2015-07-28 07:00:00 CEST

2015-07-28 07:00:04 CEST


English Finnish
YIT - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Interim Report January 1–June 30, 2015: Net debt target reached ahead of schedule, order backlog turned to growth

Helsinki, Finland, 2015-07-28 07:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YIT CORPORATION   
          STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    JULY 28, 2015 AT 8:00 A.M. 

Interim Report January 1-June 30, 2015: Net debt target reached ahead of
schedule, order backlog turned to growth 

Unless otherwise noted, the figures in brackets refer to the corresponding
period in the previous year. 

April-June 2015 (Segment reporting, POC)

  -- Revenue decreased by 8% to EUR 416.1 (451.4) million. At comparable
     exchange rates, revenue decreased by 5%.
  -- Operating profit amounted to EUR 18.6 (34.7) million and operating profit
     margin was 4.5% (7.7%).
  -- Order backlog increased by 19% from the end of March, amounting to EUR
     2,573.5 million.
  -- Operating cash flow after investments amounted to EUR 113.3 (-16.4)

January-June 2015 (Segment reporting, POC)

  -- Revenue decreased by 7% to EUR 791.0 (854.5) million. At comparable
     exchange rates, revenue decreased by 2%.
  -- Operating profit amounted to EUR 39.1 (61.5) million and operating profit
     margin was 4.9% (7.2%).
  -- Operating cash flow after investments amounted to EUR 128.4 (-28.7)

Guidance for 2015 unchanged (segment reporting, POC)

The Group revenue growth is estimated to be in the range of -5 - 5% at
comparable exchange rates. 

The operating profit margin excluding non-recurring items is estimated to be
below the level of 2014. 

Kari Kauniskangas, President and CEO:

One of our most important ambitions for the ongoing strategy period has been to
increase the financial operating space. Our cash flow was again very strong in
the second quarter of 2015, and we reached our net debt target - set for the
end of 2016 - well ahead of schedule. Our order backlog turned to growth in
each segment. Actions to increase the financial operating space weigh on our
profitability in the short term, but stronger balance sheet, improving the
capital efficiency of our business model and solid order backlog enable
profitable growth in the coming years. 

In the second quarter, we progressed well also in our other strategic focus
areas. In the Business Premises and Infrastructure segment, we secured
contracts that require special expertise and co-operation projects worth over
EUR 400 million. In June, we signed a contract together with Meridiam on the
E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa motorway project, and a consortium comprising of YIT, VR
Track and Pöyry was selected to carry out the Tampere light rail alliance

We are also pleased with the development of our business in the CEE countries.
Strong growth saw the CEE countries account for already 11% of our revenue in
the second quarter, and a steady improvement in profitability meant that the
CEE countries accounted for an even larger share of the operating profit. 

In Finnish housing, residential start-ups were on a good level. In addition to
securing new investor projects, we increased start-ups for consumers from
previous quarters' levels. 

In Russia, housing demand has decreased from last year's level, but YIT's
decrease in sales has been lower than that of our most significant competitors.
However, we are not satisfied with the segment's current profitability level.
We will continue adjusting our operations and strengthening our

Our profitability has also been burdened by capital release measures and
changes in the Finnish sales mix but, at the same time, these measures have
helped strengthen our balance sheet. We will continue our efforts to improve
the capital efficiency, but we will also shift our focus to improving

We have invested in the future also by hiring more than 500 enthusiastic and
committed trainees this year. By investing in trainees, we ensure that YIT will
have the necessary competencies and expertise also in the decades to come. 

