Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Dividends paid                                                -3,248      -2,139
Additional investment into equity                                277         497
Proceeds from share options                                        -         800
Proceeds from borrowings                                      33,715      27,935
Repayment of borrowings                                      -31,924     -28,063
Change in lease liabilities                                      527        -243
Net cash used in financing activities                           -653      -1,213
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                        7,339      -6,319
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period       3,030       9,352
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period             9,242       3,030
Change                                                         6,212      -6,322
Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates                  -1,127          -2

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                                     
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                     
EUR 1,000               Share    Other  Translation      Fair   Retained   Total
                      capital  reserve  differences     value   earnings        
                                     s                reserve                   
Equity at               2,141      401         -698      -182     31,684  33,346
31 Dec 2014                                                                     
Dividends                                                         -2,139  -2,139
Shares issued                      497                                       497
Share-based                        800                               428   1,228
Dissolution of a                                                       7       7
Prior year                                                          -342    -342
 correction *                                                                   
Total comprehensive                             188        12      4,527   4,727
 income for the                                                                 
Equity at               2,141    1,698         -510      -170    -34,165  37,324
31 Dec 2015                                                                     

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                               
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company               
EUR 1,000               Share     Other  Translation  Fair value  Retain   Total
                      capital  reserves  differences     reserve      ed        
Equity at               2,141     1,698         -510        -170  34,165  37,324
31 Dec 2015                                                                     
Dividends                                                         -3,248  -3,248
Shares issued                       277                                      277
Share-based                                                          492     492
Prior year                                                          -283    -283
 correction *                                                                   
Total comprehensive                             -934        -237  11,658  10,487
 income for the                                                                 
Equity at               2,141     1,975       -1,444        -407  42,784  45,049
3 Dec 2016                                                                      

*Prior year expenses were corrected directly to Retained Earnings during the
reporting periods. 


1. Application of new or amended standards and interpretations

Comptel has adopted the new or amended standards and interpretations, effective
for the financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2016. However, those
have not had an impact on the consolidated financial statements. 

2. Segment information

Net sales by segment

EUR 1,000                  1 Jan –      1 Jan –      1 Oct –      1 Oct –
                       31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015  31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Intelligent Data            43,791       42,503       13,126       14,587
Service Orchestration       56,085       55,225       16,797       18,024
Other                          135            -            7            -
Group total                100,011       97,728       29,930       32,611

Operating profit/loss by segment

EUR 1,000                          1 Jan –      1 Jan –     1 Oct –      1 Oct –
                               31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015      31 Dec  31 Dec 2015
Intelligent Data                     6,769        5,808       2,554        3,469
Service Orchestration                7,492        5,128       3,496        2,884
Other                               -3,259       -2,462      -1,012         -745
Group operating profit/loss         11,003        8,474       5,037        5,608

3. Income tax

Income tax expense according to the statement of comprehensive income for the
period was EUR 77 thousand (EUR 3,085 thousand). 

In 2006, the Board of Adjustment of the Tax Office for Major Corporations
refused to accept the crediting of taxes withheld at source in taxation of 2004
and 2005. 

The application process to prevent Comptel’s double taxation is still pending
with the Ministry of Finance in Finland. However, the process between the
states is very slow and the timing of a change is hard to forecast. The
interpretation of tax treaties may result in different views between the
countries in question. This could mean that the double taxation will prevail. 

According to the Board of Adjustment’s decision currently in force, Comptel
Corporation has expensed taxes withheld at source amounting to EUR -2,714
thousand in January – December (EUR 1,167 thousand). 

4. Tangible assets

EUR 1,000      1 Jan –      1 Jan –
           31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Additions        1,417          456
Decreases         -446         -150

5. Related party transactions

The Comptel Group have a related party relationship with its associate, the
Board of Directors, the Executive Board and also with people and companies
under Comptel management’s influence. 

Transactions which have been entered into with related parties are as follows:

EUR 1,000                   1 Jan –      1 Jan –
                        31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Other operating income            2            -
Interest income                   8            8

EUR 1,000                31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Non-current receivables          128          121

Remuneration to key management

Key management personnel compensation includes the employee benefits of the
members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. 

EUR 1,000                                      1 Jan – 31 Dec     1 Jan - 31 Dec
                                                         2016               2015
Salaries and other short-term employee                  1,798              2,169
Share-based payments                                      295                725
Total                                                   2,093              2,894

Guarantees and other commitments

EUR 1,000   31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Guarantees            -           29

6. Commitments

Minimum lease payments on non-cancellable office facilities and other operating
leases are payable as follows: 

EUR 1,000                   31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Less than one year                2,395        2,161
Between one and five years        5,722        1,218
More than five years                548            -
Total                             8,665        3,379

The group had no material capital commitments for the purchase of tangible
assets at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015. 

