2015-11-05 12:00:00 CET

2015-11-05 12:00:22 CET


Nurminen Logistics Oyj - Quarterly report


Nurminen Logistics Plc                                                 Interim
report 5 November 2015 at 1:00 p.m.

Nurminen Logistics key figures 1 January - 30 September 2015

  · Net sales were EUR 34.2 million (2014: EUR 40.8 million).
  · Reported operating result was EUR -1.3 million (EUR -0.1 million).
  · Operating margin was -3.9% (-0.3%).
  · Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR -1.2 million (EUR 0.1
  · EBT was EUR -3.1 million (EUR -1.8 million).
  · Net result was EUR -3.2 million (EUR -2.0 million).
  · Earnings per share, undiluted: EUR -0.24 (EUR -0.18).
  · Earnings per share, diluted: EUR -0.24 (EUR -0.18).
  · The company's cash flow from operations was EUR 1,097 thousand (EUR -1,336

Third quarter 1 July - 30 September 2015

  · Net sales were EUR 11.1 million (2014: EUR 12.6 million).
  · Reported operating result was EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.2 million).
  · Operating margin was 0.0% (1.9%).
  · Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.2
  · EBT was EUR -0.9 million (EUR -0.4 million).
  · Net result was EUR -1.0 million (EUR -0.4 million).
  · Earnings per share, undiluted: EUR -0.07 (EUR -0.04).
  · Earnings per share, diluted: EUR -0.07 (EUR -0.04).
  · The company's cash flow from operations was EUR 61 thousand (EUR 842

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 11 September 2015 that the company has
concluded an agreement for selling Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy's shares to
Transport Company Ville Silvasti Oy. Share transaction has been validated on 30
September 2015 and the responsibility of Nurminen Logistics Heavy's operations
will be transferred to Transport Company Ville Silvasti as of 1 October 2015.
The transaction has no significant impact on Nurminen Logistics' result in 2015
or on Group's consolidated balance sheet. The operations of Nurminen Logistics
Heavy Oy have been taken into account in full in the interim report for the
third quarter.


“The development of the company's operating result and net sales in the third
quarter varied greatly between business units.

The demand for forwarding services remained at a good level in Finland during
the review period, and the service area's net sales and result remained good.
Favourable trends in the flow of goods, particularly through the Vuosaari
harbour, along with new clients and previously implemented efficiency
improvement measures give reason for confidence regarding the continued positive
development of Forwarding and Value Added Services business unit's Finnish
operations. The operating result of the unit's Baltic companies, however,
declined substantially compared to both the previous quarters and the previous
year. Business environment of the Baltic companies is expected to remain
challenging during the rest of the year.

The demand for the Railway Logistics business unit's services was weak in
Finland during the review period. The poor demand for the Finnish forestry and
mechanical engineering industries in Russia had a negative impact on the unit's
net sales and result. The development of railway transport within Russia was
more stable during the review period, but the significantly depreciated rouble
had a negative impact on the reported net sales. Fluctuations in the value of
the rouble have a significant effect on the Railway Logistics business unit's
net sales and result, and the future development of the rouble exchange rate is
difficult to predict.

The Special Transports and Projects business unit's special transport business
was in line with targets during the review period, while the postponement of
project start-ups weighed down the result of the project business. Nurminen
Logistics Heavy Oy, the Group's subsidiary operating in the special transport
and project business, was sold in a share transaction finalised on 1 October
2015. The project business remains under Nurminen Logistics' ownership, although
its net sales were low during the review period. The order backlog of previously
agreed projects has not yet been realised as the projects are on hold until the
general investment climate improves, particularly in the CIS countries.

The company continues rationalizing its cost structure and profitability of all
offices and services are monitored thoroughly. The company's financial position
remained moderate in spite of the challenging business environment. Previously
concluded new property agreements and efficiency improvement measures have
strengthened the company's cash flow,” says Marko Tuunainen, President and CEO.


The third quarter of 2015 was weaker than the previous two quarters with respect
to market conditions. The economic situation in Russia and the global demand for
capital goods, in China, for example, was weaker than in the first half of the
year. This was reflected as a decline in Finnish exports, even compared to the
low levels recorded last year. However, exports of pulp and cardboard, in
particular, remained at a good level and the company has a strong position and
good clients in this segment.


The net sales for the review period amounted to EUR 34.2 million (2014: EUR 40.8
million), which represents a decrease of 16% compared to 2014. The reported
operating result was EUR -1,328 (-115) thousand. The operating result includes
non-recurring items of EUR -127 (-174) thousand. The comparative operating
result was therefore EUR -1,201 (59) thousand. The non-recurring items in the
review period were related to reductions in personnel.

The depreciation of the Russian rouble during the review period increased the
company's financial items by EUR 58 thousand. This exchange rate loss had no
cash flow impact.

Railway Logistics

The Railway Logistics business unit's net sales for the review period amounted
to EUR 9,664 (2014: 14,124) thousand and the operating result was EUR 58 (972)
thousand. The operating result includes non-recurring items of EUR -60 (-85)
thousand. The comparative operating result was therefore EUR 118 (1,057)
thousand. The operating result includes exchange rate gains on internal purchase
invoices at the amount of EUR 0.2 million. The net sales and operating result of
the Railway Logistics business unit showed a significant year-on-year decline in
the review period, particularly due to lower transport volumes in traffic
between Finland and Russia, as well as the weak rouble. The depreciation of the
rouble had a negative impact of EUR 2.7 million on net sales and a negative
impact of EUR 0.6 million on the operating result compared to the corresponding
period last year.

Special Transports and Projects

The Special Transports and Projects business unit's net sales for the review
period amounted to EUR 5,131 (2014: 6,234) thousand and the operating result was
EUR 76 (143) thousand. The operating result includes non-recurring items of EUR
0 (0) thousand. The comparative operating result was therefore EUR 76 (143)
thousand. The business unit's net sales declined significantly due to a decrease
in volumes in project transport. Substantial fluctuations in volumes are typical
of the project business. The decline in volumes had an impact on the operating
result, which nevertheless showed a clear profit due to efficiency improvement
measures in production operations.

