2007-02-27 10:00:30 CET

2007-02-27 10:00:30 CET


Anglų Suomių
Cencorp - Financial Statement Release

Cencorp Corporation Financial Statements for 1 January-31 December 2006

Year 2006 for Cencorp Corporation                                               

Net sales dropped by 43% to EUR 20.0 million (EUR 35.3 million).                
Net loss for the period was EUR -4.9 (1.9) million.                             
Operating loss (EBIT) totalled EUR -3.3 (0.8) million.                          
Equity ratio was 12.7% (27.7%).                                                 
Cash flow after investments was negative and amounted to EUR -2.6  (0.5)        
Research and development investments accounted for  2.6% of net sales, amounting
to EUR 0.5 million (6.2%, or EUR 2.2 million).                                  

(The figures given for comparison are those for the corresponding period in the 
previous year unless otherwise stated.)                                         
| (unaudited figures)    |             |             |            |            |
| Eur 1 000              | 1-12/2006   | 1-12/2005   | Q4/2006    | Q4/2005    |
| Net sales              | 19 974      | 35 308      | 4 218      | 8 138      |
| Profit/loss before     | -2 039      | 1 941       | -845       | -1 070     |
| depreciations (EBITDA) |             |             |            |            |
|  % of net sales        | -10.2 %     | 5.5 %       | -20.0 %    | -13.1 %    |
| Operating profit/loss  | -3 348      | 760         | -1 270     | -1 512     |
| (EBIT)                 |             |             |            |            |
|  % of net sales        | -16.8 %     | 2 %         | -30.1 %    | -19 %      |
| Financial income and   | -1 526      | -471        | -626       | -45        |
| expenses               |             |             |            |            |
| Profit/loss before     | -4 874      | 289         | -1 896     | -1 557     |
| taxes (EBT)            |             |             |            |            |
|  % of net sales        | -24.4 %     | 1 %         | -45.0 %    | -19 %      |
| Net result for the     | -4 899      | 1 891       | -1 901     | 67         |
| period                 |             |             |            |            |
| R&D expenditure        | 512         | 2 201       | 83         | 697        |
| % of net sales         | 2.0 %       | 6 %         | 2.6 %      | 9 %        |
| Equity ratio, %        | 12.7 %      | 27.7 %      | 12.7 %     | 27.7 %     |
| Net debt               | 13 673      | 11 736      | 13 673     | 11 736     |
| Equity per share       | 0.08        | 0.22        | 0.08       | 0.22       |
| Personnel, average     | 185         | 214         | 187        | 215        |
| Personnel, at end of   | 156         | 205         | 156        | 205        |
| period                 |             |             |            |            |
| Earnings per share     | -0.14       | 0.06        | -0.06      | 0.00       |
| (diluted), EUR         |             |             |            |            |
| Earnings per share     | -0.15       | 0.06        | -0.06      | 0.00       |
| (undiluted), EUR       |             |             |            |            |

Net sales and earnings performance 

January-December 2006                                                           

Cencorp's net sales and profitability decreased considerably in the period. The 
main reasons for the decrease in net sales were the delayed of new product      
launches, sales losses caused by a tougher than expected market situation and   
technical challenges related to product development in the laser business. The  
Group's profitability fell clearly short of expectations. The EUR 3.5 million   
cost savings achieved from the centralisation of production and administration  
in the period had a partial impact in the second half of the period and will    
reach full impact in the financial year 2007.                                   

Net sales were down 43% on the previous year, totalling EUR 20.0 (35.3 )        
million, and operating loss (EBIT) was EUR -3.3 (0.8) million. The Group's net  
financial items totalled EUR -1.5 (-0.5) million. Profit before taxes amounted  
to EUR -4.9 (0.3) million, Net loss for the period was EUR -4.9 (1.9) million,  
while diluted earnings per share were EUR -0.14  (0.06). Investments in the     
laser business weakened the result by approximately 0.5 EUR million.            

Poor profitability weakened the company's financial position significantly in   
the period. To secure its financial position, the company issued a EUR 5.7      
million convertible subordinated loan, which provided EUR 2.6 million of new    
equity. The rest was converted from the company's existing subordinated loan and
other current loans.                                                            

Cencorp's products saw steady demand in the first two quarters. Demand was low  
in the second half of the year, mainly due to stiffer competition and the       
seasonal fluctuation typical of the business.                                   

