2012-03-27 13:15:00 CEST

2012-03-27 13:15:26 CEST


Pohjola Pankki Oyj - Decisions of general meeting

Decisions by the Annual Cooperative Meeting of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative

OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative
Stock Exchange Release
27 March 2012, 2.15 pm EEST (UT+3)

Decisions by the Annual Cooperative Meeting of OP-Pohjola Group Central

The Annual Cooperative Meeting of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative, Pohjola
Bank plc's parent company, held in Helsinki on 27 March 2012, adopted the
financial statements for 2011, discharged those accountable from liability and
made alterations to the Bylaws of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative. It also
elected the persons listed below.

Alteration of Bylaws

The Meeting altered the Bylaws of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative. A major
reason for altering Section 11, Subsection 9 of the Bylaws was the long-term
revenue model of the central institution approved by the Supervisory Board on 8
June 2011. In its decision, the Supervisory Board stated that a new revenue
model would require altering the Bylaws. In addition, the Meeting specified
Section 11, Subsection 11 of the Bylaws.

Supervisory Board

As proposed by OP-Pohjola Group's Nomination Committee, the Meeting elected the
following persons to the Supervisory Board for a three-year term ending in 2015:

Of the members who were due to resign, the Meeting re-elected Director Jorma
Vierula (Etelä-Pohjanmaan OP-liitto), Professor Jarmo Partanen (Kaakkois-Suomen
OP-liitto), Managing Director Kari Manninen (Suur-Savon OP-liitto) and Managing
Director Juha Pullinen (Varsinais-Suomen OP-liitto).

The Meeting elected Assistant Director Jukka Kääriäinen (Pohjois-Savon OP-
liitto) a new member.

In addition, as proposed by the Nomination Committee, the Meeting elected the
following persons, by virtue of Section 10, Subsection 2 of the Bylaws, for a
maximum term of three years: Of the members who were due to resign, the Meeting
re-elected Managing Director Jussi Ruuhela (Etelä-Pohjanmaan OP-liitto),
maakuntaneuvos (Finnish honorary title) Jorma Pitkälä (Etelä-Suomen OP-liitto),
Managing Director Markku Salomaa (Lapin OP-liitto), M.A. Timo Viitanen
(Pirkanmaan OP-liitto), Professor Paavo Pelkonen (Pohjois-Karjalan OP-liitto)
and Managing Director Timo Levo (Pohjois-Pohjanmaan OP-liitto).

New members elected by the Meeting were as follows: Director, Administration,
Annukka Nikola (Etelä-Suomen OP-liitto), Managing Director Jari Himanen
(Kaakkois-Suomen OP-liitto), Managing Director Tapani Eskola (Kaakkois-Suomen
OP-liitto), Managing Director Tuomas Kupsala (Keski-Suomen OP-liitto), Managing
Director Seppo Pääkkö (Pohjois-Savon OP-liitto), R&D Director Ilmo Aronen
(Satakunnan OP-liitto), Managing Director Simo Kauppi (Satakunnan OP-liitto),
Headmaster Juha Kiiskinen (Suur-Savon OP-liitto), Professor Jarna Heinonen
(Varsinais-Suomen OP-liitto) and Rector Ari Mikkola (Varsinais-Suomen OP-

As proposed by the Nomination Committee, the Meeting confirmed the number of
Supervisory Board members at 33.

At its first meeting after the Annual Cooperative Meeting, the Supervisory Board
re-elected Paavo Haapakoski, liikuntaneuvos (Finnish honorary title), to act as
Chairman and Vice-Rector Jaakko Pehkonen, and Managing Director Vesa Lehikoinen,
to act as Vice Chairmen.


The Meeting re-elected KPMG Oy Ab, a firm of authorised public accountants based
in Helsinki, to act as OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative's auditor for the
financial year 2012, in accordance with prior written consent.

OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative

Carina Geber-Teir
Chief Communications Officer

LSE London Stock Exchange
SIX Swiss Exchange
Major media
op.fi, pohjola.com

Carina Geber-Teir, Chief Communications Officer, tel. +358 (0)10 252 8394

OP-Pohjola Group is Finland's leading financial services group providing a
unique range of banking, investment and insurance services. The Group's mission
is to promote the sustainable prosperity, well-being and security of its owner-
members, customers and operating regions through its local presence. Its
objective is to offer the best and most versatile package of loyal customer
benefits on the market. OP-Pohjola Group consists of some 200 Group member banks
and the Group's central institution OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative with
its subsidiaries and closely related companies, the largest of which is the
listed company Pohjola Bank plc. With a staff of over 13,000, OP-Pohjola Group
posted earnings before tax of EUR 518 million in 2011 and had total assets of
EUR 92 billion on 31 December 2011. The Group has over four million customers.
