2010-05-06 07:30:00 CEST

2010-05-06 07:30:02 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Tiimari Plc Ínterim Report 1-3/2010

TIIMARI PLC	Interim report 6 May 2010 at 08.30                                 

INTERIM REPORT                                                                  

THE POSITIVE REVENUE DEVELOPMENT CONTINUED                                      

Highlights for the quarter                                                      

- Revenue grew by 5.2 % and was EUR 16.2 million (15.4) 
- Gross margin was EUR 9.0 million (9.5) and 55.1 % (61.6) 
- EBITDA was EUR -2.5 million (-2.5) 
- Result for the period was EUR -3.2 million (-3.3) 
- Profit before tax was EUR -3.7 million (-4.2) 
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.22 (-0.37) 
- Four out of five Tiimari shops in Sweden and two out of three 
  Gallerix shops in Finland were closed at the end of the period 

COMMENTS OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR                                               

Managing Director of Tiimari, Hannu Krook:                                      
”Tiimari Group sales grew by over 5 % during the first quarter, of which 2 % was
due to the appreciation of the Swedish krona. The growth was partly due to the  
Easter sales occurring in March as a whole, but also the April comparable sales 
being over three percent higher than last year. The reported gross margin % did 
fall compared to last year. The gross margin  during the beginning of the year  
is negatively affected by the impairment policy compliant depreciation of the   
2006 large purchases. Furthermore, the product mix and the appreciation of the  
US dollar had a significant effect on gross margin. The decline in the Baltic   
sales has stagnated and the executed cost saving measures have kept             
profitability levels at forecasted levels.                                      

We have successfully managed to execute the closure of our non-profitable       
operations in Tiimari Poland and Sweden as well as Gallerix Finland during the  
first quarter. As part of the domestic efficiency measures in Tiimari           
cooperation negotiations were held, which resulted in further streamlining our  
headquarter operations, optimisation of the shop working hours in relation to   
the customer flows and initiation of the closure of domestic non-profitable     

According to the company strategy the gradual distribution of the party concept 
started from our biggest shops. During the coming year we will be spending a    
large part of our investment budget for facelift investments in the profitable  
core, the Tiimari shops in Finland. To emphasise the party concept, so called 
balloon bars have been built into our 50 biggest shops. One can find a diverse  
party supply offering for various occassions from all our shops.                

In the future, we will focus on our core operations and the development of      
these. We will sharpen the Tiimari concept in terms of both category management 
as well as physical shop concepts and presentation. In the Gallerix operations  
we will focus on developing our strengths in the product offering, but also in  
the quest for new customers via the familiar and synergetic product areas from  
Tiimari. The working capital related efficiency measures will continue          
aggressively and the first signs of an improved turnover rate are already       

GROUP FINANCIAL RESULTS                                                         

The Group's revenue grew by 5.2 % and was EUR 16.2 million (15.4). The sales for
the significant Easter period occurred as a whole in the first quarter, in the  
review period part of this period occurred in the beginning of April. The       
appreciation of the Swedish krona increased revenue by 2.2 %-units.             
The gross margin was EUR 9.0 million (9.5), that is 55.1 % (61.6). The          
comparatively weaker gross margin was partly due to the closure of the shops in 
Sweden, the extraordinarily large depreciations according to plan, the reduced  
sales periods in January and the changes in the product mix. The gross margin % 
for continuing operations was 55.3 % (60.6).                                    
The operating profit for the Group increased somewhat compared to the review    
period as was EUR -3.2 million (-3.3).                                          
The net financing expenses decreased and were EUR 0.5 million (0.8).            
The result for the period was EUR -3.7 million (-4.2).                          
The result for the review period includes EUR -0.1 million of result from       
discontinued operations.                                                        
Earnings per share were EUR -0.22 (-0.37).                                      

OPERATING SEGMENTS                                                              


The Tiimari segment comprises all Tiimari concept compliant shops in Finland and
abroad. The revenue for the segment grew by 4.6 % and was EUR 13.0 million      
(12.5). The development of the revenue was affected by the Easter period sales  
accumulating as a whole in the first quarter. Tiimari has withdrawn from Poland,
Russia and Norway and no revenue has been reported during the current period.   
Additionally, during the spring the operations of Tiimari Sweden were included  
in the so called inactive markets, which revenue totalled EUR 0.4 million. The  
revenue for the inactive markets in the review period was EUR 0.6 million. The  
weak economic development in the Baltic markets still had a negative effect on  
sales, which was EUR 0.7 million during the current period (0.8). There were 192
own shops at the end of the current period (206), of which 168 were in Finland  
(168). At the end of the current period four out of five shops were closed in   
Tiimari Sweden and the last shop will be closed later in the spring.            
The withdrawal from certain markets, the extraordinarily large depreciations of old products, the change in the product offering and the discounted sales       
periods in January decresed gross margin, which allbeit was nearly at forecasted
levels.The gross margin was EUR 7.8 million (8.4)or 60 % (68). The gross margin 
for continuing operations was EUR 7.6 million (8.0) or 60 % (67).               

