2014-08-02 08:05:49 CEST

2014-08-02 08:06:49 CEST


Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

Regarding conclusion of LNG terminal user’s contract

On 1st of August 2014 AB Klaipėdos Nafta (hereinafter, the Company) concluded
liquefied natural gas (hereinafter, LNG) terminal user's contract with JSC
LITGAS (hereinafter, the Terminal User) and therefore has completed LNG
terminal capacities allocation procedure, announced on 30th of April 2014. The
Company entitled the Terminal User to use 401 637 600 nm3 of foundation
regasification capacities for the first transitional gas year from 1st of
January 2014 until 30th of September 2015. 

Taking into account the intake capacities of the natural gas transmission
system , the Company announces 0,76 billion nm3 of available LNG terminal
capacities for the period from 1st of January 2015 until 30th of September

The Company informed about terminal capacities allocation procedure and the
invitation for the potential users to submit their requests for LNG terminal
capacities by publishing the notification of material event on 30th of April
2014. Capacity allocation procedure encompassed allocation of foundation
regasification capacities, seasonal regasification capacities and seasonal
reloading capacities. 

The Company allocates foundation, seasonal and spot capacities according to the
Regulations for Use of the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal as announced in the
notification of material event dated 18th of April 2014. 

         Mantas Bartuška, Director of the Finance and Administration
Department, 8 46 391 763