2014-02-28 13:30:00 CET

2014-02-28 13:30:02 CET


Engelska Finska
Neo Industrial Oyj - Financial Statement Release



The Cable segment´s net sales and operating result decreased, cable
manufacturing companies were sold in Russia. 

- The Neo Industrial Group´s net sales were EUR 83.0 million (106.2 million in
2012), decreasing by 21.8 % 
- Its operating result decreased by 226.4 % to EUR -1.0 million (0.8 million)
- The Cable segment´s operating result was EUR 1.0 million (2.1 million)
- The Group´s result for the period improved by 81.2 % to EUR -1.2 million
(-6.3 million) 


                                      2013   2012    Change
Net sales (EUR million)               83.0  106.2   -21.8 %
Operating result (EUR million)        -1.0    0.8  -226.4 %
Result for the period (EUR million)   -1.2   -6.3    81.2 %
Earnings per share                   -0.20  -1.25    84.0 %


The Cable segment´s operating result for the first half of 2013 was on a par
with the corresponding period of the previous year. The operating result was
positive in the second half of 2013, but decreased clearly as compared to the
corresponding period in 2012. Net sales decreased, mainly due to reduced demand
in the main markets in the Nordic countries. On the positive side, new orders
were received from other CIS countries, although orders from Russian customers
were postponed. 

In May, Neo Industrial sold its cable manufacturing companies in Russia.

The divestment of the cable manufacturing companies in Russia improved Neo
Industrial´s liquidity situation. Export to Russia still continues through its
sales company. 

Negotiations for current and long term financing for Cable segment are in

The negotiations relating to the breakdown at Reka Cables´ Keuruu plant in 2011
were closed with the insurance company in February 2014. The compensation was
on a par with the estimation recognised in the financial statements in 2011,
EUR 0.8 million. 


The Neo Industrial Group´s net sales in 2013 were EUR 83.0 million (106.2
million in 2012). Its result for the full year was EUR -1.2 million (-6.3

In the Cable segment, manufacturing companies OAO Expokabel and ZAO Reka Kabel
were sold in May 2013. The companies held totally 10 per cent share of the net
sales in the Cable segment in 2012. The transaction had a positive effect of
EUR 1.0 million on the Group´s result. 


Neo Industrial´s liquidity situation was tight almost whole review period. The
divestment of the cable manufacturing companies in Russia improved the
liquidity situation, but the working capital situation continued to be
challenging due to higher-than-expected stock levels and decreased sales volume
lower than expected. 

At the end of the review period, the balance sheet total stood at EUR 47.2
million (62.9 million). 



                                H2/2013  H2/2012   Change  2013   2012   Change
Net sales (EUR million)            37.5     50.6  -25.8 %  83.0  106.2  -21.8 %
Operating result (EUR million)      0.7      1.6  -56.9 %   1.0    2.1  -52.5 %

The Cable segment´s net sales in the review period decreased by 22 percent from
the previous year. The net sales were EUR 83.0 million (106.2 million). The
sold Russian companies held totally 10 percent share of the net sales in the
Cable segment in 2012. 

Demand in the Nordic countries, the main market of Reka Cables Ltd, was weaker
than in the previous year. Projetcs were delayed in the Nordic countries as
well as in Central Europe. This is also recognized as harder competition in the
Baltic markets. Projects were postponed in Russia, too. On the other hand, new
projects were received from other CIS countries. 

Operating result was EUR 1.0 million (2.1 million) in the Cable segment.

Excluding the early part of the year, the prices of copper and aluminium,
metals used as raw materials, were on lower level than in the previous year.
The prices of plastics varied heavily, but were on the same level in the end of
the year as year before. 

In February, Reka Cables signed a short-term financing agreement of EUR 2.0
million, which created better conditions for increasing delivery capacity for
the high season in spring. The short-term loan was repaid and short-term
financing agreements were signed. 

Demand and inventories were not met entirely. Production management was
challenging while demand was decreasing. In the summer, inventories increased
more than expected. On the other hand, the company could not supply deliveries
sufficiently in all cases during the high season. This partly effected the
sales volumes. Managing net working capital was challenging. 

Investments fullfilled, EUR 1.7 million (1.3 million) were mainly related to
optimizing production and maintenance. 

In the Cable segment, the useful economic lives of machines and production
lines were reassessed in September. The related depreciation periods were
adjusted in accordance with the actual useful lives. The adjustment had a
positive effect of EUR 0.3 million in the result of the review period. 

Net sales for Nestor Cables Ltd, an associated company, were EUR 25.4 million
(27.4 million). The result was slightly positive. The value of the shares of
Nestor Cables is zero in the consolitated financial statements, and the
consolidated figures for 2013 do not include its share of the result. 

