2024-04-18 08:00:00 CEST

2024-04-18 08:00:36 CEST


Olvi Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Olvi Group's interim report for January-March 2024 - Profitability improved markedly; net sales and sales volume at the previous year's level

OLVI PLC                 Interim report 18 April 2024 at 9 am

Olvi Group's interim report for January-March 2024 - Profitability improved
markedly; net sales and sales volume at the previous year's level.

January-March 2024

  · Sales volume increased by 0.9% to 205.1 (203.2) million litres.
  · Net sales increased by 0.7% and were EUR 130.4 (129.5) million.
  · Profitability improved significantly based on the performance of the Finland
and Baltic Sea segments: the adjusted operating result increased by 12.6% to EUR
11.2 (10.0) million.
  · The equity ratio was 55.1% (50.7%).

Near-term outlook for 2024 (unchanged)

Olvi Group's adjusted operating result for the 2024 financial year is expected
to be EUR 71-80 million.

The Group's key figures

                                 1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %  1-12/2023

                                                     / pp
Sales volume, Mltr               205.1     203.2     0.9        975.8
Net sales, MEUR                  130.4     129.5     0.7        630.6
Gross profit, MEUR               50.2      46.9      7.0        235.6
% of net sales                   38.5      36.3                 37.4
Adjusted operating result, MEUR  11.2      10.0      12.6       67.1
% of net sales                   8.6       7.7                  10.6
Items affecting the              0.0       -12.2                -12.2
comparability of the operating
result, MEUR
Operating result, MEUR           11.2      -2.2      605.7      54.9
% of net sales                   8.6       -1.7                 8.7
Adjusted profit for the period,  9.0       4.5       98.4       50.7
% of net sales                   6.9       3.5                  8.0
Profit for the period, MEUR      9.0       -7.7      216.8      38.5
% of net sales                   6.9       -5.9                 6.1
Earnings per share, EUR          0.43      -0.35     221.0      1.85
Investments, MEUR                5.5       6.9       -20.2      24.9
Equity per share, EUR            13.20     11.75     12.3       13.95
Equity ratio, %                  55.1      50.7      4.4        59.0
Gearing, %                       -3.9      -8.5      -4.6       -8.5

Olvi presents the adjusted operating result (EBIT) and the adjusted profit for
the period as alternative performance measures to improve comparability between
reporting periods. In January-March 2023, the items affecting comparability not
included in the adjusted operatingresult and the profit for the period totalled
EUR 12.2 million and were related to the fine imposed on the Belarusian

CEO Patrik Lundell comments on business operations in the first quarter:

Our performance in the first quarter was good and in line with expectations. Our
extensive portfolio and strong brands again ensured good consumer demand, and we
maintained our market shares despite household financial pressures. Our sales
volume and net sales increased despite general market conditions. We managed to
improve our profitability markedly: our adjusted operating result increased by
12.6% through pricing and portfolio optimisation. The improvement in the
adjusted operating result was also affected by the weak profitability in Finland
in the comparison period.

Impacts of the planned EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation on the

If implemented, the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation means that 10%
of beverage packaging must be reused by 2030, for example. In Northern Europe,
the reuse of materials has been ensured through highly effective deposit-return
systems, in which returned beverage packaging are crushed, and the resulting
material is reused. For example, the recycling rate of all beverage packaging
(plastic bottle, glass bottle, can) in Finland is 90% or more.

In our view, if the regulation were to be implemented using the model now
proposed, it would be more environmentally burdensome than supportive for
Northern Europe. Washing refillable beverage packaging increases energy and
water consumption and the amount of wastewater, and the weight of empty
packaging and their transport in countries with long distances between locations
significantly increases emissions. In our view, the manufacture of the equipment
and the energy and materials required for the manufacture of packaging also
burden the environment unnecessarily - especially in Northern Europe, where the
recycling rate of beverage packaging is already the highest in the world.

Strategy implementation is progressing

In December 2023, we launched our updated strategy for profitable growth and
sustainable shareholder value growth, along with our new long-term targets. Our
vision is to be the preferred multi-local beverage company.

The implementation of our strategy has now started. Olvi seeks to provide
consumers with 10 million moments of enjoyment every day. This is made possible
by our extensive product selection, which meets a diverse range of consumer
demand in both the alcoholic and non-alcoholic product categories. One of the
cornerstones of our strategy is to improve the profitability of our core
business operations. This means increasing the value of our strong core business
operations by focusing on identifying and responding to local customer and
consumer needs through new products and price and selection optimisation. In the
first quarter, the implementation of this part of our strategy was most strongly
reflected in the Finnish segment as profitability continued to improve.