Forwarding and Value Added Services

The net sales of the Forwarding and Value Added Services business unit for the
review period amounted to EUR 19,791 (2014: 20,918) thousand and the operating
result was EUR -1,462 (-1,230) thousand. The operating result includes non
-recurring items of EUR -67 (-89) thousand. The comparative operating result was
therefore EUR -1,395 (-1,141) thousand. The business unit's net sales and
operating result declined year-on-year, primarily due to weaker demand among the
Group's subsidiaries in the Baltic countries. The development of the net sales
and result of the Baltic companies has been substantially lower than in the
previous year due to the difficult market situation and the uncertainty caused
by Russia. The net sales of the Baltic companies decreased by EUR 0.7 million,
while their operating result declined by EUR 0.5 million year-on-year. The break
-bulk cargo business at the Vuosaari terminal was at a higher level than in the
comparison period, and pulp, paper and forest industry volumes at the Vuosaari
terminal grew compared to both the previous quarter and the comparison period.
Demand for services at the Kotka, Hamina and Luumäki terminals was weaker than
in the comparison period. Demand for forwarding services remained stable.

|NET SALES BY UNIT                  |1-9/2015|1-9/2014|1-12/2014|
|EUR 1,000                          |        |        |         |
|Railway Logistics                  |9,664   |14,124  |17,935   |
|Special Transports and Projects    |5,131   |6,234   |7,794    |
|Forwarding and Value Added Services|19,791  |20,918  |27,778   |
|Eliminations                       |-354    |-453    |-734     |
|Total                              |34,232  |40,823  |52,774   |

|OPERATING RESULT BY UNIT           |1-9/2015|1-9/2014|1-12/2014|
|EUR 1,000                          |        |        |         |
|Railway Logistics                  |58      |972     |2,686    |
|Special Transports and Projects    |76      |143     |163      |
|Forwarding and Value Added Services|-1,462  |-1,230  |-1,521   |
|Total                              |-1,328  |-115    |1,328    |


The net sales for the third quarter amounted to EUR 11.1 million (2014: EUR 12.6
million), which represents a decrease of 11% compared to 2014. The reported
operating result was EUR 1 (234) thousand. The operating result includes non
-recurring items of EUR 0 (0) thousand. The operating result for the third
quarter was improved by unrealised exchange rate gains resulting from the
depreciation of the Russian rouble by EUR 0.9 million.

The net sales of Railway Logistics declined year-on-year, primarily due to the
depreciation of the rouble. The decline in net sales was also attributable to
lower volumes between Finland and Russia. Compared to the corresponding period
last year, the value of the rouble had a negative impact of EUR 0.9 million on
net sales and a positive impact of EUR 0.3 million on the operating result.

The net sales of the Special Transports and Projects increased compared to the
corresponding period in 2014. The business unit's operating result also improved
due to growth in special transport services and the lower proportion of the
project business.

In Forwarding and Value Added Services, net sales and the operating result
declined in the third quarter year-on-year. The unfavourable development of the
result was primarily attributable to the weak demand of the Baltic companies,
which was due to the difficult market situation and the uncertainty caused by
Russia. The net sales of the Baltic companies decreased by EUR 0.3 million,
while their operating result declined by EUR 0.2 million year-on-year. The
profit development of the business unit's Finnish operations was good during the
review period, particularly due to the improved profitability of the Vuosaari

|NET SALES BY UNIT                  |7-9/2015|7-9/2014|Change|
|EUR 1,000                          |        |        |      |
|Railway Logistics                  |3,007   |4,005   |-998  |
|Special Transports and Projects    |1,882   |1,673   |209   |
|Forwarding and Value Added Services|6,360   |6,960   |-600  |
|Eliminations                       |-114    |-71     |-43   |
|Total                              |11,135  |12,567  |-1,432|

|OPERATING RESULT BY UNIT           |7-9/2015|7-9/2014|Change|
|EUR 1,000                          |        |        |      |
|Railway Logistics                  |898     |468     |430   |
|Special Transports and Projects    |-26     |-58     |33    |
|Forwarding and Value Added Services|-871    |-175    |-696  |
|Total                              |1       |234     |-233  |


Nurminen Logistics expects its market conditions during the end of the year to
be similar to the third quarter.

Nurminen Logistics expects its net sales, operating result without exchange rate
changes and earnings per share to decline significantly from the 2014 levels.
The main reasons for decline in net sales are sale of Nurminen Logistics Heavy
Oy's shares and the depreciation of the rouble. If realised, the planned fleet
sales will have a positive impact on cash flow and financial position. The
effect of fleet sales on the result depends on the rouble exchange rate at the
time of the transaction. The predictability of the operating result involves
significant uncertainty due to the development of the rouble exchange rate in
the end of the year. Exchange rate fluctuations have a significant impact on the
reported net sales and operating result.

The company's long-term goal is to grow at a faster rate than the market, on
average by over 15% per year. Going forward, over 50% of net sales will come
from the growth markets of Russia and its neighbouring countries. The company's
further long-term goals are to improve profitability, achieve an operating
profit level of 10 per cent and return on equity of 20 per cent.


A significant decline of the Finnish economy and the Russian economy compared to
the current situation would have a negative impact on the company's operations
and result. The company has already taken steps to react to the Ukrainian
crisis, which means that the further escalation of the crisis would only impact
the company through the weakening of the Finnish economy and the Russian
economy. Significant fluctuations in the rouble exchange rate have an impact on
the Group's reported result and financial position.

More detailed information about risk management can be found on Investors page
on Nurminen Logistics' website www.nurminenlogistics.com.

The company has received a total of 32 subsequent levy decisions from the
National Board of Customs' Eastern District Office in Lappeenranta, which state
that the company and VG Cargo Plc, which has filed for bankruptcy, are liable to
pay import taxes from the year 2009. The company's liability for the import
taxes is, at a maximum, EUR 0.5 million. The company does not consider itself
liable for the aforementioned import taxes and has not recorded provisions for
the associated costs. If there is a case for subsequent levy, the company's view
is that the levy should primarily be directed at the bankruptcy estate of VG
Cargo Plc and be paid from its valid customs guarantee. The company has filed an
appeal with the Helsinki District Court against the subsequent levy decisions
made by the National Board of Customs.


