2008-05-28 10:30:00 CEST

2008-05-28 10:30:00 CEST


Panostaja Oyj - Company Announcement


Panostaja Oyj        Stock Exchange Bulletin, 28th May 2008 at 11:30 am         


In its release issued on 11th December 2007, Panostaja Oyj (hereinafter referred
to as ‘Panostaja') announced that it had decided to start exploring the         
possibilities of distributing shares owned by the company in Takoma Oyj         
(hereinafter referred to as ‘Takoma') as dividends to Panostaja shareholders.   
Investigations were carried out in order for the numbers of Takoma's            
free-floating shares and shareholders to satisfy the requirements for listing on
the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange and to remove Takoma shares from the Stock      
Exchange surveillance list.                                                     

Panostaja has concluded its investigations. As a result of the investigations   
and in lieu of distribution of dividends, Panostaja's Board of Directors has    
decided to propose to distribute either Takoma shares or cash to Panostaja      
shareholders as repayment of capital from invested unrestricted equity          
(hereinafter referred to as ‘Capital Repayment'). The Capital Repayment will    
also involve a sale of shares (hereinafter referred to as ‘Share Sale').        

Panostaja will distribute Takoma shares held by the company to shareholders     
holding no less than 3,000 Panostaja shares in proportion to their holdings in  
Panostaja. Correspondingly, shareholders holding less than 3,000 Panostaja      
shares will receive the Capital Repayment in cash. As a result of the Capital   
Repayment, Panostaja's holding in Takoma is estimated to decrease from the      
current 79% to about 65%. The total value of the Capital Repayment for Panostaja
shareholders will be about EUR 3.7 million, where Takoma's share price is       
calculated at EUR 1.66 per share.                                               

Shareholders who are included in Panostaja's Shareholder Register kept by       
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘FCSD')  
on the record date of the Capital Repayment, 12th June 2008, are entitled to    
receive the Capital Repayment. Shareholders holding no less than a total of     
3,000 Panostaja Class A and/or B shares (incl. Class B shares and new Class B   
shares) will receive 0.05 Takoma shares for each of their Panostaja Class A,    
Class B or new Class B shares kept in a single book-entry account. In other     
words, shareholders will receive one Takoma share for every 20 Panostaja shares 
of the same class entered in a single book-entry account. In cases where the    
division as per book-entry account and share class does not come out even, the  
balance will be distributed to shareholders in cash.                            

Shareholders holding less than a total of 3,000 Panostaja Class A and/or B      
shares will receive EUR 0.083 per each of their Panostaja shares, equating to   
0.05 of the value of one Takoma share. For the purposes of calculating the      
amount of cash consideration, the value of Takoma shares has been determined    
according to the volume-weighted average share price over a period of 30 days   
preceding the decision taken by Panostaja's Board of Directors on the Capital   
Repayment and Share Sale.                                                       

The shares distributed as part of the Capital Repayment will be entered in      
shareholders' book-entry accounts and the cash considerations payable as part of
the Capital Repayment will be deposited to the bank account linked to each      
shareholder's book-entry account on or around 26th June 2008.                   

In order to guarantee equal treatment of shareholders, those holding less than  
3,000 Panostaja shares have been reserved the right to purchase Takoma shares at
the volume equivalent to the Capital Repayment made in cash for the same share  
price used for measuring Takoma shares for the purposes of the Capital          
Repayment, i.e. at EUR 1.66 per share. The buy order can be placed at any branch
office of Nordea Bank Finland Plc in Finland. The period for placing buy orders 
will start on 16th June 2008 and end on 27th June 2008.                         

New shareholders will become entitled to shareholder rights conferred by shares 
distributed as part of the Capital Repayment and sold as part of the Share Sale 
as from the transfer of ownership. Ownership of the shares will be transferred  
to the recipient/buyer once the shares have been entered in the recipient's or  
buyer's book-entry account.                                                     

Panostaja has prepared a summary note and a securities note concerning the      
Capital Repayment and Share Sale, as required under the Securities Markets Act  
(495/1989), which have been submitted to the Finnish Financial Supervision      
Authority for approval. The summary note and the securities note complement the 
base prospectus for Takoma, dated 18th February 2008. The base prospectus, the  
securities note and the summary note are expected to become available as from   
3rd June 2008 at Panostaja Headquarters (address Postitorvenkatu 16, Tampere,   
Finland, and telephone +358 (0)10 217 3211/Ms. Sari Tapiola) and at the Helsinki
Stock Exchange Service Point OMX Way.                                           

As part of investigations into the Capital Repayment, Panostaja and its experts 
have obtained an advance ruling from the Tax Office for Major Corporations on   
the tax treatment of the Capital Repayment, which will be described in more     
detail in the section concerning taxation in the aforementioned securities note.
According to the advance ruling, from the viewpoint of Panostaja shareholders,  
the transaction is treated as repayment of capital rather than taxable dividend 

In its advance ruling, the Tax Office for Major Corporations has, based on an   
overall assessment, deemed Panostaja as being a capital investor referred to in 
section 6 of the Act on the Taxation of Business Income (360/1968), whereby any 
possible gains on the sale of Takoma shares transferred as Capital Repayment    
will be taxable income for Panostaja. If upheld, this Tax Office interpretation 
would have a bearing on the tax treatment of any possible gains or losses on    
disposal of Panostaja's other fixed asset shares. Conversely, the interpretation
will have no effect on the tax treatment of shareholders.                       

Panostaja will publish an invitation to an Extraordinary General Meeting        
concerning the Capital Repayment and Share Sale later today.                    

Panostaja Oyj                                                                   

Juha Sarsama                                                                    


This stock exchange bulletin is a translation of the original Finnish stock     
exchange bulletin 22nd May 2008                                                 

For further information, please contact Mr. Juha Sarsama, mobile +358 (0)40 774 