2014-04-01 08:02:44 CEST

2014-04-01 08:03:28 CEST


Ahlstrom - Company Announcement

Ahlstrom's restated segment information for 2013 based on new business area structure

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE April 1, 2014 at 09.00

Ahlstrom's restated segment information for 2013 based on new business area

Ahlstrom, a global high performance fiber-based materials company, made changes
to its financial segment reporting as of January 1, 2014 as the former Food and
Medical business area was divided into two separate segments: Food business area
and Medical business area.

With this change, Ahlstrom aims to strengthen its focus on the food and medical
applications and to address the growth and profitability issues in these

Ahlstrom's business areas as of January 1, 2014 have been the following:

  * Advanced Filtration: A global leader in life science and laboratory
    filtration materials.
  * Building and Energy: One of the leading players globally for materials used
    in wallcoverings, floorings and windmill blades.
  * Food: One of the leading players globally for materials used in food and
    beverage packaging and masking tape.
  * Medical: One of the leading players globally for materials used in medical
  * Transportation Filtration: The global leader in transportation filtration

In addition to Trading and New Business, these five business areas form
Ahlstrom's financial reporting segments.

Ahlstrom's financial reporting will be aligned with this change starting from
the January-March 2014 interim report, to be published on April 29, 2014. The
restated segment figures for 2013 are presented in the tables below and in the
attached file. Group-wide figures are unchanged. Restatements for earlier
periods have not been made.

SEGMENT INFORMATION, YEAR-TO-DATE                       Q1  Q1-Q2  Q1-Q3   Q1-Q4

EUR million                                           2013   2013   2013    2013

Advanced Filtration                                   24.3   50.5   74.7    97.9

Building and Energy                                   73.4  144.4  212.0   275.7

Food                                                  60.1  123.8  181.9   243.7

Medical                                               36.5   74.9  109.5   142.9

Transportation Filtration                             74.6  155.6  233.3   306.8

Trading and New Business                              10.4   25.1   43.8    61.3

Other operations                                      21.6   42.9   61.3    78.7

Internal sales                                       -45.6  -97.0 -145.1  -192.2
Total net sales                                      255.3  520.3  771.4 1 014.8

Advanced Filtration                                    2.6    5.5    7.5     9.8

Building and Energy                                    2.2    8.1   17.9    26.5

Food                                                   5.8   11.5   15.8    22.1

Medical                                               12.6   26.5   38.0    50.0

Transportation Filtration                              5.2   11.8   18.1    22.9

Trading and New Business                               2.7    5.6    8.0    10.0

Other operations                                      14.6   28.1   39.7    50.8
Total internal sales                                  45.6   97.0  145.1   192.2

Advanced Filtration                                    3.2    6.8   10.2    12.8

Building and Energy                                    2.5    4.0    3.6     1.3

Food                                                   0.0    1.2    1.5     2.1

Medical                                                0.0    0.3   -1.3    -3.1

Transportation Filtration                              4.1    8.7   12.3    14.1

Trading and New Business                              -0.8   -1.5   -2.5    -3.1

Other operations                                      -0.6   -4.8   -7.4   -13.3

Eliminations                                           0.0   -0.0   -0.1    -0.0
Operating profit / loss                                8.3   14.7   16.3    10.7

Advanced Filtration                                    3.2    6.8   10.2    12.8

Building and Energy                                    2.5    4.1    3.6     2.7

Food                                                   0.8    2.2    2.5     4.2

Medical                                                0.0    0.3   -1.3    -3.1

Transportation Filtration                              4.1    8.7   12.3    14.4

Trading and New Business                              -0.8   -1.5   -2.5    -3.1

Other operations                                      -3.3   -6.2   -8.8   -14.5

Eliminations                                           0.0   -0.0   -0.1    -0.0
Operating profit / loss excluding non-recurring        6.5   14.4   15.9    13.4

Return on capital employed (RONA), %

Advanced Filtration                                   25.8   27.9   28.3    27.3

Building and Energy                                   11.6    9.1    5.4     1.5

Food                                                   0.1    2.4    2.1     2.2

Medical                                                0.0    0.8   -2.1    -3.8

Transportation Filtration                             10.8   11.9   11.0     9.7

Trading and New Business                             -12.7  -11.2  -11.6   -11.4
Group (ROCE), %                                        5.1    3.2    2.3     0.9

Advanced Filtration                                   49.6   49.2   47.3    45.0

Building and Energy                                   89.7   98.0   98.1    89.3

Food                                                  99.4   96.2   88.4    88.2

Medical                                               91.9   85.9   77.9    73.0

Transportation Filtration                            160.6  147.1  153.4   145.3

Trading and New Business                              26.3   28.4   31.4    27.5

Other operations                                     -54.7  -88.5  -17.8    -3.0

Eliminations                                          -0.2   -0.2   -0.2    -0.2
Total net assets, eop                                462.6  416.1  478.4   465.0

