2011-05-06 07:30:00 CEST

2011-05-06 07:30:05 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


TIIMARI PLC                      Interim Report 6 May 2011 at 08.30



Easter is the second most significant sales period for Tiimari. As in 2011
Easter fell into the second quarter of the year, unlike previous year, the
first quarter revenue and key figures are not comparable to those of the
previous year in the first quarter. Tiimari Group's April sales rose 12.4 %
year on year. Comparable sales from January to April were 9 % lower than year


- Revenue declined by 16.7% to EUR 13.5 million (16.2)

- Gross margin was EUR 6.6 million (8.9), equalling 49.1% (55.1%)

- EBITDA was EUR -4.3 million (-2.5)

- Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR -4.8 million (-3.2)

- Income before taxes was EUR -4.8 million (-3.7)

- Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR -0.29 (-0.22)

All figures are unaudited.

GROUP KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                         
EUR 1 000                                                           
                             1-3/2011  1-3/2010  Change %  1-12/2010
REVENUE                        13 528    16 242       -17     75 797
OPERATING PROFIT               -4 813    -3 240       -49    -12 613
EARNINGS PER SHARE EUR          -0,29     -0,22       -30      -0,89


We estimate that during 2011, the declining trend in Tiimari's revenue,
reported on a monthly basis, will cease and that Tiimari's EBITDA for the
entire year 2011 will be positive (2010: EUR -1.3 million). The revenue of
Gallerix is forecast to grow and its EBITDA is anticipated to be positive and
better than in 2010 (2010: EUR 0.1 million). 

As announced in the release on 30 December 2010 regarding the Standstill
agreement, during the first half of 2011 the company is identifying structural
and financial options to strengthen its balance sheet and these solutions may
have a significant impact on performance throughout the year. 


In 2010 the cost savings from the operational rationalisation carried out in
Tiimari were visible in the first quarter of 2011, as planned. Nevertheless,
Tiimari's first quarter profit declined from last year due to the decline in
sales, particularly because of goods shortages in January. In 2010, mainly in
Sweden closed shops affected on the 2011 first quarter net sales in amount of
EUR -0.5 million. As anticipated, sales development has for several months
followed a trend where comparable sales is approximately 10 per cent behind
last year's figures. During the past quarter, revenue development was lower
than the trend described above, which was influenced by the fact that the
Easter sales occurred mainly in April. The comparable gross margin level has
been approximately 5 percentage points lower than last year, as was expected. A
turning point in the 10% downward trend in sales, which has continued for
several months now, seems to be nearing. Sales development in May and June will
indicate the direction of comparable sales development. 

Tiimari is perceived as an inexpensive store in the minds of consumers, so I
believe that the permanently affordable prices will work to increase the number
of customers and consequently the sales in 2011. Another important factor in
setting growth on the right track has been redirecting our product offering
closer to Tiimari's roots by offering the charming, different and surprising
products that customers are expecting from us - at the right price. 

Gallerix's comparable, shop-level sales development in Swedish krona has been
slightly positive during early 2011. 

The Standstill agreement, signed on 30 December 2010 for the period ending 30
December 2011 with financial institutions providing debt financing to the
Tiimari Group, solidifies the financial position and liquidity of the Group in
2011. Nevertheless, the Group's financial position continues to be very
challenging as the first quarter revenue is lagging behind the previous year's


The Interim Report was prepared according to the going concern principle with
the assumption that the operations of the company will continue for 12 months.
Furthermore, the principle presupposes that the company is able to execute the
realisation of assets and the payment of loans through its ordinary business
activities. Tiimari's economic situation is challenging. The going concern
principle is based on the business operations plan approved by the Board of
Directors and on the new financing plan. The company has adopted measures to
identify structural and financing options to strengthen its balance sheet on an
accelerated schedule in early 2011 as announced in connection with the
publication of the Standstill agreement on 30 December 2010. 



The Group's revenue declined by 16.7% to EUR 13.5 million (16.2). The sales for
the significant Easter period occurred mainly in April whereas in the
comparison period the Easter sales occurred entirely in the first quarter. In
2011, the decrease in the price of stamps will lower the annual revenue in
Finland by approximately EUR 0.7 million. 

