2011-07-20 08:00:00 CEST

2011-07-20 08:00:46 CEST


Rautaruukki - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Rautaruukki Corporation Interim report H1/2011: Growing demand - clear improvement in operating profit

Rautaruukki Corporation Interim report 20 July 2011 at 9am EEST

April-June 2011 (Q2/2010)
- Order intake was up 13 per cent at EUR 672 million (596).
- Comparable net sales were up 13 per cent at EUR 730 million (647).
- Comparable operating profit was EUR 71 million (45), equating to 9.7 per cent
of net sales.
- Comparable result before taxes was EUR 62 million (39), equating to 8.5 per
cent of net sales.

January-June 2011 (H1/2010)
- Order intake was up 22 per cent at EUR 1,346 million (1,103).
- Comparable net sales were up 22 per cent at EUR 1,405 million (1,147).
- Comparable operating profit was EUR 96 million (2), equating to 6.8 per cent
of net sales.
- Comparable result before taxes was EUR 76 million (-12), equating to 5.4 per
cent of net sales.

Estimate of financial performance in 2011
Rautaruukki is keeping its guidance unchanged. Consolidated net sales in 2011
are estimated to grow approximately 25 per cent year on year. Profitability is
estimated to clearly improve compared to 2010.

                                           Q2/11  Q2/10 Q1-Q2/11 Q1-Q2/10   2010
Comparable figures

Comparable net sales, EUR m                  730    647    1 405    1 147  2 403

Comparable operating profit,
EUR m                                         71     45       96        2     38

Comparable operating profit
as % of net sales                            9.7    6.9      6.8      0.1    1.6

Comparable result before
income tax, EUR m                             62     39       76      -12      8

Reported figures

Reported net sales, EUR m                    730    655    1 405    1 160  2 415

Reported operating profit,
EUR m                                         68     34       93       -2    -12

Reported result before
income tax, EUR m                             59     28       74      -16    -74

Net cash flow from operating activities,
EUR m                                          7     14       13      -41    -64

Net cash flow before financing
activities, EUR m                            -34    -38      -64     -125   -226

Earnings per share, EUR                     0.32   0.14     0.38    -0.09  -0.57

Return on capital employed
(rolling 12 mths), %                                         4.1     -4.4   -0.3

Return on capital employed
(annualised), %                                              8.9      0.0   -0.3

Gearing ratio, %                                            57.9     35.9   44.7

Equity ratio, %                                             48.7     55.2   55.3

Personnel on average                      11 688 11 632   11 839   11 733 11 693

President & CEO Sakari Tamminen:

In many respects, we can be pleased with progress made during the second
quarter. Market conditions continued to be favourable in almost all our
businesses. Increased sales of special steel products, good profitability in the
steel business and restoring our construction business to profitability were the
most positive notes during April-June. The engineering business still posted a
loss, but improved operating profit compared to a year earlier. Also in the
construction business we still have a lot to improve.

Our order intake was up 13 per cent year on year at EUR 672 million. Strongest
growth in demand during the second quarter was in Finland and the other Nordic
countries, Central Eastern Europe, especially Poland, and also in Russia. Our
net sales for April-June were up 13 per cent year on year at EUR 730 million. In
Finland, net sales grew especially in the construction business, whereas in the
other Nordic countries growth came mostly from the steel and engineering
businesses. Relatively best net sales growth was in Central Eastern Europe.

In the construction business, the most positive note was growth of around 30 per
cent both in residential roofing products and in commercial and industrial
construction. Commercial and industrial construction deliveries grew clearly,
particularly in Finland, Sweden, Poland and Romania. A good growth rate was also
seen in Russia, especially for concept buildings, and net sales in Russia were
up by around 25 per cent year on year.

In the engineering business, the outlook in our main customer segments
strengthened further during April-June. This was mainly due to growth in the
emerging markets and increased demand for mining industry machines and
equipment. Net sales for April-June in our engineering business were up 25 per
cent year on year. Growth was highest in delivery volumes of cabins, frames and
booms for the lifting, handling and transportation equipment industry. Also
deliveries to mining industry equipment manufacturers and forest machine
manufacturers showed further growth.

In our steel business, sales during the second quarter were up in almost all our
market areas and in all main customer segments. Net sales developed particularly
well in our near market areas - Finland and the other Nordic countries. Growth
was relatively strongest in Central Eastern Europe and also in Russia, where the
steel business grew in the wake of construction. Sales of special steel products
grew in new market areas such as China and South Africa, as well as in Western
Europe, and accounted for 34 per cent of net sales in our steel business during
the second quarter.Profitability improved clearly compared to a year earlier. Increased operating
profit was due to higher selling prices, improved capacity utilisation rates and
good sales growth of special steel products. Our main priority during the second
quarter was to generate a positive operating profit from our solutions
businesses. We succeeded in doing this on the construction side, but not on the
engineering side. We will continue actions to improve cost efficiency and
profitability in the solutions businesses.

The outlook in our main market areas remains favourable, even though the debt
crisis in Europe has created uncertainty about market development. We estimate a
return of commercial and industrial construction to the growth track in many
market areas already this year and we forecast that residential construction
will remain at a good level. Also we estimate that market conditions in the
engineering business will further improve during the second half of the year.
Demand in the steel business is at a good level. We estimate that expansion of
our distribution network into emerging and mining-intensive markets will impact
positively on sales of special steel products.

Consolidated net sales in 2011 are estimated to grow approximately 25 per cent
year on year. Profitability is estimated to clearly improve compared to 2010.

Rautaruukki Corporation's full interim report for January-June 2011 is attached
to this release.

For further information, please contact:
Sakari Tamminen, President & CEO, tel. +358 20 592 9075
Markku Honkasalo, CFO, tel. +358 20 592 8840

A presentation in English for analysts and the media will be held on 20 July
2011 at 10.30am EEST at Ruukki, Suolakivenkatu 1, 00810 Helsinki.

A live webcast of the event may be followed online starting at 10.30am on the
company's website at www.ruukki.com/investors. The event may also be attended
through a conference call. To attend through the conference call, please call
the number given 5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time: +44 (0)20
7162 0125, access code: 898257.

A replay of the webcast can be viewed on the company's website on 20 July 2011
from about 4pm EEST. An encore replay of the conference call can be accessed
until 3 August 2011 at +44 (0)20 7031 4064, access code: 898257.

Rautaruukki Corporation
Anne Pirilä
SVP, Communications and Investor Relations

Rautaruukki supplies metal-based components, systems and integrated systems to
the construction and engineering industries. The company has a wide selection of
metal products and services. Rautaruukki has operations in 27 countries and
employs around 11,700 people. Net sales in 2010 totalled around EUR 2.4 billion.
The company's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (Rautaruukki Oyj: RTRKS).
The Corporation uses the marketing name Ruukki.

Main media