The operating profit for the segment increased slightly and was EUR -2.4 million
(-2.6). The share for the discontinued operations was EUR +0.0 million (-0.4).  
From the transfer of the rental agreements in Sweden EUR 0.2 million was booked 
as other operating profit. The operating profit was unhelpfully affected by the 
weaker gross margin for the beginning of the year compared to the review period,
but the centralisation of operations has the opposite effect. In Finland, the   
increase in the number of shops, salary increases and organisational            
arrangements increased the personnel expenses from the review period. The       
executed efficiency measures related to working hours limited the increase in   
total labor costs. The closure of operations in non-profitable markets reduced  
the level of fixed costs significantly.                                         

The renewal of Tiimari's product offering and development of the party concept  
product offering was continued. The full party offering was available in a few  
of the biggest shops at the end of the current period and the renewal of the    
offering and distribution of the concept into our shops will continue strongly  
during the second quarter.                                                      

The capital expenditure for the segment during the current period was EUR 0.1   
million (0.4) and they were allocated towards renewal of shops.                 


The Gallerix segment comprises all Gallerix concept compliant shops in Sweden   
and Finland. The revenue for the Gallerix segment grew by 7.8 % and was EUR 3.2 
million (3.0). The increase in revenue was due to the appreciation of the       
Swedish krona and there was a marginal decline in comparable revenue because own
shops were closed in Sweden and Finland. At the end of the current period only  
one own shop was open in Finland (7) and in Sweden there were 11 own shops (14).
In Sweden, a major part of the operations are based on franchise agreements and 
there were 76 (79)shops operating according to this agreement.                  
The gross margin was EUR 1.2 million (1.1) or 36.8 % (36.3). The gross margin   
increased due to renewal of the product offering, although the reduction in own 
shops had a unhelpful effect on the gross margin.                               
The operating profit increased slightly and was EUR -0.3 million (-0.4) or -8.2 
% (-14.7).                                                                      
The capital expenditure for the segment was EUR 0.0 million (0.2).              


Common expenses and senior management are reported as other operations. The     
operating profit was EUR -0.6 million (-0.3). During the current period no intra
group management fees have been invoiced (0.4) and expenses include dispute     
related expenses and reserves totalling EUR 0.2 million (0.0).                  

PROFIT-IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME                                                    

At the beginning of the financial year cooperation negotiations were initiated  
in Finland and as a result personnel changes occured in group management,       
several shops were closed in Finland and other markets and improved working hour
recommendations in the shops were implemented. The working hours will in the    
future be guided primarily based on customer numbers. The savings in personnel  
expenses relating to these measures will be recognised from the second quarter  

At the turn of the financial year we withdrew from the Polish markets, during   
2009 withdrawals occurred from the Russian and Norwegian markets and during the 
current period two Gallerix shops were closed in Finland and four Tiimari shops 
in Sweden, according to the Group's focus strategy.                             

Capital expenditure during the current period was EUR 0.1 million (0.6). The    
current assets were EUR 15.5 million and grew by EUR 0.5 million from the       
beginning of the financial year, but was EUR 7.4 million less than the review   
period (22.9).                                                                  


Net working capital for the group was EUR 7.7 million. Net working capital at   
the end of the comparison period was EUR 13.9 million and EUR 0.3 million at the
end of 2009. The net working capital is affected by the seasonal fluctuations in
the operations, so that there is an increase during the year and a reduction by 
the end of the fiscal year. Current assets amounted to EUR 15.5 million (at the 
end of review period 22.9). The current assets increased due to the party       
concept offering by EUR 0.6 million. Short-term receivables increased during the
current period by EUR 0.3 million and was EUR 3.7 million (4.9). Short-term     
non-interest bearing liabilities decreased by EUR 6.6 million from the beginning
of the year and was EUR 11.5 million (13.9). Both trade receivables and deferred
tax liabilities decreased from the beginning of the year. The turnover rate for 
current assets increased to 2.3 (1.5) and efforts are made to increase this even
further. Non-current assets totalled EUR 54.1 million (57.8) and decreased by   
EUR 0.4 million from the beginning of the year.                                 

Interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 33.0 million (39.2), increasing by EUR
10.5 million from the beginning of the financial year. The equity ratio was 29.5
% (30.1 % at the end of review period and 34.7 at the end of 2009) and the      
gearing ratio was 143.9 % (149.1 % at the end of review period and 85.6 % at the
end of 2009). Due to the seasonality of the business the level of net debt      
increased. Sales during the fourth quarter have a decisive effect on the Group's
cash flow and financial position on an annual level. The Company agreed on      
changes in the financing covenants related to gross margin during the current   

Shareholder's equity per share was EUR 1.39 (2.32).                             

The operative cash flow was EUR -10.4 million (-6.4). The cash flow was affected
by the reduction of the short-term non-interest bearing liabilities by EUR 7.1  
million (2.6) and the loss for the period. The short-term liabilities decreased 
due to payments of trade and other payables related to regular christmas sales, 
the non-recurring decrease of trade payables related to the increase in         
inventory turnover and the investments made in new product categories. The total
capital expenditure for the Group was EUR 0.1 million (0.6).                    


The average number of group personnel in the current period was 602 (695). The  
numbers have been altered to reflect the share of full-time employees, the
majority of the personnel are part-time employees. Tiimari Retail Ltd. is the 
biggest employer in the group, employing 453 (413). The number of personnel 
declined due to the withdrawal from the Russian, Norwegian and Polish markets 
as well as the closure of own shops in Gallerix. 

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

Tiimari shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki plc stock exchange. As at  
31 March 2010, the share price was EUR 1.22 (1.10) and the market value of the  
company was EUR 20.1 million (12.4). The share capital of the company was EUR   
7.686.200 at the end of the current period and the number of shares was         
16,474,755. The Board has not excercised its right to issue shares nor the      
purchase and sale authorisation of own shares during the current period. The    
Company does not hold any treasury shares.                                      

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 30 MARCH 2010 (Stock Exchange Release 30 March 2010    

The Annual General Meeting of Tiimari Plc approved the financial statements for 
2009 and discharged the board members and the Managin Director from liability.  
The Meeting decided, that the loss for the period -12.565.636,92 shall be booked
as retained earnings and no divided is to be distributed.                       

The board composition was decided as six members. Hannu Ryöppönen, Sven-Olof    
Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen, Markku Pelkonen, Alexander Rosenlew were re-elected   
and Sissi Silván was elected as a new member.                                   
KPMG Ltd. was elected to continue as Group Auditor and named Sixten Nyman APA as
auditor with main responsibility.                                               

The Meeting authorised the Board to decide on purchasing a maximum of 500.000   
treasury shares at market price to be used in a manner decided by the Board. The
authorisation can be utilised in potential corporate acquisitions or other      
business development related arrangements, for execution of commitment or       
incentive programs for management or other personnel or other purposes decided  
by the Board.                                                                   

ORGANISING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Stock Exchange Release 30 March 2010      

The Board elected Hannu Ryöppönen as its chairman and Juha Mikkonen as its      
vice-chairman. The Board appointed Hannu Ryöppönen chairman of the Nomination   
and Compensation Committee and Alexander Rosenlew and Juha Mikkonen as its other
members. The Board appointed Juha Mikkonen chairman of the Audit Committee and  
Hannu Ryöppönen and Sissi Silván as its other members.                          


M.Sc. Economics Veijo Heinonen was appointed member of Tiimari's management     
board and commercial director 16th March. The other management board members are
Managing Director Hannu Krook, Gallerix Managing Director Dan Crewe, CFO Maija  
Elenius, IT Director Tarja Nikkarikoski, Purchase and Logistics Director Anna   
Seppälä. Director for shop operations Markku Breider, Marketing Director Anne   
Söderholm and Development Director Jaakko Syrjänen departed the company in      
conjunction with the reorganisation of group management.                        

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The Group's revenue and result development is affected by various business      
related factors of uncertainty. The primary risks relate to the following:      

- the development in the general consumer demand and its decline especially in 
  Finland and Sweden 
- the management's success in business development and improvement in 
  profitability relating to initiated measures: renewal of product offering and 
  closure of non-profitable operations 
- the accumulation of the seasonal operative cash flow and its effect on the 
  company's financial position and its loan covenants as well as the 
  predictability of cash flow and result. 
- the effect of exchange rate developments on purchase prices for products 
  acquired outside of the European Union and the sales margin accumulated from
  the sale of the former 
- business location decisions in the long-term 
- the availability of seasonal products and the operation of the supply chain 
- the general development in salaries, rents and freight costs 
- valuation of goodwill and balance sheet value of Tiimari and Gallerix brands 
- general interest rate changes 
- the company is a defendant and plaintiff in some property and rental
  agreement related disputes and one contract termination related dispute. 
  The Company assessed its risks and prepared for these in the current 
  period interim report 

The risks and uncertainties of the Company have been further elaborated in the  
2009 financial statements and no significant changes have occurred since.       

BACKGROUND FOR OUTLOOK                                                          

The Company has decided to focus on developing the profitable core operations.  
Withdrawals were made from the non-profitable Russian and Norwegian markets     
during 2009 and at the end of that financial year a decision was made to        
withdraw from the non-profitable operations in Poland, Gallerix Finland and     
Tiimari Sweden. In Finland, two out of three Gallerix shops have been closed    
during the current period and four out of five Tiimari shops in Sweden were     
closed at the end of the current period. The product offering for the new party 
concept has been introduced in the biggest shops during the current period and  
the project continues during the second quarter. The new offering had a positive
effect on sales development in these shops, especially due to an increase in an 
individual purchase. The gross margin % is also expected to increase after the  
first quarter.                                                                  

Forecasting consumer demand is challenging. The general economic climate is not 
expected to recover quickly, but the consumer demand is forecasted to recover   
slightly in Finland and Sweden during the ongoing financial year. No growth in  
demand is expected in the Baltic market during the forecast period.             

The most important goals for 2010 are profitability improvement, increasing     
operational cash flow and reducing interest bearing net debt. The key measures  
to achieve the aforementioned are focusing on the core profitable operations by 
abolishing non-profitable ones, sharpening the appeal of the Tiimari and        
Gallerix product offering their turnover rates as well as improving cost        
efficiency in the shop network. The reduction in inventory items executed in    
2009 serve as a strong foundation to renew the product offering in our shops.   


The Board estimates, that by focusing on the profitable core operations and     
imprving its product offering the Company has the capability to improve         
operational profitability (EBITDA excluding non-recurring items) and achieve a  
clearly positive operational cash flow (operative cash flow before financing    
items and taxes) in 2010.                                                       

Board of Directors                                                              
Tiimari plc                                                                     

Further information:                                                            
Managing Director, Hannu Krook                                                  
tel. +358 (0)3 812911,                                                          
email:  hannu.krook@tiimari.fi                                                  

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Main source of information                                                      

Tiimari Plc shares are listed at Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Plc. The Group comprises   
two retail shop concepts, Tiimari and Gallerix. The concepts operate nearly 300 
shops in five countries within the Baltic Sea region. Both concepts belong to   
the forerunners within their business segments.                                 

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT  |           |         |          |            |
| eur 1 000                      |  1-3/2010 | 1-3/2009| Change % |  1-12/2009 |
|                                |           |         |          |            |
| SALES                          |    16 242 |  15 440 |        5 |     80 113 |
| Cost of goods sold             |    -7 287 |  -5 927 |       23 |    -34 601 |
| Gross profit                   |     8 955 |   9 513 |       -6 |     45 512 |
| Gross profit, %                |      55 % |    62 % |       -6 |       57 % |
| Other operating income         |       456 |     177 |      158 |      1 824 |
| Employee                       |         0 |         |          |            |
| benefit costs                  |    -5 207 |  -5 212 |        0 |    -21 765 |
| Depreciation                   |      -745 |    -808 |       -8 |     -3 507 |
| Goodwill impairment            |         0 |       0 |        0 |     -1 496 |
| Other operating expenses       |    -6 701 |  -6 979 |       -4 |    -28 084 |
| OPERATING PROFIT               |    -3 240 |  -3 308 |       -2 |     -7 516 |
| Operating profit, %            |     -20 % |   -21 % |        1 |       -9 % |
| Financial income               |        99 |      95 |        4 |         47 |
| Financial expenses             |      -594 |    -942 |      -37 |     -3 181 |
| Net financial income           |      -495 |    -847 |      -42 |     -3 134 |
| INCOME BEFORE TAXES            |    -3 735 |  -4 155 |      -10 |    -10 650 |
| Taxes                          |        41 |      58 |      -29 |        535 |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD,     |    -3 694 |  -4 097 |      -10 |    -10 115 |
| continuing operations          |           |         |          |            |
| Net income for the period from |         0 |    -113 |     -100 |       -674 |
| discontinuing operations       |           |         |          |            |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD      |    -3 694 |  -4 210 |      -12 |    -10 789 |
| Equity holders of the company  |    -3 694 |  -4 211 |      -12 |    -10 789 |
| Earnings per share             |           |         |          |            |
| for profit attributable        |           |         |          |            |
| to the equity holders of the Company       |         |          |            |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR  |           |         |          |            |
| Continuing operations          |     -0,22 |   -0,36 |      -38 |      -0,69 |
| Discontinued operations        |      0,00 |   -0,01 |     -100 |      -0,05 |
| Total                          |     -0,22 |   -0,37 |      -40 |      -0,73 |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE    |         |          |            |
| INCOME                                     |         |          |            |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD      |    -3 694 |  -4 211 |      -12 |    -10 789 |
| Translation diffrences         |       270 |      40 |          |        282 |
| Other                          |         0 |       0 |          |          0 |
| Comprehensive income for the   |    -3 424 |  -4 171 |      -18 |    -10 507 |
| period net of tax              |           |         |          |            |
| Comprehensive income for the period attributable to: |          |            |
| Equity holders of the company  |    -3 424 |  -4 171 |          |    -10 507 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION     |             |             |
| eur 1 000                            |           |             |             |
|                                      | 31.3.2010 |   31.3.2009 |  31.12.2009 |
| ASSETS                               |           |             |             |
| Goodwill                             |    32 630 |      33 270 |      32 525 |
| Other intangible assets              |    16 611 |      18 627 |      16 876 |
| Tangible assets                      |     4 709 |       5 739 |       4 904 |
| Other financial assets               |       104 |         105 |         104 |
| Receivables                          |        37 |          29 |          35 |
| Deferred tax assets                  |        29 |           1 |          29 |
| Total non-current assets             |    54 118 |      57 771 |      54 473 |
| Inventories                          |    15 515 |      22 893 |      15 044 |
| Trade and other receivables          |     3 706 |       4 995 |       3 454 |
| Cash and bank                        |     4 521 |       1 670 |       3 024 |
| Total current assets                 |    23 742 |      29 558 |      21 522 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                         |    77 860 |      87 329 |      75 995 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES |           |             |             |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of parent company        |             |
|   Share capital                      |     7 686 |       7 686 |       7 686 |
|   Own shares                         |         0 |         -55 |           0 |
|   Distributable equity fund          |    23 010 |      16 921 |      23 018 |
|   Translation differences            |      -393 |        -905 |        -770 |
|   Retained earnings                  |    -7 351 |       2 627 |      -3 568 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           |    22 952 |      26 273 |      26 366 |
| LIABILITIES                          |           |             |             |
| Deferred tax liabilities             |     5 848 |       6 234 |       5 834 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities         |    22 155 |      12 280 |      22 203 |
| Provisions                           |        31 |          31 |          31 |
| Total non-current liabilities        |    28 034 |      18 545 |      28 068 |
| Interest bearing liabilities         |    15 395 |      28 555 |       3 398 |
| Account payable and other payable    |    11 479 |      13 957 |      18 163 |
| Total current liabilities            |    26 874 |      42 512 |      21 561 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                    |    54 908 |      61 057 |      49 629 |
|                                      |           |             |             |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND       |    77 860 |      87 329 |      75 995 |
| LIABILITIES                          |           |             |             |

| Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows             |              |            |
| eur 1000 |                                       |              |            |
|          |                                       |              |            |
|          |                                       |     1-3/2010 |   1-3/2009 |
| Cash flow from operations                        |              |            |
| Profit/loss for financial period                 |       -3 694 |     -4 211 |
| Adjustments:                                     |              |            |
|          | Depreciation and impairment           |          745 |        815 |
|          | Gain (+) and loss (-) on sale of      |            1 |          0 |
|          | fixed assets                          |              |            |
|          | Financial income and expenses         |          497 |        844 |
|          | Taxes                                 |          -41 |        -58 |
|          | Other adjustments                     |            0 |        -38 |
| Change in working capital:                       |              |            |
|          | Change in inventories                 |         -377 |       -756 |
|          | Change in short-term receivables      |         -216 |        541 |
|          | Change in short term liabilities      |       -7 090 |     -2 570 |
| Interest paid                                    |         -128 |       -678 |
| Interest income received                         |            6 |          1 |
| Other financing expenses paid                    |          -28 |       -226 |
| Taxes    |                                       |          -53 |        -64 |
| paid     |                                       |              |            |
| Net cash flow from operations                    |      -10 378 |     -6 397 |
| Cash flow from investment activities             |              |            |
|          | Acquisition of subsidiary companies                  |            |
|          | net cash of acquired                       |       0 |          0 |
|          | Investments in                             |         |            |
|          | tangible and intangible assets             |    -101 |       -599 |
|          | Capital gains from tangible and intangible |       0 |          0 |
|          | assets                                     |         |            |
|          | Repayment of loan receivables              |       0 |          0 |
|          | Income on sale of investments              |       0 |          0 |
| Net cash flow from investments                        |    -101 |       -599 |
| Cash flow from financing activities                   |         |            |
|          | Proceeds from share issue                  |       0 |          0 |
|          | Long-term loans, increase                  |       0 |          0 |
|          | Long-term loans, decrease                  |       0 |          0 |
|          | Short-term loans, net change               |  12 000 |      6 590 |
|          | Payment of lease liabilities               |     -58 |        -98 |
|          | Dividends paid                             |       0 |          0 |
| Net cash flow from financing                          |  11 942 |      6 492 |
| Change in liquid assets                               |   1 464 |       -503 |
|          | Liquid assets, beginning of review perios  |   3 024 |      2 188 |
|          | Effect of exchange rate changes on liquid  |      33 |        -15 |
|          | assets                                     |         |            |
|          | Liquid assets, end of review period        |   4 521 |      1 670 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN   |       |          |         |        |
| EQUITY                                 |       |          |         |        |
| eur 1 000          |       |           |       |          |         |        |
|                            Attributable to the equity holders of the company |
|                    | Share | Distribut |   Own | Translat | Retaine |  Total ||                    | capit |      able | share |      ion |       d |        |
|                    |    al |    equity |     s | differen | earning |        |
|                    |       |      fund |       |      ces |       s |        |
| Shareholders'      | 7 686 |    16 921 |   -55 |     -945 |   6 836 | 30 443 |
| equity 1.1.2009    |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| Comprehensive      |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| income             |       |           |       |          |         |        |
|  for the period    |       |           |       |       40 |  -4 211 | -4 171 |
| Dividends paid     |       |           |       |          |       0 |      0 |
| Share issue        |       |         0 |       |          |         |      0 |
| Equity on          | 7 686 |    16 921 |   -55 |     -905 |   2 625 | 26 273 |
| 31.3.2009          |       |           |       |          |         |        |
|                    |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| Shareholders'      | 7 686 |    23 010 |     0 |     -663 |  -3 667 | 26 366 |
| equity 1.1.2010    |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| Comprehensive      |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| income             |       |           |       |          |         |        |
|  for the period    |       |           |       |      270 |  -3 694 | -3 424 |
| Dividends paid     |       |           |       |          |       0 |      0 |
| Equity portion of          |           |       |          |         |      0 |
| convertible loan           |           |       |          |         |        |
| Share based        |       |           |       |          |      10 |     10 |
| payments           |       |           |       |          |         |        |
| Equity on          | 7 686 |    23 010 |     0 |     -393 |  -7 351 | 22 952 |
| 31.3.2010          |       |           |       |          |         |        |

BASIS OF PREPARATION                                                            

This Interim Report was prepared in accordance with the IFRS accounting         
standards, but in the preparation all IAS 34 standard requirements have not been
fulfilled. The interim consolidated financial statements were prepared applying 
the same accounting policies and methods of computation, as in the financial    
statements for 2009. Financial figures presented in this document are not       
All figures in the accounts have been rounded and consequently the sum of       
individual figures may deviate from the presented total figure. The figures in  
the tables are presented in thousands of euro.                                  

The application of changed or new standards (IFRS) starting 1.1.2010:           
- IAS 3R,Business combinations 
- IAS 27, Consolidates and separate financial statements 
- IAS 39, Financial instruments: recognition and measurement 

The implemented standard changes did not have a significant impact on the       
interim report.                                                                 

Use of Estimates:                                                               

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the    
management to use estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of     
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities and the amount of income and expenses. Although the estimates are   
based on the management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual  
results may ultimately differ from the estimates used.                          

The use of estimates affects the valuation of inventory, deferred tax assets,   
depreciation times of non-current assets and valuation of receivables.          
Additionally, the estimates affect the valuation of goodwill and brands.        
Inventory valuation is based on regular devaluation as follows: 30 months 25%,  
36 months 50 % and 42 months 100 % and specific write-offs as needed.           

