2013-01-18 08:05:27 CET

2013-01-18 08:06:28 CET


Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

AB Klaipėdos Nafta has selected the supplier for provision of overdraft services

The winner of the public procurement “Procurement of Overdraft Services”
(hereinafter, the “Procurement”) by way of negotiated procedures with
publication of a tender notice of AB Klaipėdos Nafta (hereinafter, the
“Company”) was selected Nordea Bank Finland Plc (hereinafter, the “Bank”). On
the intention to announce the Procurement of the aforementioned financial
service the Company notified on 16 October 2012 and on announcement thereof -
on 9 November 2012, by announcing the notifications on material event. 

During the implementation of the Procurement 3 final tender offers were
submitted by 17 January 2013, one of which was rejected for failure to comply
with the requirements of Procurement documents. Upon evaluation of the final
tender offers according to the lowest price criterion, the Bank was recognised
to be the winner. 

The Company has sent an invitation to the Bank to conclude a public procurement
contract which must be signed after the period of deferment of 15 days which is
applicable to the conclusion of the public procurement contract. 

The main conditions of the overdraft agreement shall inter alia include the

(i) amount of the overdraft - LTL 120,000,000;

(ii) term of the overdraft - as from the date of conclusion of the agreement
until 30 June 2015, with a possibility to extend the agreement for the term of
up to 12 months with not worse conditions, provided that the Bank will adopt
the decisions needed for this purpose; 

(iii) upon request of the Company, the amount of the overdraft may be increased
by 30%, i. e. up to LTL 156,000,000. For increase of amount of the overdraft no
administrative fee shall be applied; 

(iv) annual interest rate - floating. Base interest rate - 3 months VILIBOR.
Interest margin is 0.94%, which may not be changed during the whole term of
validity of the agreement. 

The Company also informs that the agreement will provide for the overdraft
payment terms, which inter alia will include the formalisation of the
securities for the obligations of the Company - conclusion of the agreement for
assignment of the rights of claim to the receivable funds intended for covering
all or some of the expenses of installation and operation of the liquefied
natural gas terminal, its facilities and the connection. 

Furthermore as one of the conditions of the overdraft agreement shall be
foreseen a prohibition to pay the dividends to shareholders of the Company
until provision of the deed of completion of construction of the liquefied
natural gas terminal to the Bank. 

         Finance Director Mantas Bartuška, 8 46 391763