2013-05-31 15:26:59 CEST

2013-05-31 15:28:00 CEST


Vilniaus Degtine AB - Interim information

Interim result of activities of AB Vilniaus degtinė for 3 months of 2013

 Sales income of AB Vilniaus degtinė in January-March 2013, as compared to
respective period in 2012, increased by 21.9 percent. In January-March 2013 the
sales income totaled 13 957 thousand LTL (4 042 thousand EUR), in January-March
2012 - 11 454 thousand LTL (3 317 thousand EUR). 

In January-March 2013 the company increased its sales income on the Lithuanian
market by 15.4 percent, in the European Union and the third countries - by 38.9
percent as compared to respective period in 2012. 

In January-March 2013 profit before tax totaled 201 thousand LTL (58 thousand
EUR), whereas during the respective period in 2012 loss before tax totaled 374
thousand LTL (108 thousand EUR). 

In January-March 2013 EBITDA totaled 1238 thousand LTL (359 thousand EUR) and
increased 2.3 times, as compared to respective period in 2012. In January-March
2012 EBITDA totaled 545 thousand LTL (158 thousand EUR). 

Thanks to successful marketing solutions the company continued strengthening
its position on the home market. In the early 2013 “Bajorų Klasikinė” vodka was
awarded the title of "The Most Successful New Product of 2012" in the category
of strong alcoholic beverages. At Password 2013 conference the “Bajorų”
trademark revival campaign was acknowledged and rated the most efficient
trademark revival campaign. In March 2013 AB Vilniaus degtinė launched a new
promotional “Gedimino“ vodka introduction campaign. 

Juozas Daunys

General Manager

Phone: +370 5 233 0819