2007-03-29 14:18:00 CEST

2008-01-17 14:19:21 CET


Inion Oyj - Notice to general meeting


Inion Oy                                    
                           (“Inion” or the “Company”)                           

                NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF INION OY                

The shareholders of INION Oy are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting   
(AGM) of INION Oy to be held on 3 May 2007 at 11.00 a.m. (Finnish time) at the  
company's headquarters at Lääkärinkatu 2, Tampere, FI-33520, Finland. Attendees 
are invited to arrive for registration from 10.00 a.m. (Finnish time).          

The meeting will consider the following matters:                                

AMENDMENT OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION                                        
The Board of Directors proposes the following amendments to the Articles of     
3 §: Provision regarding the minimum and maximum share capital shall be removed.
4 §: Provision regarding the nominal value of the shares shall be removed.      
5 §: Provisions regarding the record date shall be removed and content of the   
current provision shall be amended so that it only states that the shares of the
company belong to the book-entry system.                                        
6 §: Provision regarding the election of Directors and rotation shall be amended
so that each Director is elected annually at the AGM and the term served by the 
Director will end at the end of the subsequent AGM.                             
10 §: Provision regarding the right to sign for the company shall be amended so 
that the “right to sign” is replaced with “representation” of the company in    
accordance with the Companies Act.                                              
In addition, the numbering of the provisions shall be amended accordingly.      
THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION                                                     
Proposal of the Board of Directors regarding the distribution of profits        
The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend shall be paid from the         
financial year ended 31 December 2006.                                          
Board of Directors                                                              
In accordance with the recommendation of the Nomination Committee of the        
Company, the Board of Directors proposes that the number of Directors shall be  
nine (9); and that Göran Ando, James Beery, Julien Cotta and Auvo Kaikkonen of  
the current Directors shall be elected as Directors; and that Peter Allen, David
Anderson, Peter Jensen, Chris Lee and Markku Silén shall be elected as new      
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM authorises the Board of Directors  
to issue no more than 6,913,015 new shares through issuance of shares in one or 
more issues. The proposed maximum number of shares corresponds to approximately 
nine (9) percent of the company's current total number of shares. The shares may
be issued without consideration.                                                
The authorisation will be used to settle the company's equity-based incentive   
schemes so that a maximum number of 2,843,015 shares may be used to settle the  
CEO's equity-based incentive scheme and a maximum number of 3,700,000 shares may
be used to settle the equity-based incentive scheme of key personnel. In        
addition, the authorisation may be used to issue a maximum number of 370,000    
shares to the non-executive Directors as part of their remuneration.            
It is further proposed that the authorisation includes the right for the Board  
of Directors to resolve on all the terms and conditions of the issuance of      
shares including the right to deviate from shareholders' pre-emptive rights     
within the limits set by law.                                                   
The authorisation shall be effective until further notice.                      
The meeting materials                                                           
The complete proposals by the Board of Directors and other documents required by
the Companies Act are on display for the shareholders' inspection during a      
period of one week before the meeting on the company's website at the address   
www.inion.com and also at the company's headquarters in Tampere at Lääkärinkatu 
2, FI-33520 Tampere, Finland. Copies of the documents are sent to the           
shareholder upon request.                                                       
The right to attend the meeting                                                 
Only those shareholders who are registered as shareholders of the company in the
company's register of shareholders kept by the Finnish Central Securities       
Depository (Suomen Arvopaperikeskus Oy) on 23 April 2007 will be entitled to    
attend the AGM (in person or by proxy).                                         
Notice of attendance                                                            
A shareholder who wishes to attend the AGM, either in person or by proxy, must  
give notice to the company by 30 April 2007 at 4 p.m. (Finnish time). This can  
be done to Ms. Marja Tähkänen either by e-mail to the address                   
marja.tahkanen@inion.com, by facsimile to the number + 358 3 230 6604 or by mail
to the company's address Lääkärinkatu 2, FI-33520, Tampere, Finland.            
Eventual proxies for representing a shareholder at the meeting must be delivered
in original to the company at the company's address above on 30 April 2007 at 4 
p.m. (Finnish time) at the latest.                                              
Temporary entry in the register of shareholders                                 
Crest Depository Interests                                                      
A holder of Crest Depository Interests who wishes to attend the AGM in person or
by proxy shall notify this to Computershare Investor Services PLC in accordance 
with the instructions sent by Computershare Investor Services PLC separately to 
each holder of Crest Depository Interests.                                      

Other shares registered in the name of a nominee                                
A holder of shares registered in the name of a nominee who intends to use       
his/her/its right to attend the annual general meeting shall notify this to the 
custodian in accordance with the instructions given by the custodian.           
Tampere, on 26 March 2007                                                       
INION OY