2007-04-27 07:33:30 CEST 2007-04-27 07:33:30 CEST REGULATED INFORMATION Larox Oyj - Quarterly reportINTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE LAROX GROUP FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2007 TO 31 MARCH 2007INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE LAROX GROUP FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2007 TO 31 MARCH 2007 GENERAL Larox Group's result before tax for the three months totalled EUR 2.3 million (EUR -0.6 million, 1 January 2006 to 31 March 2006). Net sales totalled EUR 32.7 million (EUR 25.1 million). Order backlog at the end of the review period totalled EUR 55.2 million (EUR 29.5 million). The amount of new orders received during the review period totalled EUR 43.1 million (EUR 24.9 million). BUSINESS OPERATIONS Demand for the Larox products has remained good. During the review period the order accumulation improved positively and the order backlog was about 10 million euros higher than at the turn of the fiscal year. More than 95% of Group net sales were generated by exports and foreign operations. Net sales by geographical division were as follows: 1-3/2007 1-3/2006 North, Central and South America 37.4% 26.9% Asia and Australasia 22.1% 27.0% Europe, CIS, Middle East and Africa 40.5% 46.1% CHANGES IN GROUP STRUCTURE There was no change in Group structure during the review period. PROFITS AND PROFITABILITY The Group profitability was clearly better than during the same period last year. The Group showed an operating profit of EUR 2.7 million (EUR 0.05 million), i.e. 8.4% (0.2%) of net sales. Result before tax was EUR 2.3 million (EUR -0.6 million). FINANCING The Group's net financing costs totalled EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.7 million). The equity ratio was 31.1 % (28.6 %) and at the end of the previous financial year (31 December 2006) it was 33.9 %. INVESTMENTS Larox Group's investments totalled EUR 0.5 million (EUR 0.2 million). PERSONNEL The average number of personnel employed by the Group during the review period was 435 (440). At the end of the review period it was 441 (439) of whom 205 (206) worked for the parent company. SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS During 1 January 2007 to 31 March 2007 trading in shares totalled 678,591, which is 7.23 % of the total number of shares. The value of shares traded was EUR 6.2 million. During the review period the lowest share price was EUR 8.04 and the highest was EUR 10.40. The closing price of the share was 8.98 and the total market value of the shares was EUR 84.6 million. At the end of March there were 877 shareholders. LAROX CORPORATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Larox Corporation annual general meeting of the shareholders of on 30 March 2007 confirmed the annual financial statements of the company and the Group. A dividend of 0.30 euro per share, in total EUR 2.8 million, was distributed in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors. Mr. Timo Vartiainen, Ms. Katariina Aaltonen, Mr. Teppo Taberman, Mr. Thomas Franck and Mr. Matti Ruotsala were re-elected to the Board. Mr. Timo Vartiainen was elected Chairman of the Board and Mr. Teppo Taberman was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board in the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors held immediately after the annual general meeting of shareholders. Larox Corporation annual general meeting of shareholders elected the following auditors: APA Kim Karhu and auditing society PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy with primary responsibility resting with APA Kaija Leppinen. APA Henrik Sormunen and APA Jarmo Alén were elected deputy auditors. AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO DECIDE ON REPURCHASE OF SHARES The annual general meeting of shareholders decided to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on repurchase of shares by using the company's unrestricted shareholders' equity. The maximum number of shares in the authorization is 500.000 Larox Corporation B-series shares. The shares may be purchased in order to finance or carry out acquisitions or other business transactions, in order to develop the company's capital structure, to improve the liquidity of the Company's shares, to employee incentive plans, to be disposed for other purposes, or to be cancelled. The repurchases will be carried out through public trading, whereby the shares will be repurchased in another proportion than according to the holdings of the shareholders. The repurchase price must be based on the market price of the Larox Corporation B share in public trading. The repurchases of shares will be carried out at Helsinki Stock Exchange and according to their rules and instructions. The Board of Directors cannot realize the authorization of the repurchase of shares should the total number of the company's or its subsidiary's own or pledged shares exceed 10 per cent of all shares after the purchase. The authorization is valid for 18 months from the resolution by the annual general meeting of shareholders. AUTHORIZATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO DECIDE ON SHARE ISSUE, AND/OR STOCK OPTION RIGHTS OR OTHER SPECIAL RIGHTS THAT ENTITLE TO SHARES The annual general meeting of shareholders decided to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on shares, stock option rights or special rights referred to in the Finnish Companies Act chapter 10, paragraph 1 in one or more lots in such a way that based on the authorization the total maximum number of Larox Corporation B-series shares is 500 000. The Board of Directors may decide to give either new shares or own shares the company possesses. The authorization can