2009-02-11 13:00:00 CET

2009-02-11 13:00:01 CET


Elcoteq - Financial Statement Release


Elcoteq SE   Financial Statements Bulletin 	February 11, 2009, at 9.00 am (EET) 

Elcoteq SE's net sales in 2008 declined about 15% on the previous year and      
amounted to 3,443.2 million euros (4,042.9 million euros in 2007). Profitability
increased even with lower sales, although being negative. Year 2008 was         
exceptionally challenging due to the major changes in the customer structure.   
Full-year operating income was -20.4 million euros (-96.3) and excluding        
restructuring expenses it was -6.9 million euros (-46.1). Cash flow developed   
positively towards the end of the year and was 46.6 million euros positive in   
the fourth quarter of 2008. Full-year cash flow after investing activities was  
-99.7 million euros (-11.1).                                                    

Financial year 2008                                                             
- Net sales were 3,443.2 million euros (4,042.9)                                
- Operating income was -20.4 million euros (-96.3). Operating income includes   
restructuring expenses amounting to 13.5 million euros (50.2), excluding which  
operating income was -6.9 million euros (-46.1)                                 
- Income before taxes was -52.9 million euros (-122.8)                          
- Earnings per share (EPS) were -2.02 euros (-3.37)                             
- Rolling 12-month return on capital employed was -3.1% (-19.6%)                
- Cash flow after investing activities was -99.7 million euros (-11.1)          
- Interest-bearing net debt amounted to 238.5 million euros (144.5), and gearing
was 1.8 (0.7)                                                                   
- The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend will be paid for 2008        

October - December 2008                                                         
- Net sales were 889.1 million euros (1,062.4 in the fourth quarter of 2007 and 
740.5 million euros in the third quarter of 2008)                               
- Operating income was -11.8 million euros (-24.9). Operating income includes   
restructuring costs amounting to 13.5 million euros (15.3), excluding which     
operating income was 1.7 million euros (-9.6)                                   
- Income before taxes was -25.2 million euros (-31.2)                           
- Earnings per share were -0.89 euros (-1.06)                                   
- Cash flow after investing activities was 46.6 million euros (21.9)            

Elcoteq SE's consolidated financial statements for 2008 have been prepared using
IFRS recognition and measurement principles. The comparative figures given in   
the body text of this report are the figures for the corresponding period of the
previous year, unless stated otherwise.                                         

Market Review                                                                   

The estimated total assembly value of the global electronics market grew by     
roughly 5% at the annual level and exceeded the landmark figure of 1,000 billion
US dollars in 2008. The electronics manufacturing services (EMS) market alone   
was valued at 186 billion US dollars in 2008, based on the average estimates of 
industry market research data providers Electronic Trend Publications (ETP),    
iSupply, and Technology Forecasters (TFI). This represents annual EMS market    
growth of about 11%. Apart from the growing general electronics market, EMS     
growth was driven by greater usage of outsourcing in electronics manufacturing -
a trend that is expected to continue in the future as well.                     

Elcoteq holds a strong position in the EMS market. The company is ranked as     
Europe's biggest and among the ten largest EMS companies in the world. Elcoteq's
role is strong in mobile phone manufacturing, where the company is the world's  
third largest EMS provider.                                                     

Financial Year 2008                                                             

Elcoteq's 2008 net sales declined on the previous year and amounted to 3,443.2  
million euros (4,042.9). Operating income was -20.4 million euros (-96.3),      
representing -0.6% (-2.4%) of net sales. Income before taxes was -52.9 million  
euros (-122.8) and net income was -65.9 million euros (-108.4). Earnings per    
share (EPS) amounted to -2.02 euros (-3.37). Earnings include 13.5 million euros
(50.2) in restructuring expenses.                                               

The decline was mainly in the Personal Communications Business Area where a     
structural change in the customer portfolio is under way. Net sales by the Home 
Communications Business Area clearly rose as a result of the flat TV (FTV)      
assembly acquisition while net sales by Communications Networks Business Area   
were down slightly due to the divestment of loss-making German operations in    
January 2008.                                                                   

Operating income for 2008 was negative but clearly better than in 2007. In view 
of the fact that net sales were 600 million euros lower than in the previous    
year, this is a positive development. The company has been able to offset to a  
great extent the effects of the sales decline with the cost savings achieved    
through the Action Plans initiated in February 2007. However, the change in     
customer structure has been more intense than originally anticipated. Therefore 
the company has not been able to utilize its manufacturing resources in the most
optimal manner. Both the Personal Communications and Communications Networks    
Business Areas reported positive operating income. Operating income reported by 
the Home Communications Business Area was negative mainly due to low sales at   
the beginning of the year and foreign exchange losses incurred in Brazil.       

The Group's net financial expenses amounted to 32.4 million euros (26.1). The   
increase was mainly due to the higher usage of credit lines to finance the      
extraordinarily high inventory levels.                                          

Fourth-quarter Net Sales and Earnings                                           

Fourth-quarter net sales in 2008 grew compared to the third quarter, as         
expected, and amounted to 889.1 million euros (1,062.4 million euros in the     
fourth quarter of 2007 and 740.5 in the third quarter of 2008).                 

Operating income in the fourth quarter was -11.8 million euros (-24.9 in the    
fourth quarter of 2007 and 0.3 in the third quarter of 2008) and income before  
taxes was -25.2 million euros (-31.2). Operating income exclusive of            
restructuring expenses in the fourth quarter was positive at 1.7 million euros. 

Financing and Cash Flow                                                         

At the end of December 2008, Elcoteq had cash and unused but immediately        
available credit lines totaling 165.9 million euros (186.9 million euros in the 
third quarter of 2008 and 389.2 million euros at the end of 2007). Higher usage 
of credit lines resulted from lower sold account receivables and financing of   
excess inventories. These credit limits included a 230 million euros syndicated,
committed credit facility of which 70 million euros was unused. Negotiations are
under way to extend the syndicated committed credit facility beyond year 2009.  
Furthermore, the company will not use its option to prepay the 60 million euros 
subordinated notes in December 2009, but it will maintain the prepayment option 
until December 2011 according to the loan terms.                                

At the end of December, the Group's interest-bearing net debt amounted to 238.5 
million euros (144.5) and gearing was 1.8 (0.7). The solvency ratio was 14.2%   
(18.1%). Cash flow from sold accounts receivable amounted to 101.1 million euros
(226.5 million euros at the end of 2007 and 115.4 at the end of the third       
quarter of 2008). Return on capital employed (ROCE) was -3.1% (-19.6%).         
Cash flow after investing activities in 2008 was -99.7 million euros (-11.1),   
while it was 46.6 million euros positive in the fourth quarter. The company     
managed to clearly reduce inventory levels during the last quarter. Full-year   
cash flow was impacted by the unusually high levels of finished goods and       
component inventories especially in the second and third quarters. A particular 
cause for this excess inventory was that a Personal Communications customer had 
provided overly optimistic forecasts for the second and third quarters. It had  
been agreed that these inventories, financed by the company but the customer's  
liability, would be run down during the second quarter of 2008, but lower than  
expected customer demand resulted in the consumption of inventory being slower  
than anticipated. Even though the cash flow is not yet at the target level, the 
inventory levels are heading back to normal.                                    

Capital Expenditures                                                            

The Group's gross capital expenditures on fixed assets in 2008 amounted to 71.4 
million euros (67.2), or 2.1% of net sales. Depreciation was 78.9 million euros 
(79.8), representing 2.3% of net sales. Investments were primarily earmarked for
production machinery. In the fourth quarter, investments amounted to 9.9 million
euros (27.8). No new operating lease contracts were made in 2008 (in 2007       
equipment purchase value amounted to approximately 3.4 million euros).          


At the end of December, the Group employed 18,830 (24,222) people: 217 (260) in 
Finland and 18,613 (23,962) elsewhere. The geographical distribution of the     
workforce was as follows: Europe 8,607 (10,936), Asia-Pacific 5,027 (7,598) and 
the Americas 5,196 (5,688). The average number of Elcoteq employees on the      
company's direct payroll in 2008 was 17,401 (19,131).                           

On January 15, 2009, the company announced a restructuring plan that includes   
several measures, including personnel reductions. The company estimates, that   
the personnel reductions are likely to be in the scale of 5,000 persons,        
including both indirect and direct employees, calculated from the 2008 third    
quarter personnel level of 21,000. Some measures were already carried out in    
December. These reductions will be completed by the end of the first quarter of 

Wages, salaries and other personnel expenses in 2008 amounted to 193.0 million  
euros (206.2).                                                                  

Corporate Responsibility                                                        

Elcoteq's corporate responsibility includes economic, social and environmental  
aspects. The company's environmental management system corresponds with the     
requirements of the ISO 14001:2004 standard. All Elcoteq units operate within a 
multisite certificate for quality and environmental management. The key         
environmental development projects having a bearing on the company's business   
operations in 2008 concerned meeting the requirements of the European Union's   
REACH Regulation, developing corporate responsibility compliance in the supply  
chain and starting a carbon footprint project. In 2008, Elcoteq started         
systematic group-level internal audits of environmental, social accountability  
as well as occupational health and safety standards. Further details on         
Elcoteq's corporate responsibility activities will be presented in the Corporate
Responsibility Report, which will be published as a part of the Annual Report   
2008 during the week commencing on March 2, 2009.                               

Research and Development                                                        

Elcoteq's research and development costs in 2008 totaled approximately 1.8      
million euros (4.6), or 0.1% of net sales. The company's R&D activities cover,  
among other things, equipment and process development for production and        
production testing needs as well as development related to the platforms,       
software, electronics, mechanics and testing of mobile phones.                  

Trends of the Business Areas                                                    

As of the beginning of 2008, Elcoteq's reporting covers three Business Areas:   
Personal Communications, Home Communications and Communications Networks. In    
2008, Personal Communications contributed 65% (69%), Home Communications 15%    
(10%) and Communications Networks 20% (21%)of the Group's net sales.            

Elcoteq has continued to balance its customer portfolio in line with its key    
strategic focus. In 2008, Elcoteq's largest customers (in alphabetical order)   
were EADS, Ericsson, Funai, Huawei, Nokia Devices, Nokia Siemens Networks,      
Philips, Research in Motion (RIM), Sony Ericsson and Thomson. No single customer
accounted for over 40% of consolidated net sales.                               

