2013-02-07 08:09:22 CET

2013-02-07 08:10:03 CET


Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj - Company Announcement

Talvivaara Share Subscription Schedule 2013 under Stock Options

Stock Exchange Release

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc

7 February 2013

        Share Subscription Schedule 2013 under Talvivaara Stock Options

The  shares subscribed for under Stock  Options 2007 during 2013 are expected to
be  registered in the  Trade Register and  listed on NASDAQ  OMX Helsinki on the
following target dates:

Share subscription Entry into the Trade New shares tradable

          deadline Register on or about         on or about
   8 February 2013     28 February 2013        1 March 2013

     31 March 2013        22 April 2013       23 April 2013

     18 April 2013          13 May 2013         14 May 2013

       3 June 2013         24 June 2013        25 June 2013

     9 August 2013       29 August 2013      30 August 2013

   1 November 2013     21 November 2013    22 November 2013

Shares will establish shareholders rights as of the date of share registration.

The  Stock  Options  2007 valid  in  2013 entitle  their  holders to subscribe a
maximum  of 4,666,200 new shares in the  Company. The share subscription periods
for the Stock Options 2007 are the following:

  * 2007B: 1 April 2011 - 31 March 2013
  * 2007C: 1 April 2012 - 31 March 2014

The  share subscription prices per share with the option rights 2007B and 2007C
currently amount to GBP 2.625 and GBP 2.75, respectively.

Subscriptions  will be  accepted at  Evli Bank  Plc. The  payments for the share
subscriptions  with Stock Options  2007 will be accepted  both in pound sterling
and in euro. The share subscription price in euro will be determined by the euro
reference  exchange rate  for the  pound sterling  computed and published by the
European Central Bank on the day preceding the date of share subscription.

A total of 48,763 Talvivaara Mining Company Plc's new shares were subscribed for
under the stock option rights 2007B and a total of 2,284,337 stock option rights
2007B remain  unexercised and  a total  of 2,333,100 stock  option rights 2007C
remain unexercised.

The terms and conditions of Talvivaara Stock Options 2007 with additional
information are available on





Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel: +358 20 7129 800

Pekka Erkinheimo, Chief Commercial Officer

Saila Miettinen-Lähde, Deputy-CEO and Chief Financial Officer

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc.

Talvivaara Mining Company is an internationally significant base metals producer
with  its  primary  focus  on  nickel  and  zinc  using  a  technology  known as
bioheapleaching  to extract metals out  of ore. Bioheapleaching makes extraction
of  metals  from  low  grade  ore  economically  viable. The Talvivaara deposits
comprise  one of the largest known sulphide  nickel resources in Europe. The ore
body  is  estimated  to  support  anticipated  production  for  several decades.
Talvivaara has secured a 10-year off-take agreement for 100 per cent of its main
output  of nickel and cobalt to Norilsk Nickel and entered into a long-term zinc
streaming  agreement with Nyrstar  NV. Talvivaara is  listed on the London Stock
Exchange  Main Market and NASDAQ OMX  Helsinki. Further information can be found
at www.talvivaara.com