Cencorp Corporation's net sales came from one business segment: the automation  
and testing business. The laser business, which has been moved to Cencorp       
Corporation's subsidiary Singulase Corporation, did not generate any revenue in 
2006, as the company still concentrated on product development. Product         
development has been delayed by nearly one year due to factors outside the      
Group's control. The operating loss of the automation and testing business      
amounted to EUR -3.0 (1.2) million, while earnings before taxes stood at EUR    
-4.6 (0.5) million and the net loss for the period at EUR -4.6 (2.1) million.   
Singulase Corporation, which started operations in May 2005, recorded an        
operating profit, profit before taxes and net loss for the period of EUR -0.3   
(-0.4) million.                                                                 

The geographical split of Cencorp's net sales for 2006 was as follows: Europe   
40% (65 %), the Americas 33% (16 %), and Asia and Australia 27% (19%).          

October-December 2006                                                           

The net income for October-December 2006 fell short of expectations due to      
weaker than expected net sales development in the automation and testing        
business. The postponement of orders and deliveries, typical of the business,   
also contributed to the drop in net sales. In addition, fourth-quarter          
performance was affected by one-off expenses related to the centralisation of   
production. Cencorp's net sales in October-December totalled EUR 4.2 (8.1)      
million. Operating loss (EBIT) was EUR -1.3 (-1.5) million. Profit for the      
period was EUR -1.9 (0.1) million.                                              

Balance sheet and financing                                                     

The balance sheet total at the end of the review period was EUR 21.1 (25.1)     
million. The company's cash flow after investments was EUR -2.6 million, while  
interest-bearing net liabilities at the end of the period totalled EUR 13.7     
(11.7) million. Accounts receivable decreased to EUR 5.6 (8.1) million, and     
inventories to EUR 5.2 (5.7) million.                                           

Non-interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR  4.8 (5.6) million and         
interest-bearing liabilities to EUR 14.6  (12.1) million. The equity ratio was  
12.7% (27.7%). Gross investments totalled EUR  0.4 (1.8) million, or 2.2 % (5.0 
%) of the period's net sales, and mainly targeted product development.          

The Corporation's debt structure was reorganised during the period, and a       
significant portion of current liabilities were converted into non-current      
liabilities. The EUR 1.5 million factoring limit received after the financial   
period will mature on 30 April 2007, calling for reorganisation.                

Singulase Ltd has a subordinated loan of EUR 0.8 million from the parent        
company. Its repayment depends on the success of laser business.                

Events in the financial period                                                  

Details about events in the financial period are available in Cencorp           
Corporation's stock exchange releases on Cencorp's website at www.cencorp.com.  

Decisions by the Annual General Meeting                                         
The Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2006 adopted the financial          
statements for 2005. In accordance with the Board of Director's proposal, it    
decided not to pay a dividend for 1 January-31 December 2005. A decision was    
also made to enter the net result for the review period ended on 31 December    
2005 in retained earnings. The parent company's Board members and CEOs employed 
over the period were discharged from liability for the financial year          
1 January-31 December 2005. 
The AGM passed a resolution to elect four members to the Group's Board of       
Directors, re-electing Jorma Kielenniva, Markku Jokela and Petri Väinölä. Sauli 
Kiuru, M.Sc. (Econ.), was elected as a new member. Kiuru is the Managing        
Director of Barona, a recruitment organisation.                                 
The Board's organisation meeting held after the General Meeting elected Jorma   
Kielenniva, LL.M. with court training, as Chairman and Markku Jokela, B.Sc.     
(Eng.) as Deputy Chairman. Ville Parpola, Cencorp Corporation's Vice President, 
Legal Affairs, was elected as Board Secretary. Jorma Kielenniva and Markku      
Jokela were elected as members of the Board's Compensation and Nomination       
Committee, the former as its Chairman.                                          
Tuokko Auditing Ltd was appointed as the company's auditor, with Authorised     
Public Accountant Timo Tuokko as the main auditor.                              

Decisions made by the Extraordinary General Meeting                             

The Extraordinary General Meeting held on 8 September 2006 authorised the Board 
of Directors to decide on a stock option issue or an issue of other             
share-entitling rights in one or more lots. A maximum of 10,000,000 shares can  
be issued in this way. The authorisation is effective until further notice, but 
for no longer than five years from the Extraordinary General Meeting's decision.
The exercise of the authorisation requires a unanimous decision by the Board of 

The Extraordinary General Meeting decided to grant stock options to Cencorp     
Corporation's key employees and to Cencorp Corporation's fully owned subsidiary.
The stock options are part of the incentive and commitment system targeting key 
employees, and entitle the holders to subscribe for the company's new shares.   