Other operations

The comparable figures for 2012 include Single Family Housing and Viscose
Fibres segments in discontinued operations. Neo industrial Group divested
Single Family Housing segment while writing down the value of the stocks of
Finndomo Ltd in the consolidated balance sheet in 2012. Avilon Fibres Ltd and
Carbatec Ltd, companies in Viscose Fibres segment, filed bankruptcy in March
2013. The effects of the bankcuptcies are noticed in the financial statements
2012, in where the assets and the liabilities of the companies were written
down, and the Group´s collaterals were noticed through result as liabilities in
the consolidated balance sheet. Above-mentioned companies did not belong to Neo
Industrial Group any longer in the end of 2013. 

With Avilon Fibres´ bankruptcy estate selling its landfill site in summer 2013,
the related counter-security for an environmental guarantee was eliminated from
Neo Industrial´s liabilities. The provision in the financial statements 2012
covered the expenses  related to the case. 


The long negotiations relating to the breakdown at Reka Cables´ Keuruu plant in
2011 were closed with the insurance company in February 2014. The compensation
was on a par with the estimation recognised (EUR 0.8 million) in the financial
statements in 2011. 


Neo Industrial´s financial risks include currency, interest rate, commodity,
liquidity, credit and investment risks. Financial risks and the related
protection measures are described in more detail in notes to the financial
statements. The company´s future risk factors are related to the business
development of its portfolio companies. The uncertainty of the international
economy and financial markets poses a risk to the Group´s financial

The Group´s liquidity situation is tight. To assure the liquidity situation,
the Group strives to negotiate adjustments to payment terms and agreements and
to liquidate capital from its operations. The fluctuation of raw material
prices and currencies as well as seasonal market changes present challenges in
working capital management. 

The Cable segment´s challenge is to ensure favourable operating conditions. To
assure those conditions the Group needs to be able to secure additional funding
to replace the remaining maturing loans and renegotiate payment terms or
liquidate capital from its operations in other ways. At the moment of the
publishment of the financial statemets realease the negotiations for long and
short term financing for Cable segment are in progress. 

In the Cable segment, the most significant risks are related to market
development, working capital management and fluctuations in the prices of raw
materials and currencies. During considerable seasonal changes, suppliers´
terms of payment have an essential effect to the company´s ability to ensure
competitive delivery times through sufficient inventories. 

The bankruptcy estate of Kuitu Finland Ltd brought an action against Neo
Industrial on 9 April. The action is related to to the transaction of the
industrial premises of Avilon Fibres, Neo Industrial´s former subsidiary. The
action demands that Neo Industrial pays the remaining amount (EUR 5.0 million)
as a one-off payment plus penalty interest, legal expenses and an adjustment
(EUR 309,000) based on the building cost index, contrary to the 25-year payment
plan stated in the agreement. Neo Industrial considers the action to be
unfounded and is seeking for agreement with the bankruptcy estate of Kuitu
Finland. The provisions in Neo Industrial´s consolidated financial statements
for 2012 include the discounted balance sheet value (EUR 2.7 million) of the
instalments of Avilon Fibres´ industrial premises for the price remaining
unpaid. In the parent company´s financial statements (FAS), the instalments are
not discounted, for which reason the related provision is EUR 5.0 million. If
the action is successful, the Group will have to pay the amount demanded (EUR
5.1 million deducted by the payment in 2013) as a one-off payment, contrary to
the 25-year payment plan stated in the sales agreement. Neo Industrial has
given a reply to this action. 


The outlook for the Cable segment weakened during 2013. On the horizon,
construction is not picking up in Finland or in Sweden yet, but at least some
delayed projects are believed to materialize in 2014. Additionally, grid
constructors are expected to boost ground cabling projects to ensure
distribution reliability. So the net sales of the Cable segment is believed to
exceed the net sales in 2013 and the operating result of the Cable segment is
believed to be positive. 

The company will pay special attention to liquidity and funding for growth. The
measures are negotiations on financing and payment terms as well as boosting
inventory turnover and freeing up capital assets. 


Neo Industrial aims to distribute at least 30 percent of its net earnings as


The parent company´s unrestricted equity stood at EUR -7,636,507.51 including
the result of the review period EUR -9,911,849.42. The Board proposes to the
Annual General Meeting that no dividends be paid for 2013. No dividends were
paid for 2012. 


Neo Industrial Plc´s Annual General Meeting will be held in Hyvinkää on 3 April
2014 at 2.00 p.m. A separate invitation will be published on 12 March 2014. 


Neo Industrial follows the disclosure procedure enabled by Standard 5.2b
published by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority, and discloses
relevant information related to its Financial Statement Release with this Stock
Exchange Release. Neo Industrial´s Financial Statement Release for 2013 is
attached to this release and is also available on company´s website at

Hyvinkää, 28 February 2014

Neo Industrial Plc
Board of Directors

Further information:
Jari Salo, Managing Director, tel. +358 20 720 9196
Sari Tulander, CFO, tel. +358 20 720 9192


Neo Industrial's strategy is to invest mainly in industrial companies with
similar synergic benefits. The aim of investments is with active ownership to
develop the purchased companies and establish additional value. Returns are
sought through both dividend flow and an increase in value. Neo Industrial's
class B shares are listed on the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Stock
Exchange. Neo Industrial's business segment is Cable Industry.