Personal Communications                                                         

Net sales of the Personal Communications Business Area in 2008 were somewhat    
lower than expected at 2,222.2 million euros (2,777.8). Operating income in this
segment was 19.6 million euros (-30.2), 1% of net sales and excluding           
restructuring expenses, it was 25.5 million euros. Fourth-quarter net sales in  
2008 amounted to 465.2 million euros (750.1) and the segment's operating income 
to 6.7 million euros (-1.9).                                                    

Despite the challenging market conditions in the EMS market during 2008, Elcoteq
was able to hold on to its share as the third largest EMS provider in the global
Personal Communications business. Elcoteq's position was particularly strong in 
handset manufacturing. Services were stepped up in box build and after market   

The main achievement of 2008 was the broadening of the customer portfolio.      
Compared to 2007, the deliveries to Research in Motion (RIM) increased          
substantially whereas deliveries to Nokia continued to decline. In order to     
secure future growth and profitability, the Personal Communications Business    
Area seeks to increase its efforts to win business from selected new customers. 

Home Communications                                                             

Net sales of the Home Communications Business Area in 2008 amounted to 517.3    
million euros (434.2). The segment's operating income was -4.6 million euros    
(-10.9); excluding restructuring expenses, it was -2.5 million euros.           
Fourth-quarter net sales in 2008 amounted to 218.8 million euros (99.8) and the 
segment's operating income was -4.1 million euros (3.2).                        

In September, the company acquired Philips' FTV assembly operations in Juarez,  
Mexico. FTV production is an industry segment that is expected to show strong   
growth but also tight competition in the future. Elcoteq considers FTVs to be a 
strategic product segment. Previously the company only provided service         
solutions for printed circuit board assemblies (PCBA) and various subassemblies,
but with the Juarez acquisition the service offering of Home Communications     
expanded to the complete final assembly of FTVs.                                
The Juarez deal included long-term cooperation agreements with Philips and a    
major new customer, Funai Electric Co., Ltd. New customer accounts were also    
acquired in other parts of the plant network as existing customers expanded     
their production operations into new product segments.                          
Communications Networks                                                         

Net sales of the Communications Networks Business Area in 2008 declined by about
15% on the previous year and amounted to 703.7 million euros (831.0). The       
decline was mainly due to the divestment of Offenburg plant. The segment's      
operating income was 1.6 million euros (-17.3); excluding restructuring         
expenses, it was 7.0 million euros. Fourth-quarter net sales in 2008 amounted to
205.2 million euros (212.5) and the segment's operating income was -5.1 million 
euros (-17.2).                                                                  

During 2008, the efficiency of the Communications Networks Business Area        
improved continuously. Some structural changes, such as the phase out of        
Offenburg and St. Petersburg customers, were also made. The Business Area       
expanded its activities in India, where the customer portfolio was broadened by 
new customer wins and its reputation grew because of the competitive service    

The Communications Networks Business Area has decided to extend its market focus
into infrastructure products, targeting business opportunities where customers  
can benefit from the existing set-up, service offering and competences in radio 
frequency technology as the world gets more and more wireless.                  
Wireless meters and products to control buildings are just some examples of     
potential business that Communications Networks has started to explore.         

Geographical Areas                                               

Elcoteq has three geographical areas: Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.    
Elcoteq's net sales in 2008 were derived from these areas as follows: Europe 48%
(52%), Asia-Pacific 22% (27%) and the Americas 30% (21%).                       

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting                                         

Elcoteq SE´s domicile was transferred to Luxembourg as of January 1, 2008.      
According to the new Articles of association, the Annual General Meeting took   
place in Luxembourg on March 25, 2008. The meeting could also be attended via   
remote access from Helsinki, Finland. The Meeting confirmed the consolidated and
parent company's income statements and balance sheets for the financial year    
2007 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the statutory     
auditor from liability for the financial year. The Final Accounts relating to   
the transfer of domicile were also approved.                                    
The Meeting approved the Board´s proposal to amend the first sentence of Article
30 of the Articles of Association whereby the number of directors in the Board  
of Directors shall not be less than four (4) and not more than ten (10). The    
Meeting also approved the Board´s proposal to amend the second paragraph of     
Article 54 of the Articles of Association whereby should the Annual General     
Meeting day, March 23, be a legal or bank holiday in Luxembourg or Finland, the 
meeting shall be held on the second following business day.                     
The Meeting elected eight members to the Board of Directors. All previous       
members were re-elected and the Meeting elected one new member, Mr. François    
Pauly, General Manager of Sal. Oppenheim Jr. & Cie S.C.A, to Elcoteq´s Board of 
Directors. The following persons continued as members: President Martti     
Ahtisaari; Mr. Heikki Horstia, Vice President, Treasurer, Wärtsilä Corporation; 
Mr. Eero Kasanen, Rector of the Helsinki School of Economics; Mr. Antti Piippo, 
principal owner and founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr. Henry Sjöman,        
founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr. Juha Toivola, Master of Arts; and Mr.    
Jorma Vanhanen, founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE. The terms of office of the   
Board members extend until the end of the following Annual General Meeting.     
Ahtisaari, Horstia, Kasanen, Pauly and Toivola are independent Board members,   
and they represent more than half of the Board´s members.                       
Convening after the Annual General Meeting in Luxembourg, the Board of Directors
elected Mr. Antti Piippo as its Chairman and Mr. Juha Toivola as the Deputy     
Chairman. Mr. Piippo was elected Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the   
Working Committee and Mr. Henry Sjöman, Mr. Juha Toivola and Mr. Jorma Vanhanen 
as members of these committees. Mr. Toivola was elected Chairman of the         
Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee and President Martti Ahtisaari,  
Mr. Heikki Horstia, Mr. Eero Kasanen and Mr. Pauly as members of these          

On the proposal of the Board´s Audit Committee, the firm of authorized public   
accountants KPMG Audit S.à.r.l. under the supervision of Mr. Philippe Meyer was 
appointed as the Company´s auditor for the financial year ending on December 31,
2008. The auditors are paid a fee appropriate to the scope of their work.       

Shares and Shareholders                                                         

On December 31, 2008 the company had 127,795,919 shares divided into 22,025,919 
series A shares and 105,770,000 series K Founders' shares. All the K Founders'  
shares are held by the company's three principal owners.                        

Elcoteq had 9,301 shareholders on December 31, 2008. There were altogether      
6,957,018 nominee-registered and foreign-registered shares, representing 5.4% of
the total number of shares and 5.4% of the votes outstanding.                   

Incentive Scheme                                                                
The company has a share subscription plan which allows the company to issue a   
maximum of 1,500,000 new Series A shares in November 2009. The actual number of 
shares to be issued is based on the improvement of the profit before taxes of   
the full financial year 2008. According to the plan and on the basis of the 2008
results, the company will be issuing approximately 480,000 new Series A shares  
in November 2009.                                                               

Events After the End of the Review Period                                       

On January 15, 2009, Elcoteq announced that it will launch an intense and       
profound restructuring plan to prepare the company for the exceptionally        
uncertain market situation and general economic development in 2009 and to      
secure the company´s profitability in 2009 and beyond. The plan consist of      
several measures: streamlining of operations and workforce reductions as well as
other cost savings measures, such as selling idle machinery and equipment,      
terminating facility and old machinery lease agreements as well as cutting      
external services. As part of the plan, Elcoteq will close its plants in Arad   
(Romania), Richardson (USA) and St. Petersburg (Russia) as well as consolidate  
the plant in Shenzhen (China) to the plant in Beijing (China).                  

The Plan targets annual savings in the range of 80 - 100 million euros. The     
savings will start having a positive effect gradually from the second quarter of
2009 onwards and will significantly improve Elcoteq's full-year profitability.  
The total one-time costs related to the restructuring plan are approximately 24 
million euros. The estimated total cash effect is 10 million euros.             

On January 15, 2009, Elcoteq also announced that it has started a process to    
strengthen its balance sheet through a structured equity linked instrument      
during the first half of 2009, broadening the company's ownership base.         

On January 30, Elcoteq concluded a property transaction whereby a real estate in
Lohja, Finland, was sold. The property was Elcoteq's first manufacturing        
location and it was leased out when a new plant was opened in Lohja in 1995. The
transaction price was 1.7 million euros. The transaction has no impact on       
company's financial results.                                                    

Changes in Elcoteq´s Management                                                 

Two new members were appointed to Elcoteq Management Team (EMT) as of April 14: 
Mr. Petteri Laaksomo, Senior Vice President, Group Operations and Sourcing, and 
Mr. Markus Kivimäki, Senior Vice President, Corporate Legal Affairs.            
On July 1, Mr. Jouni Hartikainen, President and CEO of Elcoteq SE, took over    
management of the Group's Personal Communications Business Area when Mr. Anssi  
Korhonen, previous President of the Personal Communications Business Area and   
member of the Elcoteq Management Team, took up a new position outside the       

The responsibilities of the COO (Chief Operating Officer) were integrated into  
the Sourcing and Supply Chain Organization on September 5, when Mr. Jukka       
Jäämaa, deputy CEO and COO, member of the Elcoteq Management Team, took up a new
position outside Elcoteq. Mr. Petteri Laaksomo, member of the Elcoteq Management
Team and Senior Vice President of Group Operations and Sourcing, decided to     
pursue his career outside Elcoteq as of September 22. The responsibilities of   
Mr. Jäämaa and Mr. Laaksomo were taken over by Mr. Roger Taylor, who started as 
a new Senior Vice President (SVP), Group Operations and member of the Elcoteq   
Management Team (EMT) as of October 8.                                          
The IEMS Strategy                                                               

Expanding Elcoteq's service offering to an Integrated EMS (IEMS) provider was a 
priority in 2008. The plan is to place special emphasis on broadening the       
company's service offering to increase its mechanics expertise and services, and
to strengthen product development services that combine both electronics and    

Elcoteq has previously announced that, in addition to developing its own        
operations, this strategy could call for specific M&A arrangements or various   
forms of collaboration with other companies in the same sector. Due to the      
current uncertainty in the markets, the plan has been delayed and is more likely
to be implemented in several phases.                                            

Short-term Risks and Uncertainties                                              
The most important short-term challenges with respect to Elcoteq's business     
operations concern the company's ability to improve its cost structure - and    
thus its profitability - at a rate quick enough to cope with market conditions  
that are becoming increasingly tight, coupled with its ability to offer service 
packages that correspond to customer demands and needs. The ability to react    
rapidly to changing market situation is especially important in times of        
increased economic uncertainty in order not to tie up cash unnecessarily in     
working capital and investments.                    

Strengthening the Balance Sheet                                                 

Elcoteq has executed consistent actions to balance its customer portfolio and   
improve its profitability. This new business set-up gives a good basis for      
strong growth opportunities in the electronics outsourcing market. In order to  
respond to these growth opportunities, Elcoteq has started a process to         
strengthen its balance sheet. The planned capital raise is expected to be       
implemented through a structured equity linked instrument during the first half 
of 2009 and it will broaden the company's ownership base. The company is        
currently proceeding with the project in the stated timetable and is having     
discussions with several counterparts ranging from strategic partners to private


Generic growth in the EMS market is expected to be around 8-10% on average      
during the next five years, based on the figures of industry research data      
providers. However, due to rising uncertainty about the development of the      
global economy in the near future, EMS business growth estimates regarding 2009 
vary greatly between the different industrial and financial forecasts available.
The average growth estimate for 2009 is about 5%.                               