Board of Directors decided on taking out a convertible subordinated loan        

On 11 October 2006 Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors decided to take out 
a convertible subordinated loan based on the authorisation granted by the       
Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 September 2006. The loan was offered for     
subscription to a group of professional investors. The maximum loan amount is   
EUR 7,000,000. A fixed annual interest rate of 6.75% will be paid on the loan   
capital, and the loan term is five years. The loan can also be paid using the   
receivables from the company's EUR 3 million subordinated loan from 2003.       

The convertible subordinated loan includes the right to subscription for a      
maximum of 10,000,000 new company shares. The share price, EUR 0.70, will be    
recorded as a share capital increase within the limits of the maximum capital   
determined in the Articles of Association.                                      

The collected assets will be used to strengthen the company's equity structure  
and growth opportunities, as well as to expand the company's investor base.     

On 13 October 2006 Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors approved            
subscriptions for the 2006 convertible subordinated loan with a total nominal   
amount of EUR 5,739,007.40. The subscribed loan shares include the right to     
exchange loan shares to 8,198,582 new company shares.                           

Of the subscribed loan shares EUR 3,134,250.00 will be paid by converting       
previous loan receivables from the company into the new subordinated loan.      

Subscription of Cencorp Corporation's shares with 2003 stock options and        
increase in share capital                                                       

Sampo Bank plc used 2003 stock options to subscribe for 3,000,000 new Cencorp   
Corporation shares. The subscription price, in compliance with the stock option 
agreement, was EUR 0.35 per share.                                              

As a result of the subscriptions Cencorp Corporation's share capital increased  
by EUR 300,000 to EUR 3,425,059.10.                                             

Liquidity providing for Cencorp Corporation's share by FIM Securities Ltd       
On 2 January 2006, Cencorp Corporation and FIM Securities Ltd signed a          
market-making agreement that meets the requirements of Liquidity Providing (LP) 
on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.                                                 

Statutory employer-employee negotiations                                        
Cencorp Corporation carried out two statutory employer-employee negotiations in 
the review period. As a result of the negotiations, the staff at the company's  
offices in Finland was reduced by 44 employees. This was mainly carried out     
through lay-offs.                                                               

The negotiations also resulted in the decision to centralise the manufacture and
administration of production automation equipment to Lohja. The site in Salo    
will now focus on the product development of testing equipment and on the       
manufacture of customised test adapters. Production was closed down in the USA, 
and sales and service operations were transferred from Colorado to McAllen in   
Texas. This led to the staff in the USA being reduced by 18 employees.          

The streamlining measures carried out in 2006 will bring the company annual     
savings in fixed costs totalling some EUR 3.5 million. Their positive effect on 
results started in the second half of 2006 and will reach full impact in the    
first half of 2007.                                                             

New CEO for Cencorp Corporation                                                 

Mr Petri Väinölä, Cencorp Corporation's CEO and member of the company's Board,  
transferred to the employment of an electronics industry contract manufacturer  
in Hong Kong on 1 October 2006. Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors        
appointed Mr Jouni Suutarinen (38), M.Sc (Eng), previously Cencorp's Vice       
President R&D, as the company's CEO from 21 November 2006. In its election      
decision the Board emphasised profound insight into the business and            
sales-supporting background in R&D. Mr Pekka Kettunen, M.Sc. (Eng), was elected 
new Vice President, R&D.                                                        

Markku Jokela appointed to Cencorp Corporation's management team                

Mr Markku Jokela, Cencorp Corporation's founder and biggest shareholder, was    
appointed Vice President, sales and marketing, and member of the management team
on 19 October 2006. Mr Jokela will also continue on Cencorp Corporation's Board 
of Directors.                                                                   

New CFO                                                                         

Mr Jarmo Kanervo (52), M.Sc. (Econ), was appointed Cencorp Corporation's CFO and
member of the management team on 8 June 2006.                                   

Philips Lighting and Cencorp signed a cooperation agreement on lead-free laser  
On 20 April 2006 Philips Lighting BV and Cencorp Corporation signed a           
cooperation agreement whereby the companies will work together to further       
develop Cencorp's lead-free laser soldering process. It is a new laser-based    
method for placing and soldering odd-form components onto a PCB. The method     
makes use of soldering applications that are based on fibre laser and designed  
especially for lead-free soldering.                                             

New products                                                                    

Four new products were launched in the second quarter to support the production 
processes of existing customers and pave the way for new customer acquisitions  
in Cencorp's market areas. The new products are a volume router, laser marking  
device, ML 4 multi-level tester and screwing robot cell.                        

New market areas                                                                

Cencorp Corporation expanded its operations to Russia and Turkey in the review  
period. The company has not previously engaged in sales and marketing in these  
market areas. Cencorp Corporation signed cooperation agreements with the        
objective to acquire new customers among Russian and Turkish OEM equipment      
manufacturers and electronics contract manufacturers. Both market areas will be 
important to Cencorp in the future since Turkish and Russian electronics        
manufacturers are increasing the level of automation at their plants.           


