2017-10-26 15:10:01 CEST

2017-10-26 15:10:01 CEST


English Lithuanian
Telia Lietuva, AB - Notification on material event

Telia establishes a group service centre in Vilnius

Telia establishes a group service centre in Vilnius, with the ability to grow and serve Telia Company group with a variety of global services – from IT and technology to sourcing and other internal services.

The service centre will be based in the capital’s business centre K29, with which an agreement has been signed for the rental of a 4.5 thousand square meter premises. The existing team of around 100 specialists in primarily IT technology and service operations in Vilnius will also move into the new premises.

"The successful operation of Telia Lietuva and the competitive advantage providing all telco and IT services is one of the main reasons why the group chose Lithuania. At the same time, the new service centre in Vilnius will be the platform for even greater integration with the Telia group allowing to share the latest technology and knowledge”, says Kęstutis Šliužas, CEO of Telia Lietuva.

“Finally we will have a service centre in Lithuania that is working not only with the latest technologies in IT, but also in many other important areas relating to a telecommunications operator. This will definitely stand out from the majority of the other service centres operating in the country. The telecommunication sector is one of the leading sectors in terms of progress in technologies and processes, and therefore has a great advantage in attracting the best technology and service operations specialists”, says Marius Ivanauskas, Head of Global Services in Vilnius, Telia Company.

Lithuania has been chosen also for the opportunity to attract competent specialists to for global projects and efficient operations for Telia and more importantly our customers.

Mantas Katinas, the General Manager of a government agency dedicated to foreign investment promotion in Lithuania (Invest Lithuania), says, that attracting service centres of companies which are already operating in our market is one of the common investment opportunities.

“Telia is known in Lithuania primarily as a telco, IT and TV services provider, but upon seeing more business opportunities, it also decided to establish part of its internal operations to Lithuania. It is obvious that Lithuania successfully maintains its attractiveness and maximizes its potential in the field of shared service centres”, said M. Katinas.


         Audrius Stasiulaitis,
         tel. +370 5 236 7019,
         e-mail: audrius.stasiulaitis@telia.lt