2011-02-04 16:04:46 CET

2011-02-04 16:05:38 CET


English Lithuanian
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

AB Klaipėdos nafta transshipment results in January 2011

In January 2011 Company stowed 652 thousand tons of oil products to the tankers
(8% less than January 2010) and loaded 707 thousand tons of oil products in to
the containers (5 % more than in January 2010). Severe weather conditions and a
record-breaking amount of snow in January caused less loadings. 

Revenues of the Company for the same period accounted for LTL 11.9 mln. (EUR
3.4 mln.) - an increase from January 2010 of 6 %. 

         Johana Bučienė
         Chief Financier,
         +370 46 391 636