2016-11-29 16:00:04 CET

2016-11-29 16:00:04 CET


YIT - Company Announcement

YIT signed implementation agreement on Tampere light rail project, approximately EUR 110 million recorded in order backlog

YIT Corporation Stock Exchange Release November 29, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
YIT, VR Track and Pöyry have signed an agreement with the City of Tampere on the
implementation of the Tampere light rail project in Finland. The revised cost
estimate for the implementation stage is EUR 238.8 million, with YIT’s share
amounting to approximately EUR 110 million. YIT records the project in the order
backlog for the fourth quarter of 2016.

The first phase of construction will commence in the first half of 2017 and is
expected to last until 2021. During this phase, the new rail line will extend 15
kilometers, from the city centre to Hervanta and to the Central Hospital, and a
depot will be constructed in Hervanta. YIT will recognise project revenue based
on the progress of construction.

According to the plans, the second phase of construction will take place in
2021–2024. It will expand the rail network from the city centre to

The project will be implemented using the alliance model, with YIT, VR Track and
Pöyry providing the service ordered by the City of Tampere. In the alliance
model, the client, designers and contractors co-operate throughout the

 “YIT’s renewed strategy emphasises project development in growth centres and
focuses increasingly on the involvement of partners. The collaborative alliance
model adopted in the Tampere light rail project matches this objective very
well. The project is significant in terms of size. It also plays an essential
role in the development of the Tampere region, in which YIT wants to be closely
involved," says Jouni Forsman, Head of YIT’s Infra Services business division.

“Alliance partners’ close cooperation and commitment to high objectives of the
project from the very beginning have made it possible to implement the tramway.
Construction of tramway will be visible in the streets of Tampere, but the
implementation plan drawn up together in the development phase and a strongly
connected Alliance team will create excellent conditions for the smooth
implementation of the project," says Harri Lukkarinen, Managing Director of VR

"The representatives of Tampere, engineers and contractors of the light rail
project have worked hard together for over a year to find the best solutions for
the project. The implementation decision will realise this work for the benefit
of Tampere, resulting in a smooth implementation of the project and a high
quality light rail system. We at Pöyry are proud to support the strong
development of the Tampere region," confirms Mikko Inkala, President of Pöyry's
Infrastructure Design Unit.

Further information about the alliance model used in the Tampere light rail
project is available here (http://www.yitgroup.com/en/media/why-is-the-alliance

For further information, please contact:

Hanna Jaakkola, Vice President, Investor Relations, YIT Corporation, tel. +358
40 5666 070, hanna.jaakkola@yit.fi

Jouni Forsman, Senior Vice President, Infra Services business division, YIT
Construction Ltd, tel. +358 40 519 0129, jouni.forsman@yit.fi


Hanna Jaakkola

Vice President, Investor Relations

Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, major media, www.yitgroup.com

YIT creates better living environment by developing and constructing housing,
business premises, infrastructure and entire areas. Our vision is to bring more
life in sustainable cities. We want to focus on caring for customer, visionary
urban development, passionate execution and inspiring leadership. Our growth
engine is urban development involving partners. Our operating area covers
Finland, Russia, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
In 2015, our revenue amounted to nearly EUR 1.7 billion, and we employ about
5,300 employees. Our share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. www.yitgroup.com/en/