2008-05-14 16:41:06 CEST

2008-05-14 16:41:22 CEST


Glitnir banki hf. - Breyting á stjórn/framkvæmdastjórn/endurskoðendum

Glitnir skipar nýja menn í framkvæmdastjórn

Reykjavík, 14. maí 2008  - Glitnir skipar sex lykilstarfsmenn í
framkvæmdastjórn bankans.

- Rósant Már Torfason, fjármálastjóri (CFO)
- Vilhelm Már Þorsteinsson, framkvæmdastjóri Fjárstýringar og
- Eggert Þór Kristófersson, framkvæmdastjóri Eignastýringar á Íslandi
- Einar Örn Ólafsson, framkvæmdastjóri Fjárfestingabankasviðs á
- Jóhannes Baldursson, framkvæmdastjóri Markaðsviðskipta á Íslandi
- Magnús A. Arngrímsson, framkvæmdastjóri Fyrirtækjasviðs á Íslandi

Lárus Welding, forstjóri Glitnis"Ég er afar ánægður með þann trausta hóp sem nú bætist í
framkvæmdastjórn bankans. Þarna er á ferð öflugur hópur manna sem
hafa starfað lengi fyrir Glitni og hafa mikla reynslu úr
fjármálaheiminum. Þeir þekkja starfsemi bankans og viðskiptavini mjög
vel og búa yfir þeim eiginleikum sem þarf til að styrkja starfsemi og
bæta samkeppnisstöðu okkar enn frekar".

Fyrrum framkvæmdastjóri Fjármálasviðs- og áhættustýringar, Alexander
K. Guðmundsson, mun vinna náið með eftirmönnum sínum á næstu misserum
til þess að tryggja framkvæmdastjóraskiptin gangi greiðlega fyrir
sig. Guðmundur Hjaltason og Gísli Heimisson munu á sama tíma láta af

Breytingar á framkvæmdastjórn taka gildi frá og með 19. maí 2008.
Skipurit Glitnis er aðgengilegt á heimasíðu bankans: www.glitnir.is

Nánari upplýsingar veita:
Már Másson, forstöðumaður kynningarmála, farsími: 844 4990,
Vala Pálsdóttir, forstöðumaður fjárfestatengsla, farsími 844 4089,

Upplýsingar um nýja framkvæmdastjórnarmenn:

Eggert Thór Kristófersson
Executive Vice President, Investment Management - Iceland
Eggert joined Glitnir in 1995 (then Islandsbanki) and has gained
varied experience in many different positions. From 1998 to beginning
of 2000 he worked in funding for National Debt Management Agency in
Iceland. In 2000 he joined Glitnir again as head of Proprietary Fixed
Income Trading. In 2005 he took on the position as a Managing
Director for Glitnir Funds Ltd., the fund management company of
Glitnir. Since 2007, he has been Managing Director of Glitnir Asset
Management in Iceland. Eggert is a board member of Glitnir Bank
Finland, board member of Glitnir Bank Luxembourg S.A., Chairman of
Glitnir Asset Management S.A. and Chairman of Glitnir Funds Ltd.
Eggert holds a Cand. Oecon Degree in Business Administration from the
University of Iceland.

Einar Örn Ólafsson, Executive Vice President, Investment Banking -

Einar joined Glitnir (then FBA) in 1997 and has held several
positions within the Bank since.  His first position was as a
currency, interest rate and derivatives broker in a team which Einar
eventually led. He subsequently took on a position in asset
management before joining the Corporate Finance unit in Reykjavík in
2003.  Einar became Head of that unit and a Managing Director in 2006
and has led many of the larger M&A transactions in Iceland for the
past few years. Einar holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from
the University of Iceland and an MBA degree from New York University,
Stern School of Business.
Jóhannes Baldursson, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets -
Jóhannes joined Glitnir (then VÍB Securities, a subsidiary of
Islandsbanki) in 1996. He started as a securities broker, then moved
over to Treasury and later joined Capital Markets, where he has been
instrumental in building up Glitnir's strong Capital Markets team.
Jóhannes headed the FX sales unit for many years and was appointed
Managing Director for Capital Markets in Iceland in 2007. Jóhannes
holds a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Iceland, an
M.Sc.degree in Economics from UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) in
Barcelona, Spain, an ACI Diploma and is a licensed securities broker.
Magnús A. Arngrímsson, Executive Vice President, Corporate Banking -
Magnús joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1999.  In 2004 he joined
Landsbanki Islands as Director for the London branch, with operations
primarily in Corporate and Investment Banking.  He joined Glitnir
again in 2007 where he took on the Managing Director position in
Corporate Banking in Iceland. Magnús holds a B.Sc. in Business
Administration from the University of Iceland.