Tiimari's business is characterised by seasonality with the net sales being     
generated largely during the final quarter. Regular goodwill impairment testing 
is thus carried out at the end of the financial period. Goodwill shall be tested
earlier during the year in case of an indication of significant changes to the  
expected cash flows of a cash-generating unit arising from occurrences in       
business operations or in the operating environment.                            

Gross profit and gross profit margin %                                          
Gross profit is revenue less cost of goods sold and franchise leases. During the
outsourced finance department the material and services included expenses from  
hired staff and franchise leases were reported in other operating expenses.     
These items have been corrected in the results of the review period according to
the instructions on the calculation of gross profit                             

| SEGMENT INFORMATION          |             |              |                  |
| NET SALES                    |             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Tiimari                      |      13 048 |       12 473 |           66 903 |
| Gallerix                     |       3 198 |        2 967 |           13 396 |
| Other operations             |          82 |          400 |              400 |
| Eliminations                 |         -87 |         -400 |             -586 |
| Group                        |      16 242 |       15 440 |           80 113 |
| Active markets               |      15 879 |       14 797 |           76 958 |
| Inactive markets             |         363 |          643 |            3 155 |
| OPERATING PROFIT             |             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Tiimari                      |      -2 367 |       -2 580 |           -4 945 |
| Gallerix                     |        -261 |         -435 |             -755 |
| Other operations             |        -613 |         -294 |           -1 816 |
| Group                        |      -3 240 |       -3 308 |           -7 516 |
| Active markets               |      -3 283 |       -2 925 |           -5 095 |
| Inactive markets             |          43 |         -383 |           -2 421 |
| DEPRECIATION AND GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT                      |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Tiimari                      |         539 |          608 |            4 111 |
| Gallerix                     |         186 |          185 |              807 |
| Other operations             |          21 |           16 |               85 |
| Group                        |         746 |          809 |            5 003 |
| Active markets               |         740 |          773 |            3 372 |
| Inactive markets             |           6 |           36 |            1 631 |
| CAPITAL EXPENDITURE          |             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Tiimari                      |         101 |          428 |            1 076 |
| Gallerix                     |           0 |          189 |              161 |
| Other operations             |           0 |            4 |               14 |
| Group                        |         101 |          621 |            1 251 |
| NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Finland                      |      12 170 |       11 206 |           60 767 |
| Sweden                       |       3 413 |        3 177 |           14 578 |
| ROW                          |         659 |        1 057 |            4 768 |
| Group                        |      16 242 |       15 440 |           80 113 |
| Active markets               |      15 879 |       14 797 |           76 958 |
| Inactive markets             |         363 |          643 |            3 155 |
| INTANGIBLE ASSETS            |             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |       31.12.2009 |
| Book value at 1 January      |      49 401 |       52 237 |           52 237 |
| Changes in exchange rates    |         343 |          -74 |              310 |
| Additions                    |           0 |          218 |              504 |
| Depreciation and impairment  |        -503 |         -491 |           -3 550 |
| Disposals and intra-balance  |           0 |            0 |             -100 |
| sheet transfer               |             |              |                  |
| Book value at the end of     |      49 241 |       51 891 |           49 401 |
| period                       |             |              |                  |
| TANGIBLE ASSETS              |             |              |                  |
| eur 1 000                    |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |       31.12.2008 |
| Book value at 1 January      |       4 904 |        5 616 |            5 616 |
| Changes in exchange rates    |         -48 |           80 |               14 |
| Additions                    |         101 |          367 |              765 |
| Depreciation and impairment  |        -248 |         -324 |           -1 480 |
| Disposals and intra-balance  |           0 |            0 |              -12 |
| sheet transfer               |             |              |                  |
| Book value at the end of     |       4 709 |        5 739 |            4 904 |
| period                       |             |              |                  |
| KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES        |             |              |                  |
|                              |        2010 |         2009 |             2009 |
|                              |         1-3 |          1-3 |             1-12 |
| Net sales                    |      16 242 |       15 440 |           80 113 |
| EBITDA                       |      -2 495 |       -2 500 |           -2 513 |
| Operating profit             |      -3 240 |       -3 308 |           -7 516 |
| Profit/loss for the          |      -3 694 |       -4 097 |          -10 115 |
| financial period             |             |              |                  |
| Profit/loss, discontinued    |           0 |         -113 |             -674 |
| operations                   |             |              |                  |
| Earnings per share           |       -0,22 |        -0,36 |            -0,69 |
| continuing operations, EUR   |             |              |                  |
| Earnings per share           |        0,00 |        -0,01 |            -0,05 |
| discontinued operations, EUR |             |              |                  |
| Earnings per share total,    |        0,05 |        -0,37 |            -0,73 |
| EUR                          |             |              |                  |
| Shareholders' equity per     |        1,39 |         2,32 |             1,39 |
| share, EUR                   |             |              |                  |
| Solvency ratio               |      29,5 % |       30,1 % |           34,7 % |
| Gearing                      |     143,9 % |      149,1 % |           85,6 % |
| Net working capital          |       7 742 |       13 931 |              335 |
| Operating cash flow          |     -10 279 |       -5 884 |            6 486 |
| Net Interest-bearing         |      33 029 |       39 165 |           22 577 |
| liabilities                  |             |              |                  |
| Balance sheet total          |      77 860 |       87 329 |           75 995 |
| Average number of shares     |      16 475 |       11 311 |           14 749 |
| (pcs)                        |             |              |                  |

| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                |           |             |            |
|                                       |           |             |            |
|                                       | 31.3.2010 |  31.3.2009  | 31.12.2009 |
| Loans from financial institutions     |           |             |            |
| against the following securities      | 21 500    | 28 767      | 9 500      |
| Real estate mortgages                 | 0         | 1 000       | 0          |
| Corporate mortgages                   | 31 137    | 31 137      | 31 137     |
| Pledged shares                        | 1 476     | 1 476       | 1 476      |
| Other own liabilities                 |           |             |            |
| Bank quarantees                       | 2 843     | 2 114       | 2 821      |
| Other liabilities                     | 5         | 8           | 5          |
|                                       |           |             |            |
| Leasing liabilities                   |           |             |            |
| Due within one year                   | 45        | 88          | 133        |
| Due after one year                    | 58        | 127         | 115        |
|                                       |           |             |            |
| OTHER RENT LIABILITIES                |           |             |            |
| Due within one year                   | 14 041    | 12 630      | 12 147     |
| Due after one year                    | 24 353    | 11 505      | 13 687     |

| RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (EUR 1000) | Q1 2010   | Q1 2009     | 1-12 2009  |
|                                       |           |             |            |
| Managing Director remuneration        |        56 |          56 |        162 |
| Board remuneration                    |        26 |          29 |        112 |
| Interest paid on capital loan (paid 31 March for period 26 Oct 09 - 31 Mar   |
| 10                                                                           |
| Hannu Krook                           |         3 |             |            |
| Hannu Ryöppönen                       |         3 |             |            |
| Sven-Olof Kulldorff                   |         3 |             |            |
| Virala Oy Ab (Atine Group Oy parent   |       103 |             |            |
| company)                              |           |             |            |
| Assetman Oy                           |        18 |             |            |
| Baltiska Handels A.B.                 |         9 |             |            |
| Total                                 |       138 |             |            |

| MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                            | Shares       | Shares %      |
| Major shareholders 31.3.2010                  |              |               |
| Atine Group Oy                                | 3 292 198    | 19,98         |
| Assetman Oy                                   | 1 740 645    | 10,57         |
| Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company        | 828 912      | 5,03          |
| Primate Oy                                    | 825 000      | 5,01          |
| Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company    | 789 221      | 4,79          |
| Baltiska Handels A.B.                         | 716 483      | 4,35          |
| Aktia Capital Fund                            | 600 000      | 3,64          |
| Cumasa Oy                                     | 407 625      | 2,47          |
| Arvo Finland Value Fund                       | 300 000      | 1,82          |
| Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company        | 210 000      | 1,27          |

CALCULATION OF KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS                                             

Gross margin = Revenue + materials and supplies                                 

EBITDA = Operating profit + depreciation and amortisation                       

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR =                                                     
Earnings before tax - income taxes / issue-adjusted average number of shares for
the fiscal year                                                                 

Shareholders' equity / share, EUR = equity attributable to the equity holders of
the parent company / issue-adjusted number of shares at the end of the fiscal   

Equity ratio % =                                                                
Shareholders' equity * 100 / Total assets - prepayments received                

Gearing ratio % =                                                               
Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents * 100 / Shareholders'  

Interest-bearing net liabilities = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash 

Net working capital = inventory + short-term non-interest-bearing receivables - 
short-term non-interest-bearing liabilities                                     

Operating cashflow = EBITDA - increase in net working capital - capital         

Further information:                                                            
Managing Director, Hannu Krook                                                 
tel. +358 (0)3 812911,                                                          
email:  hannu.krook@tiimari.fi