2009-09-25 23:02:17 CEST

2009-09-25 23:03:17 CEST


English Islandic
Marel Food Systems hf. - Total number of voting rights and capital

Share increase

The Board of Directors of Marel Food Systems hf. decided on its meeting on 23
September 2009 to utilise authorization in the Company's Articles of
Associations, article 15.2, to increase its share capital by issuing new shares
for nominal amount of  ISK 9.131.725. The share increase was conditional upon a
proposed acquisition by funds controlled by Columbia Wanger Asset Management,
L.P. of 5,2% share capital in Marel being executed, which has now been
satisfied (see Marel‘s press release dated 25 September 2009). Total issued
share capital after the increase is ISK 616.000.000.  According to article
15.2. shareholders have fully waived their pre-emptive rights to share increase
under this article.