Rósant Már Torfason, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Rósant joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1996.  He has a
comprehensive experience from working in the Bank for the past 12
years in different positions within Capital Markets, Proprietary
Trading, CEO office, Business Development and for the last two years
as Managing Director in Investment Banking. Rósant holds Cand. Oecon
Degree in Business Administration from the University of Iceland with
focus on finance, and is a licensed securities broker.
Vilhelm Már Thorsteinsson, Executive Vice President, Treasury &
Corporate Center
Vilhelm joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1999.  He has an
extensive experience having held various positions in Capital
Markets, Leverage Finance and CEO's Office working on different types
of transactions and projects in Iceland, Europe and the Nordics.
Since 2005 Vilhelm has lead the Strategic Development team,
responsible for the Group's external growth, strategy and
relationships with financial institutions, leading many of Glitnir's
acquisitions in the Nordics. Vilhelm holds a B.Sc. in Business
Administration from the Icelandic College of Engineering and
Technology. He is a licensed securities broker and has an MBA degree
from Pace University New York, NY.

Ferilskrár nýrra framkvæmdastjórnarmanna:
Eggert Thór Kristófersson
Executive Vice President, Investment Management - Iceland
Eggert joined Glitnir in 1995 (then Islandsbanki) and has gained
varied experience in many different positions. From 1998 to beginning
of 2000 he was working in funding for National Debt Management Agency
in Iceland. From 2000 he joined Glitnir again and started working as
head of Proprietary Fixed Income Trading for Glitnir. In 2005 he took
on the position as a Managing Director for Glitnir Funds Ltd., the
fund management company of Glitnir. Since 2007, he has been Managing
Director of Glitnir Asset Management in Iceland. Eggert is a board
member of Glitnir Bank Finland, board member of Glitnir Bank
Luxembourg S.A., Chairman of Glitnir Asset Management S.A. and
Chairman of Glitnir Funds Ltd.
Eggert holds Cand. Oecon Degree in Business Administration from the
University of Iceland.

Einar Örn Ólafsson

Executive Vice President, Investment Banking - Iceland

Einar joined Glitnir (then FBA) in 1997 and has held several
positions within the Bank since.  His first position was as a
currency, interest rate and derivatives broker in a team which Einar
eventually became to lead. He subsequently took a position in asset
management before joining the Corporate Finance unit in Reykjavík in
2003.  Einar became Head of that unit and a Managing Director in 2006
and has as such led many of the larger M&A transactions in Iceland
for the past few years.
Einar holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the University of
Iceland and an MBA degree from New York University, Stern School of

Jóhannes Baldursson
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets - Iceland
Jóhannes joined Glitnir (then VÍB Securities subsidiary of
Islandsbanki) in 1996. He started as a securities broker, then moved
over to Treasury and later joined Capital Markets, where he has been
instrumental in building up Glitnir's strong Capital Markets team.
Jóhannes headed the FX sales unit for many years and was appointed
Managing Director for Capital Markets in Iceland in 2007.

Jóhannes holds an M.Sc.degree in Economics from UPF (Universitat
Pompeu Fabra) in Barcelona, Spain, B.Sc. in Economics from the
University of Iceland, ACI Diploma and is a licensed securities

Magnús A. Arngrímsson
Executive Vice President, Corporate Banking - Iceland
Magnús joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1999.  In 2004 he joined
Landsbanki Islands as Director for the London branch, with operations
primarily in Corporate and Investment Banking.  He joined Glitnir
again in 2007 where he took the Managing Director position in
Corporate Banking in Iceland.  He has extensive experience having
held various positions within corporate and retail banking.
Rósant Már Torfason
Executive Vice President & CFO
Rósant joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1996.  He has a
comprehensive experience from within the Bank for the last 12 years
in different positions within Capital Markets, Proprietary Trading,
CEO office, Business Development and for the last two years as
Managing Director within Investment Banking.

He holds a Business Administration degree from the University of
Iceland with focus on finance, and is a licensed security broker.

Vilhelm Már Thorsteinsson
Executive Vice President, Treasury & Corporate Center
Vilhelm joined Glitnir (then Islandsbanki) in 1999.  He has extensive
experience having held various positions in Capital Markets, Leverage
Finance and CEO's Office working on different types of transactions
and projects in Iceland, Europe and the Nordics.  Since 2005/6
Vilhelm has lead Strategic Development with responsibilities for the
Group's external growth, strategy and relationships with financial
institutions, leading many of Glitnir's acquisitions in the Nordics.
Vilhelm holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the Icelandic
College of Engineering and Technology. He is a licensed securities
broker and has a MBA degree from Pace University New York, NY.
Magnús holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the University
of Iceland.