2011-01-06 03:37:56 CET

2011-01-06 03:38:47 CET

English Lithuanian
Rokiskio Suris AB - Other information

Rokiskio suris AB investor's calendar for 2011

Rokiskis, Lithuania, Rokiskio suris AB, 2011-01-06 03:37 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)
-- Schedule of announcements of AB “Rokiskio suris“ group's operational results
for the year 2011: 

January 5th  Preliminary turnover of the Group for December 2010 and 12 months  
             of the year 2010                                                   
February     Preliminary turnover of the Group for January 2011                 
February     Non-audited financial accountability of the Group for the year 2010
March 7th    Preliminary turnover of the Group for February 2011 and two months 
             of the year 2011                                                   
April 5th    Preliminary turnover of the Group for March and three months of the
             year 2011                                                          
April 8th    Audited financial accountability of the Group for the year 2010    
May 5th      Preliminary turnover of the Group for April and four months of the 
             year 2011                                                          
May 31st     Consolidated three month financial accountability of the Group for 
             the year 2011                                                      
June 6th     Preliminary turnover of the Group for May and five months of the  
             year 2011                                                          
July 5th     Preliminary turnover of the Group for June and six months of the   
             year 2011                                                          
August 5th   Preliminary turnover of the Group for July and seven months of the 
             year 2011                                                          
August 31st  Consolidated financial accountability of the Group for six months  
             of the year 2011                                                   
September    Preliminary turnover of the Group for August and eight months of   
5th          the year 2011                                                      
October 5th  Preliminary turnover of the Group for September and nine months of 
             the year 2011                                                      
November     Preliminary turnover of the Group for October and ten months of the
7th          year 2011                                                          
November     Consolidated financial accountability of the Group for nine months 
30th         of the year 2011                                                   
December     Preliminary turnover of the Group for November and eleven months of
5th          the year 2011                                                      

         Dalius Trumpa
         Board Chairman
         +370 458 55200