2017-04-11 17:11:38 CEST

2017-04-11 17:11:38 CEST


Össur hf. - Total number of voting rights and capital

Ossur Hf: Registration of capital reduction of 5,837,832 shares completed

Announcement from Össur hf. no. 29/2017
Reykjavik, 11 April 2017

Reference is made to the Company's announcement no. 21/2017 published on 9 March

The capital reduction of ISK 5,837,832 nominal value was registered with the
Icelandic Register of Enterprises today. 5,837,832 own shares with a nominal
value of ISK 1 each were cancelled.

The share capital of Össur is now ISK 437,162,725 nominal value divided into the
same number of shares with a nominal value of ISK 1 each. The Company currently
holds 6,747,967 own shares.

The shares cancelled are expected to be removed from trading on NASDAQ
Copenhagen with effect from 19 April 2017.

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