Advanced Filtration                                    0.3    0.5    1.1     1.9

Building and Energy                                    5.3   20.6   30.6    44.8

Food                                                   0.2    0.7    1.6     3.6

Medical                                                0.2    0.8    1.0     1.4

Transportation Filtration                              4.7    8.3   13.8    19.2

Trading and New Business                               0.0    0.1    0.2     0.6

Other operations                                       0.8    1.2    1.7     4.5
Total capital expenditure                             11.5   32.2   50.0    76.1

Advanced Filtration                                   -0.8   -1.6   -2.3    -3.0

Building and Energy                                   -3.1   -6.2   -9.1   -11.8

Food                                                  -2.3   -4.7   -7.2    -9.6

Medical                                               -2.4   -4.7   -7.0    -9.2

Transportation Filtration                             -3.4   -6.9  -10.3   -14.0

Trading and New Business                              -0.3   -0.6   -0.9    -1.2

Other operations                                      -0.7   -1.3   -1.9    -2.6
Total depreciation and amortization                  -12.9  -26.0  -38.7   -51.3

Advanced Filtration                                      -      -      -       -

Building and Energy                                      -      -      -    -1.2

Food                                                     -      -      -    -1.2

Medical                                                  -      -      -       -

Transportation Filtration                                -      -      -       -

Trading and New Business                                 -      -      -       -

Other operations                                         -   -0.1   -0.2    -0.2
Total impairment charges                                 -   -0.1   -0.2    -2.6

Advanced Filtration                                      -      -      -       -

Building and Energy                                      -   -0.0   -0.0    -1.4

Food                                                  -0.8   -1.0   -1.0    -2.1

Medical                                                  -      -      -       -

Transportation Filtration                                -      -      -    -0.2

Trading and New Business                                 -      -      -       -

Other operations                                       2.7    1.4    1.4     1.1
Total non-recurring items                              1.9    0.4    0.4    -2.7

Advanced Filtration                                    4.0    8.3   12.2    16.1

Building and Energy                                   39.2   77.2  112.7   145.5

Food                                                  22.1   45.6   67.0    91.3

Medical                                               10.0   20.5   30.0    40.0

Transportation Filtration                             26.7   55.5   83.5   110.1

Trading and New Business                               3.5   11.2   23.5    34.9

Other operations                                       1.6    3.5    5.3     7.1

Eliminations                                          -9.9  -24.6  -42.6   -60.1
Total sales tons, thousands of tons                   97.3  197.1  291.6   384.9

Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards.

SEGMENT INFORMATION, QUARTERLY                          Q1     Q2     Q3      Q4

EUR million                                           2013   2013   2013    2013

Advanced Filtration                                   24.3   26.2   24.2    23.2

Building and Energy                                   73.4   71.0   67.5    63.8

Food                                                  60.1   63.7   58.1    61.8

Medical                                               36.5   38.5   34.6    33.3

Transportation Filtration                             74.6   81.0   77.7    73.4

Trading and New Business                              10.4   14.7   18.6    17.5

Other operations                                      21.6   21.2   18.5    17.4

Internal sales                                       -45.6  -51.4  -48.2   -47.1
Total net sales                                      255.3  265.0  251.1   243.4

Advanced Filtration                                    2.6    2.9    2.0     2.3

Building and Energy                                    2.2    5.9    9.9     8.6

Food                                                   5.8    5.7    4.3     6.3

Medical                                               12.6   13.9   11.6    12.0

Transportation Filtration                              5.2    6.6    6.3     4.8

Trading and New Business                               2.7    2.9    2.4     2.1

Other operations                                      14.6   13.4   11.7    11.1
Total internal sales                                  45.6   51.4   48.2    47.1

Advanced Filtration                                    3.2    3.7    3.3     2.6

Building and Energy                                    2.5    1.6   -0.4    -2.3

Food                                                   0.0    1.2    0.3     0.6

Medical                                                0.0    0.3   -1.6    -1.8

Transportation Filtration                              4.1    4.6    3.6     1.9

Trading and New Business                              -0.8   -0.7   -1.0    -0.6

Other operations                                      -0.6   -4.2   -2.6    -5.9

Eliminations                                           0.0   -0.0   -0.0     0.0
Operating profit / loss                                8.3    6.4    1.5    -5.5