Cencorp acquired the share capital of TMD                                       

On 21 November 2006 Cencorp Corporation acquired the share capital of TMD Test  
Mechanic & Design Oy, a company based in Salo, Finland, that specialises in the 
product development of electronics testing equipment and the manufacture of     
product prototypes. The seller in the deal was TMD's personnel.                 

The trade price consisted of a cash portion of EUR 120,000 and a possible       
additional portion tied to the development of net sales and performance of      
Cencorp Corporation's testing business. The additional portion will be paid in  
Cencorp Corporation's shares in 2009. The maximum amount of the additional      
portion is 1,000,000 of Cencorp Corporation's new shares.                       

The acquisition boosted Cencorp Corporation's testing equipment competence and  
enabled end customer-oriented, flexible and rapid product development of testing

TMD's CEO Hannu Seppälä was appointed member of Cencorp Corporation's management
team, responsible for the company's testing business.                           

Changes in group structure                                                     

Cencorp test solutions Oy merged with its parent company, Cencorp Corporation,  
on 1 January 2006.                                                              

Kiinteistö Oy Salon Ratakatu 10, a real estate company owned by Cencorp         
Corporation, sold its factory hall and the related land lease agreement. The    
trade price was EUR 0.7 million. The released assets (EUR 0.7 million) will be  
used to improve Cencorp Corporation's financial position. Since the real estate 
company's sole purpose was to administer the property traded, the company will  
be dissolved through liquidation, beginning on 1 March 2007.                    

Research and development                                                        

Product development focused on expanding product applications for existing      
platforms and on developing the cost effectiveness of production processes.     
Cost-effectiveness was sought from cheaper components, more efficient production
processes and more economical production technology. This work will continue in 

Cencorp continued to develop the deployment of laser technology in different    
products. A joint development project with one of Philips Lighting's units      
started in the summer. Verification of the new “in-hole” process for legged     
components, based on lead-free laser soldering, is nearly finished. The process 
aims to improve the soldering quality, capacity and evenness of PCB base        
compared to traditional soldering methods.                                      

The development of Singulase products continued, and especially the launch of   
fibre laser technology was considerably more time-consuming than expected. To   
secure the market launch of products, the company also initiated development    
cooperation with other laser manufacturers and a Finnish research institution.  

In 2006 Cencorp's research and development expenses were 2.6 % of net sales, or 
EUR 0.5 million (EUR 2.2 million, or 6.2%).                                     

Board, management and personnel                                                 

At the end of the period, Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors consisted of 
Mr Jorma Kielenniva, Chairman, LL.M. with court training, Mr Markku Jokela,     
Deputy Chairman, B.Sc. (Eng) and Sauli Kiuru, member, M.Sc. (Econ). The         
company's management team comprised Jouni Suutarinen (CEO), Jarmo Kanervo       
(finance and administration), Ville Parpola (legal affairs and personnel),      
Markku Jokela (sales and marketing), Juha Kantola (production), Hannu Seppälä   
(testing business) and Pekka Kettunen (product development).                    

Cencorp employed an average of 185 (214) people in 2006. The payroll at the end 
of the period totalled 157 (205) employees: 114 (160), or 72% (78%), in Finland 
and 43 (45), or 28% (22%), abroad. The staff in the USA numbered 28 at the end  
of the review period. After production was centralised the number of employees  
dropped to 15 in January.                                                       

Share performance and changes in ownership                                      

On 31 December 2006, the share capital of Cencorp Corporation was EUR           
3,425,059.10 and the number of shares 34,250,591. The nominal book value of the 
shares is EUR 0.10.                                                             

A total of 25,765,595 of the company's shares were traded on the Helsinki Stock 
Exchange during the review period, amounting to a value of EUR 20,9   million   
(2005: 29,948,868 and EUR 39.5 million). The highest share price in the period  
was EUR 1.33 and the lowest EUR 0.42. The period's average share price was EUR  
0.81 and the price on the last trading day of the period (29 December 2006) was 
EUR 0.44. The market value of the company's share capital was EUR 15,070,260 at 
the end of the year.                                                            

