2008-04-10 08:48:21 CEST

2008-04-10 08:49:19 CEST


Lietuvos Elektrine AB - Notification on material event

Meeting of shareholders of AB Lietuvos elektrine resolutions project

The projects of General Meeting Shareholders of Lietuvos elektrine AB
(21-04-2007) decisions as proposed by the Company's Board: 

1. Annual Report of the Company of the year 2007.
Not to take a decision.

2. Auditor's report on the Company's financial statements and Annual Report.
Not to take a decision. 

3. Approval of the Company's annual financial statements.
To approve the Company's financial statement of the year 2007.

4. Approval of profit (loss) distribution.
To aprrove the appropriation of profit of the year 2007 as follows:

I. Retained earnings at the beginning of the year - LTL 0 (EUR 0).
II. Net profit of the year - LTL 33916710 (EUR 9822958).
III. Retained earnings available for distribution at the end of the year -
     LTL 33916710 (EUR 9822958). 
IV. Shareholders' contributions against losses - None.
V.  Transfer from the reserves - LTL 47967854 (EUR 13892451).
VI. Distributable profit - LTL 81884565 (EUR 23715409).
VII. Distribution:
	VII.1. transfer to legal reserves - LTL 4094228 (EUR 1185770);
	VII.2. transfer to other reserves - LTL 74225337 (EUR 21497143);
	VII.3. dividends - LTL 0 (EUR 0);
	VII.4. profit allocation to yearly payoffs:
		VII.4.1. support - LTL 500000 (EUR 144810);
		VII.4.2. bonuses of employees and orher purpose
                             - LTL 3000000 (EUR 868860);
	VII.5. annual bonuses for the Board - LTL 65000 (EUR 18825).
VIII. Undistributed result at the end of the year - LTL 0 (EUR 0).

5. Mortgage the Company's assets.
Securing loan amounted to EUR 81400000 repayment and the satisfaction of other
liabilities under the credit agreement No. 07-133971-IN signed on 12 December,
2007, to pledge to AB bankas Hansabankas", AB SEB bankas, Nordea Bank Finland
Plc, AB DnB NORD bankas and AB Sampo bankas (hereinafter - "the Banks") all
assets (the plots of land, the buildings and other property, plant and
equipment) containing the financing project (the construction of a combined
cycle turbo generator of 400 MW capacity), also all current and future funds of
AB Lietuvos elektrine in the Bank's existent and future accounts. 

6. Election of the firm of auditor.

Rolandas Jankauskas
tel. +370 528 33743