The company's cash flow from operations was EUR 1,097 thousand. Cash flow from
investments was EUR 267 thousand. Cash flow from financing activities amounted
to EUR 1,891 thousand.

At the end of the review period, cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 4,790
thousand. The company's financial position is moderate. The company's financial
position has improved as a result of the sale of Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy and
the property arrangement and share issue announced on 4 June 2015. If realised,
the planned wagon fleet sales will stabilize company's financial position.
Liquidity remained satisfactory in the review period.

On 27 February 2015, Nurminen Logistics signed a 12-month financing agreement
relating to its continuing business operations with its financing banks. The
financing agreement includes covenants that are assessed on a quarterly basis.

The covenants of the Group's loans from financial institutions, namely the ratio
of net debt to operating margin and the equity ratio, were breached as of the
interim report date of 30 September 2015. The Group has received a commitment
from its creditors confirming that the breach of the covenants in the third
quarter will not have any consequences on the Group. The company is negotiating
long-term financing method which will enable the development of operations.

Nurminen Logistics Plc has agreed with Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance
Company on an arrangement concerning the lease payment schedule of terminals
located at the Vuosaari harbor as well as in Luumäki, Niirala and Vainikkala. A
proportion of leases allocated for years 2015-2021 will, as an advanced payment,
be paid to Ilmarinen by means of 13.5 million euro loans granted by Ilmarinen to
the company. The rest of the originally agreed lease will yet be paid during the
lease period. As part of the agreement related to the lease payments, Nurminen
Logistics Plc arranged a 1.7 million euro share issue. The Board of Directors of
Nurminen Logistics Plc decided on a directed share issue in order to allow the
immediate implementation of the agreement and to minimize the arrangement costs.
The decision on the share issue is based on the authorization granted by the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 April 2015.

In the share issue, a maximum total of 1,416,668 new shares in the company were
offered, in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive right, for subscription
to certain members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO of the
company and/or the companies, in which they exercise control. The shares were
subscribed as follows: Juha Nurminen and JN Uljas Oy, in which he exercises
control, 1,291,667 shares in total, and Jukka Nurminen, Tero Kivisaari and
Russian Capital Management Oy, in which Olli Pohjanvirta exercises control, each

The Group's interest-bearing debt totalled EUR 33.0 million, while net interest
-bearing debt amounted to EUR 28.2 million. The agreement with Ilmarinen Mutual
Pension Insurance Company signed in June concerning the lease payment schedule
of terminals located at the Vuosaari harbor as well as in Luumäki, Niirala and
Vainikkala increased company's long-term net interest-bearing debt by EUR 13.5

The balance sheet total was EUR 56.0 million and the equity ratio was 15.3%.


The Board of Directors of Nurminen Logistics Plc has elected Mr. Marko Tuunainen
(M. Sc. Econ.) as President and CEO of the Company. Mr. Tuunainen started in his
new position on 1 August 2015. This information was published in a stock
exchange release on 23 June 2015.

Markku Puolanne, Michael Karjagin and Risto Holopainen have been appointed the
new members of the Management Team of Nurminen Logistics Plc.

Markku Puolanne, aged 42, has been appointed the new Chief Financial Officer
(CFO) and member of the Management Team of Nurminen Logistics. Puolanne has been
working as a Group Financial Controller of the company. Before joining Nurminen
Logistics, Markku Puolanne has acted among others as CFO and Group Financial
Controller of subsidiary of the SRV Yhtiöt Plc in St. Petersburg (area of
responsibility: Russia and Baltics) and as a Business Controller in Mesvac.

Michael Karjagin, aged 47, has been appointed the Vice President of Nurminen
Logistics's Forwarding business line and member of the Management Team of
Nurminen Logistics. Karjagin has been working in the company as a Director of
Forwarding business line and as a Sales Director last three years.

Risto Holopainen, aged 51, has been appointed the Vice President of Nurminen
Logistics's Terminal and Value Added Services business line and member of the
Management Team of Nurminen Logistics. Holopainen has worked with Nurminen
Logistics in different roles since 2002. As Director of Terminal and Value Added
Services business line Holopainen has been working from 2013.

Maija Dietrich, aged 37, has been appointed the Vice President of Nurminen
Logistics' Railway Logistics business unit. Previously Dietrich was acting as HR
and Development Director of Nurminen Logistics. Dietrich will continue in the
Management Team.

This information was published in a stock exchange release on 7 September 2015.

Vice President of Nurminen Logistics responsible for Special Transports and
Projects, Hannu Vuorinen, transferred to Transport Company Ville Silvasti Oy as
of 1 October 2015 in the connection of sale of Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy. This
information was published in a stock exchange release on 11 September 2015.


The Group's gross capital expenditure during the review period amounted to EUR
360 (459) thousand, accounting for 1.1% of net sales. Depreciation totalled EUR
1.6 (1.9) million, or 4.7% of net sales.


During the review period Nurminen Logistics Plc sold its associated company Team
Lines Estonia Oü (20.3%). The Group comprises the parent company, Nurminen
Logistics Plc, as well as the following subsidiaries and associated companies,
owned directly or indirectly by the parent (ownership, %): RW Logistics Oy
(100%), Nurminen Logistics Services Oy (100%), Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy
(100%), Nurminen Logistics Finland Oy (100%), Nurminen Maritime Latvia SIA
(51%), Pelkolan Terminaali Oy (20%), OOO Nurminen Logistics (100%), ZAO Terminal
Rubesh (100%), Nurminen Logistics LLC (100%), UAB Nurminen Maritime (51%),
Nurminen Maritime Eesti AS (51%) and Team Lines Latvia SIA (23%).


At the end of the review period the Group's number of personnel stood at 211,
compared to 233 on 31 December 2014. The number of employees working abroad was

The Railway Logistics unit had 26 employees, the Special Transports and Projects
unit had 19 employees and the Forwarding and Value Added Services unit had 153
employees. Management and administrative personnel comprised 13 employees.


