2017-02-08 07:30:03 CET

2017-02-08 07:30:03 CET


Fiskars - Financial Statement Release

FISKARS FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE 2016: Significant increase in net sales and operating profit

Fiskars Corporation
Financial Statement Release
February 8, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. EET

FISKARS FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE 2016: Significant increase in net sales and
operating profit 

This release is a summary of the Fiskars Corporation’s fourth quarter of 2016
and Financial Statement Release 2016 published today. The complete Financial
Statement Release 2016 with tables is attached to this release as a pdf-file.
It is also available at
http://fiskarsgroup.com/investors/reports-presentations/interim-reports and on
the company website at www.fiskarsgroup.com. Investors should not rely on
summaries of our financial reports only, but should review the complete
Financial Statement Release with tables. 

Fourth quarter 2016 in brief:

- Net sales in line with the previous year at EUR 334.1 million (Q4 2015: 333.8)
- Net sales increased by 5.1% on a comparable basis1)
- Operating profit increased to EUR 24.1 million (13.0)
- Adjusted operating profit 2) increased by 96% to EUR 33.0 million (16.8)
- Cash flow from operating activities before financial items and taxes
increased to EUR 77.5 million (64.6) 
- Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.51 (0.76). Operative earnings per share3)
amounted to EUR 0.23 (0.05) 

January 1–December 31, 2016 in brief:

- Net sales increased by 8.8% to EUR 1,204.6 million (2015: 1,107.1)
- Net sales increased by 1.6% on a comparable basis4)
- Operating profit increased to EUR 82.7 million (46.5)
- Adjusted operating profit 2) increased by 44% to EUR 93.8 million (65.1)
- Cash flow from operating activities before financial items and taxes
increased to EUR 120.7 million (50.2) 
- Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.78 (1.04). Operative earnings per share3)
amounted to EUR 0.56 (0.16) 
- Fiskars is transitioning to a biannual dividend distribution policy. The
Board of Directors proposes a normal dividend of EUR 0.71 per share be paid in
March 2017. To facilitate the transition to the new policy, the Board of
Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.35 per share be paid in September 2017 
- Outlook for 2017: Fiskars expects the Group’s net sales, excl. net sales of
businesses divested in 2016 (2016: EUR 1,180 million) and adjusted EBITA (2016:
EUR 107 million) to increase from the previous year 
- Fiskars has announced its long-term financial targets after the financial
reporting period. The targets cover four areas: growth, profitability, capital
structure, and dividend 

President and CEO, Fiskars, Kari Kauniskangas:
“The year 2016 was marked by strong progress on our strategic journey, with
all-time high net sales and adjusted operating profit. This was a major
achievement, especially as the integration of the watering business and the
English & Crystal Living business are both on-going. I’m particularly proud of
the performance in the fourth quarter, driven by the Scandinavian Living and
Functional businesses. While our team was going through many changes, including
the introduction of a new organizational structure, new leadership teams and
plans to increase efficiencies, our net sales was in line with the previous
year despite divestments, and the adjusted operating profit nearly doubled,
amounting to EUR 33.0 million during the fourth quarter. 

The turnaround of the watering business has progressed faster than originally
planned and the business contributed positively to our earnings already in
2016. The English & Crystal Living business is being managed with a strong
focus on improving working capital and operational efficiency. We continued to
strengthen all of the key international brands and increase our consumer focus. 

During 2016, we took several steps in developing Fiskars into a world-class
consumer goods company with a family of iconic lifestyle brands. Fiskars is
focusing on building businesses and brands that have the potential to grow
globally, and in line with this target, we have divested businesses that do not
fit into our strategy. In addition, we are continuously seeking ways to operate
with more efficiency and agility, and we saw our efforts begin to generate
results during the year. 

I am pleased with our performance in 2016, and we will continue our strategic
journey in 2017 towards our newly launched long-term financial targets. Our new
structure will help us to leverage the full potential of our strong brands,
build company-wide capabilities and increase speed and alignment. Above all,
our focus will be in meeting and surpassing consumer expectations – making the
everyday extraordinary – as we continue to invest in our key brands, Fiskars,
Gerber, Iittala, Royal Copenhagen, Waterford, and Wedgwood.” 