The company had a total of 6,299 shareholders at the end of the period. The ten 
biggest shareholders held a total of 50.1 per cent of the company's shares and  
votes on 31 December 2006. The company's largest shareholder is Markku Jokela,  
the founder of the company, former CEO and current Deputy Chairman of the Board,
who holds 25.1 per cent of the company's shares and voting rights. The members  
of the company's Board of Directors held, either directly or through companies  
controlled by them, a total of 9,691,614 shares on 31 December 2006,            
representing 28.3 per cent of the company's shares and voting rights. CEO Jouni 
Suutarinen owned 300 shares at the end of the year. Shares owned by foreign     
shareholders on 31 December 2006 totalled 419,751, representing 1.23 per cent of
all shares and voting rights. Cencorp Corporation did not own any of its own    
shares at the end of the year.                                                  

Notifications pursuant to chapter 2, section 9, of the securities market act    

Notifications pursuant to chapter 2, section 9, of the Securities Market Act are
available in Cencorp Corporation's stock exchange releases on the Cencorp       
website at www.cencorp.com.                                                     

Events after the review period                                                  

Details about events after the review period are available in Cencorp           
Corporation's stock exchange releases on Cencorp's website at www.cencorp.com.  

Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors decided on financial arrangements and  
the distribution of stock options                                               

Cencorp Corporation and Sampo Bank plc agreed on a financial arrangement        
totalling EUR 1,500,000. As part of the arrangement Cencorp Corporation's Board 
of Directors decided to grant 1,801,400 stock options to Sampo Bank plc based on
the authorisation by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 September 2006. The 
stock options will be identified as 2007A and they entitle the holder to        
subscribe for 1,801,400 new company shares at a price of EUR 0.40 per share.    
Share subscription will end on 30 September 2011.                               

Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors also decided on the stock option issue 
authorised by the General Meeting on 8 September 2006 to the Group's key        
employees and fully owned subsidiary, PMJ testline Oy.                          

A total of 350,000 stock options 2006A were distributed to Cencorp Corporation's
key employees. The rest of the stock options were given to PMJ testline Oy for  
later distribution to the Group's current or future key employees.              

The 2006 stock options entitle to the subscription of 1,500,000 of Cencorp      
Corporation's new shares. The share subscription period for stock options 2006A 
is 1 April 2008—30 April 2010, for stock options 2006B 1 April 2009—30 April    
2011 and for stock options 2006C 1 April 2010—30 April 2012.                    

The subscription price for stock options 2006A is EUR 0.56, which corresponds to
the average price of Cencorp Corporation's share weighted with trading volume at
the Helsinki Stock Exchange in the period 1 September—30 September 2006. For    
stock options 2006B the price is the average price weighted with Cencorp        
Corporation's trading volume at the Helsinki Stock Exchange in the period 1     
July—31 August 2007 and for stock options 2006C the average price weighted with 
Cencorp Corporation's trading volume at the Helsinki Stock Exchange in the      
period 1 April—31 May 2008. The annual dividend will be deducted from the       
subscription price.                                                             

The 2006 stock option plan includes a share ownership scheme. Key employees     
covered by the plan are required to purchase company shares at a price          
corresponding to 20% of the net benefits from exercised stock options. Key      
employees must own their shares as long as they have a valid employment         
relationship with the company.                                                  

Business environment, customers and outlook for the future                      

Cencorp operates in the global market for production automation for the         
electronics and semiconductor industries. The company supplies production       
automation systems and testing equipment to the semiconductor,                  
telecommunications, industrial electronics and automotive electronics           
industries, as well as to electronics contract manufacturers.                   

Its customers can be divided into a few main categories. OEM manufacturers look 
for global, harmonised production automation solutions that offer considerable  
benefits in production processes. The focus of contract manufacturing is on     
flexible and cost-effective solutions, price being the main purchase criteria. A
new customer group consists of smaller contract manufacturers in search of      
automation for certain subprocesses to improve quality and cost-effectiveness.  
This is the main customer group for factory-reconditioned robots. The           
requirements set by lead-free soldering increased the demand for soldering      
equipment in the last quarter.                                                  

Demand for products is expected to increase after the first quarter, and        
full-year net sales are predicted to rise from 2006 net sales. Operating profit 
(EBIT) is expected to be positive.  The first commercial laser business         
applications will be on the market on the second half of the year.              

Board's proposal for the appropriation of  profit                               
Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting 
to be held on 17 April 2007 that the net loss for the review period ended on 31 
December 2006 be entered in the retained earnings and that no dividend be paid. 