In Personal Communications Business Area the global handset shipments are       
expected to decline about 5% to around 1,182 million units in 2009. Growth in   
the smartphone market is likely to remain strong compared to the total handset  
industry, with year-on-year unit growth of 13% in 2009. In Home Communications  
Business Area the growth is expected to continue to be strong and in FTVs,      
Elcoteq estimates the growth potential to be over 10% and in STBs about 5%. The 
Communications Networks business is expected to remain flat, with some growth in
Asia-Pacific. In the Communications Networks market, broadband demand - both    
wireless and wireline - is still growing.                                       

Under the current market conditions it is extremely difficult to make exact     
forecasts. The first quarter net sales are expected to be clearly lower than the
fourth quarter of 2008. The operating income, before one-time costs arising from
the announced restructuring plan, is expected to be negative because the        
restructuring actions will not yet have a significant impact on the cost        
structure in the first quarter. The actions will start having positive impact   
from the second quarter onwards.                                                

The company's priority areas for 2009 are the strengthening of the equity base, 
further balancing of customer base, clear improvement in bottom-line            
profitability through the ongoing restructuring actions and strong cash         
generation through improved profitability, limited capital expenditure and      
further working capital reduction.                                              

Board's Dividend Proposal                                                       

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be held on     
March 23, 2009, that no dividend will be paid for the financial year 2008.      

Annual General Meeting 2009                                                     

Elcoteq's Annual General Meeting will be held in Luxembourg on March 23, 2009. A
separate Shareholder Information Meeting will be held before the Annual General 
Meeting in Helsinki, on March 18, 2009.                                         

The Board's Nomination Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the
Board's current members be re-elected. All have given their consent to          

Luxembourg, February 10, 2009                                                   
Board of Directors                                                              
Further information:                                                            
Jouni Hartikainen, President and CEO, +358 10 413 11                            
Mikko Puolakka, CFO, tel. +358 10 413 1287                                      
Minna Aila, Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Responsibility, tel. +358
10 413 1908                                                                     

Press Conference and Webcast                                                    
Elcoteq will hold a combined press conference, conference call and webcast in   
English at 2.30 pm (EET) on Wednesday, February 11, in the Bulsa-Freda room at  
Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä (address: Simonkatu 9, Helsinki, Finland).            

To participate by phone, please call in 5 - 10 minutes before the start of the  
conference on +44 20 7162 0125 (Europe) or +1 334 323 6203 (the USA), code      
The press conference can also be followed as a live webcast or later as a       
recording via Elcoteq's website www.elcoteq.com.                                

Presentation material used at the press conference (pdf file) will be available 
on the company's website www.elcoteq.com on February 11, 2009.                  

Elcoteq publishes its Interim Report for January-March 2009 at 9.00 am (EET) on 
Wednesday, April 29, 2009.                                                      

1 Consolidated Income statement                                                 
2 Consolidated Balance sheet                                                    
3 Consolidated Cash flow statement                                              
4 Calculation of changes in shareholders' equity                                
5 Segment reporting                                                             
6 Personnel                                                                     
7 Formulas for the calculation of key figures                                   
8 Key figures for five years                                                    
9 Restructuring expenses                                                        
10 Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale                           
11 Assets pledged and contingent liabilities                                    
12 Impact of business combinations of the consolidated financial statements     
13 Quarterly figures                                                            

APPENDIX 1                                                                      

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT   | Jan. 1 -             | Jan. 1  -           |
| (IFRS), EUR 1,000               | Dec. 31, 2008        | Dec. 31, 2007       |
| NET SALES                       | 3,443,199            | 4,042,932           |
| Change in work in progress      |                      |                     |
| and finished goods              | -35,516              | 18,499              |
| Other operating income          | 11,182               | 8,176               |
| Production materials and        | -2,989,012           | -3,635,868          |
| services                        |                      |                     |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Personnel expenses              | -192,982             | -206,230            |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Depreciation                    | -78,921              | -78,699             |
| Impairment                      | -                    | -1,093              |
| Depreciation and impairment,    | -78,921              | -79,792             |
| total                           |                      |                     |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Restructuring expenses          | -13,496              | -50,231             |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Other operating expenses        | -164,851             | -193,830            |
| OPERATING LOSS                  | -20,399              | -96,344             |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Financial income, total         | 6,381                | 3,601               |
| Financial expenses, total       | -38,784              | -29,658             |
| Share of the losses of          | -105                 | -432                |
| associated companies            |                      |                     |
| LOSS BEFORE TAXES               | -52,908              | -122,833            |
|                                 |                      |                     |
| Income taxes                    | -11,109              | 16,322              |
| NET LOSS                        | -64,017              | -106,511            |
| ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                |                      |                     |
| Equity holders of the parent    | -65,872              | -108,381            |
| company*                        |                      |                     |
| Minority interest               | 1,856                | 1,870               |
|                                 | -64,017              | -106,511            |
| Earnings per share calculated on profit attributable to equity holders of    |
| the parent company:                                                          |
| Earnings per share (EPS), A     | -2.02                | -3.37               |
| shares EUR                      |                      |                     |
| Earnings per share (EPS), K     | -                    | -3.37               |
| shares EUR                      |                      |                     |
| Earnings per share (EPS), K     | -0.20                | -                   |
| founders´ shares EUR            |                      |                     |
| * Net profit reported by the    |                      |                     |
| company                         |                      |                     |

APPENDIX 2                                                                      

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (IFRS), EUR  | Dec. 31,     | Dec. 31, 2007       |
| 1,000                                   | 2008         |                     |
| ASSETS                                  |              |                     |
| Non-current assets                      |              |                     |
| Intangible assets                       |              |                     |
|   Intangible rights                     | 3,731        | 5,407               |
|   Product development costs             | 73           | 206                 |
|   ADP Software                          | 2,235        | 4,136               |
| Advance payments and construction in    | 96           | 1,178               |
| progress                                |              |                     |
|   Goodwill                              | 21,510       | 21,745              |
|                                         | 27,645       | 32,672              |
| Tangible assets                         |              |                     |
|   Land and water areas                  | 742          | 2,252               |
|   Buildings                             | 40,397       | 59,715              |
|   Machinery and equipment               | 125,609      | 135,862             |
|   Advance payments and                  |              |                     |
|   construction in progress              | 1,017        | 2,225               |
|                                         | 167,765      | 200,054             |
| Investments                             |              |                     |
| Shares and equity interests in          | 1,637        | 1,656               |
| associated companies                    |              |                     |
|   Receivables from associated companies | 87           | 87                  |
|   Available-for-sale financial assets   | 513          | 502                 |
|                                         | 2,238        | 2,246               |
| Long-term receivables                   |              |                     |
|   Deferred tax assets                   | 32,943       | 33,530              |
|   Other loans receivable                | 13,408       | 271                 |
|                                         | 46,352       | 33,800              |
| Non-current assets, total               | 243,999      | 268,773             |
| Current assets                          |              |                     |
| Inventories                             |              |                     |
|   Raw materials                         | 205,524      | 274,045             |
|   Work in progress                      | 10,593       | 22,329              |
|   Finished goods                        | 40,038       | 59,377              |
|   Advance payments                      | 1            | 5                   |
|                                         | 256,157      | 355,756             |
| Current receivables                     |              |                     |
|   Accounts receivable                   | 306,107      | 297,594             |
|   Other receivables                     | 17,270       | 22,585              |
|   Prepaid expenses and accruals         | 12,048       | 15,313              |
| Tax assets based on taxable income in   | 851          | 86                  |
| year                                    |              |                     |
|                                         | 336,276      | 335,578             |
| Cash and equivalents                    | 95,099       | 92,691              |
| Current assets, total                   | 687,532      | 784,025             |
| Assets classified as held for sale      | 23,898       | 39,453              |
| ASSETS, TOTAL                           | 955,429      | 1,092,251           |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    |              |                     |
| AND LIABILITIES                         |              |                     |
| Equity attributable to equity holders   |              |                     |
| of the parent company                   |              |                     |
|   Share capital*                        | 13,041       | 13,041              |
|   Additional paid-in capital            | 225,011      | 225,011             |
|   Other reserves                        | 5,231        | 7,323               |
|   Translation differences               | 3,227        | -7                  |
|   Retained earnings                     | -58,154      | 49,597              |
|   Net income for the year               | -65,872      | -108,381            |
| Equity attributable to equity holders   | 122,484      | 186,584             |
| of the parent company, total            |              |                     |
| Minority interests                      | 12,728       | 11,307              |
| Total equity                            | 135,212      | 197,891             |
| Liabilities                             |              |                     |
| Long-term liabilities                   |              |                     |
|   Subordinated notes                    | 139,517      | 139,297             |
|   Medium-term notes                     | 19,980       | 39,973              |
|   Loans from pension plans              | 210          | 631                 |
|   Other debt                            | 376          | 406                 |
|   Deferred tax liability                | 5,253        | 4,479               |
|                                         | 165,336      | 184,785             |
|   Payments due within one year          | -386         | -20,581             |
| Long-term liabilities, total            | 164,951      | 164,204             |
| Current liabilities                     |              |                     |
|   Medium-term notes                     | -            | 19,991              |
|   Loans from financial institutions     | 173,647      | 33,139              |
|   Commercial paper program              |  -           | 23,951              |
|   Loans from pension plans              | 210          | 420                 |
|   Advances received                     | 780          | 1,053               |
|   Accounts payable                      | 422,892      | 565,231             |
|   Other current liabilities             | 11,556       | 15,583              |
|   Accrued expenses                      | 37,278       | 43,106              |
| Tax liabilities based on taxable income | 1,415        | 633                 |
| in year                                 |              |                     |
|   Provisions                            | 7,488        | 6,521               |
| Current liabilities, total              | 655,266      | 709,630             |
| Liabilities classified as held for sale | -            | 20,526              |
| Liabilities, total                      | 820,217      | 894,360             |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    |              |                     |
| AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL                  | 955,429      | 1,092,251           |
* Share capital includes both A-shares listed in Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Exchange   
and K founders´ shares.                                                         

