2007-05-10 10:17:26 CEST

2007-05-10 10:17:26 CEST


Aspocomp Group - Decisions of general meeting


Aspocomp Group Oyj  Minutes of annual general meeting  May 10, 2007
at 11:17 am

The Annual General Meeting of Aspocomp Group Oyj authorized the Board
of Directors on April 10, 2006 to issue and/or grant, on the basis of
special rights, a maximum of 40,000,000 new shares, and to convey
and/or receive, on the basis of special rights, a maximum of 200,000
own shares held by the company. In addition, the Meeting re-elected
the current Board and decided that the remunerations of the members
of the Board will remain the same as in 2006. The Meeting also
decided not to pay dividends for 2006.

The Annual General Meeting decided that the number of Board members
is seven and re-elected the current members of the Board: Aimo
Eloholma, Johan Hammarén, Tapio Hintikka, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Yoshiki
Sasaki, Anssi Soila and Kari Vuorialho. The Meeting re-elected
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as the company's auditor for the 2007
financial year.

An annual remuneration of EUR 35,000 will be paid to the chairman of
the Board, EUR 25,000 to the deputy chairman and EUR 15,000 to the
members. The annual remuneration will be paid such that 60% is paid
in cash and the remaining 40% is used to buy shares in the company
for conveyance to Board members. EUR 1,500 per meeting will be paid
to the chairman and EUR 1,000 per meeting to the other members. EUR
1,500 per meeting will be paid to the members of the Board of
Directors residing abroad. EUR 500 will be paid for each committee
meeting. The members of the Board residing outside of the Greater
Helsinki area are reimbursed for reasonable travel and lodging costs.
The auditor will be paid according to invoice.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on issuing
new shares and conveying the Aspocomp shares held by the company. A
maximum of 40,000,000 new shares can be issued and/or granted on the
basis of special rights. A maximum of 200,000 own shares held by the
company can be conveyed and/or received on the basis of special

The new shares can be issued and the company's own shares conveyed
either against payment (rights issue) or for free (bonus issue) to
the company's shareholders in proportion to their holding, or by
means of a directed issue, waiving the pre-emptive subscription right
of shareholders, if there is a weighty financial reason for the
company to do so, such as the use of the shares as consideration in
acquisitions or other business arrangements, to finance investments
or as part of the company's incentive scheme. The directed issue can
be a bonus issue only if there is an especially weighty reason for
the company to do so, taking the interests of all shareholders into

The authorization also includes the right to grant special rights, as
specified in Article 1 of Chapter 10 of the Companies Act, to receive
new shares in the company or Aspocomp shares held by the company
against payment such that either the share subscription price will be
paid in cash or the subscriber's receivables will be offset against
the subscription price.

In addition, the authorization includes the right to decide on a
bonus issue to the company itself such that the number of shares
issued to the company can amount to no more than one-tenth (1/10) of
all the company's shares. Own shares held by the company or its
subsidiaries will be included in this amount as specified in
paragraph 1, Article 11, Chapter 15 of the Companies Act.

The Board of Directors has the right to decide on other particulars
of the share issues and the granting of special rights. The
authorizations are valid for two (2) years from the date of the
decision of the Annual General Meeting. They do not cancel previous
unexercised share issue authorizations.

For further information, please contact Maija-Liisa Friman, CEO,
tel. +358 9 7597 0711.


Maija-Liisa Friman
President and CEO

The Nordic Exchange
Major media