Gross margin was EUR 6.6 million (8.9), equalling 49.1% (55.1%) of revenue. In
early 2011, particularly in January, the gross margin percentage was lower than
in the comparison period due to higher realised purchase prices, which in turn
resulted from the increased share of purchases from neighbouring areas and
consequently lower sales prices. 

The Group's EBITDA decreased and was EUR -4.3 million (EUR -2.5 million). The
Group's operating profit decreased compared to the comparison period and was
EUR -4.8 million (-3.2). Net financial expenses during the review period
amounted to EUR 0.0 million (0.5). The profit for the period under review was
EUR -4.8 million (-3.7). Earnings per share were EUR -0.29 


Due to the Tiimari concept, the seasonal changes in the operations have
traditionally been strong. During the spring the quarterly results are
significantly affected by the Easter holiday sales peak occurring either during
the first or the second quarter. The fourth quarter contributes about 40% of
the annual revenue. The remaining 60% is accumulated during the first three
quarters with approximately 20% per quarter, depending on when Easter occurs.
The summer holiday period is traditionally quiet in terms of revenue. 

The Tiimari Group comprises two leading retail shop concepts: Tiimari and
Gallerix. The concepts operate around 300 shops in five countries around the
Baltic Sea region. Both concepts are forerunners in their markets. 

Tiimari has nearly 200 shops in Finland and the Baltic states. Tiimari
specialises in party, hobby and craft, gift wrapping, cards, school and office
supplies, small decoration articles as well as seasonal products. The core of
the concept is the element of surprise, affordability and diversity. The
operational core comprises a broad assortment of 20,000 different items, a low
average price, small shops, weekly new products and large volume. The Tiimari
chain was established in Lahti in 1975. 

Gallerix operates nearly 100 shops in Sweden, 17 of which are own shops. The
rest operate on a franchising principle. Gallerix specialises in paintings,
frames and framing, small decoration articles, gift wrapping and cards. The
core of the concept is cosiness, attractiveness, humour and sense of
excitement. The Gallerix chain was established in Uppsala in 1974. 

In the Tiimari Group the product purchase and sales in the shops work in close
cooperation. A key factor is to succeed consistently and continuously combine a
broad product offering and a high turnover rate. The purchasing operations are
managed through analyses based on market research and customer feedback. It is
possible to gain synergy benefits through larger joint purchasing volumes and
partly intersecting product offerings. 

Due to seasonal changes, Tiimari's result for the first three quarters has
traditionally been non-profitable and the result for the fourth quarter
significantly profitable in comparison. The extent of the non-profitable
operations during the first three quarters in relation to the profit during the
fourth quarter has defined the full year result. 



The Tiimari segment comprises all the Tiimari concept shops in Finland and the
Baltic states. The segment revenue for the review period declined by 21.9% to
EUR 10.2 million (13.0). Tiimari's sales in the Baltic states developed more
favourably than in Finland: revenue declined by 12.5% and amounted to EUR 0.6
million (0.7). Revenue development was affected by the fact that the Easter
sales occurred mainly in the second quarter of the year. In 2011, the decrease
in the price of stamps will lower Tiimari's annual revenue by approximately EUR
0.7 million. 

At the end of the review period, Tiimari had 185 (192) own shops, of which 166
(168) are in Finland. The Tiimari segment's gross margin was EUR 5.3 million
(7.8), equalling 51.8% (59.6%). The decline in the margins for product
categories accounts for 4.8 percentage points of the difference in margins. In
early 2011 the gross margin percentage was lower than in the comparison period
due to higher realised purchase prices, which in turn resulted from the
increased share of purchases from neighbouring areas and simultaneously lower
sales prices. 

Tiimari segment EBITDA in the first quarter was EUR -4.0 million (-1.8) and in
the whole year 2010 EUR -1.3 million. 

The operating profit for this segment decreased to EUR -4.3 million (-2.4). In
the comparison period, EUR 0.2 million was recorded as other operating profit
from the transfer of the rental agreements in Sweden. The operating profit was
undermined by a significant decrease in sales, in particular due to the timing
shift in the Easter sales to the second quarter. 