The trading volume of Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares was 293,904 during the
period from 1 January to 30 September 2015. This represented 2.0% of the total
number of shares. The value of the turnover was EUR 368,358. The lowest price
during the review period was EUR 0.98 per share and the highest EUR 1.66 per
share. The closing price for the period was EUR 1.13 per share and the market
value of the entire share capital was EUR 16,356,083 at the end of the period.

At the end of the review period the company had 622 shareholders.

In 30 September 2015 the company held 20,275 of its own shares, corresponding to
0.2% of votes.


Nurminen Logistics Plc's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on
24 August 2015 made the following decisions:

The remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that the remuneration
of the Chairman of the Board will be EUR 10,000 per month plus car benefit with
the maximum value of EUR 1,600 per month and telephone benefit in addition to
the remuneration agreed upon in the Annual General Meeting on 7 April 2015.

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 April 2015 resolved that for the
Chairman of the Board remuneration level will be as follows: annual remuneration
of EUR 40,000 and a meeting fee of EUR 1,000 per meeting for the Board and Board
Committee meetings.

Composition and the number of members of the Board of Directors

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that the number of
members of the Board of Directors will be five until the end of the next Annual
General Meeting and thus complementing the Board of Directors with one member.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders elected Olli Pohjanvirta as a
Board Member and to be chosen as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The
current Chairman of the Board of Directors Tero Kivisaari would continue as a
Member of the Board of Directors. The Chairman's duties include, in addition to
managing the Board of Directors, promoting projects in line with the company's
strategy, especially in the rail transport market as well as taking care of
financing and investor relations.


Nurminen Logistics Plc's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 7 April
2015 made the following decisions:

Adoption of the financial statements and resolution on the discharge from

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders confirmed the company's financial
statements and the Group's financial statements for the financial period 1
January 2014 - 31 December 2014 and released the Board of Directors and the
President and CEO from liability.

Payment of dividend

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Board's proposal that no
dividend shall be paid for the financial year 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2014.

Composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that the Board of Directors
shall consist of four (4) ordinary members. The Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders re-elected the following ordinary members to the Board of
Directors: Tero Kivisaari, Juha Nurminen, Jukka Nurminen and Alexey Grom. In its
organising meeting immediately following the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders, the Board of Directors elected Tero Kivisaari as the Chairman of
the Board. The Board of Directors also appointed an Audit Committee. The members
of the Audit Committee are Jukka Nurminen and Alexey Grom.

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved that for the members of the
Board elected at the Annual General Meeting for the term ending at the close of
the Annual General Meeting in 2016 remuneration level will be as follows: annual
remuneration of EUR 40,000 for the Chairman and EUR 20,000 for the other
members. In addition, a meeting fee of EUR 1,000 per meeting for the Board and
Board Committee meetings shall be paid for each member of the Board living in
Finland and EUR 1,500 per meeting for a member of the Board living outside
Finland. 50 per cent of the annual remuneration will be paid in the form of
Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares and the remainder in money. A member of the
Board of Directors may not transfer shares received as annual remuneration
before a period of three years has elapsed from receiving shares.

Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares as well
as the issuance of options and other special rights entitling to shares

Annual General Meeting authorised the Board to decide on issuance of shares
and/or special rights entitling to shares pursuant to chapter 10 section 1 of
the Finnish Companies Act.

Based on the aforesaid authorisation the Board of Directors is entitled to
release or assign, either by one or several resolutions, shares and/or special
rights up to a maximum equivalent of 20,000,000 new shares so that aforesaid
shares and/or special rights can be used, e.g., for the financing of company and
business acquisitions corporate and business trading or for other business
arrangements and investments, for the expansion of owner structure, paying of
remuneration of the Board members and/or for the creating incentives for, or
encouraging commitment in, personnel.

The authorisation gives the Board the right to decide on share issue with or
without payment. The authorisation for deciding on a share issue without payment
also includes the right to decide on the issue for the company itself, so that
the authorisation may be used in such a way that in total no more than one tenth
(1/10) of all shares in the company may from time to time be in the possession
of the company and its subsidiaries.

The authorisation includes the right whereby the Board of Directors is entitled
to decide of all other issues of shares and special rights. Furthermore, the
Board of Directors is entitled to decide on share issues, option rights and
other special rights, in every way, as the same as General Meeting could decide.
The authorisation also includes right to decide on directed issues of shares
and/or special rights.

The authorisation shall remain in force until 30 April 2016.


KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountant audit-firm, was re-elected as Nurminen
Logistics Plc's auditor. Mr. Ari Eskelinen, APA, acts as the responsible
auditor. The auditor's term ends at the end of the first Annual General Meeting
following the election. Auditor's fee will be paid in accordance with the
auditor´s invoice accepted by the company.


The company's Board of Directors has on 14 May 2008 determined the company's
dividend policy, according to which Nurminen Logistics Plc aims to annually
distribute as dividends approximately one third of its net profit, provided that
the company's financial position allows this.


Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares as well
as the issuance of options and other special rights entitling to shares

Annual General Meeting authorised the Board to decide on issuance of shares
and/or special rights entitling to shares pursuant to chapter 10 section 1 of
the Finnish Companies Act.

Based on the aforesaid authorisation the Board of Directors is entitled to
release or assign, either by one or several resolutions, shares and/or special
rights up to a maximum equivalent of 20,000,000 new shares so that aforesaid
shares and/or special rights can be used, e.g., for the financing of company and
business acquisitions corporate and business trading or for other business
arrangements and investments, for the expansion of owner structure, paying of
remuneration of the Board members and/or for the creating incentives for, or
encouraging commitment in, personnel.

The authorisation gives the Board the right to decide on share issue with or
without payment. The authorisation for deciding on a share issue without payment
also includes the right to decide on the issue for the company itself, so that
the authorisation may be used in such a way that in total no more than one tenth
(1/10) of all shares in the company may from time to time be in the possession
of the company and its subsidiaries.

The authorisation includes the right whereby the Board of Directors is entitled
to decide of all other issues of shares and special rights. Furthermore, the
Board of Directors is entitled to decide on share issues, option rights and
other special rights, in every way, as the same as General Meeting could decide.
The authorisation also includes right to decide on directed issues of shares
and/or special rights.

