2007-07-02 13:00:50 CEST

2007-07-02 13:00:50 CEST


Amer Sports - Changes board/management/auditors

Amer Sports to reorganize executive level structure

Amer Sports Corporation is reorganizing its executive structure to
improve the efficiency of its operations. The purpose of this
reorganization is to ensure the efficient implementation of Group
development and change projects. The changes will be effective as of
September 1, 2007.


Winter & Outdoor
Salomon, Atomic, Mavic, Arc'teryx and Bonfire will form the new
Winter & Outdoor business unit. Kari Kauniskangas, currently Amer
Sports SVP of Sales and Distribution, will lead the new unit. The
presidents of Salomon and Atomic, Jean-Luc Diard and Michael
Schineis, will report to Kauniskangas.

The goal of the reorganization is to guarantee future development of
the Group's winter sports and apparel and footwear categories and to
ensure that synergies based on the Group's current plans and strategy
will be efficiently realized.

Suunto, Wilson and Precor will continue to operate as distinct units.


Sales and Channel Management
The Sales and Channel Management unit will include the Group's sales
and distribution functions. The unit will be lead by Thomas
Ehrnrooth, currently the Global Vice President of Sales and Marketing
for Salomon. The regional general managers Mike Dowse (Winter &
Outdoor Americas), Francois Fauroux (EMEA), Matt Gold (Asia Pacific),
David Deasley (Canada) and Juan Carlos Aziz (Latin America) will
report to Ehrnrooth. Emerging markets and retail concepts will also
be a part of this unit.

Supply Chain Management and Information Technology
The corporate supply chain management and IT functions will develop
the Group's supply chain, logistics processes and IT systems. The
leader of this function will be announced later. Thomas Henkel
(information systems), Michel Joulot (Asian sourcing organization)
and Eero Alperi (supply chain development) will report to the leader
of the new unit.

Finance, administration and communications
Other Amer Sports corporate functions include planning and control
(Kai Tihilä), treasury (Esko Heinälehto), communications and brand
management (Max Alfthan), legal services (Kristiina Huttunen),
investor relations and business intelligence (Tommy Ilmoni) and human
resources (Christel Berghäll). These functions will report to CFO
Pekka Paalanne. Paalanne will continue to act as Deputy to the
President and CEO.

Amer Sports Executive Board
Amer Sports Executive Board members are:
- Roger Talermo, President and CEO
- Pekka Paalanne, Senior Vice President and CFO, Deputy to the
President and CEO
- Max Alfthan, Senior Vice President, Communications
- Kari Kauniskangas, Winter & Outdoor
- Jean-Luc Diard, Salomon
- Chris Considine, Wilson
- Paul Byrne, Precor
- Michael Schineis, Atomic
- Juha Pinomaa, Suunto

Thomas Ehrnrooth (sales and channel management), and the future
leader of supply chain management will become members of the
Executive Board.

For further information, please contact:
Max Alfthan, Senior Vice President, Communications, Amer Sports,
tel. +358 400 461 640


Ms Maarit Mikkonen
Communications Manager
Tel. +358 9 7257 8306, e-mail: maarit.mikkonen@amersports.com

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world's leading sports
equipment company with internationally recognized brands including
Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic and Suunto. All Amer Sports companies
develop and manufacture technically advanced products that improve
the performance of active sports participants. The Group's business
is balanced by its broad portfolio of sports and presence in all
major markets.