The summer and our busiest season of the year are approaching, and we are even
better prepared than before. We have a buffer of products in stock to ensure
reliable deliveries to our customers.

The results of a personnel satisfaction survey conducted throughout Olvi Group
in January show that our personnel also feel that the company has developed in
the right direction, and their level of commitment to the company is higher than
it is in peer companies.

Financial development

January-March 2024

Our sales volume increased by 0.9% to 205.1 (203.2) million litres, despite the
weak development of consumers' purchasing power. This year, Easter sales took
place in March, bringing volume to an otherwise slow quarter. Our market shares
have remained strong despite intensified price competition. Our net sales
increased by 0.7% to EUR 130.4 (129.5) million as a result of the Finland
segment's good performance. Our adjusted operating result increased by 12.6%
year-on-year and was EUR 11.2 (10.0) million. Our performance improved as cost
inflation subsided, and price increases were implemented.

Segment-specific business development: January-March 2024

Profitability continued to improve in Finland during the first quarter

The net sales of our business operations in Finland grew by 5.3%, but the sales
volume decreased by 1.4%, during the first quarter. The development of the sales
volume was affected by product portfolio changes in the retail sector. In terms
of product categories, the sales of water and other non-alcoholic products
increased, while the sales of beer decreased.

In our Finnish operations, the operating result was EUR 3.5 (1.7) million, with
an increase of 108.9% year-on-year. The operating result increased significantly
as a result of product positioning and price increases, among other factors. The
strikes caused interruptions in production, but major additional costs were
avoided. Significant price increases had not yet been made in the comparison
period, as their implementation was not started until the second quarter of
2023. The most significant price increases have now been implemented, but in
terms of portfolio development and individual products, measures to improve
profitability and achieve the targets set out in the strategy will continue.

The operating result increased in the Baltic Sea region

Our sales volume in the Baltic Sea region decreased by 0.5%, and our net sales
by 0.4% during the first quarter. Consumer demand and exports decreased in
Estonia. In other respects, the segment's retail and hotel, restaurant and
catering channel (HoReCa) sales improved year-on-year. The operating result
increased by 13.4% to EUR 2.8 (2.5) million. Profitability improved as costs no
longer increased, measures were taken to improve the efficiency of production
operations, and targeted price increases were implemented. Profitability
improved in all countries of operation.

The weaker exchange rate caused the operating result to decrease in Belarus

Net sales in the Belarusian segment decreased by 5.4%, while sales volume grew
by 4.5%. Sales volume increased because of more extensive campaigns to improve
off-season sales compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.
Euro-denominated net sales were significantly affected by the weaker exchange
rate, as net sales in the local currency grew by 11.4%. The operating result
decreased by 14.2% compared with the previous period's adjusted operating result
and was EUR 5.2 (6.1) million. In the local currency, the operating result grew
by 1.1%.


Olvi Group's expansion and replacement investments were EUR 5.5 (6.9) million in
January-March. Investments decreased especially because investments in Finland
in 2024 will mainly take place in the second half of the year. Of the
investments, EUR 1.4 million were related to Finland, and EUR 3.6 million to
subsidiaries in the Baltic Sea region. Only replacement investments necessary
for the continuity of production have been made in Belarus through the
subsidiary's income financing, totalling EUR 0.5 million.


Environmental sustainability

The company has completed its calculation of emissions from its own operations
and purchased energy (Scopes 1 and 2) for 2023. Compared with the previous year,
these emissions have decreased by 2.4%. In addition, the emission intensity
(emissions in relation to litres produced) has decreased considerably (4.0%) as
a result of the development of operations. The calculation of emissions from the
value chain (Scope 3) for 2023 will be completed during the second quarter of

In the company's own operations, the Vestfyen brewery in Denmark switched to
renewable electricity at the beginning of 2024. The other companies in the
Baltic Sea region and Finland business area already use renewable electricity.

To achieve the science-based climate targets, a project to identify measures to
reduce climate emissions in the value chain was launched at the beginning of
2024. The work focuses on the main sources of emissions: raw materials,
packaging and logistics. The monitoring and impact assessment of water use in
the company's own operations have been enhanced. Later this year, we will
further develop the monitoring and impact assessment of water use in the value
chain, especially in terms of the manufacture of raw materials and packaging.

Social sustainability

In early 2024, a People Power personnel survey was conducted across the Group.
The response rate was very good (89%), and the overall People Power rating was
AA+. Compared with the previous survey in 2022, the index increased by 3.1, and
the overall index is markedly higher than the benchmark value for the Baltic Sea
region. The respondents felt that the company had developed favourably, and that
well-organised work ensured efficiency. Open and clear communication and
feedback on good performance, as well as opportunities for employees to
participate in development measures, support long-term success.