Annual general meeting                                                          

Cencorp Corporation's Annual General Meeting will be held in the company's      
headquarters in Lohja on 17 April 2007 at 2:00 pm. A call to the meeting will be
published later.                                                                

Financial reporting in 2007                                                     

Cencorp will publish an electronic Annual Report in week 13 on the company's    
website at www.cencorp.com. The Annual Report will be published in both Finnish 
and English on the site.                                                        

In 2007 Cencorp Corporation will publish its financial information in Finnish   
and English according to the following schedule:                                
Interim Report Q1/2007, Thursday 10 May 2007                                    
Interim Report Q2/2007, Thursday 21 August 2007                                 
Interim Report Q3/2007, Thursday 6 November 2007                                

Invitation to Cencorp's financial statements release for analysts, investors and

Cencorp Corporation will present its financial statements 2006 to analysts,     
investors and the media on February 27th 2007 at 01.00 p.m. in the Restaurant   
Savoy at Eteläesplanadi 14, 00130 Helsinki                                      

Virkkala, Finland, 27 February 2007                                             

Cencorp Corporation                                                             

Board of Directors                                                              

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT     |         |          |          |          |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         |        | 10-12/2 | 10-12/20 | 1-12/200 | 1-12/200 |
|                |         |        | 006     | 05       | 6        | 5        |
| Net sales      |         |        | 4 218   | 8 138    | 19 974   | 35 308   |
| Other operating income   |        | 265     | 138      | 446      | 1 215    |
| Expenses,      |         |        | -5 328  | -9 346   | -22 459  | -34 582  |
| total          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Depreciations and        |        | -425    | -442     | -1 309   | -1 181   |
| write-downs              |        |         |          |          |          |
| Operating      |         |        | -1 270  | -1 512   | -3 348   | 760      |
| result         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Financial income and     |        | -626    | -45      | -1 526   | -471     |
| expenses                 |        |         |          |          |          |
| Result before  |         |        | -1 896  | -1 557   | -4 874   | 289      |
| taxes          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Income taxes   |         |        | -5      | 1 624    | -25      | 1 602    |
| Consolidated net result  |        | -1 901  | 67       | -4 899   | 1 891    |
| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET        |         |          |          |          |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         |        |         | 31.12.20 | 31.12.2005          |
|                |         |        |         | 06       |                     |
| ASSETS         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Long-term      |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| assets         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Tangible       |         |        |         | 1 641    | 2 251    |          |
| assets         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Investment     |         |        |         | 341      | 992      |          |
| property       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Goodwill       |         |        |         | 2 028    | 1 902    |          |
| Other intangible assets  |        |         | 1 155    | 1 569    |          |
| Incomplete product development    |         | 1 199    | 1 334    |          |
| projects                          |         |          |          |          |
| Deferred tax   |         |        |         | 1 723    | 1 895    |          |
| asset          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Available-for-sale       |        |         | 17       | 21       |          |
| investments              |        |         |          |          |          |
|                |         |        |         | 8 104    | 9 964    |          |
| Short-term     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| assets         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Inventories    |         |        |         | 5 188    | 5 661    |          |
| Accounts       |         |        |         | 5 589    | 8 051    |          |
| receivable     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Other short-term assets  |        |         | 1 323    | 1 119    |          |
| Cash and bank            |        |         | 937      | 319      |          |
| receivables              |        |         |          |          |          |
|                |         |        |         | 13 037   | 15 150   |          |
| Total assets   |         |        |         | 21 141   | 25 114   |          |
| LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        |          |          |          |
| Shareholders'  |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Share capital  |         |        |         | 3 425    | 3 125    |          |
| Other restricted equity  |        |         | 4 432    | 4 158    |          |
| Fair value     |         |        |         |          | 441      |          |
| fund           |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Non-restricted |         |        |         | -5 224   | -861     |          |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Total shareholders'      |        |         | 2 633    | 6 863    |          |
| equity                   |        |         |          |          |          |
| Long-term      |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| liabilities    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Long-term      |         |        |         | 10 356   | 6 038    |          |
| loans          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Deferred tax   |         |        |         | 361      | 40       |          |
| liability      |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Long-term      |         |        |         |          | 46       |          |
| reserves       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Total long-term          |        |         | 10 717   | 6 124    |          |
| liabilities              |        |         |          |          |          |
| Short-term     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| liabilities    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Accounts payable and other        |         | 4 450    | 5 774    |          |
| liabilities                       |         |          |          |          |
| Short-term     |         |        |         | 1 394    | 4 482    |          |
| loans          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Long-term loans          |        |         | 1 824    | 1 535    |          |
| shortening               |        |         |          |          |          |
| Tax            |         |        |         | 25       | 40       |          |
| liabilities    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Short-term     |         |        |         | 98       | 296      |          |
| reserves       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Total short-term         |        |         | 7 791    | 12 127   |          |
| reserves                 |        |         |          |          |          |
| Total          |         |        |         | 18 508   | 18 251   |          |
| liabilities    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Total liabilities and             |         | 21 141   | 25 114   |          |
| shareholders' equity              |         |          |          |          |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1. - 31.12.2006               |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
|                | Share   | Other  | Transla | Retained | Total    |          |
|                |         |        | tion    |          |          |          |
|                | capital | restri | differe | earnings |          |          |
|                |         | cted   | nce     |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         | equity |         |          |          |          |
| Shareholders'  |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2005     | 3 125   | 4 158  | -3 362  | 2 942    | 6 863    |          |