be used to finance and to carry out acquisitions or other business transactions and the company's investments, employee incentive plans or other purposes decided by the Board of Directors. The authorization includes the right to decide on share issue without a subscription price and the right to deviate from the shareholders' subscription right according to certain preconditions of the Finnish Companies Act. The authorization is valid for five years from the resolution by the annual general meeting of shareholders. OUTLOOK FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR The market situation is expected to continue favorable and the Group net sales and profitability are expected to improve from the previous year. The good order backlog at the end of the review period, EUR 55.2 million and the already started procedures support this. Accumulation of net sales by quarters is more balanced than in the previous year. The orders of approximately EUR 43.1 million, received during the first quarter of 2007 are a proof of strong investment activity in filters. Positive demand for metals, which is expected to continue strong and the recovering demand in the chemical process industry influence specially investment decisions. Lappeenranta on 27 April 2007 Larox Corporation Board of Directors For further information please contact Mr Toivo Matti Karppanen President & CEO Tel +358 (5) 668 8210 Fax +358 (5) 668 8277 E-mail topi.karppanen@larox.com Internet www.larox.com Distribution Helsinki Stock Exchange, central media www.larox.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | KEY RATIOS OF LAROX GROUP | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EUR 1000 | 1-3/2007 | 1-3/2006 | 1-12/2006 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | New orders | 43 059 | 24 923 | 137 971 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Group order backlog at end of period | 55 201 | 29 526 | 44 911 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net sales | 32 659 | 25 097 | 122 809 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Operating profit | 2 743 | 52 | 8 931 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | % of net sales | 8.4 | 0.2 | 7.3 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net financing costs | 426 | 686 | 1 887 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | % of net sales | 1.3 | 2.7 | 1.5 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Result before taxes | 2 318 | -634 | 7 044 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Result for the period | 1 550 | -546 | 5 004 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Investments | 476 | 198 | 2 285 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shareholders' equity per share at end | 2.68 | 2.35 | 2.84 | | of period, EUR | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Equity Ratio % | 31.1 | 28.6 | 33.9 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Contingent liabilities | 27.1 | 26.4 | 27.8 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Trading price at end of period, EUR | 8.98 | 8.34 | 9.00 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Market capitalization at end of period, | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EUR million **) | 84.6 | 77.0 | 84.4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) The price of the A share is based on the B share's last trading rate of the reporting period (weighted average). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | KEY FIGURES BY | | | | | | | QUARTERS | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 2007 | 2006 | 2006 | 2006 | 2006 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EUR 1000 | 1-3 | 10-12 | 7-9 | 4-6 | 1-3 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | New orders | 43 059 | 43 482 | 31 525 | 38 041 | 24 923 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Group order backlog | 55 201 | 44 911 | 41 780 | 37 706 | 29 526 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net sales | 32 659 | 40 431 | 28 281 | 29 001 | 25 097 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Operating profit | 2 743 | 4 568 | 2 457 | 1 853 | 52 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | % of net sales | 8.4 | 11.3 | 8.7 | 6.4 | 0.2 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net financing costs | 426 | 218 | 259 | 724 | 686 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | % of net sales | 1.3 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 2.5 | 2.7 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Result before taxes | 2 318 | 4 350 | 2 198 | 1 129 | -634 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Result for the quarter | 1 550 | *) 3 358 | 1 293 | 899 | -546 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) includes one-time cost of EUR 0.9 million for terminating component manufacturing functions in The Netherlands. This interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and measurement principles. The review is not prepared in accordance with all the requirements of IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting -standard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | INCOME STATEMENTS, IFRS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 EUR | 1-3/2007 | 1-3/2006 | 1-12/2006 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sales | 32 659 | 25 097 | 122 809 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Other operating income | 227 | 288 | 1 680 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change in inventories of finished | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | goods and work in progress | 724 | -1 873 | -1 287 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Materials and