The self-assessment of suppliers has been updated by deepening the area of
social sustainability in line with future EU legislative requirements.

Good governance

Olvi Group is preparing for the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive (CSRD). Olvi Group's double materiality analysis has been
completed, and material topics have been identified and preliminary data points
determined based on the analysis.Sustainability data collection and readiness
for future sustainability reporting will be developed based on the results. In
addition, the company is monitoring and preparing for other changes to EU
sustainability legislation, such as regulations related to environmental claims
and packaging, as well as other increasing reporting requirements.

Seasonal nature of operations

The nature of the Group's business operations involves seasonal fluctuation. The
net sales and operating result of the geographical reporting segments are not
accumulated steadily. Instead, they fluctuate in accordance with the special
characteristics of the seasons of the year and product seasons.

Sales development

Olvi Group's sales volume grew by 0.9% in January-March, totalling 205.1 (203.2)
million litres.

Sales volume, Mltr  1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %
Finland             57.9      58.8      -1.4
Baltic Sea region   79.1      79.5      -0.5
Belarus             68.8      65.9      4.5
Eliminations        -0.7      -1.0
Total               205.1     203.2     0.9

The Group's net sales in January-March increased by 0.7% and were EUR 130.4
(129.5) million.

Net sales, MEUR    1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %
Finland            50.7      48.1      5.3
Baltic Sea region  53.0      53.2      -0.4
Belarus            27.2      28.7      -5.4
Eliminations       -0.5      -0.5
Total              130.4     129.5     0.7

Olvi Group has changed the presentation of the segments to correspond to the
monitoring carried out by the management. In future, intra-segment business
transactions will be eliminated from the segments' sales volumes and net sales
in their presentation. The comparison information has been changed accordingly.

Financial performance

The Group's operating result in January-March was EUR 11.2 (-2.2) million, or
8.6% (-1.7%) of net sales. The adjusted operating result increased by 12.6% and
was EUR 11.2 (10.0) million. The improvement in the adjusted operating result
was mainly caused by improved profitability in Finland, compared with the
corresponding period in the previous year.

Adjusted operating result, MEUR  1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %
Finland                          3.5       1.7       108.9
Baltic Sea region                2.8       2.5       13.4
Belarus                          5.2       6.1       -14.2
Eliminations                     -0.3      -0.3
Total                            11.2      10.0      12.6

Operating result, MEUR  1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %
Finland                 3.5       1.7       108.9
Baltic Sea region       2.8       2.5       13.4
Belarus                 5.2       -6.1      186.5
Eliminations            -0.3      -0.3
Total                   11.2      -2.2      605.7

The Group's profit after taxes in January-March was EUR 9.0 (-7.7) million.

Earnings per share calculated from the profit attributable to the owners of the
parent company were
EUR 0.43 (-0.35) in January-March.

Financial position and the balance sheet

Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of March 2024 was EUR 496.7 (482.8)
million. Equity per share at the end of March 2024 was EUR 13.20 (11.75). The
equity ratio was 55.1% (50.7%), and gearing was -3.9% (-8.5%). The Group's
liquidity indicator, the current ratio, remained at the same level as in the
comparison period, at 1.2 (1.1). Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR
6.9 (4.1) million at the end of March. Of the interest-bearing liabilities,
current liabilities accounted for EUR 2.2 (2.2) million.

Olvi Group's balance sheet and financial position are strong. The company has no
net debt. The company's ability to invest has remained good.

The Group's cash and cash equivalents totalled EUR 17.6 (24.8) million at the
end of the review period, with a decrease of EUR 7.2 million year-on-year. Olvi
has credit facilities for liquidity management. Cash flow from operating
activities was EUR -8.1 (-27.6) million. During the first quarter, the company
prepares for the season, meaning that cash assets are tied up in stock and
purchases for production. Cash flow from investing activities was EUR -4.9 (
-6.9) million, and cash flow from financing activities was EUR -1.0 (-0.8)


In the first quarter, Olvi Group had an average of 2,352 (2,302) employees, with
an increase of 2.2%.

Olvi Group's average number of personnel by segment:

                   1-3/2024  1-3/2023  Change, %
Finland            416       412       1.0
Baltic Sea region  1,059     1,042     1.6
Belarus            877       848       3.4
Total              2,352     2,302     2.2

Board of Directors and management

Esa Hyttinen, LL.M., has been appointed as Olvi plc's Group General Counsel and
a member of Olvi Group's Management Team as of 29 February 2024. The Group
General Counsel has overall responsibility for the Group's legal affairs and
serves as secretary to the Board of Directors of the parent company. The
position is new in the company, and Esa Hyttinen reports to CEO Patrik Lundell.