| IAS40          |         | 441    |         | -441     |          |          |
|                |         | -167   |         |          | -167     |          |
| Translation    |         |        | 200     |          | 200      |          |
| difference     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Directed share | 300     |        |         |          | 300      |          |
| issue          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| IAS12          |         |        |         | -282     | -282     |          |
| IAS39          |         |        |         | 608      | 608      |          |
| Net result     |         |        |         | -4 889   | -4 889   |          |
| Shareholders'  | 3 425   | 4 432  | -3 162  | -2 062   | 2 633    |          |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2006     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1. - 31.12.2005               |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
|                | Share   | Other  | Transla | Retained | Fair     | Total    |
|                |         |        | tion    |          | Value    |          |
|                | capital | restri | differe | earnings | Fund     |          |
|                |         | cted   | nce     |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         | equity |         |          |          |          |
| Shareholders'  |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2004     | 3 125   | 6 658  | -3 767  | -1 890   |          | 4 126    |
| Transfer of the reserve  | -2 500 |         | 2 500    |          |          |
| fund                     |        |         |          |          |          |
| Fair value     |         |        |         |          | 441      | 441      |
| raise          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Translation    |         |        | 405     |          |          | 405      |
| difference     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Net result     |         |        |         | 1 891    |          | 1 891    |
| Shareholders'  | 3 125   | 4 158  | -3 362  | 2 501    | 441      | 6 863    |
| equity         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2005     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT            |          |          |          |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         |        | 1-12/20 | 1-12/200 |          |          |
|                |         |        | 06      | 5        |          |          |
| Cash flow from           |        | -2 908  | 1 634    |          |          |
| operations               |        |         |          |          |          |
| Cash flow into and from           | 332     | -1 168   |          |          |
| investments                       |         |          |          |          |
| Financial cash |         |        | 3 187   | -2 301   |          |          |
| flow           |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Increase(+)/ decrease(-) in       | 611     | -1 835   |          |          |
| financial assets                  |         |          |          |          |
| GROUP KEY FIGURES        |        |         |          |          |          |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         |        | 10-12/2 | 10-12/20 | 1-12/200 | 1-12/200 |
|                |         |        | 006     | 05       | 6        | 5        |
| Net sales      |         |        | 4 218   | 8 138    | 19 974   | 35 308   |
| Operating      |         |        | -1 270  | -1 512   | -3 348   | 760      |
| result         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| % of net sales |         |        | -30.1 % | -18.6 %  | -16.8 %  | 2.2 %    |
| Result before extraordinary items | -1 896  | -1 741   | -4 874   | 105      |
| and taxes                         |         |          |          |          |
| % of net sales |         |        | -45.0 % | -21.4 %  | -24.4 %  | 0.3 %    |
| Total assets   |         |        | 21 141  | 25 114   | 21 141   | 25 114   |
| Return on equity (ROE),  |        | -       | -        | -103.0 % | 34.4 %   |
| %                        |        |         |          |          |          |
| Return on investment     |        | -       | -        | -18.7 %  | 7.3 %    |
| (ROI), %                 |        |         |          |          |          |
| Equity ratio,  |         |        | 12.7 %  | 27.7 %   | 12.7 %   | 27.7 %   |
| %              |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Gearing ratio, |         |        | 467.9 % | 171.0 %  | 467.9 %  | 171.0 %  |
| %              |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Gross          |         |        | 203     | 336      | 436      | 1 767    |
| investments    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| % of net sales |         |        | 4.8 %   | 4.1 %    | 2.2 %    | 5.0 %    |
| R&D            |         |        | 83      | 697      | 512      | 2 201    |
| expenditure    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| % of net sales |         |        | 2.0 %   | 8.6 %    | 2.6 %    | 6.2 %    |
| Personnel,     |         |        | 187     | 215      | 185      | 214      |
| average        |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Personnel, at end of     |        | 156     | 205      | 156      | 205      |
| period                   |        |         |          |          |          |
| Non-interest bearing     |        | 4 835   | 5 613    | 4 835    | 5 613    |
| liabilities              |        |         |          |          |          |
| Interest bearing         |        | 14 610  | 12 055   | 14 610   | 12 055   |
| liabilities              |        |         |          |          |          |
| Per-share key figures:   |        |         |          |          |          |
| Number of shares at end of period | 34 250  | 31 250   | 34 250   | 31 250   |
|                                   | 591     | 591      | 591      | 591      |
| Average number of shares at end   | 34 250  | 31 250   | 33 196   | 32 725   |
| of period                         | 591     | 591      | 044      | 627      |
| Average number of shares diluted  | 29 316  | 33 472   | 34 513   | 33 455   |