services | -17 038 | -10 309 | -59 743 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Employee benefits expense | -6 804 | -6 529 | -28 092 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Depreciation, amortisation & | -859 | -885 | -3 412 | | impairment losses | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Other operating expenses | -6 165 | -5 735 | -23 023 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OPERATING PROFIT | 2 744 | 52 | 8 931 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Financial income | 136 | 217 | 890 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Financial expenses | -543 | -903 | -3 032 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share of profit/loss in associates | -19 | 0 | 255 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX | 2 318 | -634 | 7 044 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Income tax expense | -767 | 88 | -2 040 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD | 1 550 | -546 | 5 004 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EPS basic (EUR) | 0.17 | -0,06 | 0.53 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EPS diluted (EUR) | 0.17 | -0.06 | 0.53 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BALANCE SHEET, IFRS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 EUR | 31.3.2007 | 31.3.2006 | 31.12.2006 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ASSETS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | NON-CURRENT ASSETS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Intangible assets | 18 776 | 18 903 | 18 871 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Goodwill | 2 919 | 3 089 | 2 948 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Property, plant and equipment | 9 322 | 10 288 | 9 566 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Investments in associates | 1 020 | 1 004 | 1 153 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Available-for-sale investments | 208 | 273 | 208 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Deferred tax asset | 3 557 | 2 499 | 3 561 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 35 802 | 36 056 | 36 307 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CURRENT ASSETS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Inventories | 22 018 | 16 789 | 19 842 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Trade receivables and other | 26 511 | 24 305 | 24 984 | | receivables | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Income tax receivable | 329 | 672 | 210 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cash and bank | 1 547 | 2 455 | 1 952 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CURRENT ASSETS | 50 404 | 44 222 | 46 988 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TOTAL ASSETS | 86 207 | 80 278 | 83 295 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share capital | 5 629 | 5 629 | 5 629 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share premium account | 5 777 | 5 777 | 5 777 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Other reserves | 91 | 176 | 61 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Translation differences | -145 | -35 | -69 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Retained earnings | 13 802 | 10 492 | 15 271 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY | 25 153 | 22 039 | 26 668 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Deferred tax liability | 1 927 | 1 592 | 2 511 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Long-term liabilities, | 14 726 | 22 744 | 19 405 | | interest-bearing | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Employee benefit obligations | 407 | 374 | 398 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Non-current provisions | 1 137 | 1 362 | 1 422 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES | 18 197 | 26 072 | 23 735 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CURRENT LIABILITIES | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Short-term liabilities, | 12 949 | 13 683 | 9 619 | | interest-bearing | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Trade payables and other payables | 29 908 | 18 483 | 23 273 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CURRENT LIABILITIES | 42 857 | 32 166 | 32 892 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | 86 207 | 80 278 | 83 295 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CASH FLOW STATEMENTS, IFRS | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 EUR | 1-3/2007 | 1-3/2006 | 1-12/2006 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net profit/loss | 1 550 | -546 | 5 004 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Adjustments to the net profit/loss of | 2 035 | 1 488 | 7 132 | | the period | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change in working capital | -507 | 4 802 | 6 020 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Interest paid | -417 | -584 | -1 814 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Interest income received | 15 | 41 | 79 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Other financing items | -93 | -518 | -310 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Income taxes paid | -1 157 | -309 | -1 229 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net cash from operating activities | 1 425 | 4 375 | 14 881 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net cash used in investment activities | -459 | -192 | -1 672 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share issue | 0 | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Increase in loans | 3 053 | 4 495 | 5 896 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Decrease in loans | -4 403 | -7 928 | -16 494 