2010-05-03 09:30:00 CEST

2010-05-03 09:31:26 CEST


Kesko Oyj - Total number of voting rights and capital

Kesko's share capital increase based on the stock option scheme


A total of 211,377 new Kesko Corporation B shares have been subscribed for with
the 2003F stock options under Kesko Corporation's 2003 stock option scheme. The
corresponding increase in the share capital, €422,754, has been entered in the
Trade Register today. The new B shares will be listed on the official list of
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki together with the old B shares for public trading on
Tuesday, May 4, 2010.

A total of 211,377 new B shares were subscribed for with Kesko
Corporation's2003F stock options. In accordance with the terms and conditions of
the stock option scheme, the share subscription price with 2003F stock options
was €12.98 per share. In consequence of these subscriptions, Kesko Corporation's
registered share capital increases by €422,754 to a total of €197,194,236.

After this increase, the total number of Kesko Corporation's shares has risen to
98,597,118, of which 31,737,007 are A shares and 66,860,111 are B shares. Each A
share entitles the holder to ten votes and each B share to one vote. After the
increase, the number of votes carried by Kesko Corporation shares is
384,230,181. The new B shares carry the right to dividend and other shareholder
rights with effect from today.

The stock options marked with symbols 2003D, 2003E and 2003F were based on the
decision made by Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting on March 31, 2003 to
offer stock options to the management of the Kesko Group. A total of 1,800,000
stock options were issued in the 2003 stock option scheme. The stock options
were marked with symbols 2003D, 2003E and 2003F in such a way that each unit had
600,000 stock options. Each stock option entitled to subscribe for one Kesko
Corporation B share until the end of its exercise period. The exercise periods
have expired.

In April, after April 17, 2010 but by the end of their exercise period on April
30, 2010, a total of 44,174 new Kesko Corporation B shares were subscribed for
with the 2003F stock options. The corresponding increase in share capital will
be entered in the Trade Register on June 3, 2010.

The terms and conditions of the year 2003 stock option scheme were published in
a stock exchange release on March 31, 2003.

Further information is available from Corporate Counsel Jarkko Karjalainen, tel.
+358 1053 22602.

Kesko Corporation

Paavo Moilanen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

Main news media
www.kesko.fi <http://www.kesko.fi/>