Olvi plc's Annual General Meeting was held on 26 March 2024. Its decisions and
impacts on the composition of the Board are discussed below.

Other events during the review period

Annual General Meeting

Olvi plc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 26 March 2024 adopted the financial
statements and discharged the members of the Board and the CEO from liability
for the financial year that ended on 31 December 2023.

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided to pay a dividend of
EUR 1.20 (1.20) for Series A and Series K shares for the 2023 financial year.
This dividend is 64.9% (311.4%) of Olvi Group's earnings per share. The dividend
will be paid in two instalments. The first instalment (EUR 0.60 per share) will
be paid on 18 April 2024 to shareholders registered in the list of shareholders
maintained by Euroclear Finland on the record date (28 March 2024). The second
instalment (EUR 0.60 per share) will be paid on 3 September 2024 to shareholders
registered in the list of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Finland on the
record date (27 August 2024). The AGM decided that the Board of Directors will
consist of six (6) members. Lasse Heinonen, Nora Hortling, Juho Nummela, Päivi
Paltola and Christian Ståhlberg were re-elected as members of the Board. Tarmo
Noop was elected as a new member of the Board. KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public
Accountants, was elected as the company's auditor, with Heidi Hyry, Authorised
Public Accountant, as the principal auditor. KPMG Oy Ab was also elected as the
verifier of the company's sustainability reporting, with Heidi Hyry, APA,
Sustainability Reporting Auditor, in charge of the verification. Ernst & Young
Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, served as the company's auditor until the
Annual General Meeting, with Elina Laitinen, APA, as the principal auditor. The
AGM's decisions were published in a stock exchange release on 26 March 2024.
Organisation of the Board of Directors

At its constitutive meeting on 26 March 2024, Olvi plc's Board of Directors
elected Nora Hortling as Chair and Lasse Heinonen as Vice Chair of the Board.
Lasse Heinonen, Tarmo Noop and Juho Nummela were elected as the members of the
Audit Committee. Nora Hortling, Päivi Paltola and Christian Ståhlberg were
elected as the members of the People and Sustainability Committee.

Changes in the Group structure

No changes took place in Olvi's subsidiary holdings during the first quarter of

Business risks and their management

Geopolitical situation

The geopolitical situation has affected Olvi's operating environment. The war in
Ukraine has significantly increased business risks. The coronavirus pandemic
caused problems in the availability of raw materials and packaging materials,
and the war in Ukraine has further complicated the procurement of materials. The
increase in the costs of packaging materials, which started during the pandemic
and continued in 2023, levelled out as a whole in early 2024 compared with the
previous year. However, the costs of some production batches continued to
increase at the beginning of 2024. In addition, the prices of raw materials,
especially barley malt, sugar and carbon dioxide, continue to be at a
historically high level. Uncertainty in prices and availability has continued in
the market because of the war and weather events caused by climate change. The
considerable fluctuations in energy prices continue. Logistics costs remain at a
high level because of rising fuel prices. Olvi is responding to the increase in
costs by improving operational productivity and assessing the adequacy of sales
prices to maintain profitability.

Consumer behaviour

Despite the recent easing of the overall cost level, high consumer prices
continue to weaken consumers' purchasing power and affect consumer behaviour.
This change can already be seen as a shift in consumption towards cheaper
product options. In addition, overall consumption can decrease, and the
premiumisation trend may stop. There are differences between markets. Olvi Group
is responding to the change by developing its product portfolio in line with
consumer demand and by maintaining and strengthening market shares.

Operating environment in Belarus

The business operations and financial forecasting in Belarus continue to involve
considerable uncertainty. For example, the uncertainty concerns the development
of exchange rates, the unpredictability of the operating environment, local
legislation and taxation, trade sanctions, and the functioning of financial
transactions with Western countries. Olvi's Belarusian subsidiary operates by
means of its own cash flow financing. Cash and cash equivalents stood at EUR 8.8
million at the end of the review period. Despite the amendments made to the
legislation preventing the sale of foreign-owned companies in Belarus in 2024,
the prohibition of selling shares in Olvi's subsidiary remains in force, and
Olvi does not have permission to sell shares.

Other current risks

As political strikes continue in Finland, Olvi may suffer significant financial
losses. These financial risks are related to the functionality of production and
the supply chain in particular, as well as to customers' ability to operate.
Significant direct costs have been avoided so far.