The authorisation shall remain in force until 30 April 2016.


Closing of the sale of Nurminen Logistics Heavy's shares

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 30 September 2015 that share transaction
that was announced on 11 September 2015 has been validated on 30 September 2015
and the responsibility of Nurminen Logistics Heavy's operations will be
transferred to Transport Company Ville Silvasti as of 1 October 2015. This
arrangement will strengthen Nurminen Logistics' financial structure, clarify
company's service offering and provide even better opportunities for developing
core business operations. The transaction has no significant impact on Nurminen
Logistics' result in 2015 or on Group's consolidated balance sheet.

Nurminen Logistics Plc to sell its subsidiary Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 11 September 2015 that Nurminen Logistics
Plc has concluded an agreement for selling Nurminen Logistics Heavy Oy's shares
to Transport Company Ville Silvasti Oy. Senior Vice President of Nurminen
Logistics responsible for Special Transports and Projects and a member of
Management Team, Hannu Vuorinen will stay in Nurminen Logistics Heavy in the
transaction. The project business that earlier belonged to Nurminen Logistics
Heavy will remain with Nurminen Logistics. No changes will be made to the
ownership of the handling hall for heavy goods at Vuosaari terminal either, but
the hall will remain in the ownership of Nurminen Logistics.

This arrangement will strengthen Nurminen Logistics' financial structure,
clarify company's service offering and provide even better opportunities for
developing core business operations. In future, we will focus on providing
forwarding, terminal and value added services in Finland's most important import
and export ports and border-crossing points, on railway logistics in Finland,
Russia and CIS area and on project transport business.

Nurminen Logistics Heavy will move into the possession of Transport Company
Ville Silvasti on 1 October 2015. With the transaction, Ville Silvasti will
become the largest company in Finland to offer special transport services. The
transaction has no significant impact on Nurminen Logistics' result in 2015.

Changes in Nurminen Logistics' Board of Directors

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 7 September 2015 that Olli Pohjanvirta has
been elected as a chairman of the Board of Directors. Previously Pohjanvirta has
acted as a President and CEO and as a chairman of the Board of the company.
Former chairman of the Board Tero Kivisaari will continue as a member of the

Change in Nurminen Logistics Plc's number of shares

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 31 July 2015 that the Board of Directors has
on 8 July 2015 resolved to issue 100,000 new shares in the company to the
company without consideration. The shares to be issued shall be used for the
payment of the remuneration of the Board members and/or for the creation of
incentives for, or encouraging commitment in, personnel and therefore there is
especially weighty financial reason for the afore-mentioned share issue.

After shares have been registered in the Trade Register, the total number of
shares in Nurminen Logistics Plc increased to 14,574,410 and the total number of
votes remained unchanged and is 14,474,410.

Notice for Nurminen Logistics Plc's Extraordinary General Meeting

On 31 July 2015, the company announced that notice is given to the shareholders
of Nurminen Logistics Plc to the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on
Monday, 24 august 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at the address Satamakaari 24, 00980
Helsinki, Finland.

Nurminen Logistics has sold 70 covered wagons

On 2 April 2015, the company announced plans to enhance the efficiency of its
wagon fleet in Russia by selling part of the fleet. In line with this plan, in
July the company sold 70 of its oldest covered wagons, which were manufactured
in 2005-2006.

Nurminen Logistics to issue new shares in the company to the company without

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 8 July 2015 that the shareholders of the
Company have on 7 April 2015 authorised the Board of Directors to decide on
issuance of shares and/or special rights entitling to shares pursuant to chapter
10 section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act. Based on the aforesaid authorisation
the Board of Directors is entitled to release or assign, either by one or
several resolutions, shares and/or special rights up to a maximum equivalent of
20,000,000 new shares so that aforesaid shares and/or special rights can be
used, e.g., for the financing of company and business acquisitions corporate and
business trading or for other business arrangements and investments, for the
expansion of owner structure, paying of remuneration of the Board members and/or
for the creating incentives for, or encouraging commitment in, personnel.

Pursuant to the aforementioned authorization, the Board of Directors has on 8
July 2015 resolved to issue 100,000 new shares in the company to the company
without consideration. The shares to be issued shall be used for the payment of
the remuneration of the Board members and/or for the creation of incentives for,
or encouraging commitment in, personnel and therefore there is especially
weighty financial reason for the afore-mentioned share issue.

Disclosure notification under chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 1 July 2015 that it has received the
following disclosure notifications of changes in portions of holdings, pursuant
to the Securities Markets Act.

JN Uljas Oy has announced to Nurminen Logistics Plc that as a part of the 4th
June 2015 announced directed share issue, JN Uljas Oy subscribed 1,250,000 new
shares which are now registered in the Trade Register. Due to the above
mentioned transaction JN Uljas Oy's portion of Nurminen Logistics Plc's total
number of shares and voting rights has increased over 20 per cent (1/5). JN
Uljas Oy's share capital now comprises 3,099,388 Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares
which are equivalent to 21.4% of Nurminen Logistics Plc's share capital and
voting rights. Before the transaction JN Uljas Oy's share capital comprised
1,849,388 shares (14.2% shares and votes).

JN Uljas Oy (business ID 0717307-8) is a company controlled by member of
Nurminen Logistics Plc's Board of Directors Juha Nurminen. In addition Juha
Nurminen controls directly or indirectly Nurminen Logistics Plc's shares and
votes as follows: Juha Nurminen owns directly 5,575,546 shares (38.5% of the
share capital and votes).

Nurminen Logistics Plc nominates new President and CEO

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 23 June 2015 that the Board of Directors of
Nurminen Logistics Plc has elected Mr. Marko Tuunainen (M. Sc. Econ.) as
President and CEO of the Company. Mr. Tuunainen has previously acted in the
Company as SVP, Forwarding and Value added services business line. Mr. Tuunainen
will start in the position of the President and CEO 1 August 2015 and will
continue in his previous role in addition to other duties. The current Nurminen
Logistics Plc's President and CEO Olli Pohjanvirta will act in his current
position until 31 July 2015. After this Mr. Pohjanvirta will continue in the
Company as a support for the new CEO until further notice. The Board of
Directors is proposing to nominate Mr. Pohjanvirta as a new member of the Board.

