2008-10-17 10:01:39 CEST

2008-10-17 10:02:39 CEST


VST AB - Notification on material event

The General meeting of the shareholders of VST AB is called on November 21, 2008

The Board of VST AB on October 17, 2008 adopted the decision to call the
General shareholders meeting of VST AB and approved the following agenda of the

1. The Elections of the audit company for auditing company's financial
statements for 2008 and setting the terms and the conditions of the payment for
the audit services. 

The date and time of the General shareholders meeting: November 21, 2008, 1.00
The shareholders meeting place: Vilnius, Jasinskio str. 16C (5th floor). 
The accounting day of the shareholders meeting: November 14, 2008.
Registration starts: November 21, 2008, 0.25 pm.
Registration ends: November 21, 2008, 0.55 pm.

Aidas Ignatavičius
Chief Executive Officer 

Person for contacts: 
Rasa Kruopaitė-Lalienė
Manager Marketing and Public Relations
Phone + 370 5 2781231