Cybersecurity threats have increased because of the escalation of the global
geopolitical situation, among other reasons. Olvi Group has prepared for the
increasing information security threats in many ways. Personnel are provided
with training, information about threats is provided regularly, and
cybersecurity guidelines are reviewed during induction training. Olvi's
information systems are protected through regular updates, backups, firewalls,
anti-malware software, content filters and threat detection programs.

If the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation were to be implemented using
the model now proposed, it would create needs for Olvi to invest in the filling
and handling of products and would increase climate emissions from product
manufacturing and logistics.

Our operations involve several risks related to sustainability. The
identification and assessment of and preparation for these risks have become a
significant part of risk management. We have identified these as part of
strategic, business, financial and compliance risks. Sustainability risks are
identified in connection with several different risk assessments, such as human
rights and climate change assessments.


Olvi Group has prepared several scenarios related to the development of the
business environment and is prepared to respond to changing situations. The
company is prepared for production disruptions and has drawn up continuity plans
related to the availability of labour, raw materials and energy, for example.
The company has made investments to secure energy supply and has also made
efforts to ensure the availability of raw materials and packaging materials.
Particular attention has been paid to the adequacy of risk management plans in
accordance with risk assessments and the introduction of new risk assessment
methods in terms of information and sustainability risks, for example. The
separation of the Belarusian operations from the Group has been carried out with
determination, and the company has prepared for the uncertainties mentioned
above based on various scenarios.

A more detailed description of the normal risks related to business operations
is provided in Olvi Group's Board of Directors' report and the notes to the
financial statements and on the company website (Investors > Olvi as an
investment > Risks and risk management).

Events after the review period

There are no significant events to report after the review period.

Board of Directors


Olvi plc and its CEO will hold a press conference, which can be followed at
https://olvi.videosync.fi/q1-2024 from 11 am onwards on the date of publication
of this interim report.
The press conference will be held in English.

A recording of the webcast can be viewed later on the company's website at
-releases/ (https://www.olvigroup.fi/tiedotteet-ja-julkaisut/taloudelliset

More information:

Patrik Lundell, CEO, Olvi plc, tel. +358 290 00 1050
Tiina-Liisa Liukkonen, CFO & CIO, Olvi plc, tel. +358 290 00 1050

- Consolidated statement of comprehensive income, Table 1
- Balance sheet, Table 2
- Statement of changes in equity, Table 3
- Cash flow statement, Table 4
- Notes to the interim report, Table 5

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Main media

OLVI GROUP                                                         TABLE 1
EUR 1,000
                                               1-3/2024  1-3/2023  1-12/2023

Gross sales                                    276,953   278,853   1,326,568
Excise taxes and other adjustments             -146,569  -149,389  -695,963
Net sales                                      130,384   129,463   630,605

Cost of sales                                  -80,167   -82,515   -394,977
Gross profit                                   50,217    46,948    235,628

Logistics, sales and marketing expenses        -28,372   -26,941   -126,605
Administrative expenses                        -11,200   -10,182   -41,472
Other operating income and expenses            571       -12,043   -12,633
Operating result                               11,216    -2,218    54,918

Financial income                               391       42        990
Financial expenses                             -285      -337      -1,682
Share of the profit of associated companies    0         0         45
and joint ventures
Profit before tax                              11,322    -2,513    54,271

Income taxes                                   -2,367    -5,154    -15,798
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                          8,955     -7,667    38,473

Other items of comprehensive income that may
be later reclassified as profit or loss:
Translation differences related to foreign     228       -3,827    -5,003
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD      9,183     -11,494   33,470

Distribution of the profit for the period:
- Owners of the parent company                 8,834     -7,299    38,251
- Non-controlling interest                     121       -368      222

Distribution of comprehensive income for the
- Owners of the parent company                 9,054     -10,979   33,430
- Non-controlling interest                     129       -515      40

Earnings per share calculated from profit
attributable to owners of the parent company,
- Undiluted                                    0.43      -0.35     1.85
- Diluted                                      0.43      -0.35     1.85

OLVI GROUP                                           TABLE 2
EUR 1,000                  31 Mar 2024  31 Mar 2023  31 Dec 2023
Non-current assets
Intangible assets          10,233       11,184       10,518
Goodwill                   22,204       22,204       22,204
Tangible assets            213,279      205,418      213,182
Holdings in associated     1,032        1,028        1,032
companies and joint
Other investments          785          1,042        1,042
Loans receivable and       5,966        1,870        5,544
other long-term
Deferred tax assets        3,846        2,461        4,370
Total non-current assets   257,345      245,208      257,892