Payment Arrangement for Terminal Leases and Directed Share Issue in Nurminen
Logistics Plc

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 4 June 2015 that the company has agreed with
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company on an arrangement concerning the
lease payment schedule of terminals located at the Vuosaari harbor as well as in
Luumäki, Niirala and Vainikkala. A proportion of leases allocated for years
2015-2021 will, as an advanced payment, be paid to Ilmarinen by means of 13.5
million euro loans granted by Ilmarinen to the company. The rest of the
originally agreed lease will yet be paid during the lease period. As part of the
agreement related to the lease payments, Nurminen Logistics Plc will arrange a
1.7 million euro share issue. The Board of Directors of Nurminen Logistics Plc
has decided on a directed share issue in order to allow the immediate
implementation of the agreement and to minimize the arrangement costs. The
decision on the share issue is based on the authorization granted by the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 April 2015.

In the share issue, a maximum total of 1,416,668 new shares in the company were
offered, in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive right, for subscription
to certain members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO of the
company and/or the companies, in which they exercise control. The shares were
subscribed as follows: Juha Nurminen and JN Uljas Oy, in which he exercises
control, 1,291,667 shares in total, and Jukka Nurminen, Tero Kivisaari and
Russian Capital Management Oy, in which Olli Pohjanvirta exercises control, each

The share subscription price is EUR 1.20 per share. The share subscription price
is based on the share price level of the company's share, rounded up to the
nearest full ten cents. The trade volume weighted average quotation of the
company's share in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd during 27 April-26 May 2015 is EUR
1.18 per share. The share subscription price will be credited to the reserve of
the company's invested unrestricted equity.

Nurminen Logistics Plc's co-determination negotiations concluded

Nurminen Logistics Plc announced on 31 March 2015 its plans to adapt its
operations in Finland regarding rail terminal services and forwarding services
and in Russia regarding rail transport services. The co-determination
negotiations in its subsidiary Nurminen Logistics Services Oy have been
concluded. The personnel reductions in Finland are 6 lay-offs and 3 shifts to
part-time employment. In Russia the personnel reductions are 4 lay-offs. By
these measures Nurminen Logistics is preparing for decreased paper export
volumes by rail to Russia. There is no increase in export volumes to Russia to
be seen in 2015. This information was published in a stock exchange release on
28 April 2015.

CFO Ari Viinikkala has resigned from Nurminen Logistics Plc

Nurminen Logistics announced on 13 April 2015 that Mr. Ari Viinikkala has
resigned from his position as Nurminen Logistics Plc's Chief Financial Officer
and member of the Executive Board. He will leave his position in August 2015.

Nurminen Logistics plans to sell its railway wagons in Russia

Nurminen Logistics announced on 2 April 2015 its plans to enhance operation of
the wagon fleet in Russia by selling a part of its wagons. Wagons for sale are
not operating under fixed customer contracts, but they are operating in the spot
market. Released financial funds will improve company's tightened financial
position and the company will be able to efficiently develop its operation of
leased wagon fleet in the growing segment of tank wagons. The company's goal is
to finalize this transaction during the second quarter of 2015.

Nurminen Logistics adjusts its operations in Finland and Russia

Nurminen Logistics announced on 31 March 2015 that it starts co-determination
negotiations in its subsidiary Nurminen Logistics Services Oy. The company is
planning to adapt its operations in Finland regarding rail terminal services and
forwarding services and in Russia regarding rail transport services. According
to preliminary estimates, the need for personnel reduction is estimated to be 9
man-years in Luumäki, Vartius, Imatra and Niirala. In Russia the adjustment
requirement is estimated to be 4 man-years. By these measures Nurminen Logistics
is preparing for decreased paper export volumes by rail to Russia. There is no
increase in export volumes to Russia to be seen in 2015.

Nurminen Logistics starts co-determination negotiations on the restructuring of
the Group Communication function

Nurminen Logistics announced on 23 February 2015 that Nurminen Logistics is
planning to implement cost savings by restructuring the Group Communication
function. The planned cost savings aim to improve the cost structure of the
Group Administration.

On 18 March 2015, the company announced that the negotiations have been
concluded, and as an outcome of this, the Group Communication function's work is
reduced by 1.5 FTE.


The company had no significant events after the review period.


Certain statements in this bulletin are forward-looking and are based on the
management's current views. Due to their nature, they involve risks and
uncertainties and are susceptible to changes in the general economic or industry

Nurminen Logistics Plc

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact: Marko Tuunainen, President and CEO, tel.
+358 10 545 7011

Major media

Nurminen Logistics is a listed company established in 1886 that offers logistics
services. The company provides high-quality forwarding, cargo handling and value
added services as well as railway transports and related to it project transport
services to its customers. The main market areas of Nurminen Logistics are
Finland, Russia and its neighbouring countries.


Tables concerning business units are presented in the verbal part of the interim

|CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE   |1-9/2015|1-9/2014|1-12/2014|
|INCOME                                    |        |        |         |
|EUR 1,000                                 |        |        |         |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|NET SALES                                 |34 232  |40 823  |52 774   |
|Other operating income                    |139     |401     |465      |
|Materials and services                    |-15 727 |-19 393 |-24 600  |
|Employee benefit expenses                 |-7 901  |-8 413  |-11 146  |
|Depreciation, amortisation and impairment |-1 606  |-1 903  |-2 351   |
|losses                                    |        |        |         |
|Other operating expenses                  |-10 466 |-11 629 |-13 813  |
|OPERATING RESULT                          |-1 328  |-115    |1 328    |
|Financial income                          |108     |77      |82       |
|Financial expenses                        |-1 842  |-1 657  |-3 298   |
|Share of profit in equity-accounted       |-24     |-65     |-57      |
|investees                                 |        |        |         |
|RESULT BEFORE TAX                         |-3 085  |-1 760  |-1 945   |
|Income taxes                              |-88     |-255    |-396     |
|PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD              |-3 173  |-2 015  |-2 341   |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|Other comprehensive income                |        |        |         |
|Other comprehensive income to be          |        |        |         |
|reclassified to profit or loss in         |        |        |         |
|subsequent periods:                       |        |        |         |
|Translation differences                   |-155    |-2 041  |-7 842   |
|Other comprehensive income for the period |-155    |-2 041  |-7 842   |
|after tax                                 |        |        |         |
|TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD |-3 329  |-4 056  |-10 183  |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|Result attributable to                    |        |        |         |
|Equity holders of the parent company      |-3 252  |-2 326  |-2 793   |
|Non-controlling interest                  |69      |311     |453      |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|Total comprehensive income attributable to|        |        |         |
|Equity holders of the parent company      |-3 397  |-3 799  |-10 636  |
|Non-controlling interest                  |69      |307     |453      |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|EPS undiluted                             |-0,24   |-0,18   |-0,21    |
|                                          |        |        |         |
|EPS diluted                               |-0,24   |-0,18   |-0,21    |