APPENDIX 3                                                                      

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (IFRS),    | Jan. 1 -      | Jan. 1 -       |
| EUR 1,000                                   | Dec. 31, 2008 | Dec. 31, 2007  |
| CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES         |               |                |
|  Net Loss                                   | -64,017       | -106,511       |
|  Adjustments:                               |               |                |
|   Depreciation and amortization             | 78,921        | 79,792         |
| Unrealized foreign exchange gains and       | 10            | -12,405        |
| losses                                      |               |                |
| Other non-payment-related income and        | 631           | 141            |
| expenses                                    |               |                |
|   Financial income and expenses             | 39,859        | 28,352         |
|   Taxes                                     | 11,109        | -16,322        |
|   Other adjustments                         | 5,343         | 38,646         |
| Cash flow before change in working capital  | 71,857        | 11,693         |
|  Change in working capital: *               |               |                |
| Change in non-interest bearing current      | 20,798        | 37,782         |
| receivables                                 |               |                |
|   Change in inventories                     | 128,867       | -26,870        |
| Change in non-interest bearing current      | -209,864      | 32,287         |
| liabilities                                 |               |                |
|  Cash flow from operating activities before | 11,658        | 54,891         |
|  financial items and taxes                  |               |                |
|  Interest and other financial expenses      | -28,825       | -24,385        |
|  Operations-related interest income         | 1,240         | 1,699          |
|  Income taxes paid                          | -6,127        | 3,026          |
| Cash flow from operating activities         | -22,054       | 35,232         |
| CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES         |               |                |
| Purchases of tangible and intangible assets | -61,849       | -67,114        |
| Proceeds from disposal of tangible and      | 7,846         | 18,503         |
| intangible assets                           |               |                |
| Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash   | -23,941       | -              |
| acquired                                    |               |                |
|  Disposals                                  | -             | 2,306          |
|  Repayment of loans receivable              | 279           | 5              |
| Cash flow from investing activities         | -77,665       | -46,300        |
| CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES         |               |                |
|  Proceeds from share issues                 | -             | 6,733          |
|  Redemption of parent company shares        | -             | -51            |
|  Change in current debt                     | 119,696       | 30,358         |
|  Repayment of long-term debt                | -20,420       | -582           |
|  Dividends paid                             | -2,025        | -8,902         |
| Cash flow from financing activities         | 97,251        | 27,558         |
| CHANGE IN CASH AND EQUIVALENTS              | -2,469        | 16,490         |
| Cash and equivalents on January 1           | 92,691        | 82,298         |
| Cash and equivalents classified as held for | -             | -3,154         |
| sale                                        |               |                |
| Effect of exchange rate changes on cash     | 4,877         | -2,942         |
| held                                        |               |                |
|                                             |               |                |
| Cash and equivalents on December 31         | 95,099        | 92,691         |
| *) The change in working capital includes the change in sold accounts        |
| receivable. The impact of this change has weakened cash flow by 125.5        |
| million euros during the financial year 2008 and improved cash flow by 38.8  |
| million euros during the financial year 2007.                                |

APPENDIX 4                                                                      


|       |       | Attributable to equity    |         |          | Mino | Tota |
|       |       | holders of the parent     |         |          | r-it | l    |
|       |       |                           |         |          | y    | eq   |
|       |       |                           |         |          | in   | uity |
|       |       |                           |         |          | tere |      |
|       |       |                           |         |          | sts  |      |
|       | Share | Ad | Ot | Hed | Tra | Reserve | Retain- | Tota |      |      |
|       | capit | di | he | -gi | ns- | for own | ed      | l    |      |      |
|       | al    | ti | r  | ng  | lat | shares  | earning |      |      |      |
|       |       | -o | re | res | ion |         | s       |      |      |      |
|       |       | na | se | er- | dif |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | l  | r- | ve  | fer |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | pa | ve |     | -   |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | id | s  |     | ren |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | -i |    |     | ces |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | n  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | ca |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | pi |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | ta |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
|       |       | l  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Balan | 13,04 | 22 | 8, | -1, | -7  | -68     | -58,717 | 186, | 11,3 | 197, |
| ce at | 1     | 5, | 36 | 047 |     |         |         | 584  | 07   | 891  |
| Jan.  |       | 01 | 9  |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 1,    |       | 1  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 2008  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Equit |       |    |    |     | -6, |         |         | -6,3 |      | -6,3 |
| y     |       |    |    |     | 338 |         |         | 38   |      | 38   |
| hedge |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| of    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| subsi |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| diari |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| es    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Cash  |       |    |    | -2, |     |         |         | -2,0 |      | -2,0 |
| flow  |       |    |    | 092 |     |         |         | 92   |      | 92   |
| hedge |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| *     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Trans |       |    |    |     | 9,5 |         |         | 9,57 | 1,59 | 11,1 |
| latio |       |    |    |     | 72  |         |         | 2    | 1    | 63   |
| n     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| diffe |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| rence |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| s     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Net   |       |    |    | -2, | 3,2 |         |         | 1,14 | 1,59 | 2,73 |
| incom |       |    |    | 092 | 34  |         |         | 2    | 1    | 3    |
| e     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| recog |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| nised |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| direc |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| t in  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| equit |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| y     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Net   |       |    |    |     |     |         | -65,872 | -65, | 1,85 | -64, |
| incom |       |    |    |     |     |         |         | 872  | 6    | 017  |
| e     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Share |       |    |    |     |     |         | 631     | 631  |      | 631  |
| -base |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| d     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| payme |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| nts   |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Divid |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      | -2,0 | -2,0 |
| ends  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      | 25   | 25   |
| Balan | 13,04 | 22 | 8, | -3, | 3,2 | -68     | -123,95 | 122, | 12,7 | 135, |
| ce at | 1     | 5, | 36 | 139 | 27  |         | 8       | 484  | 28   | 212  |
| Dec.  |       | 01 | 9  |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 31,   |       | 1  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 2008  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Balan | 12,61 | 21 | 8, | 0   | -1, | 0       | 55,831  | 293, | 9,64 | 303, |
| ce at | 6     | 8, | 36 |     | 864 |         |         | 656  | 7    | 303  |
| Jan.  |       | 70 | 9  |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 1,    |       | 4  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 2007  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Equit |       |    |    |     | 2,2 |         |         | 2,25 |      | 2,25 |
| y     |       |    |    |     | 56  |         |         | 6    |      | 6    |
| hedge |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| of    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| subsi |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| diari |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| es    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Cash  |       |    |    | -1, |     |         |         | -1,0 |      | -1,0 |
| flow  |       |    |    | 047 |     |         |         | 47   |      | 47   |
| hedge |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| *)    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Trans |       |    |    |     | -39 |         |         | -399 | -528 | -927 |
| latio |       |    |    |     | 9   |         |         |      |      |      |
| n     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| diffe |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| rence |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| s     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Net   |       |    |    | -1, | 1,8 |         |         | 810  | -528 | 282  |
| incom |       |    |    | 047 | 57  |         |         |      |      |      |
| e     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| recog |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| nised |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| direc |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| t in  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| equit |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| y     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Net   |       |    |    |     |     |         | -108,38 | -108 | 1,87 | -106 |
| incom |       |    |    |     |     |         | 1       | ,381 | 0    | ,511 |
| e     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Issue | 425   | 6, |    |     |     |         |         | 6,73 | 2,82 | 9,55 |
| of    |       | 30 |    |     |     |         |         | 3    | 2    | 5    |
| share |       | 8  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| capit |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| al    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Share |       |    |    |     |     |         | 141     | 141  |      | 141  |
| -base |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| d     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| payme |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| nts   |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Redem |       |    |    |     |     | -68     |         | -68  |      | -68  |
| ption |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| of    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| paren |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| t     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| compa |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| ny    |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| share |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| s     |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| Divid |       |    |    |     |     |         | -6,308  | -6,3 | -2,5 | -8,8 |
| ends  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         | 08   | 04   | 12   |
| Balan | 13,04 | 22 | 8, | -1, | -7  | -68     | -58,717 | 186, | 11,3 | 197, |
| ce at | 1     | 5, | 36 | 047 |     |         |         | 584  | 07   | 891  |
| Dec.  |       | 01 | 9  |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 31,   |       | 1  |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
| 2007  |       |    |    |     |     |         |         |      |      |      |
|    |       | * ) The Group has applied hedge accounting to derivative        |
|    |       | instruments related to purchases from June 30, 2007 and related |
|    |       | personnel expenses from October 15, 2008.                       |