Current assets
Inventories                83,156       80,704       74,190
Accounts receivable and    137,879      130,196      125,815
other receivables
Income tax receivables     734          1,863        645
Cash and cash equivalents  17,596       24,815       31,458
Total current assets       239,365      237,577      232,108
TOTAL ASSETS               496,710      482,785      490,000

Equity attributable to
owners of the parent
Share capital              20,759       20,759       20,759
Other reserves             1,092        1,092        1,092
Fair value reserve         295          295          295
Treasury shares            -881         -1,255       -881
Translation differences    -56,548      -55,627      -56,768
Retained earnings          308,343      277,687      324,120
                           273,060      242,951      288,617
Non-controlling interest   845          1,816        721
Total equity               273,905      244,767      289,338

Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities      4,714        1,968        4,098
Other liabilities          761          3,714        782
Deferred tax liabilities   13,712       13,203       14,100

Current liabilities
Financial liabilities      2,168        2,155        2,908
Accounts payable and       200,746      216,814      178,751
other payables
Income tax liability       704          163          23
Total liabilities          222,805      238,018      200,662
TOTAL EQUITY AND           496,710      482,785      490,000

EUR 1,000      Share    Other     Fair     Treasury  Translation  Earnings
Attributable    Total
               capital  reserves  value    shares    differences            to
                                  reserve  reserve                          non
Equity 1 Jan   20,759   1,092     295      -881      -56,768      324,120   721
     Profit                                                       8,834     121
for the
items of
                                                     220                    8
Total                                                220          8,834     129
income for
the period
     Dividend                                                     -24,826   -5
     Share                                                        215
value of work
Business                                                          -24,611   -5
Equity 31 Mar  20,759   1,092     295      -881      -56,548      308,343   845
EUR 1,000      Share    Other     Fair     Treasury  Translation  Earnings
Attributable  Total
               capital  reserves  value    shares    differences            to
                                  reserve  reserve                          non
Equity 1 Jan   20,759   1,092     295      -1,079    -52,030      310,194
2,514         281,745
     Profit                                                       -7,299    -368
for the
items of
                                                     -3,680                 -147
Total                                                -3,680       -7,299    -515
income for
the period
     Dividend                                                     -24,818   -160
  Share-based                                                     274
value of work
of treasury
     Issue of                              428                    -723
shares to
                                                     83           59        -23
for previous
Business                                   -176      83           -25,208   -183
Equity 31 Mar  20,759   1,092     295      -1,255    -55,627      277,687
1,816         244,767

OLVI GROUP                                            TABLE 4
EUR 1,000
                                  1-3/2024  1-3/2023  1-12/2023

Profit for the period             8,955     -7,667    38,473
     Depreciation and impairment  6,442     7,245     24,779
     Other adjustments            2,422     5,417     11,778
Change in net working capital:
     Change in accounts           -12,593   -21,857   -20,279
receivable and other receivables
     Change in inventories        -8,793    -10,677   -6,377
     Change in accounts payable   -3,081    3,216     -4,789
and other payables
Interest paid                     -104      -65       -408
Interest received                 303       32        531
Dividends received                1         0         10
Taxes paid                        -1,636    -3,266    -15,764
Cash flow from operating          -8,084    -27,622   27,954
activities (A)

Investments in tangible and       -5,098    -7,033    -25,550
intangible assets
Proceeds from the sale of         244       179       591
tangible and intangible assets
Acquisition of shares from non    0         0         -2,737
-controlling interest
Dividends received                0         0         41
Cash flow from investing          -4,854    -6,854    -27,655
activities (B)

Loan withdrawals                  821       1,398     4,577
Repayment of loans                -1,748    -1,574    -6,165
Acquisition of treasury shares    0         -604      -604
Dividends paid                    -52       0         -25,339
Cash flow from financing          -979      -780      -27,531
activities (C)

Increase (+) / decrease (-) in    -13,917   -35,256   -27,232
cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents 1 Jan   31,458    61,207    61,207
Impact of exchange rate changes   55        -1,136    -2,517
Cash and cash equivalents 31 Mar  17,596    24,815    31,458
/ 31 Dec



The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial
Reporting, applying the same accounting principles that were applied to the 2023
financial statements (31 December 2023). Olvi Group has changed the presentation
of the segments to correspond to the monitoring carried out by the management.
In future, intra-segment business transactions will be eliminated from the
segments' sales volumes and net sales in their presentation. The comparison
information has been changed accordingly.

