2007-06-12 14:08:52 CEST

2007-06-12 14:08:52 CEST


TietoEnator Oyj - Company Announcement

TietoEnator chosen by the Swedish Apoteket as outsourcing supplier

TietoEnator Corporation Stock Exchange Release 12 June 2007, 3.00 Pm

The Swedish state-run pharmacy chain Apoteket has chosen TietoEnator
as its new supplier of ICT operations management, applications
integration, applications management and workstation management and
support. The terms of the contracts vary between two to four years.
According to TietoEnator estimates, the total value of the order will
be around EUR 57 million (SEK 535 million). In addition there are
options to extend the contracts by a further one to two years. The
estimated value of these options is around EUR 36 million (SEK 340
million)."Quality was our main objective in this procurement process and
TietoEnator won by offering the best quality. It was also interesting
that they, by implementing an effective way of working, could offer
the same price level as their competitors," said Stefan Carlsson, CEO
at Apoteket AB. "We had chosen a multi procurement process this time,
where we looked at each component separately. TietoEnator won in each
separate category.""We are extremely pleased that Apoteket has chosen us as their
supplier. The company is at the leading edge when it comes to using
IT to improve the level of service to its customers. It is also world
leading where e-prescriptions are concerned. Together with Apoteket
we will now be working further on developing functional IT services
for the company and its customers, which will additionally reinforce
our position as an attractive outsourcing partner," said Åke Plyhm,
Deputy CEO at TietoEnator.

TietoEnator will be responsible for the deliveries and has chosen to
work with InfoCare as a sub-contractor on parts of the processing
services and the workstation support, and with Sirius IT on parts of
applications management.

The area of ICT operations management includes applications and
server operations, with very high demands on accessibility and
disaster-related support. The deal also includes monitoring, licence
management and a technical support service.

The workstation management and support service includes the managing
of workstations, workstation servers and applications, as well as
product maintenance and licence management. In addition, Apoteket
will have access to services and maintenance throughout the country.
Some of Apoteket's just over 10,000 employees will be equipped with
digital workplaces, allowing them to log on to various IT systems
regardless of time and location.

Each year around 24 million e-prescriptions are issued at Sweden's
pharmacies. The pharmacies have around 90 million visits from
customers each year, with IT support being vital in the efforts to
reduce queuing times and to increase the efficiency of their sales
process. Applications integration makes it possible for Apoteket to
offer digital self-service options via apoteket.se and to issue
e-prescriptions in an effective way.

'In the area of applications management TietoEnator will be
responsible for managing and developing Apoteket's various IT systems
further as an important aspect of Apoteket's future development.

Apoteket AB will now take a greater responsibility in house for
system control and governance, as well as the helpdesk function which
was previously outsourced.

Under the Swedish Act on Public Procurement (LOU) all participants in
the procurement have received a decision on the award of the
contract, in which Apoteket states its reasons for selecting
TietoEnator. These tenderers now have twelve days in which to appeal
against the decision. TietoEnator has signed a contract with Apoteket
that comes into force on June 24, on the condition that no appeal is

For additional information, please contact:

Åke Plyhm, Deputy CEO, TietoEnator,
tel. +46 8 632 1410, e-mail: ake.plyhm@tietoenator.com

Nils Knutsson, Marketing Director, TietoEnator Processing & Network,
tel. +46 8 7498 000, +46 708 354 476, e-mail:

Concerning applications integration:

Mats Brandt, Sales Director, TietoEnator Digital Innovations,
tel: +46 8 703 6689, +46 705 30 3325, e-mail:

Concerning applications management:

Christer Bergh, Manager Applications management, TietoEnator
Healthcare & Welfare,
tel. +46 9 2025 8203, +46 705 56 9830, e-mail:

Concerning Apoteket

Stefan Carlsson, CEO, Apoteket,
Tel. +46 8 466 1020
Anders Persson, CIO, Apoteket
Tel +46 8 466 1088, +46 705 13 5608
Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal Media
TietoEnator is among the leading architects in building a more
efficient information society and one of the largest IT services
providers in Europe. TietoEnator specializes in consulting,
developing and hosting its customers' business operations in the
digital economy. The Group's services are based on a combination of
deep industry-specific expertise and the latest information
technology. TietoEnator has about 16 000 experts in close to 30
Apoteket AB is a state-owned, limited liability company with an
exclusive right to sell drugs in Sweden. Apoteket's mission is to
offer the customers, as a component of care, know-how and products
which contribute to better health. Apoteket currently has 875
community pharmacies, 76 hospital pharmacies, 32 Apoteket Shops, 826
pharmacy representatives and 50 Health Squares in Sweden. The company
has 90 million customer visits annually and approximately 11,000

InfoCare is the leading Nordic IT-services corporation. The company
operates in collaboration with the market's leading outsourcers,
suppliers, system integrators and retailers. We are authorized to
give services to the leading manufacturers at the Nordic market.
InfoCare have 1,570 employees in 69 locations across Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Finland. Included in this, 450 employees work within the
six service-workshops in Växjö, Stockholm, Oslo, Kongsvinger,
Köpenhamn and Helsingfors. The company's turnover is currently close
to 1 350 MSEK (150 M€) per year. www.infocare.com
Sirius IT is a Nordic IT company developing IT solutions in the areas
of e-services, self services and case handling processes to customers
in the public sector and chosen parts of the private sector, thus
making it possible for the customers to improve their accessibility
and service rate and to increase the efficiency in their operations.
Sirius IT has 400 employees spread out between Denmark, Norway and
Sweden, and had a turnover of 62 MEUR in 2006.