7. Contingent liabilities

EUR 1,000            31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Bank guarantees            4,136        2,727
Corporate mortgages          200          200

EUR 1,000                                   31 Dec 2016  31 Dec 2015
Contingent liabilities on behalf of others                          
Guarantees                                            -           29

8. Fair values of financial assets and liabilities

EUR 1,000                                     Book      Fair      Book      Fair
                                             value     value     value     value
                                          31.12.20  31.12.20  31.12.20  31.12.20
                                                16        16        15        15
Financial assets                                                                
Financial assets at fair value through                                          
 profit or loss                                                                 
Forward contracts (level 2)                    160       160         -         -
Available-for-sale financial assets             87        87        87        87
 (level 3))                                                                     
Non-current trade receivables                4,473     4,473     1,872     1,872
Current trade receivables                   35,908    35,908    40,232    40,232
Other current receivables                    3,115     3,115     7,133     7,133
Cash and cash equivalents                    9,242     9,242     3,030     3,030
Financial liabilities                                                           
Financial liabilities at fair value                                             
 through profit or loss                                                         
Forward contracts (level 2)                    588       588       138       138
Trade payables and other liabilities        36,844    36,844    38,020    38,020
Non-current loans from financial                 -         -        33        33
Non-current finance lease liabilities          491       491        58        58
Current loans from financial                 7,973     7,973     5,044     5,056
Current bank overdraft facility                815       815     1,918     1,918
Current finance lease liabilities              205       205       112       112

9. Key figures

Financial summary                                            1 Jan –      1 Jan-
                                                              31 Dec      31 Dec
                                                                2016        2015
Net sales, EUR 1,000                                         100,011      97,728
Net sales, change %                                              2.3        14.0
Operating profit/loss, EUR 1,000                              11,003       8,474
Operating profit/loss, change %                                 29.8         2.0
Operating profit/loss, as % of net sales                        11.0         8.7
Profit/loss before taxes, EUR 1,000                           11,735       7,612
Profit/loss before taxes, as % of net sales                     11.7         7.8
Return on equity, %                                             28.3        12.8
Return on investment, %                                         23.9        18.3
Equity ratio, %                                                 58.7        52.4
Gross investments in tangible and intangible assets, EUR       1,549         558
Gross investments in tangible and intangible assets, as          1.5         0.6
 % of net sales                                                                 
Capitalizations according to IAS 38 to intangible              6,185       5,176
 assets, EUR 1,000                                                              
Research and development expenditure, EUR 1,000               21,794      20,299
Research and development expenditure,                           21.8        20.8
as % of net sales                                                               
Order backlog, EUR 1,000                                      65,717      66,344
Average number of employees during the period                    791         723
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR 1,000                      243       4,137
Gearing ratio, %                                                 0.5        11.1

1) The figure does not include investments in development projects.

Per share data                                           1 Jan –        1 Jan-
                                                     31 Dec 2016  31  Dec 2015
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR                               0.11          0.04
EPS diluted, EUR                                            0.10          0.04
Equity per share, EUR                                       0.41          0.34
Dividend per share, EUR                                     0.04          0.03
Dividend per earnings, %                                   38,36          72.7
Effective dividend yield, %                                  1.7           1.6
P/E ratio                                                   22.1          43.4
Adjusted number of shares at the end of the period   109,271,496   108,395,409
of which the number of treasury shares                   117,129       118,507
Outstanding shares                                   109,154,367   108,276,902
Adjusted average number of shares during the period  108,685,905   107,370,551
Average number of shares, dilution included          111,798,635   109,640,245

10. Definition of key figures

Operating margin %                   =  Operating profit/loss               x100
                                        Net sales                               
Profit margin (before income taxes)  =  Profit/loss before taxes            x100
                                        Net sales                               
Return on equity % (ROE)             =  Profit/loss                         x100
                                        Total equity (average during year)      
Return on investment % (ROI)         =  Profit/loss before taxes +          x100
                                         financial expenses                     
                                        Total equity + interest bearing         
                                         liabilities (average during the        
Equity ratio %                       =  Total equity                        x100
                                        Statement of financial position         
                                         total – advances received              
Gross investments in tangible and    =  Gross investments in tangible and   x100
 intangible assets, as % of net          intangible assets                      
                                        Net sales                               
Research and development             =  Research and development            x100
 expenditure, as % of net sales          expenditure                            
                                        Net sales                               
Gearing ratio %                      =  Interest-bearing liabilities –      x100
                                         cash and cash equivalents              
                                        Total equity                            
Earnings per share (EPS)             =  Profit/loss for the financial year      
                                         attributable to equity                 
                                        Average number of outstanding           
                                         shares for the financial year          
Equity per share                     =  Equity attributable to the equity       
                                         holders of the parent company          
                                        Adjusted number of shares at the        
                                         end of period                          
Dividend per share                   =  Dividend                                
                                        Adjusted number of shares at the        
                                         end of period                          
Dividend per earnings %              =  Dividend per share                  x100
                                        Earnings per share (EPS)                
Effective dividend yield %           =  Dividend per share                  x100
                                        Share closing price at end of           
P/E ratio                            =  Share closing price at end of           
                                        Earnings per share (EPS)                