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Repayment of finance lease liabilities | -22 | -26 | -56 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dividends paid | 0 | 0 | -2 226 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Net cash used in financing activities | -1 372 | -3 459 | -12 879 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change in cash and cash equivalents | -405 | 724 | 330 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Operating balance of cash and cash | 1 952 | 1 737 | 1 737 | | equivalents | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Effect of the foreign exchange rates | 0 | -6 | -114 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Closing balance of cash and cash | 1 547 | 2 455 | 1 952 | | equivalents | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CHANGE IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1-3/2006 | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Share | Fair | Hed- | Trans- | | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 EUR | Share | issue | value | ging | lation | Retained | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | capit | premi | res. | res. | diff. | earnin | Total | | | al | um | | | | gs | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SHAREHOLDERS' | 5 629 | 5 777 | 138 | -15 | -145 | 13 516 | 24 901 | | EQUITY 1 JANUARY | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cash flow hedging | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Increase in | | | | 52 | | | 52 | | hedging reserve | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change in | | | | | 110 | -266 | -156 | | translation | | | | | | | | | difference | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Profit for the | | | | | | -546 | -546 | | period | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dividend | | | | | | -2 226 | -2 226 | | distribution | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share-based | | | | | | 14 | 14 | | payments | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SHAREHOLDERS' | 5 629 | 5 777 | 138 | 37 | -35 | 10 492 | 22 039 | | EQUITY 31 MARCH | | | | | | | | | 2006 | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CHANGE IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1-3/2007 | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Share | Fair | Hed- | Trans- | | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 EUR | Share | issue | value | ging | Lation | Retained | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | capit | premi | res. | res. | diff. | earnin | Total | | | al | um | | | | gs | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SHAREHOLDERS' | 5 629 | 5 777 | 105 | -44 | -69 | 15 271 | 26 668 | | EQUITY 1 JANUARY | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cash flow hedging | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Increase in | | | | 30 | | | 30 | | hedging reserve | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Change in | | | | | -76 | -214 | -290 | | translation | | | | | | | | | difference | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Profit for the | | | | | | 1 550 | 1 550 | | period | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dividend | | | | | | -2 814 | -2 814 | | distribution | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share-based | | | | | | 9 | 9 | | payments | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SHAREHOLDERS' | 5 629 | 5 777 | 105 | -14 | -145 | 13 802 | 25 153 | | EQUITY 31 MARCH | | | | | | | | | 2007 | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larox has applied the same accounting principles in this Interim Report as in Annual Report 2006. The contents of the changes in standards and interpretations are presented more detailed in Annual Report 2006. In 2007 the Group will start to apply a new standard IFRS 7 Financial instruments: Disclosures, published by IASB in 2005. The adoption will not cause such changes to accounting principles, that the published comparative information should be changed regressively. All below figures in the financial statements have been adjusted and therefore the added sum of individual figures may differ from the presented added figure. The information in Interim Report is unaudited. Publication dates of financial information in 2007 The interim report for January-June will be published on Friday 10 August. The interim report for January-September will be published on Friday 27 October. The financial year-end of the Larox Group is on 31 December 2007. CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES Equity ratio, % Shareholders' equity --------------------------------- x 100 Total assets - advances received Earnings per share Profit before taxes --------------------------------- Adjusted average number of shares during the period Market capitalization at the end of the period Number of shares at the end of period x trading Price at the end of period weighted by the number of the shares traded Larox develops, designs and manufactures industrial filters and is a leading technology company in its field. Larox is a full service solution provider in filtration for separating solids from liquids. It supplies comprehensive aftermarket services throughout the lifespan of the Larox solution. Companies world-wide in mining and metallurgy, chemical processing and related industries benefit from the Larox technologies. Larox operates in over 40 countries and has over 440 employees. Larox Group is headquartered in Lappeenranta, Finland. Product factories are located in Lappeenranta and Utrecht, The Netherlands. Net sales in 2006 totalled 122.8 million euros, of which more than 95 % were generated by exports and the company's foreign operations. |