APPENDIX 5                                                                      

| SEGMENT REPORTING                                                 |          |
| Since the beginning of 2008, Elcoteq has had three business areas |          |
| as its primary segments: Personal Communications, and             |          |
| Communications Networks. Elcoteq reports these as its primary     |          |
| segments applying the principles defined in IAS 14. Until the end |          |
| of 2007, Personal Communications and Home Communications were     |          |
| combined in a single business area, Terminal Products.            |          |
| As its secondary segments Elcoteq reports its three geographical  |          |
| areas: Europe, Asia-Pacific and Americas.                         |          |
| Segment reporting is based on the company's internal reporting    |          |
| system.                                                           |          |
| Accounting Principles                                             |          |
| There are no intersegment sales between the primary segments.     |          |
| The net sales of the secondary segments are based on where the    |          |
| segment's assets are located. Net sales according to customer     |          |
| location are shown under “Breakdown of net sales by market”.      |          |
| The items shown for the segments are those that are either        |          |
| directly attributable to the segments or that can be reasonably   |          |
| allocated to them.                                                |          |
| The segment's assets comprise intangible and tangible rights,     |          |
| investments in associated companies, inventories, accounts        |          |
| receivable and allocatable prepaid expenses and accruals.         |          |
| The segment's liabilities are its accounts payable and            |          |
| allocatable accrued expenses.                                     |          |
| Non-Allocated Items                                               |          |
| Non-allocated expenses in the income statement consist of the     |          |
| expenses of the Group office.                                     |          |
| Non-allocated assets consist mainly of cash and bank receivables  |          |
| as well as prepaid expenses and accruals not allocated to the     |          |
| segments.                                                         |          |
| Non-allocated liabilities are mainly interest-bearing             |          |
| liabilities, deferred tax liabilities and accrued expenses not    |          |
| allocated to the segments.                                        |          |
| Investments in associated companies that cannot be allocated to   |          |
| the segments are entered under non-allocated assets.              |          |
| Business Areas                                                    |          |
| Personal Communications business area designs and manufactures    |          |
| devices based on the most advanced wireless communications        |          |
| technology such as mobile phones and their parts as well as       |          |
| wireless modules and wireless phones.                             |          |
| Home Communications business area has focused on serving          |          |
| customers in home communications solutions. The business area's   |          |
| products include cable and satellite set top boxes, flat panel    |          |
| TVs and other home connectivity.                                  |          |
| Communications Networks business area serves customers operating  |          |
| in the areas of mobile phone networks, wireless and broadband     |          |
| networks. The business area's products include base station       |          |
| equipment such as plug-in units and broadband network products.   |          |
| BUSINES | Personal    | Home      | Communi-cations | Non-Allo-ca | Total    |
| S AREAS | communi-cat | communi-c | Networks        | ted         |          |
| IN      | ions        | ations    |                 |             |          |
| 2008,   |             |           |                 |             |          |
| MEUR    |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Net     | 2 222.2     | 517.3     | 703.7           | -           | 3,443.2  |
| sales   |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Depreci | 44.4        | 14.2      | 17.8            | 2.4         | 78.9     |
| ation   |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Operati | 19.6        | -4.6      | 1.6             | -37.0       | -20.4    |
| ng      |             |           |                 |             |          |
| income  |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Restruc | -6.0        | -2.1      | -5.4            | -           | -13.5    |
| turing  |             |           |                 |             |          |
| expense |             |           |                 |             |          |
| s**     |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Share   | -           | -         | -0.1            | 0.0         | -0.1     |
| of      |             |           |                 |             |          |
| associa |             |           |                 |             |          |
| ted     |             |           |                 |             |          |
| compani |             |           |                 |             |          |
| es'     |             |           |                 |             |          |
| results |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Assets* | 358.1       | 195.3     | 248.3           | 153.7       | 955.4    |
| **      |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Investm | -           | -         | 1.6             | 0.0         | 1.6      |
| ents in |             |           |                 |             |          |
| associa |             |           |                 |             |          |
| ted     |             |           |                 |             |          |
| compani |             |           |                 |             |          |
| es      |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Liabili | 215.4       | 109.1     | 133.0           | 362.7       | 820.2    |
| ties    |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Capital | 31.8        | 31.6      | 6.7             | 1.3         | 71.4     |
| expendi |             |           |                 |             |          |
| tures   |             |           |                 |             |          |
|         |             |           |                 |             |          |
| Sold    | 12.8        | 24.2      | 64.1            | -           | 101.1    |
| account |             |           |                 |             |          |
| s       |             |           |                 |             |          |
| receiva |             |           |                 |             |          |
| ble*    |             |           |                 |             |          |
| * not included in the segment's assets                            |          |
| ** A total of 9.2 million euros in restructuring expenses with no |          |
| cash flow effect on non-current assets have been recognized, of   |          |
| which 3.4 million euros are included in restructuring expenses of |          |
| the Personal Communications business area, 0.9 million euros are  |          |
| included in the restructuring expenses of the Home Communications |          |
| business area and 5.0 million euros are included in the           |          |
| restructuring expenses of the Communications Networks business    |          |
| area.                                                             |          |
| *** The assets of the segments include a total of 23.9 million    |          |
| euros in available-for-sale assets, of which 2.2 million are      |          |
| allocated to the Personal Communications business area and 21.7   |          |
| million euros to the Communications Networks business area.       |          |
| BUSINESS   | Personal      | Home      | Communi-cations | Non-Al | Total    |
| AREAS IN   | communi-catio | communi-c | Networks        | locate |          |
| 2007, MEUR | ns            | ations    |                 | d      |          |
| Net sales  | 2,777.8       | 434.2     | 831.0           | -      | 4,042.9  |
| Depreciati | 47.5          | 8.3       | 19.9            | 4.2    | 79.8     |
| on         |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Operating  | -30.2         | -10.9     | -17.3           | -38.0  | -96.3    |
| income     |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Restructur | -26.5         | -9.4      | -14.0           | -0.3   | 50.2     |
| ing        |               |           |                 |        |          |
| expenses** |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Share of   | -             |  -        | -0.1            | -0.3   | -0.4     |
| associated |               |           |                 |        |          |
| companies' |               |           |                 |        |          |
| results    |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Assets***  | 516.7         | 93.5      | 335.0           | 147.0  | 1,092.3  |
| Investment | -             |  -        | 1.6             | 0.0    | 1.7      |
| s in       |               |           |                 |        |          |
| associated |               |           |                 |        |          |
| companies  |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Liabilitie | 417.0         | 50.1      | 162.2           | 265.1  | 894.4    |
| s          |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Capital    | 30.6          | 10.7      | 21.9            | 4.1    | 67.2     |
| expenditur |               |           |                 |        |          |
| es         |               |           |                 |        |          |
|            |               |           |                 |        |          |
| Sold       | 112.6         | 49.1      | 64.8            |  -     | 226.5    |
| accounts   |               |           |                 |        |          |
| receivable |               |           |                 |        |          |
| *          |               |           |                 |        |          |
| *  Not included in the segment´s assets                           |          |
| ** A total of 31.5 million euros in restructuring expenses with   |          |
| no cash flow effect on non-current assets have been recognized,   |          |
| of which 16.6 million euros are included in restructuring         |          |
| expenses of the Personal Communications business area, 2.0        |          |
| million euros are included in the restructuring expenses of the   |          |
| Home Communications business area and 13.0 million euros are      |          |
| included in the restructuring expenses of the Communications      |          |
| Networks business area.                                           |          |
| *** The assets of the segments include a total of 39.5 million    |          |
| euros in available-for-sale assets, of which 3.2 million are      |          |
| allocated to the Personal Communications business area, 34.5      |          |
| million to the Communications Networks business area and 1.7      |          |
| million tonon-allocated assets.                                   |          |
| GEOGRAPHICAL  | Europ | Asia-Paci | Americas    | Non-        | Total    |   |
| AREAS IN      | e     | fic       |             | Alloca-ted  |          |   |
| 2008, MEUR    |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| Net sales     | 1,665 | 755.1     | 1,023.2     | -           | 3,443.2  |   |
|               | .0    |           |             |             |          |   |
| Assets        | 323.0 | 199.2     | 284.4       | 148.8       | 955.4    |   |
| Capital       | 36.6  | 7.1       | 26.4        | 1.3         | 71.4     |   |
| expenditures  |       |           |             |             |          |   |
|               |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| Sold accounts | 79.4  | 21.6      | -           | -           | 101.1    |   |
| receivable*   |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| GEOGRAPHICAL  | Europ | Asia-Paci | Americas    | Non-        | Total    |   |
| AREAS IN      | e     | fic       |             | Allocated   |          |   |
| 2007, MEUR    |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| Net sales     | 2,076 | 1,110.9   | 855.7       | -           | 4,042.9  |   |
|               | .3    |           |             |             |          |   |
| Assets        | 489.3 | 291.8     | 172.5       | 138.7       | 1,092.3  |   |
| Capital       | 24.7  | 20.7      | 17.7        | 4.1         | 67.2     |   |
| expenditures  |       |           |             |             |          |   |
|               |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| Sold accounts | 178.9 | 47.7      | -           | -           | 226.5    |   |
| receivable*   |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| * Not         |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| included in   |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| the segment's |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| assets        |       |           |             |             |          |   |
| BREAKDOWN OF NET   | 2008      | 2007       |                                |
| SALES BY MARKET,   |           |            |                                |
| MEUR               |           |            |                                |
| Europe             | 1,516.5   | 2,030.2    |                                |
| Americas           | 1,326.1   | 999.2      |                                |
| Asia-Pacific       | 600.6     | 1,013.5    |                                |
|                    | 3,443.2   | 4,042.9    |                                |

APPENDIX 6                                                                      

| PERSONNEL         |                                                          |
| The Group had on average 17,401 (19,131) employees during the year,          |
| distributed geographically as follows.                                       |
|                   | At Dec. 31   | At Jan. 1   | Change     | Average        |
| Finland           | 220          | 252         | -32        | 239            |
| Brazil            | 790          | 361         | 429        | 856            |
| Hong Kong         | 50           | 57          | -7         | 51             |
| India             | 885          | 1,144       | -259       | 1,003          |
| Japan             | 3            | 3           | 0          | 3              |
| China             | 4,086        | 6,392       | -2,306     | 5,356          |
| Luxembourg        | 4            | 4           | 0          | 4              |
| Mexico            | 3,633        | 2,999       | 634        | 3,623          |
| Romania           | 301          | 327         | -26        | 319            |
| Sweden            | 7            | 8           | -1         | 7              |
| Germany           | 4            | 410         | -406       | 36             |
| Switzerland       | 10           | 7           | 3          | 9              |
| Hungary           | 2,991        | 2,937       | 54         | 3,075          |
| USA               | 133          | 163         | -30        | 151            |
| Russia            | 384          | 576         | -192       | 475            |
| Estonia           | 1,992        | 2,352       | -360       | 2,193          |
| Total             | 15,493       | 17,992      | -2,499     | 17,401         |
| On December 31, 2008 the Group employed 18,830 people, of whom 15,493 were   |
| on Elcoteq's payroll.                                                        |

APPENDIX 7                                                                      

| FORMULAS FOR THE CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES                                  |
| Return on equity (ROE) =    | Net income x 100                               |
|                             | Total equity, average of opening and closing   |
|                             | balances                                       |
| Return on investments       | (Income before taxes + interest and other      |
| (ROI/ROCE) =                | financial expenses + income from discontinued  |
|                             | operations before taxes and financial          |
|                             | expenses) x 100                                |
|                             | Total assets - non-interest bearing            |
|                             | liabilities, average of opening and closing    |
|                             | balances                                       |
| Return on investment        | (Income before taxes + interest and other      |
| (ROI/ROCE)                  | financial expenses + income from discontinued  |
| for trailing 12 months =    | operations before taxes and financial          |
|                             | expenses) x 100                                |
|                             | Total assets - non-interest-bearing            |
|                             | liabilities, average of opening and closing    |
|                             | balances                                       |
| Current ratio =             | Current assets + assets classified as held for |
|                             | sale                                           |
|                             | Current liabilities + liabilities classified   |
|                             | as held for sale                               |
| Solvency =                  | Total equity x 100                             |
|                             | Total assets - advance payments received       |
| Gearing =                   | Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and        |
|                             | equivalents                                    |
|                             | Total equity                                   |
| Equity per share            | Equity attributable to equity holders of the   |
| (2004-2007) =               | parent company                                 |
|                             | Adjusted average number of shares outstanding  |
|                             | end of the period                              |
| Equity per share (2008) =   | Equity attributable to equity holders of the   |
|                             | parent company                                 |
|                             | Adjusted average number of A shares            |
|                             | outstanding end of the period + (Adjusted      |
|                             | average number of K founders´ shares           |
|                             | outstanding end of the period/10)              |
| Earnings per share, A       | Net income attributable to equity holders of   |
| shares (EPS) =              | the parent, A shares                           |
|                             | Adjusted average number of A shares            |
|                             | outstanding during the period                  |
| Earnings per share,         | Net income attributable to equity holders of   |
| diluted,                    | the parent, A shares                           |
| A shares (EPS) =            |                                                |
|                             | Adjusted average number of A shares            |
|                             | outstanding during the period + effect of      |
|                             | dilution on the number of shares               |
| Earnings per share, K       | Net income attributable to equity holders of   |
| shares (EPS) (2004-2007)=   | the parent, K shares                           |
|                             | Adjusted average number of K shares            |
|                             | outstanding during the period                  |
| Earnings per share, K       | Net income attributable to equity holders of   |
| founders´ share             | the parent, K founders´ shares                 |
| (EPS) (2008)=               |                                                |
|                             | Adjusted average number on K founders´ shares  |
|                             | outstanding during the period                  |
| Dividend per share =        | Dividends paid for the fiscal year             |
|                             | Adjusted average number of shares outstanding  |
|                             | end of the period                              |
| Payout ratio=               | Dividend per share x 100                       |
|                             | Earnings per share                             |
| Dividend yield=             | Dividend per share x 100                       |
|                             | Average share price at the end of the period   |
| P/E ratio=                  | Average share price at the end of the period   |
|                             | Earnings per share (EPS)                       |
| Operating income before     | Net income + Depreciation, amortization and    |
| depreciation and            | impairment                                     |
| amortization (EBITDA)  =    |                                                |