The segment investments during the review period were EUR 0.02 million (0.10)
and they were allocated to renovation of shops. 


The Gallerix segment comprises the Gallerix concept shops in Sweden. The
Gallerix segment revenue grew by 5.2% to EUR 3.4 million (3.2). Revenue of the
Gallerix shops in Sweden in local currency amounted to SEK 29.8 million (29.6),
an increase of 0.4%. 

There were altogether 17 own shops in Sweden (11) at the end of the period
under review. In Sweden, a major part of the operations in the Gallerix segment
is based on franchising contracts, and there are 70 (76) shops operating on a
franchising principle. The gross margin improved to EUR 1.3 million (1.2),
equalling 40.1% (36.8%). 

Gallerix segment EBITDA in the first quarter was EUR -0.06 million (-0.08) and
in the whole year 2010 EUR 0.1 million. 

The operating profit grew to EUR -0.246 million (-0.261), or -7.3% (-8.2). The
segment investments totalled EUR 0.03 million (0.0). 


Other operations include common expenses for the Group and senior management
(Board of Directors, Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer). All
business management related operations and personnel were allocated in the
segments during the review period. The operating profit grew and was EUR -0.2
million (-0.6). No internal management fees were charged during the review


The units which contain goodwill are tested annually for potential impairment.
Testing during the year in not justified because of the seasonality of the
business, particularly Christmas season. As announced on 14 February 2011, in
the fourth quarter of 2010 Tiimari recorded a goodwill impairment in the
Tiimari business operations amounting to EUR 6.9 million with no effect on the
cash flow. The reporting structure used in monitoring the Group's business
operations has not changed in 2010 and 2011. Units generating cash flow and
containing goodwill are Tiimari and Gallerix. 


The influence of cost savings could be seen particularly in other fixed costs
which amounted to EUR 1.5 million in the review period (2010/1-3: EUR 1.9
million, and 2009/1-3: EUR 2.1 million). The personnel expenses for the Group
declined 5.3% in comparison with the corresponding period in the previous year
and were EUR 4.9 million (5.2). Shop rental expenses remained at the level of
the previous year's corresponding period, amounting to EUR 3.6 million (3.6).
In the corresponding period in 2009 these expenses were EUR 3.8 million. 


Investment restrictions in fixed assets continued and capital expenditure
during the review period totalled EUR 0.048 million (0.101), which equals 0.35%
(0.62) of revenue. 


Inventory totalled EUR 15.1 million and grew by EUR 0.7 million from the
beginning of the financial year, but was EUR 0.4 million less than in the
comparison period (15.5)despite that at the end of the period under review in
the stock were seasonal products purchased for Easter season. Measures are
still being taken in order to improve inventory turnover levels by clarifying
the product offering and by developing purchase management. 


There were no changes in Group structure during the review period. During the
first half of the comparison year 2010 the Tiimari segment withdrew from
Russia, Norway and Poland and closed all Tiimari shops in Sweden. In addition,
in the same period in Finland all but one Gallerix shops were closed. 


The net working capital for the Group was EUR 4.5 million. The net working
capital at the end of the comparison period was EUR 7.7 million and EUR -1.6
million at the end of the 2010 financial year. The net working capital is
affected by the seasonal fluctuations in the operations, so that there is an
increase during the year and a reduction by the end of the financial year. The
inventory levels were EUR 15.1 million (15.5 at the end of the comparison

Short-term receivables amounted to EUR 3.4 million, after falling by EUR 0.8
million since the beginning of the financial year (4.2). Short-term
non-interest bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 14.0 million, after falling by
EUR 6.2 million since the beginning of the financial year (20.2). Both trade
payables and value added tax liabilities decreased from the beginning of the
financial year. 

Non-current assets totalled EUR 45.3 million (54.1), a decrease of EUR 0.4
million from the beginning of the review period. An explanation for the
decrease in non-current assets is that, as announced on 14 February 2011, in
the fourth quarter of 2010 Tiimari recorded a goodwill impairment in the
Tiimari business operations amounting to EUR 6.9 million with no effect on the
cash flow. 