Key figures

Segment reporting, POC

EUR million           4-6/15   4-6/14  Change   1-6/15   1-6/14  Change  1-12/14
Revenue                416.1    451.4     -8%    791.0    854.5     -7%  1,801.2
Housing Finland and    207.6    187.0     11%    391.2    359.9      9%    726.5
Housing Russia          69.6    116.8    -40%    140.9    225.4    -37%    474.1
Business Premises      139.0    147.0     -5%    259.1    268.1     -3%    599.3
 and Infrastructure                                                             
Other items             -0.1      0.6             -0.3      1.2              1.4
Operating profit        18.6     34.7    -46%     39.1     61.5    -37%    114.0
Operating profit        4.5%     7.7%             4.9%     7.2%             6.3%
 margin, %                                                                      
Operating profit        18.6     34.7    -46%     39.1     61.5    -37%    126.4
non-recurring items                                                             
Housing Finland and     16.2     16.2      0%     30.3     32.9     -8%     63.7
Housing Russia           2.3     13.8    -84%      8.5     25.9    -67%     55.8
Business Premises        3.9      6.9    -43%      7.0      7.1     -1%     20.4
 and Infrastructure                                                             
Other items             -3.8     -2.1             -6.8     -4.4            -13.5
Operating profit        4.5%     7.7%             4.9%     7.2%             7.0%
 margin, %                                                                      
Housing Finland and     7.8%     8.6%             7.8%     9.2%             8.8%
Housing Russia          3.2%    11.8%             6.0%    11.5%            11.8%
Business Premises       2.8%     4.7%             2.7%     2.6%             3.4%
 and Infrastructure                                                             
Profit before taxes     11.2     25.7    -56%     21.5     43.9    -51%     75.0
Profit for the           8.4     20.0    -58%     16.3     34.2    -53%     56.6
 review period1                                                                 
Earnings per share,     0.07     0.16    -58%     0.13     0.27    -53%     0.45
Operating cash flow    113.3    -16.4            128.4    -28.7            151.9
 after investments                                                              
Return on               6.4%     9.6%             6.4%     9.6%             7.7%
(last 12 months), %                                                             
Equity ratio at end    36.0%    36.4%            36.0%    36.4%            32.4%
 of period, %                                                                   
Net                    544.9    776.3    -30%    544.9    776.3    -30%    616.6
at end of period                                                                
Order backlog at     2,573.5  2,923.9    -12%  2,573.5  2,923.9    -12%  2,125.9
 end of period                                                                  

1 Attributable to equity holders of the parent company

Group reporting, IFRS

EUR million           4-6/15   4-6/14  Change   1-6/15   1-6/14  Change  1-12/14
Revenue                462.9    353.7     31%    856.8    756.9     13%  1,778.6
Operating profit        24.6      8.3    195%     51.7     31.5     64%     94.8
Operating profit        5.3%     2.4%             6.0%     4.2%             5.3%
 margin, %                                                                      
Operating profit        24.6      8.3    195%     51.7     31.5     64%    107.3
non-recurring items                                                             
Operating profit        5.3%     2.4%             6.0%     4.2%             6.0%
 margin, %                                                                      
Profit before taxes     22.5      3.5    542%     44.9     22.3    102%     74.3
Profit for the          17.7      2.7    559%     35.2     17.3    104%     55.9
 review period1                                                                 
Earnings per share,     0.14     0.02    559%     0.28     0.14    104%     0.44
Operating cash flow    113.3    -16.4            128.4    -28.7            151.9
after investments                                                               
Order backlog at     2,914.6  3,480.3    -16%  2,914.6  3,480.3    -16%  2,507.1
 end of period                                                                  
Invested capital at  1,311.0  1,594.9    -18%  1,311.0  1,594.9    -18%  1,431.0
 end of period                                                                  
Return on               8.1%     5.2%             8.1%     5.2%             6.4%
(last 12 months), %                                                             
Effective tax rate,    21.8%    25.0%            21.9%    22.8%            24.9%

1 Attributable to equity holders of the parent company

                             6/15    6/14  Change   6/15    3/15  Change   12/14
Net interest-bearing debt,  587.3   860.2    -32%  587.3   678.0    -13%   696.0
EUR million     
Gearing ratio, %            98.7%  130.4%          98.7%  117.3%          129.9%
Equity ratio, %             33.8%   32.2%          33.8%   32.1%           29.2%

Events after the review period

In July, residential sales to consumers are estimated to be around 90 units in
Finland, around 60 units in the CEE countries and around 200 units in Russia. 

Outlook for 2015

Guidance (segment reporting, POC)

The Group revenue growth is estimated to be in the range of -5 - 5% at
comparable exchange rates. 