APPENDIX 8                                                                      

| KEY FIGURES FOR     |          |          |          |           |           |
| FIVE YEARS          |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     | 2008     | 2007     | 2006     | 2005      | 2004*     |
| OPERATIONS          |          |          |          |           |           |
| Net sales, MEUR     | 3,443.2  | 4,042.9  | 4,284.3  | 4,169.0   | 2,921.8   |
| of which outside    | 95.2     | 93.9     | 89.7     | 81.4      | 86.2      |
| Finland, %          |          |          |          |           |           |
| Gross capital       | 71.4     | 67.2     | 116.9    | 123.6     | 128.3     |
| expenditures        |          |          |          |           |           |
| (does not include   |          |          |          |           |           |
| operating           |          |          |          |           |           |
|  leases), MEUR      |          |          |          |           |           |
| Employees, average  | 17,401   | 19,131   | 16,651   | 15,242    | 13,065    |
| PROFITABILITY       |          |          |          |           |           |
| Operating income    | 58.5     | -16.6    | 126.6    | 155.0     | 117.6     |
| before depreciation |          |          |          |           |           |
| and amortization    |          |          |          |           |           |
| (EBITDA) , MEUR     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Operating income,   | -20.4    | -96.3    | 43.9     | 76.5      | 57.3      |
| MEUR                |          |          |          |           |           |
|  % of net sales     | -0.6     | -2.4     | 1.0      | 1.8       | 2.0       |
| Income before       | -52.9    | -122.8   | 19.2     | 59.3      | 44.9      |
| taxes, MEUR         |          |          |          |           |           |
|  % of net sales     | 1.5      | -3.0     | 0.4      | 1.4       | 1.5       |
| Net income, MEUR    | -65.9    | -108.4   | 12.1     | 41.3      | 30.7      |
| ***                 |          |          |          |           |           |
|  % of net sales     | -1.9     | -2.7     | 0.3      | 1.0       | 1.1       |
| Return on equity    | -38.4    | -42.5    | 4.8      | 14.1      | 15.1      |
| (ROE), %            |          |          |          |           |           |
| Return on           | -3.1     | -19.6    | 9.1      | 17.6      | 19.5      |
| investment          |          |          |          |           |           |
| (ROCE/ROI), %       |          |          |          |           |           |
| FINANCIAL RATIOS    |          |          |          |           |           |
| Current ratio       | 1.1      | 1.1      | 1.2      | 1.2       | 1.1       |
| Solvency, %         | 14.2     | 18.1     | 26.1     | 26.0      | 30.5      |
| Gearing             | 1.8      | 0.7      | 0.4      | 0.3       | 0.4       |
| Interest-bearing    | 333.6    | 237.2    | 210.3    | 191.7     | 137.4     |
| liabilities, MEUR   |          |          |          |           |           |
| Interest-bearing    | 238.5    | 144.5    | 128.0    | 90.3      | 98.2      |
| net debt, MEUR      |          |          |          |           |           |
| PER SHARE DATA      |          |          |          |           |           |
| Earnings per share  | -2.02    | -3.37    | 0.38     | 1.34      | 1.01      |
| A shares (EPS) ,    |          |          |          |           |           |
| EUR                 |          |          |          |           |           |
| Earnings per share  | -        | -3.37    | 0.38     | 1.34      | 1.01      |
| K shares (EPS), EUR |          |          |          |           |           |
| Earnings per share  | -0.20    | -        | -        | -         | -         |
| K founders´ shares  |          |          |          |           |           |
| (EPS), EUR ****     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Diluted earnings    | -        | -3.37    | 0.37     | 1.28      | 0.96      |
| per share, A shares |          |          |          |           |           |
| (EPS), EUR          |          |          |          |           |           |
| Shareholders'       | 3.76     | 5.72     | 9.31     | 9.55      | 8.82      |
| equity per share,   |          |          |          |           |           |
| EUR ***             |          |          |          |           |           |
| Share price at the  | 1.21     | 4.06     | 9.78     | 20.15     | 17.89     |
| end of the year,    |          |          |          |           |           |
| EUR                 |          |          |          |           |           |
| Dividend per share, | 0.00     | 0.00     | 0.20     | 0.66      | 0.65      |
| EUR **              |          |          |          |           |           |
| Payout ratio, % **  | 0.0      | 0.0      | 52.3     | 49.7      | 49.6      |
| Dividend yield, %   | 0.0      | 0.0      | 2.0      | 3.3       | 3.6       |
| **                  |          |          |          |           |           |
| P/E ratio           | -0.6     | -1.2     | 25.7     | 15.0      | 14.1      |
| Adjusted weighted   |          |          |          |           |           |
| average number of   |          |          |          |           |           |
| shares in issue     |          |          |          |           |           |
| during the period   |          |          |          |           |           |
| A shares            | 22,017,8 | 21,601,0 | 20,761,6 | 20,187,70 | 19,843,47 |
|                     | 19       | 81       | 11       | 5         | 3         |
| K founders´         | 105,770, | 10,577,0 | 10,577,0 | 10,577,00 | 10,577,00 |
| shares ****         | 000      | 00       | 00       | 0         | 0         |
| Adjusted number of  |          |          |          |           |           |
| shares in issue at  |          |          |          |           |           |
| the end of the      |          |          |          |           |           |
| period              |          |          |          |           |           |
| A shares            | 22,017,8 | 22,017,8 | 20,962,3 | 20,526,57 | 20,063,87 |
|                     | 19       | 19       | 27       | 7         | 7         |
| K founders´ shares  | 105,770, | 10,577,0 | 10,577,0 | 10,577,00 | 10,577,00 |
|                     | 000      | 00       | 00       | 0         | 0         |
| * The key figures for the income statement and earnings per share are        |
| calculated on continuing operations. Other key figures include the impact of |
| the discontinued operation.                                                  |
| ** The dividend in 2008 is the proposal of the Board of Directors to the     |
| Annual General Meeting.                                                      |
| *** Amount attributable to equity holders of the parent company. The net     |
| income for 2004 does not                                                     |
| include the income of the discontinued operation.                            |
| **** In the transfer of domicile the company K shares were converted into K  |
| founders' shares and their number increased ten-fold while at the same time  |
| reducing their par value to one-tenth of the par value of the A shares.      |

APPENDIX 9                                                                      

| RESTRUCTURING EXPENSES                                          |            |
| During the first quarter of 2009, Elcoteq has launched a restructuring plan  |
| that applies to whole Group. The plan targets to prepare the company for the |
| exceptionally uncertain market situation and general economic development.   |
| This plan is the next step in the company's drive to increase profitability, |
| cost-efficiency and operational excellence. The plan contains several        |
| elements. The first measure is to close the plants in Arad (Romania),        |
| Richardson (USA) and St. Petersburg (Russia) as well as to consolidate the   |
| plant in Shenzhen  (China) to the plant in Beijing. The second measure       |
| consists of the processes of reducing personnel at several plants globally.  |
| In addition the company will reduce other operative costs.                   |
| The restructuring cost recognised in 2008 are relating to the restructuring  |
| plan above and consist of fixed assets impairments as well as the personnel  |
| reductions executed or commenced in 2008.                                    |
| The restructuring costs in 2007 are related to the action plans commenced in |
| 2006, that applied especially to the operations in Europe and Americas. As a |
| part of these action plans, the plants in Lohja, Finland, and in Juarez,     |
| Mexico, were closed during 2007. Furthermore, according to the action plan   |
| announced in October 2007, Elcoteq agreed on selling the subsidiary in       |
| Offenburg, Germany, and on the restructuring of the plant in St. Petersburg. |
| The Group´s restructuring expenses, 13,496 thousand euros, comprise the      |
| following items:                                                             |

| EUR 1,000                             | 2008     | 2 007                 |   |
| Personnel expenses                    | 2,722    | 6,486                 |   |
| Impairments                           | 6,074    | 24,607                |   |
| Production materials and services     | 3,170    | -                     |   |
| Other operative expenses              | 1,530    | 19,138                |   |
| Restructuring expenses, total         | 13,496   | 50,231                    |
|                                       |          |                           |
| Impairment of non-current assets                                         |   |
|                                                                              |
| EUR 1,000                             | 2008     | 2 007                 |   |
| Intangible rights                     | -        | 757                   |   |
| Goodwill                              | 248      | 3,852                 |   |
| Buildings                             | 1,837    | 1,570                     |
| Machinery and equipment               | 3,871    | 7,359                     |
| ADP software                          | 118      | 121                       |
| Other financial assets                | -        | 10,949                    |
| Impairments, total                    | 6,074    | 24,607                    |

Impairments of goodwill in 2008 are related to the closing of the Richardson    
plant. Impairments of buildings as well as machinery and equipment are primarily
due to plant closures.                                                          

In year 2007 Impairments of goodwill are related to impairment losses on design 
operations and German operations. For more information on goodwill impairment,  
see the section entitled Depreciation and Amortization in the notes.            