|INCOME                                    |        |        |      |
|EUR 1,000                                 |        |        |      |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|NET SALES                                 |11 135  |12 567  |-1 432|
|Other operating income                    |51      |153     |-102  |
|Materials and services                    |-5 197  |-5 822  |625   |
|Employee benefit expenses                 |-2 870  |-2 691  |-179  |
|Depreciation, amortisation and impairment |-582    |-618    |36    |
|losses                                    |        |        |      |
|Other operating expenses                  |-2 536  |-3 356  |820   |
|OPERATING RESULT                          |1       |234     |-233  |
|Financial income                          |32      |70      |-38   |
|Financial expenses                        |-960    |-656    |-304  |
|Share of profit in equity-accounted       |0       |-18     |18    |
|investees                                 |        |        |      |
|RESULT BEFORE TAX                         |-927    |-370    |-557  |
|Income taxes                              |-32     |-33     |0     |
|PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD              |-959    |-403    |-557  |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|Other comprehensive income:               |        |        |      |
|Other comprehensive income to be          |        |        |      |
|reclassified to profit or loss in         |        |        |      |
|subsequent periods:                       |        |        |      |
|Translation differences                   |-2 126  |-1 563  |-563  |
|Other comprehensive income for the period |-2 126  |-1 563  |-563  |
|after tax                                 |        |        |      |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|Result attributable to                    |        |        |      |
|Equity holders of the parent company      |-962    |-495    |-466  |
|Non-controlling interest                  |-8      |93      |-101  |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|Total comprehensive income attributable to|        |        |      |
|Equity holders of the parent company      |-3 077  |-2 058  |-1 019|
|Non-controlling interest                  |-9      |93      |-101  |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|EPS undiluted                             |-0,07   |-0,04   |-0,03 |
|                                          |        |        |      |
|EPS diluted                               |-0,07   |-0,04   |-0,03 |

|CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF|30.9.2015|30.9.2014|31.12.2014|
|FINANCIAL POSITION       |         |         |          |
|EUR 1,000                |         |         |          |
|ASSETS                   |         |         |          |
|Non-current assets       |         |         |          |
|Property, plant and      |15 825   |27 987   |23 360    |
|equipment                |         |         |          |
|Goodwill                 |9 516    |9 516    |9 516     |
|Other intangible assets  |241      |388      |345       |
|Investments in equity    |126      |165      |173       |
|-accounted investees     |         |         |          |
|Receivables              |9 222    |35       |35        |
|Deferred tax assets      |593      |894      |608       |
|NON-CURRENT ASSETS       |35 525   |38 985   |34 037    |
|Current assets           |         |         |          |
|Trade and other          |10 185   |11 722   |9 648     |
|receivables              |         |         |          |
|Current tax receivables  |128      |67       |83        |
|Cash and cash equivalents|4 790    |1 916    |1 530     |
|Assets of disposal group |5 412    |0        |0         |
|classified as held for   |         |         |          |
|sale                     |         |         |          |
|CURRENT ASSETS           |20 515   |13 704   |11 262    |
|ASSETS TOTAL             |56 040   |52 689   |45 299    |
|                         |         |         |          |
|EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   |         |         |          |
|Share capital            |4 215    |4 215    |4 215     |
|Other reserves           |21 355   |19 655   |19 655    |
|Translation differences  |-7 643   |-5 034   |-7 679    |
|Retained earnings        |-9 740   |-2 746   |-6 349    |
|Non-controlling interest |383      |691      |833       |
|EQUITY, TOTAL            |8 569    |16 781   |10 674    |
|Non-current liabilities  |         |         |          |
|Deferred tax liability   |470      |383      |426       |
|Other liabilities        |346      |515      |350       |
|Financial liabilities    |27 899   |13 448   |13 200    |
|NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES  |28 716   |14 347   |13 977    |
|Current liabilities      |         |         |          |
|Current tax liabilities  |56       |98       |127       |
|Financial liabilities    |5 133    |9 629    |8 592     |
|Trade payables and other |13 567   |11 834   |11 930    |
|liabilities              |         |         |          |
|CURRENT LIABILITIES      |18 755   |21 561   |20 649    |
|TOTAL LIABILITIES        |47 471   |35 908   |34 625    |
|TOTAL EQUITY AND         |56 040   |52 689   |45 299    |
|LIABILITIES              |         |         |          |

