2009-12-01 09:00:00 CET

2009-12-01 09:00:02 CET


Englanti Liettua
TEO LT, AB - Notification on material event

UAB Baltic Data Center acquired a 100 per cent stake in UAB Interdata

UAB Baltic Data Center, a subsidiary of TEO LT, AB, acquired a 100 per cent
stake in one of the leading providers of web hosting services in Lithuania - UAB

According to Saulius Markūnas, Director of Baltic Data Center, web hosting
services is one of the fastest growing IT areas, while Interdata's acquisition
will allow not only to strengthen the existing competence, but also to make
more efficient use of available technological resources. 

Interdata will operate as a subsidiary of Baltic Data Center. The company's
current executives and other employees will continue to work in it, whereas the
experience gained by both companies and the high professional competence of
their specialists will enable to increase the quality of provided services and
to offer new modern services. 

Interdata's services are currently used by many Lithuanian online service
leaders: the airline ticket selling website www.greitai.lt, the news portal
www.15min.lt, the company's Plius portals www.autoplius.lt, www.domoplius.lt
and many others. Following the acquisition of Interdata, the number of Baltic
Data Center web hosting service users will double, reaching almost 5 thousand. 

UAB Interdata also has a subsidiary UAB Hosting.

MP Bank hf. Baltic Branch and law firm Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas and
Partners LAWIN acted as advisers in the acquisition of the company. 

Paulius Pakutinskas, 
Senior Legal Advisor of Corporate Administration and Legal Affairs Unit, 
tel. +370 5 236 7330