Impairments of buildings as well as machinery and equipment are primarily due to
plant closures and the sale of machinery.                                       

Impairments of other financial assets are connected with the write-off of       
holdings in Cellon.                                                             

APPENDIX 10                                                                     

| Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale in 2008 relate to real    |
| estates on sale and includes                                                 |
| impairment of 2.5 million euros (10.6).                                      |
|                                                                              |
| Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale in 2007 related to real   |
| estates on sale and to sale of Elcoteq                                       |
| Communications Technology GmbH to Bavaria Industriekapital AG on January     |
| 2008.                                                                        |
|               |    |                    |                     |              |
| Assets classified as held for sale:                           |              |
|               |    |                    |                     |              |
| EUR 1,000          | 2008               | 2 007               |              |
| Non-current assets | 23 898             | 4 910               |              |
| Current assets     | -                  | 34 543              |              |
| Total         |    | 23 898             | 39 453              |              |
|               |    |                    |                     |              |
| Liabilities classified as held for sale:                      |              |
|               |    |                    |                     |              |
| EUR 1,000          | 2008               | 2 007               |              |
| Long-term          | -                  | -                   |              |
| liabilities        |                    |                     |              |
| Current            | -                  | 20 526              |              |
| liabilities        |                    |                     |              |
| Total         |    | -                  | 20 526              |              |

APPENDIX 11                                                                     

| ASSETS PLEDGED AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, EUR 1,000 | 2008      | 2007      |
| PLEDGED SALES RECEIVABLES                            | 26,901    | -         |
| PLEDGED LOANS RECEIVABLES                            | 764       | -         |
| ON BEHALF OF OTHERS                                  |           |           |
| Guarantees                                           | 1,008     | 8         |
| LEASING COMMITMENTS                                  |           |           |
| Operating leases, production machinery (excl. VAT)   | 9,014     | 26,239    |
| Rental commitments, real-estate (excl. VAT)          | 15,386    | 19,334    |
| DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS                                 |           |           |
| Currency forward contracts, transaction risk,        |           |           |
| hedge accounting not applied                         |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 118,315   | 223,305   |
|   Fair value                                         | -224      | -7,069    |
| Currency forward contracts, transaction risk,        |           |           |
| hedge accounting applied                             |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 69,389    | 182,754   |
|   Fair value                                         | -3,539    | -1,047    |
| Currency option contracts, translation risk,         |           |           |
| hedge accounting applied, bought options             |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 17,000    | -         |
|   Fair value                                         | 341       | -         |
| Currency forward contracts, translation risk         |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 20,243    | 40,541    |
|   Fair value                                         | -819      | 1,102     |
| Currency forward contracts, financial risk           |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 172,329   | 126,534   |
|   Fair value                                         | -3,116    | 250       |
| Interest rate and foreign exchange swap contracts    |           |           |
|   Nominal value                                      | 1,500     | 4,000     |
|   Fair value                                         | 225       | 18        |
| The derivative contracts have been valued using the market prices and the    |
| exchange reference rates of the European Central Bank on the balance sheet   |
| date.  The figures include also the closed positions.                        |
| OTHER COMMITMENTS                                                            |
| In calculating value-added tax for China in 2008, Elcoteq has applied a      |
| method that has so far not received the written approval of the tax          |
| authorities. Should this approval not be forthcoming, the effect would be to |
| reduce Elcoteq´s result substantially. During previous years Elcoteq has     |
| been granted the approval afterwards and therefore the company has estimated |
| the risk to be small and has made no provision.                              |

APPENDIX 12                                                                     


Elcoteq SE signed in September 4, 2008 an agreement to purchase Philips' flat   
panel TV (FTV) assembly operations in Juarez, Mexico. The deal includes a       
long-term cooperation agreement with Philips to provide manufacturing services  
to Philips for its Latin American FTV business and its Philips Business Services
business in the Americas. The deal includes also a long term cooperation        
agreement with Funai Electric Co., Ltd to provide manufacturing services to     
Funai's FTV business in North America.                                          

The acquisition includes certain fixed assets and inventories of Philips' Juarez
manufacturing operation.                                                        
The assets and liabilities were acquired at fair value and will be used in the  
manufacturing of products to be supplied to Philips.                            
The impact of acquisition to the company's profitability in 2008, assuming that 
the agreement had been signed at the beginning of 2008, cannot be reliably      
The final acquisition price will be confirmed during 2009 and in year 2008 the  
balance sheet values used for the acquired business are based on preliminary    
asset values. Also the purchase allocation based on IFRS standards is prepared  
on a provisional basis.                                                         

The assets and liabilities acquired in business combinations are valued at their
fair values.                                                                    

|         |       |             |              |            |              |   |
| EUR 1,000       | 2008        | 2008         | 2007       | 2007         |   |
|                 | Fair value  | Book value   | Fair value | Book value   |   |
| Non-current     |             |              |            |              |   |
| assets          |             |              |            |              |   |
| Intanglible     | 457         | -            | -          | -            |   |
| assets          |             |              |            |              |   |
| Tangible assets | 5,395       | 5,395        | -          | -            |   |
| Current assets  |             |              |            |              |   |
| Inventories     | 15,181      | 15,181       | -          | -            |   |
| Current         | 7,021       | 7,021        | -          | -            |   |
| receivables     |             |              |            |              |   |
| Cash and        | 406         | 406          | -          | -            |   |
| equivalents     |             |              |            |              |   |
| Assets, total   | 28,461      | 28,004       | -          | -            |   |
| Liabilities     |             |              |            |              |   |
| Current         | 5,033       | 5,033        | -          | -            |   |
| liabilities     |             |              |            |              |   |
| Acquisition     | 23,428      | 22,971       | -          | -            |   |
| costs           |             |              |            |              |   |
| Acquisition     | 24,348      | -            | -          | -            |   |
| price paid in   |             |              |            |              |   |
| cash            |             |              |            |              |   |
| Cash and        | -406        | -            | -          | -            |   |
| equivalents of  |             |              |            |              |   |
| acquired        |             |              |            |              |   |
| subsidiary      |             |              |            |              |   |
| Impact on cash  | 23,942      | -            | -          | -            |   |
| flow            |             |              |            |              |   |
| The acquisition in 2008 was made in US dollars. The acquisition cost was     |
| translated into euros using the exchange rate of the acquisition date. The   |
| acquisition price paid in cash was translated into euros using the payment   |
| date´s rate of the acquisition.                                              |

