2008-03-28 14:42:41 CET

2008-03-28 14:43:42 CET


Nýherji hf. - Company Announcement

- Results of the Nýherji hf. share offer

An offer of new shares in Nýherji hf. began on 17 March and ended yesterday, 25
March. Current shareholders in the company and employees were invited to
purchase 29,097,447 shares at a price of ISK 22 per share, putting the total
sale value of the offer at ISK 640,143,836. A total of 81 shareholders and
employees have registered for all the shares on offer. The new shareholders
include 45 employees of Nýherji hf. and its subsidiaries, and 9.4% of the
company's shares will now be in the hands of the group's employees, who applied
for 385,000 shares in the offer. Reduced allocations because of
oversubscription were not necessary. 

The due date for payment is Friday, 28 March 2008. Nýherji will issue shares
for a nominal value of ISK 45.000.000, of which 15,902,553 shares will be used
as payment to the previous owners of TM Software hf., while 29,097,447 shares
have now been sold to current shareholders and group employees. Steps are being
taken to increase Nýherji hf.'s share capital and register the new shares with
the Icelandic Securities Depository. Registration will be effective from 1
April 2008 at the latest, and the shares will be traded on the OMX Nordic
Exchange no later than from 2 April 2008.