The information in the interim report is presented in thousands (1,000) of
euros. For presentation, individual figures and totals have been rounded up to
full thousands, which causes rounding differences in the totals. Exchange rates
obtained from the Central Bank of Belarus have been used as the exchange rate
for the Belarusian rouble. The key ratios have been calculated by using accurate
euro-denominated figures. The information published in the interim report has
not been audited.

EUR 1,000      Finland  Baltic Sea region  Belarus  Eliminations  Group

External       50,576   52,648             27,160                 130,384
     Beverage  50,052   52,648             27,160                 129,860
               524      0                  0                      524
Internal       104      395                0        -499          0
Total net      50,680   53,043             27,160   -499          130,384

Total profit   3,661    1,986              3,260    48            8,955
for the

EUR 1,000      Finland  Baltic Sea region  Belarus  Eliminations  Group

External       48,115   52,627             28,721                 129,463
     Beverage  47,647   52,627             28,721                 128,995
               468      0                  0                      468
Internal       12       617                0        -629          0
Total net      48,127   53,244             28,721   -629          129,463

Total profit   5,989    1,750              -10,666  -4,740        -7,667
for the


Management's employee benefits

Board members' and the CEO's salaries and other short-term employee benefits
EUR 1,000            1-3/2024                   1-3/2023        1-12/2023
CEO                  329                        87              358
Chair of the Board   27                         16              93
Other Board members  54                         35              165
Total                410                        138             616

                                        31 Mar 2024        %

Series A shares, number of shares       16,989,976   82.0
Series K shares, number of shares       3,732,256    18.0
Total                                   20,722,232   100.0

Total number of votes, Series A shares  16,989,976   18.5
Total number of votes, Series K shares  74,645,120   81.5
Total number of votes                   91,635,096   100.0

Votes per Series A share                1
Votes per Series K share                20

The registered share capital totalled EUR 20,759 thousand on 31 March 2024.

A dividend of EUR 1.20 per share for 2023 (EUR 1.20 per share for 2022),
totalling EUR 24.8 (24.8) million, will be paid on shares in Olvi plc. The
dividend will be paid in two instalments. The first instalment, EUR 0.60 per
share, will be paid on 18 April 2024. The second instalment, EUR 0.60 per share,
will be paid on 3 September 2024. Series K shares and Series A shares provide
their holders with equal rights to dividends. The Articles of Association
include a redemption clause concerning Series K shares.


On 19 December 2023, Olvi plc's Board of Directors decided to establish two new
long-term incentive plans for the Group's key people. The incentive plans and
their objectives were announced in a stock exchange release on 19 December 2023.

The first performance period of the 2024-2028 Performance Share Plan (financial
years 2024-2026) has started. The target group of the performance period
includes 36 key people, including the members of the Group Management Team and
the CEO of the company. The plan enables the members of the target group to earn
Series A shares in Olvi plc based on performance. The earning criteria for the
first performance period (2024-2026) are the cumulative operating results of the
Baltic Sea segment and the Finland segment, the sales of non-alcoholic products
and carbon neutrality in the company's own production operations. The rewards to
be paid from the plan may amount to a maximum of 43,021 Olvi plc's Series A
shares and a cash portion to cover taxes and tax-like payments arising from the
share-based reward.

The costs related to incentive plans totalled EUR 215.2 thousand in the review
period. Olvi Group has no other share or option arrangements in place.


At the beginning of January 2024, Olvi plc held a total of 28,692 Series A
shares in the company. No changes took place in the number of treasury shares
during the review period. The total acquisition price of treasury shares was EUR
880.8 thousand. The treasury shares do not provide the company with voting
rights. The Series A shares held by Olvi plc represent 0.14% of all shares in
the company and 0.03% of all votes provided by the shares in the company. The
treasury shares account for 0.17% of all Series A shares in the company and
0.17% of the votes provided by all Series A shares in the company.

6 NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING  1-3/2024    1-3/2023    1-12/2023

  - Average                     20,693,540  20,689,066  20,690,905
  - At the end of the period    20,693,540  20,682,045  20,693,540

                                     1-3/2024  1-3/2023  1-12/2023
Trading in Series A shares in Olvi,  578,680   462,846   1,608,889
number of shares
Total value of trading, EUR 1,000    17,775    14,297    48,077

Proportion of the trading out of     3.4       2.7       9.5
the total number of Series A
shares, %

Average share price, EUR             30.72     30.89     29.88
Closing price, EUR                   30.80     29.90     28.05
Highest price, EUR                   33.80     34.95     34.95
Lowest price, EUR                    28.35     28.30     26.80