APPENDIX 13                                                                     

| QUARTERLY    |                                                               |
| FIGURES      |                                                               |
| (UNAUDITED)  |                                                               |
| INCOME       | Q4/  | Q3/  | Q2/  | Q1/   | Q4/    | Q3/    | Q2/   |        |
| STATEMENT,   | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008  | 2007   | 2007   | 2007  | Q1/    |
| MEUR         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       | 2007   |
| NET SALES    | 889. | 740. | 904. | 908.7 | 1,062. | 1,059. | 968.3 | 952.5  |
|              | 1    | 5    | 8    |       | 4      | 7      |       |        |
| Change in    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| work in      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| progress     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| and finished | -23. | -4.4 | -10. | 2.9   | -5.7   | 23.8   | -0.9  | 1.3    |
| goods        | 9    |      | 1    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Other        | 2.2  | 4.4  | 3.1  | 1.6   | 4.0    | 2.1    | 1.0   | 1.0    |
| operating    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| income       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Operating    | -842 | -719 | -878 | -905. | -1,050 | -1,063 | -964. | -957.0 |
| expenses     | .6   | .7   | .9   | 6     | .9     | .5     | 5     |        |
| Restructurin | -13. | -    | -    | -     | -15.3  | -1.8   | -3.1  | -30.1  |
| g expenses   | 5    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Depreciation | -23. | -20. | -18. | -17.1 | -19.4  | -20.4  | -19.9 | -20.1  |
| and          | 2    | 5    | 2    |       |        |        |       |        |
| impairments  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| OPERATING    | -11. | 0.3  | 0.6  | -9.5  | -24.9  | -0.1   | -19.0 | -52.4  |
| INCOME       | 8    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| % of net     | -1.3 | 0.0  | 0.1  | -1.0  | -2.3   | 0.0    | -2.0  | -5.5   |
| sales        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Financial    | -13. | -7.0 | -6.1 | -6.0  | -6.3   | -7.3   | -6.1  | -6.4   |
| income and   | 3    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| expenses     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Share of     | -    | -0.1 | -    | -     | -0.1   | 0.0    | -0.1  | -0.3   |
| profits and  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| losses of    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| associates   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| INCOME       | -25. | -6.8 | -5.5 | -15.4 | -31.2  | -7.5   | -25.1 | -59.0  |
| BEFORE TAXES | 2    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Income taxes | -4.0 | -4.0 | -7.3 | 4.2   | -2.9   | 1.6    | 5.3   | 12.4   |
| NET INCOME   | -29. | -10. | -12. | -11.3 | -34.2  | -5.9   | -19.8 | -46.6  |
| FOR THE      | 2    | 7    | 8    |       |        |        |       |        |
| PERIOD       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ATTRIBUTABLE |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| TO:          |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Equity       | -29. | -11. | -13. | -11.6 | -34.5  | -6.3   | -20.6 | -46.9  |
| holders of   | 1    | 5    | 7    |       |        |        |       |        |
| the parent   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| company      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Minority     | -0.1 | 0.8  | 0.9  | 0.3   | 0.4    | 0.4    | 0.7   | 0.3    |
| interests    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
|              | -29. | -10. | -12. | -11.3 | -34.2  | -5.9   | -19.8 | -46.6  |
|              | 2    | 7    | 8    |       |        |        |       |        |
| BALANCE      | Q4/  | Q3/  | Q2/  | Q1/   | Q4/    | Q3/    | Q2/   | Q1/    |
| SHEET, MEUR  | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008  | 2007   | 2007   | 2007  | 2007   |
| ASSETS       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Non-current  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Assets       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Intangible   | 27.6 | 28.4 | 28.5 | 29,5  | 32.7   | 35.0   | 36.9  | 38.8   |
| assets       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Tangible     | 167. | 190. | 184. | 182.0 | 200.1  | 210.5  | 220.4 | 227.3  |
| assets       | 8    | 0    | 0    |       |        |        |       |        |
|  Investments | 2.2  | 2.2  | 2.1  | 2.1   | 2.2    | 2.4    | 2.5   | 2.6    |
| Long-term    | 46.4 | 49.2 | 48.5 | 47.3  | 33.8   | 37.6   | 34.8  | 28.6   |
| receivables  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Non-current  | 244. | 269. | 263. | 260.9 | 268.8  | 285.5  | 294.7 | 297.4  |
| assets,      | 0    | 8    | 2    |       |        |        |       |        |
| total        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Current      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| assets       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
|  Inventories | 256. | 358. | 322. | 321.7 | 355.8  | 395.7  | 365.0 | 346.4  |
|              | 2    | 2    | 5    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Current      | 336. | 326. | 320. | 271.7 | 335.6  | 435.3  | 420.3 | 390.1  |
| receivables  | 3    | 4    | 0    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash and     | 95.1 | 59.5 | 50.5 | 91.9  | 92.7   | 65.8   | 44.4  | 75.4   |
| equivalents  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Current      | 687. | 744. | 692. | 685.3 | 784.0  | 896.8  | 829.8 | 811.9  |
| assets,      | 5    | 0    | 9    |       |        |        |       |        |
| total        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Assets       | 23.9 | 28.7 | 30.5 | 30.2  | 39.5   | 7.9    | 7.6   | 6.7    |
| classified   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| as held for  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| sale         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ASSETS,      | 955. | 1,04 | 986. | 976.4 | 1,092. | 1,190. | 1,132 | 1,116. |
| TOTAL        | 4    | 2.6  | 6    |       | 3      | 2      | .0    | 0      |
| SHAREHOLDERS |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ' EQUITY AND |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| LIABILITIES  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Equity       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| attributable |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| to equity    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| holders of   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| the parent   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| company      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Share        | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0  | 13.0   | 13.0   | 13.0  | 12.6   |
| capital      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Other        | 109. | 139. | 152. | 162.8 | 173.5  | 206.1  | 213.5 | 228.5  |
| shareholders | 4    | 7    | 4    |       |        |        |       |        |
| ' equity     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Equity       | 122. | 152. | 165. | 175.9 | 186.6  | 219.2  | 226.6 | 241.1  |
| attributable | 5    | 8    | 4    |       |        |        |       |        |
| to equity    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| holders of   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| the parent   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| company,     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        || total        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Minority     | 12.7 | 13.4 | 12.5 | 11.3  | 11.3   | 11.0   | 9.8   | 10.1   |
| interests    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Total equity | 135. | 166. | 177. | 187.2 | 197.9  | 230.2  | 236.4 | 251.2  |
|              | 2    | 2    | 9    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Long-term    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| liabilities  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Long-term    | 159. | 159. | 159. | 159.4 | 159.3  | 179.6  | 179.4 | 179.6  |
| loans        | 3    | 4    | 3    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Other        | 5.6  | 5.5  | 5.2  | 5.0   | 4.9    | 5.0    | 5.1   | 4.5    |
| long-term    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| debt         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Long-term    | 165. | 164. | 164. | 164.4 | 164.2  | 184.6  | 184.5 | 184.1  |
| liabilities, | 0    | 9    | 5    |       |        |        |       |        |
| total        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Current      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| liabilities  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Current      | 173. | 187. | 111. | 75.7  | 77.5   | 49.8   | 56.6  | 64.8   |
| loans        | 9    | 2    | 2    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Other        | 473. | 519. | 526. | 544.7 | 625.6  | 718.0  | 647.0 | 607.3  |
| current      | 9    | 9    | 8    |       |        |        |       |        |
| liabilities  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
|  Provisions  | 7.5  | 4.4  | 4.8  | 3.7   | 6.5    | 7.5    | 7.5   | 8.5    |
| Current      | 655. | 711. | 642. | 624.1 | 709.6  | 775.4  | 711.1 | 680.6  |
| liabilities, | 3    | 5    | 8    |       |        |        |       |        |
| total        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Liabilities  | -    | -    | 1.4  | 0.7   | 20.5   | -      | -     | -      |
| classified   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| as held for  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| sale         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| SHAREHOLDERS | 955. | 1,04 | 986. | 976.4 | 1,092. | 1,190. | 1,132 | 1,116. |
| ' EQUITY     | 4    | 2.6  | 6    |       | 3      | 2      | .0    | 0      |
| AND          |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| LIABILITIES, |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| TOTAL        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Personnel on | 17,0 | 17,3 | 17,5 | 17,89 | 19,131 | 19,433 | 19,71 | 19,065 |
| average      | 50   | 04   | 43   | 4     |        |        | 4     |        |
| during the   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| period       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Gross        | 9.9  | 17.2 | 16.6 | 27.7  | 27.8   | 14.8   | 13.4  | 11.2   |
| capital      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| expenditure, |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| MEUR         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ROI/ROCE     | -3.1 | -5.6 | -6.2 | -10.7 | -19.6  | -12.0  | -9.4  | -2.9   |
| from 12      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| preceding    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| months, %    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Earnings per | -0.8 | -0.3 | -0.4 | -0.35 | -1.06  | -0.19  | -0.64 | -1.49  |
| share (EPS), | 9    | 5    | 2    |       |        |        |       |        |
| EUR          |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Solvency, %  | 14.2 | 15.9 | 18.0 | 19.2  | 18.1   | 19.4   | 20.9  | 22.5   |
| CONSOLIDATED | Q4/  | Q3/  | Q2/  | Q1/   | Q4/    | Q3/    | Q2/   |  Q1/   |
| CASH FLOW    | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008  | 2007   | 2007   | 2007  | 2007   |
| STATEMENT,   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| MEUR         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash flow    | 21.5 | 32.8 | 16.2 | 1.3   | 5.2    | 13.1   | -2.3  | -4.3   |
| before       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| change in    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| working      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| capital      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Change in    | 46.6 | -65. | -66. | 24.7  | 33.6   | 33.9   | -5.9  | -18.4  |
| working      |      | 2    | 3    |       |        |        |       |        |
| capital      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Financial    | -13. | -7.6 | -5.6 | -7.5  | -6.1   | -3.8   | -1.2  | -8.6   |
| items and    | 0    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| taxes        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash flow    | 55.2 | -39. | -55. | 18.4  | 32.7   | 43.2   | -9.5  | -31.2  |
| from         |      | 9    | 8    |       |        |        |       |        |
| operating    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| activities   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Purchases of | -4.4 | -12. | -24. | -20.0 | -26.2  | -18.0  | -12.5 | -10.4  |
| non-current  |      | 8    | 6    |       |        |        |       |        |
| assets       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Acquisitions | -8.4 | -15. | -    | -     | -      | -      | -     | -      |
|              |      | 5    |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Disposals of | 4.1  | 1.5  | 1.8  | 0.5   | 15.4   | 3.7    | 1.0   | 0.7    |
| non-current  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| assets       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash flow    | 46.6 | -66. | -78. | -1.1  | 21.9   | 28.9   | -21.0 | -40.9  |
| before       |      | 7    | 5    |       |        |        |       |        |
| financing    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| activities   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Proceeds     | -    | -    | -    | -     | -      | -      | 6.7   | -      |
| from share   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| issue        |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Redemption   | -    | -    | -    | -     | -0.1   | -      | -     | -      |
| of parent    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| company      |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| shares       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Change in    | 8.9  | 72.2 | 36.3 | 2.4   | 9.3    | -4.5   | -8.8  | 34.4   |
| current debt |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Repayment of | -20. | -    | -0.2 | -     | -0.2   |  -     | -0.2  | -0.2   |
| long-term    | 2    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| debt         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Dividends    | -1.0 | -1.0 | -    | -     |  -     | -1.5   | -7.4  |  -     |
| paid         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash flow    | -12. | 71.1 | 36.1 | 2.4   | 9.1    | -6.0   | -9.7  | 34.3   |
| from         | 3    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| financing    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| activities   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Change in    | 34.2 | 4.4  | -42. | 1.3   | 30.9   | 23.0   | -30.8 | -6.6   |
| cash and     |      |      | 4    |       |        |        |       |        |
| equivalents  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash and     | 59.5 | 50.5 | 91.9 | 92.7  | 65.8   | 44.4   | 75.4  | 82.3   |
| equivalents  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| at the       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| beginning of |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| the period   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash and     | -    | -    | 0.2  | -0.2  | -3.2   | -      | -     | -      |
| equivalents  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| classified   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| as held for  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| sale         |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Effect of    | 1.4  | 4.6  | 0.9  | -1.9  | -0.8   | -1.6   | -0.2  | -0.3   |
| exchange     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| rate changes |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| on cash held |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Cash and     | 95.1 | 59.5 | 50.5 | 91.9  | 92.7   | 65.8   | 44.4  | 75.4   |
| equivalents  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| at the end   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| of the       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| period       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| BUSINESS     | Q4/  | Q3/  | Q2/  | Q1/   | Q4/    | Q3/    | Q2/   | Q1/    |
| AREAS, MEUR  | 2008 | 2008 | 2008 | 2008  | 2007   | 2007   | 2007  | 2007   |
| Net sales    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Personal     | 465. | 437. | 631. | 688.4 | 750.1  | 740.1  | 628.8 | 658.8  |
| Communicatio | 2    | 6    | 0    |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Home         | 218. | 126. | 90.5 | 81.4  | 99.8   | 102.8  | 123.2 | 108.4  |
| Communicatio | 8    | 6    |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Communicatio | 205. | 176. | 183. | 139.0 | 212.5  | 216.8  | 216.4 | 185.3  |
| ns           | 2    | 3    | 3    |       |        |        |       |        |
| Networks     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Total        | 889. | 740. | 904. | 908.7 | 1,062. | 1.059. | 968.3 | 952.5  |
|              | 1    | 5    | 8    |       | 4      | 7      |       |        |
| Segment´s    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| operating    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| income       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Personal     | 6.7  | 1.9  | 5.6  | 5.4   | -1.9   | 7.0    | -9.4  | -25.8  |
| Communicatio |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Home         | -4.1 | -0.9 | 0.9  | -0.5  | 3.2    | -1.0   | -2.0  | -11.0  |
| Communicatio |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Communicatio | -5.1 | 7.6  | 3.3  | -4.2  | -17.2  | 2.4    | 2.2   | -4.7   |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Networks     |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Group´s      | -9.3 | -8.4 | -9.2 | -10.1 | -9.0   | -8.5   | -9.8  | -10.8  |
| non-allocate |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| d            |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| expenses/inc |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ome          |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Total        | -11. | 0.3  | 0.6  | -9.5  | -24.9  | -0.1   | -19.0 | -52.4  |
|              | 8    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Restructurin |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| g expenses   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| recognized   |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| in segment´s |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| operating    |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| income       |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Personal     | -6.0 | -    | -    | -     | -1.3   | -0.9   | -2.9  | -21.4  |
| Communiactio |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Home         | -2.1 | -    | -    | -     | -1.3   | -1.2   | 0.0   | -6.9   |
| Communicatio |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ns           |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Communicatio | -5.4 | -    | -    | -     | -12.6  | 0.3    | -0.3  | -1.4   |
| ns Networks  |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Group´s      | -    | -    | -    | -     | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.1   | -0.4   |
| non-allocate |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| d            |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| expenses/inc |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| ome          |      |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |
| Total        | -13. | -    | -    | -     | -15.3  | -1.8   | -3.1  | -30.1  |
|              | 5    |      |      |       |        |        |       |        |

| GEOGRAPHI | Q4/  | Q3/  | Q2/   | Q1/    | Q4/     | Q3/     | Q2/   | Q1/   |
| CAL       | 2008 | 2008 | 2008  | 2008   | 2007    | 2007    | 2007  | 2007  |
| AREAS,    |      |      |       |        |         |         |       |       |
| MEUR      |      |      |       |        |         |         |       |       |
| Net Sales |      |      |       |        |         |         |       |       |
|    Europe | 419. | 365. | 414.3 | 465.4  | 557.5   | 530.2   | 481.0 | 507.6 |
|           | 8    | 4    |       |        |         |         |       |       |
| Asia-Paci | 134. | 173. | 233.4 | 214.4  | 293.9   | 313.7   | 272.1 | 231.2 |
| fic       | 3    | 0    |       |        |         |         |       |       |
|  Americas | 335. | 202. | 257.1 | 228.9  | 211.1   | 215.7   | 215.2 | 213.6 |
|           | 1    | 0    |       |        |         |         |       |       |
| Total     | 889. | 740. | 904.8 | 908.7  | 1,062.4 | 1,059.7 | 968.3 | 952.5 |
|           | 1    | 5    |       |        |         |         |       |       |