The operating profit margin excluding non-recurring items is estimated to be
below the level of 2014. 

In addition to the market outlook, the guidance is based on the following
factors: At the end of June, 48% of YIT's order backlog was sold. Projects
already sold and signed pre-agreements are estimated to contribute over 50% of
the Q3-Q4 revenue. The rest of the revenue estimate is based on estimated new
sales during the remainder of the year and capital release actions. 

In addition to the demanding market situation especially in Russia, operating
profit margin excluding non-recurring items will be burdened by the following
factors: The share of revenue coming from residential sales to investors, which
has lower margin than consumer sales, and contracting are estimated to increase
in Finland. Over half of the over EUR 380 million capital release program,
started in autumn 2013, had been carried out in the end of June. The execution
of the program will continue actively in 2015, and the capital release actions
are estimated to have a negative effect on the operating profit margin. 

Market outlook


In Finland, the macroeconomic uncertainty is estimated to affect the
residential and business premises markets also in 2015. 

Consumers are cautious, and the demand is expected to focus on small apartments
in growth centres, whereas the investor demand is expected to remain good.
Residential price development is estimated to be polarized especially between
small and large apartments. Access to mortgage financing is estimated to remain

In Finland, the demand for business premises is estimated to remain modest. The
real estate investors' interest is estimated to remain on a moderate level with
focus on prime locations in the capital region. Opportunities are seen in
contracting, but there will be fewer large projects in the tendering phase
compared to the beginning of the year. 


The visibility is weak in Russia and economic uncertainty is estimated to
continue to have a negative impact also on the residential market. The
construction costs are estimated to increase, while residential price
development involves uncertainties. The demand is estimated to focus especially
on small apartments that are either close to completion or completed. 

 The mortgage rates for new apartments are expected to remain stable thanks to
the government's mortgage subsidy program. 

The CEE countries

In the CEE countries the residential and business premises markets are expected
to be supported by the improved economic situation. Access to mortgage
financing is estimated to remain good and residential prices to increase

News conference for investors and media

YIT will arrange a news conference on July 28, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Finnish time
(EEST) at YIT's head office, Panuntie 11, 00620 Helsinki, Finland. The event is
in English and targeted for analysts, portfolio managers and the media. 


The news conference and presentation by the President and CEO of YIT
Corporation Kari Kauniskangas can also be followed through a live webcast at
www.yitgroup.com/webcast. The live webcast starts at 10:00 a.m. (EEST) and a
recording of the webcast will be available at approximately 12:00 noon (EEST)
at the same address. 

Conference call

The news conference can be participated also through a conference call.
Conference call participants arerequested to dial in at least five minutes
prior to the start of the conference, at 9:55 a.m. (EEST), to number +44 20 319
405 52. 

During the webcast and conference call, all questions should be presented in
English. At the end of the event, the media has the opportunity to ask
questions also in Finnish. 

Schedule in different time zones

            Interim Report published  The investor and analyst  Recorded webcast
                                        event, conference call         available
                                              and live webcast                  
EEST (Helsinki)                08:00                     10:00             12:00
CEST (Paris,                   07:00                     09:00             11:00
BST (London)                   06:00                     08:00             10:00
US EDT (New York)              01:00                     03:00             05:00

For additional information, please contact:

Timo Lehtinen, Chief Financial Officer, YIT Corporation, tel. +358 45 670 0626,
Sanna Kaje, Vice President, Investor Relations and M&A, YIT Corporation, tel.
+358 50 390 6750, sanna.kaje@yit.fi 


Kari Kauniskangas
President and CEO

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX, principal media, www.yitgroup.com

YIT is a construction industry leader. We create better living environments in
Finland, Russia, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Over
100 years of experience have secured us a strong market position: we are the
largest housing developer and one of the largest business premises and
infrastructure developers in Finland, and the most significant foreign housing
and area developer in Russia. Our vision is to stay one step ahead - while
taking care of our customers, partners and personnel. We have nearly 6,000
employees in seven countries. In 2014, our revenue amounted to around EUR 1.8
billion. Our share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.yitgroup.com