2007-03-01 07:29:21 CET

2007-03-01 07:29:21 CET


Anglų Suomių
Larox Oyj - Notice to general meeting



Larox Corporation shareholders are invited to the annual general meeting of     
shareholders to be held on Friday 30 March 2007 at 11 a.m. at Larox Corporation 
headquarters, address Tukkikatu 1, 53900 Lappeenranta.                          

The matters to be handled in the annual general meeting of shareholders are:    

1. According to paragraph 12 of the articles of association the routine matters 
of the annual general meeting of shareholders                                   
2. Composition of the board of directors and auditors                           
The shareholders who hold over 50 % of the number of votes the company shares   
give have informed that they will propose to the annual general meeting of      
shareholders that the following current members of the board of directors be    
elected to the board of directors for the term which lasts until the next annual
general meeting of shareholders: Mr. Timo Vartiainen, Ms. Katariina Aaltonen,   
Mr. Teppo Taberman, Mr. Thomas Franck and Mr. Matti Ruotsala.                   

For more information on the board member candidates, please visit the company's 
web pages www.larox.com/investors                                               

The same shareholders have also informed that they will propose to the annual   
general meeting of shareholders that the following current auditors continue    
until further notice: APA Kim Karhu and auditing society PricewaterhouseCoopers 
Oy, APA Kaija Leppinen with the main responsibility for the audit and APA Henrik
Sormunen and APA Jarmo Alén as deputy auditors.                                 
3. Payment of dividends                                                         

Based on the proposal by the board of directors the dividend for the past fiscal
year, which ended on 31 December 2006, is EUR 0.30 per share. Shareholders who  
are registered in the shareholders' registry maintained by the Finnish Central  
Securities Depository Ltd. on 4 April 2007, the matching day of dividend        
payment, are entitled to the dividend. The dividends will be paid on            
13 April 2007.                                                                  

4. Proposal by the board of directors to THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF          
SHAREHOLDERS TO authorize the board of directors to decide on repurchase of     

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting of shareholders 
authorize the board of directors to decide on repurchase of shares by using the 
company's unrestricted shareholders' equity. The proposed maximum number of     
shares in the authorization is 500.000 Larox Corporation B-series shares.       

The shares may be purchased in order to finance or carry out acquisitions       
or other business transactions, in order to develop the company's capital       
structure, to improve the liquidity of the Company's shares, to employee        
incentive plans, to be disposed for other purposes, or to be cancelled.         

The repurchases will be carried out through public trading, whereby the shares  
will be repurchased in another proportion than according to the holdings of the 
shareholders. The repurchase price must be based on the market price of the     
Larox Corporation B share in public trading. The repurchases of shares will be  
carried out at Helsinki Stock Exchange and according to their rules and         

The board of directors cannot realize the authorization of the repurchase of    
shares should the total number of the company's or its subsidiary's own or      
pledged shares exceed 10 per cent of all shares after the purchase.             

The authorization is valid 18 months from the resolution by the annual general  
meeting of shareholders.                                                        

5. The proposal by the board of directors to the annual general meeting of      
shareholders to authorize the board of directors to decide on share issue,      
AND/OR stock option rights OR other special rights that entitle to shares       

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting of shareholders 
authorize the board of directors to decide on shares, stock option rights or    
special rights referred to in the Finnish Companies Act chapter 10, paragraph 1 
in one or more lots in such a way that based on the authorization the total     
maximum number of Larox Corporation B-series shares is 500 000. The board of    
directors may decide to give either new shares or own shares the company        
posesses. It is proposed that the authorization be used to finance and to carry 
out acquisitions or other business transactions and the company's investments,  
employee incentive plans or other purposes decided by the board of directors.   

The authorization includes the right to decide on share issue without a         
subscription price and the right to deviate from the shareholders' subscription 
right according to certain preconditions of the Companies Act. The authorization
is valid for five years from the resolution by the annual general meeting of    

The copies of the financial statements and the proposals by the board of        
directors are available to the shareholders one week before the meeting at Larox
Corporation headquarters. Copies of these documents are available on request.   

Shareholders who are registered as shareholders in the shareholders' register   
maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. no later than 20   
March 2007 have the right to participate in the annual general meeting of       
Notification of participation                                                   
Shareholders who wish to participate in the annual general meeting of           
shareholders must notify the company no later than 23 March 2007 at 2 p.m.      
Notification can be made in writing to Larox Corporation, P.O. Box 29, 53101    
Lappeenranta, by phone +358 5 668 8211, fax +358 5 668 8277 or email to         

Possible powers of attorney or other authorizations are requested be given with 
the notification of participation.                                              

Lappeenranta 1 March 2007                                                       

LAROX CORPORATION                                                               
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information please contact                                          
Mr Timo Vartiainen, Chairman                                                    
Tel. +358 (5) 668 8305, Fax. +358 (5) 668 8277                                  
Email: timo.vartiainen@larox.com