|EUR 1,000                                   |        |        |         |
|CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES         |        |        |         |
|Profit/Loss for the period                  |-3 173  |-2 015  |-2 341   |
|Gains and losses on disposals of property,  |-132    |-205    |-19      |
|plant and equipment and other non-current   |        |        |         |
|assets                                      |        |        |         |
|Depreciation, amortisation and impairment   |1 606   |1 903   |2 351    |
|losses                                      |        |        |         |
|Unrealised foreign exchange gains and losses|25      |364     |1 530    |
|Other adjustments                           |1 509   |1 298   |-901     |
|Paid and received interest                  |-1 062  |-954    |-1 294   |
|Taxes paid                                  |-157    |-241    |-349     |
|Changes in working capital                  |2 482   |-1 488  |575      |
|Cash flow from operating activities         |1 097   |-1 336  |-448     |
|CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES         |        |        |         |
|Proceeds from sale of property, plant and   |1 146   |923     |-490     |
|equipment and intangible assets             |        |        |         |
|Investments in property, plant and equipment|-383    |-437    |758      |
|and intangible assets                       |        |        |         |
|Proceeds from sale of other investments     |4       |0       |0        |
|Given loans                                 |-500    |0       |0        |
|Cash flow from investing activities         |267     |486     |268      |
|CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES         |        |        |         |
|Share issue for cash                        |1 700   |63      |63       |
|Changes in liabilities                      |545     |-631    |-1 556   |
|Dividends paid / repayments of equity       |-354    |-178    |-178     |
|Cash flow from financing activities         |1 891   |-745    |-1 670   |
|CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS         |3 255   |-1 638  |-2 022   |
|Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of   |1 530   |3 553   |3 553    |
|period                                      |        |        |         |
|Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  |4 790   |1 915   |1 530    |

A= Share capital
B= Share premium reserve
C= Legal reserve
D= Reserve for invested unrestricted equity
E= Share issue
F= Translation differences
G= Retained earnings
H= Non-controlling interest
I = Total

|STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 1|A   |B |C   |D    |E|F    |G    |H  |I    |
|-9/2015 EUR 1,000               |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|Equity 1.1.2015                 |4215|86|2378|17190|0|-7679|-6349|833|10674|
|Result for the period           |0   |0 |0   |0    |0|0    |-3242|69 |-3173|
|Total comprehensive income for  |0   |0 |0   |0    |0|36   |-191 |0  |-155 |
|the period / translation        |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|differences                     |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|Other changes                   |0   |0 |0   |1700 |0|0    |43   |0  |1743 |
|Equity 30.9.2015                |4215|86|2378|18890|0|-7643|-9739|383|8569 |

|STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 1|A   |B |C   |D    |E|F    |G    |H  |I    |
|-9/2014 EUR 1,000               |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|Equity 1.1.2014                 |4215|86|2378|17127|0|-4193|720  |558|20891|
|Result for the period           |0   |0 |0   |0    |0|0    |-2326|311|-2015|
|Total comprehensive income for  |0   |0 |0   |0    |0|-841 |-1200|0  |-2041|
|the period / translation        |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|differences                     |    |  |    |     | |     |     |   |     |
|Other changes                   |0   |0 |0   |63   |0|0    |60   |0  |123  |
|Equity 30.9.2014                |4215|86|2378|17190|0|-5034|-2746|691|16781|


|Movements in fixed assets                       |Tangible|Intangible|Total |
|EUR 1,000                                       |        |          |      |
|Book value 1.1.2015                             |23 351  |9 870     |33 221|
|Additions                                       |326     |34        |360   |
|Disposals                                       |-922    |0         |-922  |
|Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses|-1 402  |-147      |-1 549|
|Exchange rate differences                       |-115    |0         |-115  |
|Book value 30.9.2015                            |21 238  |9 757     |30 995|

|Movements in fixed assets                       |Tangible|Intangible|Total |
|EUR 1,000                                       |        |          |      |
|Book value 1.1.2014                             |31 492  |10 046    |41 539|
|Additions                                       |442     |18        |459   |
|Disposals                                       |-748    |0         |-748  |
|Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses|-1 690  |-160      |-1 850|
|Exchange rate differences                       |-1 509  |0         |-1 509|
|Book value 30.9.2014                            |27 987  |9 904     |37 891|


The related parties comprise the members of the Board of Directors and Executive
Board of Nurminen Logistics and companies in which these members have control.
Related parties are also deemed to include shareholders with direct or indirect
control or substantial influence.

|Related party transactions|1-9/2015|
|EUR 1,000                 |        |
|Sales                     |6       |
|Purchases                 |202     |
|Current liabilities       |0       |


|KEY FIGURES                         |1-9/2015|1-9/2014|1-12/2014|
|Gross capital expenditure, EUR 1,000|360     |459     |506      |
|Personnel                           |224     |244     |241      |
|Operating margin %                  |-3,9 %  |-0,3 %  |2,5 %    |
|Share price development             |        |        |         |
|Share price at beginning of period  |0,99    |1,60    |1,60     |
|Share price at end of period        |1,13    |1,40    |0,99     |
|Highest for the period              |1,66    |1,72    |1,73     |
|Lowest for the period               |0,98    |1,36    |0,98     |
|                                    |        |        |         |
|Eguity/share EUR                    |0,57    |1,23    |0,75     |
|Earnings/share (EPS) EUR, undiluted |-0,24   |-0,18   |-0,21    |
|Earnings/share (EPS) EUR, diluted   |-0,24   |-0,18   |-0,21    |
|Equity ratio %                      |15,29   |31,85   |23,56    |
|Gearing %                           |329,60  |126,10  |189,80   |


|Contingencies and commitments,|30.9.2015|30.9.2014|31.12.2014|
|EUR 1,000                     |         |         |          |
|Mortgages given               |11 000   |11 000   |11 000    |
|Book value of pledged         |50 605   |52 434   |52 434    |
|subsidiary shares and -loan   |         |         |          |
|receivables                   |         |         |          |
|Other contingent liabilities  |11 269   |12 056   |11 976    |
|Rental obligations            |73 497   |62 357   |60 131    |


The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34
'Interim Financial Reporting'. The IFRS recognition and measurement principles
as described in the annual financial statements for 2014 have also been applied
in the preparation of the interim financial information. Other adopted new and
amended IFRS-standards and interpretations have not had significant impact on
reported figures.

All figures have been rounded and consequently the sum of individual figures can
deviate from the presented sum figure. Key figures have been calculated using
exact figures. This interim report is unaudited.

Calculation of Key Figures

Equity ratio (%) =

______________________________________ X 100
Balance sheet total - advances received

Earnings per share (EUR) =

Result attributable to equity holders of the parent company
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding

Equity per share (EUR) =
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Company
Undiluted number of shares outstanding at the end of the financial year

Gearing (%) =

Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents
____________________________________________ X 100