2007-11-14 17:30:00 CET

2007-11-14 17:30:00 CET


Englanti Islanti
Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf. - Company Announcement

- ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 14th November 2007

ISK	 123.778.647	
ATOR	 7.079.178	
BAKK	 4.110.277	
EXISTA	 11.830.709	
FL	 14.111.446	
GLB	 27.362.218	
HFEIM	 1.254.851	
ICEAIR	 1.072.733	
KAUP	 1.593.705	
LAIS	 20.652.504	
OSSR	 337.960	
STRB	 23.902.366	
TEYMI	 5.105.557	
ICEQ		2.064.681

Investors are advised to read the ICEQ prospectus on Kaupthing Bank's Fund
Center, www.kbsjodir.is, or on the news page of the Iceland Stock Exchange: