2010-02-10 17:22:46 CET

2010-02-10 17:23:46 CET


English Islandic
Marel Food Systems hf. - Financial Statement Release

Correction: Financial statements 2009 - Published 2010-02-10 09:32:30 GMT

Consolidated Financial Statements 2009 - Additional information, note 28 -
regarding stock options 

Additional information , note 28   Stock options Exercice price 
                                                   Shares 1)     ISK pr. share

Theo Hoen, CEO                                     2.000           89

Erik Kaman, CFO                                    1.500           89

Sigsteinn Grétarsson, Man Dir. Marel ehf             150           70
                                                     350           92
                                                     500           89

Hörður Arnarson, former CEO                        1.000           70
                                                   2.000           74
                                                   3.000           89

Lárus Ásgeirsson, former Corporate Dir. of sales     300           70
                                                     200           92
                                                     500           89

1) Number of shares in thousands

Attached are Financial statements for the year 2009.