| for stock options                 | 611     | 813      | 135      | 136      |
| Earnings per share, EUR/share     | -0.06   | 0.00     | -0.14    | 0.06     |
| (diluted)                         |         |          |          |          |
| Earnings per share, EUR/share     | -0.06   | 0.00     | -0.15    | 0.06     |
| (undiluted)                       |         |          |          |          |
| Equity per share, EUR    |        | 0.08    | 0.22     | 0.08     | 0.22     |
| P/E ratio,     |         |        | -6.8    | 614.5    | -3.1     | 24       |
| (diluted)      |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| P/E ratio,     |         |        | -7.7    | 573.7    | -3.1     | 23       |
| (undiluted)    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Share price    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| trend:         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| High, euros    |         |        | 0.62    | 1.70     | 1.33     | 1.92     |
| Low, euros     |         |        | 0.42    | 1.11     | 0.42     | 0.60     |
| Average, euros |         |        | 0.50    | 1.35     | 0.81     | 1.32     |
| Price at end of period,  |        | 0.44    | 1.23     | 0.44     | 1.23     |
| euros                    |        |         |          |          |          |
| Market capitalization at end of   | 15      | 38       | 15       | 38       |
| period, EUR millions              |         |          |          |          |
| Share turnover |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| trend:         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Share issue-adjusted     |        | -       | -        | 25 765   | 29 948   |
| turnover                 |        |         |          | 595      | 868      |
| Proportion of weighted average of | -       | -        | 77.6 %   | 91.5 %   |
| shares                            |         |          |          |          |
| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES   |        |         |          |          |          |
| (unaudited     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| figures)       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| EUR 1 000      |         | 31.12. | 31.12.2 |          |          |          |
|                |         | 2006   | 005     |          |          |          |
| Loans from financial     | 13 069 | 7 539   |          |          |          |
| institutions             |        |         |          |          |          |
| Corporate mortgages      | 12 687 | 12 452  |          |          |          |
| granted                  |        |         |          |          |          |
| Real-estate mortgages    | 0      | 168     |          |          |          |
| granted                  |        |         |          |          |          |
| Other loans    |         | 1 541  | 1 815   |          |          |          |
| Real-estate mortgages    | 0      | 0       |          |          |          |
| granted                  |        |         |          |          |          |
| Used bank guarantee      | 151    | 330     |          |          |          |
| facility                 |        |         |          |          |          |
| Real-estate mortgages    | 0      | 0       |          |          |          |
| granted                  |        |         |          |          |          |
| Given as       |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| collateral     |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Corporate mortgages      | 12 687 | 12 452  |          |          |          |
| granted, total           |        |         |          |          |          |
| Real-estate mortgages    | 0      | 168     |          |          |          |
| granted, total           |        |         |          |          |          |
| Leasing commitments      |        |         |          |          |          |
| falling due during the   | 112    | 168     |          |          |          |
| next 12 months           |        |         |          |          |          |
| falling due    |         | 103    | 186     |          |          |          |
| later          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Rental         |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| liabilities    |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| falling due during the   | 59     | 150     |          |          |          |
| next 12 months           |        |         |          |          |          |
| falling due    |         | 59     | 117     |          |          |          |
| later          |         |        |         |          |          |          |
| Liabilities due to derivative     |         |          |          |          |
| contracts                         |         |          |          |          |
| Forward exchange         | 0      | 0       |          |          |          |
| contracts                |        |         |          |          |          |
| of which taken out to    |        |         |          |          |          |
| hedge                    |        |         |          |          |          |
| the parent company's     | 0      | 0       |          |          |          |
| accounts receivable      |        |         |          |          |          |
| of which taken out to    |        |         |          |          |          |
| hedge                    |        |         |          |          |          |
| the parent company's     | 0      | 0       |          |          |          |
| other receivables        |        |         |          |          |          |

For more information, please contact:                                           
Jouni Suutarinen                                                                
President and CEO	 		                                                           
Tel. +358 (0)19  6610 100			                                                    

Cencorp supplies the electronics and semiconductor industries with automation   
solutions that enhance productivity.                                            

DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Stock Exchange and the media                             

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