2007-10-15 12:55:23 CEST

2007-10-15 12:55:23 CEST


M-real - Company Announcement

Invitation to interim report January-September conference call and audiocast presentation on 25 October 2007

M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement 15.10.2007

We are pleased to invite you to join M-real's international
conference call on Thursday, 25 October 2007 at 3:00 pm EEST
(Helsinki),1:00 pm BST (London), 8:00 am US EDT (New York).

Conference call participants are requested to call in a few minutes
prior to the start of the teleconference on the following numbers:

UK and Continental Europe: +44 20 7162 0025
US: +1 334 323 6201

M-real's financial results for January-September 2007 will be
presented by Mikko Helander, CEO and Seppo Parvi, CFO.

The conference call and the audiocast can be followed live on
M-real's website. The presentation material will be available before
the start of the conference call at www.m-real.com/Investor
relations. The audiocast will also be archived on the website.

An instant replay facility is available until 1 November 2007:

UK and Continental Europe: +44 20 7031 4064
US: +1 954 334 0342
(Access code: 816803)

Preregistration to conference call

Please reply by Tuesday, 23 October 2007:

e-mail to communications@m-real.com or
fax +358 10 469 4553

I will take part in the conference call on 25 October at 3:00 pm EEST
(1:00 pm BST, 8:00 am US EDT).