                  Book-entry shares   Number of votes     Shareholders
                  number      %       number      %       number  %
Finnish, total    16,959,168  81.84   87,872,032  95.89   22,929  99.65
Foreign, total    39,232      0.19    39,232      0.04    69      0.30
Nominee           464,506     2.24    464,506     0.51    6       0.03
(foreign), total
Nominee           3,259,326   15.73   3,259,326   3.56    5       0.02
(Finnish), total
Total             20,722,232  100.00  91,635,096  100.00  23,009  100.00

                                              Series K   Series A    Total
%       Number of   %

1 Olvi Foundation                             2,363,904  990,613     3,354,517
16.19   48,268,693  52.67
2 The estate of Heikki                        903,488    103,280     1,006,768
4.86    18,173,040  19.83
3 Timo Einari Hortling                        212,888    49,152      262,040
1.26    4,306,912   4.70
4 Marit Hortling-Rinne                        149,064    14,234      163,298
0.79    2,995,514   3.27
5 Nordea Bank Abp, nominee-registered                    1,868,386   1868,386
9.02    1868,386    2.04
6 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab (publ),               1,327,395   1,327,395
6.41    1,327,395   1.45
Helsinki branch, nominee-registered
7 Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company                 828,075     828,075
4.00    828,075     0.90
8 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company             683,000     683,000
3.30    683,000     0.75
9 Pia Johanna Hortling                        23,388     28,244      51,632
0.25    496,004     0.54
10 Jens Einari Hortling                       23,388     18,444      41,832
0.20    486,204     0.53
Other                                         56,136     11,079,153  11,135,289
53.72   12,201,873  13.32
Total                                         3,732,256  16,989,976  20,722,232
100.00  91,635,096  100.00
* The shareholding includes shares held by
the shareholder and the entities they

Olvi did not receive any flagging notifications under chapter 9, section 5 of
the Securities Markets Act in January-March 2024.

EUR 1,000
                             1-3/2024    1-3/2023    1-12/2023

Opening balance              213,182   208,165     208,165
Additions                    6,224     6,255       26,643
Deductions and transfers     -327      -391        1,311
Depreciation and impairment  -5,788    -6,611      -22,709
Exchange rate differences    -12       -2,000      -228
Total                        213,279   205,418     213,182

EUR 1,000
                                    31 Mar 2024  31 Mar 2023  31 Dec 2023

Pledged assets and commitments
   For own commitments              2,464        2,945        3,268

Lease and rental liabilities:
   Maturing in less than a year     1,344        1,304        1,300
   Maturing within 1-5 years        2,023        1,236        1,254
Total lease and rental liabilities  3,367        2,540        2,554

Other liabilities                   567          67           567


For the 2022 financial statements (31 December 2022), the management assessed
the book value of the Belarusian business segment in a changed operating
environment. An impairment of EUR 35.0 million was recognised based on the
assessment. Based on the management's assessment and testing, the balance sheet
valuation of the Belarusian business segment on 31 March 2024 is materially at
the right level, and there is no need to change the impairment recognised. The
Belarusian business segment's balance sheet value was EUR 33.4 million on 31
March 2024. The valuation has been carried out in accordance with the previous
year's model.


In its summary of key ratios (page 1), the Group presents key ratios directly
derived from the consolidated income statement (net sales, operating result,
profit for the period and their proportions of net sales, as well as earnings
per share). (Earnings per share = Profit for the period attributable to owners
of the parent company / Average number of shares during the period, adjusted for
share issues).

In addition to its IFRS-based consolidated financial statements, Olvi plc
presents Alternative Performance Measures that describe the financial
performance of its business operations and provide a comparable overview of the
company's profitability, solvency and liquidity.

The Group has applied the European Securities and Markets Authority's (ESMA)
guidelines (effective since 3 July 2016) on Alternative Performance Measures and
has determined such measures as follows:

The Group presents sales volume data in millions of litres as an Alternative
Performance Measure that supports net sales. Sales volume is an important and
widely used indicator in the industry that describes the scope of operations. To
improve comparability between reporting periods, the Group also presents the
adjusted operating result and the adjusted profit for the period as Alternative
Performance Measures. The adjusted operating result is calculated by deducting
significant items affecting comparability from net sales. The corresponding
items have been deducted from the profit for the period when calculating the
adjusted profit for the period.

Investments consist of increases in fixed assets, excluding increases under IFRS

Earnings per share = Equity attributable to owners of the parent company /
Number of shares at the end of the period, adjusted for share issues.

Equity ratio, % = 100 * (Equity attributable to owners of the parent company +
non-controlling interest) / (Balance sheet total).

Gearing, % = 100 * (Interest-bearing liabilities - Cash in hand and at bank) /
(Equity attributable to owners of the parent company + Non-controlling