1) Using comparable exchange rates, excluding the divested boats business, the
U.S. container gardening business and Spring USA 
2) Adjustments include items such as restructuring costs, impairment or
provisions charges and releases, integration related costs, and gain and loss
from the sale of businesses 
3) Operative earnings per share do not include net changes in the fair value of
the investment portfolio and dividends received 
4) Using comparable exchange rates, excluding the divested boats business, the
U.S. container gardening business, the English & Crystal Living business in the
first half of 2016 and Spring USA in Q4 2015 

Group key figures

EUR million                   Q4 2016  Q4 2015  Change     2016     2015  Change
Net sales                       334.1    333.8    0.1%  1,204.6  1,107.1    8.8%
Operating profit (EBIT)          24.1     13.0     86%     82.7     46.5     78%
Adjustments to operating         -8.9     -3.8            -11.1    -18.6        
Adjusted operating profit        33.0     16.8     96%     93.8     65.1     44%
Adjusted EBITA                   36.3     20.0     82%    107.1     75.7     42%
Net change in the fair value     28.4     72.7    -61%      6.1     56.1    -89%
 of investment portfolio                                                        
Profit before taxes              55.6     83.2    -33%     92.8    125.5    -26%
Profit for the period            41.7     62.2    -33%     65.4     86.4    -24%
Operative earnings/share,        0.23     0.05    409%     0.56     0.16    248%
Earnings/share, EUR              0.51     0.76    -33%     0.78     1.04    -25%
Equity per share, EUR                                     14.91    14.54      3%
Cash flow from operating         77.5     64.6     20%    120.7     50.2    141%
 activities before financial                                                    
 items and taxes                                                                
Equity ratio, %                                             69%      65%        
Net gearing, %                                              12%      21%        
Capital expenditure               9.6      7.8     23%     37.6     32.4     16%
Personnel (FTE), average        7,933    8,334     -5%    8,000    6,416     25%

1) The adjustments in Q4 2015 and Q4 2016, full year 2015 and 2016 are listed
in a table on page 19 of this interim report. 
2) Excluding net change in the fair value of the investment portfolio and
dividends received. The comparison period has been restated to also exclude the
exchange rate gains related to the investment portfolio 


In accordance with the new guidelines on alternative performance measures
issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Fiskars
Corporation has revised the terminology used in its financial reporting.
Alternative Performance Measures (APM) are used to better reflect the
operational business performance and to facilitate comparisons between
financial periods. APMs should not be considered substitutes for measures of
performance in accordance with the IFRS. As of Q1 2016, the term “non-recurring
items” (NRI) has been changed to the term “adjustments to operating profit”,
however the definition remains the same. As before, adjustments are
transactions that are not related to recurring business operations, such as
restructuring costs, impairment charges, integration related costs, and the
gain or loss from the sale of businesses. Correspondingly, “adjusted EBITA” is
calculated from adjusted EBIT by adding back amortization. The adjustments are
listed in a table on page 19 of this interim report. Fiskars also uses the APM
“operative EPS”, which is earnings per share (EPS) excluding the effects of the
dividends from and the change in the fair value of the investment portfolio. 


Kari Kauniskangas
President and CEO

Further information:

  -- President and CEO Kari Kauniskangas, tel. +358 204 39 5500
  -- COO and CFO Teemu Kangas-Kärki, tel. +358 204 39 5703
  -- Corporate Communications, tel. +358 204 39 5031, communications@fiskars.com

Analyst and media conference
A presentation for analysts and media on the fourth quarter and full year
results will be held on February 8, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the company’s
headquarters, Fiskars Campus, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki. Presentation materials
will be available at www.fiskarsgroup.com. 

A conference call and live web cast for analysts and investors will be held on
the same day at 11:30 a.m. (EET). The conference call will be held in English.
To participate in the conference call please dial 5-10 minutes prior to the
start of the conference. Questions can be asked in English after the
presentation only through conference call connection. 

International dial-in number: +44(0)1452555566
Denmark: 32727625
Finland: 09 23195187
France: 0176742428
Germany: 06922224918
Norway: 21563013
Sweden: 08 50336434
USA: 16315107498

Conference ID: 59278687

The presentation can be followed as a live webcast at:

An on-demand version of the webcast will be available on the company website
later the same day. 
Personal details gathered during the event will not be used for any other

Fiskars – Making the everyday extraordinary
Fiskars serves consumers and customers around the world with a brand portfolio
of globally recognized brands including Fiskars, Gerber, Iittala, Royal
Copenhagen, Waterford, and Wedgwood.Building on our mission to create a family
of iconic lifestyle brands, Fiskars’ vision is to create a positive, lasting
impact on our quality of life. Please visit www.fiskarsgroup.com for more