Advanced Filtration                                    3.2    3.7    3.3     2.6

Building and Energy                                    2.5    1.6   -0.4    -0.9

Food                                                   0.8    1.4    0.3     1.7

Medical                                                0.0    0.3   -1.6    -1.8

Transportation Filtration                              4.1    4.6    3.6     2.1

Trading and New Business                              -0.8   -0.7   -1.0    -0.6

Other operations                                      -3.3   -2.9   -2.6    -5.6

Eliminations                                           0.0   -0.0   -0.0     0.0
Operating profit / loss excluding non-recurring        6.5    7.9    1.5    -2.5

Return on capital employed (RONA), %

Advanced Filtration                                   25.8   29.6   27.6    22.7

Building and Energy                                   11.6    6.7   -1.8    -9.9

Food                                                   0.1    4.7    1.4     2.7

Medical                                                0.0    1.5   -8.0    -9.8

Transportation Filtration                             10.8   11.9    9.5     5.0

Trading and New Business                             -12.7  -10.2  -13.0    -7.6

Group (ROCE), %                                        5.1    1.0    0.7    -3.5

Advanced Filtration                                   49.6   49.2   47.3    45.0

Building and Energy                                   89.7   98.0   98.1    89.3

Food                                                  99.4   96.2   88.4    88.2

Medical                                               91.9   85.9   77.9    73.0

Transportation Filtration                            160.6  147.1  153.4   145.3

Trading and New Business                              26.3   28.4   31.4    27.5

Other operations                                     -54.7  -88.5  -17.8    -3.0

Eliminations                                          -0.2   -0.2   -0.2    -0.2
Total net assets                                     462.6  416.1  478.4   465.0

Advanced Filtration                                    0.3    0.3    0.6     0.8

Building and Energy                                    5.3   15.3   10.0    14.3

Food                                                   0.2    0.5    0.9     2.0

Medical                                                0.2    0.6    0.2     0.4

Transportation Filtration                              4.7    3.5    5.5     5.4

Trading and New Business                               0.0    0.1    0.1     0.4

Other operations                                       0.8    0.4    0.5     2.8
Total capital expenditure                             11.5   20.7   17.8    26.1

Advanced Filtration                                   -0.8   -0.7   -0.7    -0.7

Building and Energy                                   -3.1   -3.1   -2.9    -2.7

Food                                                  -2.3   -2.4   -2.5    -2.4

Medical                                               -2.4   -2.4   -2.2    -2.2

Transportation Filtration                             -3.4   -3.5   -3.5    -3.7

Trading and New Business                              -0.3   -0.3   -0.3    -0.3

Other operations                                      -0.7   -0.7   -0.6    -0.6
Total depreciation and amortization                  -12.9  -13.0  -12.8   -12.6

Advanced Filtration                                      -      -      -       -

Building and Energy                                      -      -      -    -1.2

Food                                                     -      -      -    -1.2

Medical                                                  -      -      -       -

Transportation Filtration                                -      -      -       -

Trading and New Business                                 -      -      -       -

Other operations                                         -   -0.1   -0.1    -0.0
Total impairment charges                                 -   -0.1   -0.1    -2.4

Advanced Filtration                                      -      -      -       -

Building and Energy                                      -   -0.0      -    -1.4

Food                                                  -0.8   -0.2    0.0    -1.1

Medical                                                  -      -      -       -

Transportation Filtration                                -      -      -    -0.2

Trading and New Business                                 -      -      -       -

Other operations                                       2.7   -1.3    0.0    -0.3
Total non-recurring items                              1.9   -1.5    0.0    -3.0

Advanced Filtration                                    4.0    4.3    3.9     3.9

Building and Energy                                   39.2   37.9   35.5    32.8

Food                                                  22.1   23.5   21.3    24.3

Medical                                               10.0   10.6    9.4    10.0

Transportation Filtration                             26.7   28.8   28.1    26.5

Trading and New Business                               3.5    7.6   12.3    11.5

Other operations                                       1.6    1.9    1.8     1.8

Eliminations                                          -9.9  -14.7  -18.0   -17.5
Total sales tons, thousands of tons                   97.3   99.9   94.4    93.3

Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards.

For more information, please contact:
Liisa Nyyssönen
Vice President, Communications
Tel. +358 10 888 4757

Ahlstrom in brief
Ahlstrom is a high performance fiber-based materials company, partnering with
leading businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. We aim to grow with
a product offering for clean and healthy environment. Our materials are used in
everyday applications such as filters, medical fabrics, life science and
diagnostics, wallcoverings and food packaging. In 2013, Ahlstrom's net sales
from the continuing operations amounted to EUR 1 billion. Our 3,500 employees
serve customers in 24 countries. Ahlstrom's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki. More information available at www.ahlstrom.com.