Due to the seasonal nature of business operations, the amount of net
liabilities increased. Interest-bearing net liabilities totalled EUR 35.9
million (33.0), increasing by EUR 9.9 million from the beginning of the
financial year. The equity ratio was 12.2% (29.5% at end of the comparison
period and 18.9% at the end of the 2010 financial year), and net gearing was
440.1% (143.9% at the end of the comparison period and 208.5% at the end of the
2010 financial year). In the last quarter of 2010, the equity ratio was
undermined by operational losses and a goodwill impairment in the Tiimari
business operations amounting to EUR 6.9 million that decreased the
shareholders' equity by having an impact on the results but had no effect on
the cash flow. 

The Group has ensured the continuity of debt financing with the Standstill
agreement, signed on 30 December 2010 for the period ending 30 December 2011.
The company's financing covenants related to EBITDA are not applied during the
Standstill agreement period between 30 December 2010 and 30 December 2011. The
company issued on 30 December 2010 a convertible capital loan amounting to EUR
3 million and received the capital on January 2011, which solidifies the
financial position and liquidity of the Group in the first quarter. Despite of
the Standstill agreement and issued convertible capital loan, the Group's
financial position continues to be very challenging as the first quarter
revenue is lagging behind the previous year's figures. The Group explores
options to secure long-term financing, as announced previously. Sales during
the fourth quarter have a decisive effect on the Group's cash flow and
financial position on an annual level. 

Shareholders' equity per share was EUR 0.50 (1.39).

Operational cash flow was EUR -10.4 million (-10.4). The negative cash flow was
affected by the decrease in short-term non-interest bearing liabilities by EUR
6.1 million (7.1) and the non-profitability of operations in the review period.
The short-term liabilities decreased due to payments of trade and other
payables related to regular Christmas sales. The total investments for the
Group were EUR 0.048 million (0.101). 


The average number of personnel in the Group during the review period was 521
(602). The numbers have been altered to reflect the share of full-time
employees. The majority of the shop personnel are part-time employees. Tiimari
Retail Ltd is the biggest employer in the Group, employing 424 (453) persons. 


Tiimari shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Plc stock exchange. As at
31 March 2011, the share price was EUR 0.46 (1.22), and the market value of the
company was EUR 7.6 million (20.1). The share capital of the company was EUR
7,686,200 at the end of the review period, and the number of shares was
16,474,755. At the end of the review period, the company does not hold any of
its own shares. 

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 30 MARCH 2011 (Stock Exchange Release 30 March 2011

The Annual General Meeting of Tiimari Plc approved the financial statements for
2010 and discharged the Board members and the Managing Director from liability.
In accordance with the Board's proposal, the Meeting decided that the loss for
the financial year, EUR 10,978,164.90, shall be booked as retained earnings and
that no dividend is to be distributed. 

The Board composition was decided as five members. Hannu Ryöppönen, Sven-Olof
Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen, Alexander Rosenlew and Sissi Silván were elected to
the Board. 

It was decided that the members of the Board shall receive the following

- the chairman of the Board will receive EUR 2,400 a month

- the vice chairman of the Board will receive EUR 1,800 a month

- other members of the Board will receive EUR 1,200 a month

- for the meetings of the Board committees, a separate sum of EUR 100 per
meeting shall be paid 

Travel and accommodation costs are paid in accordance with the company's
expenses remuneration policies. 

KPMG Ltd was elected to continue as the Group Auditor. KPMG Ltd named Sixten
Nyman, APA, to continue as the auditor with primary responsibility. It was
decided that the auditor's remuneration be paid against the auditor's invoice
and according to the principles approved by the Audit Committee. 

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the Annual General Meeting authorised
the Board to decide on a maximum issue of 5,000,000 shares and/or releasing
special rights to shares (including share options) in one or several tranches
in accordance with Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability
Companies Act. This authorisation supersedes previous share-issue
authorisations and is valid until the next Annual General Meeting or 30 June
2012 if this is earlier. 

The Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the Board's proposal, decided to
change Section 9 in the company's Articles of Association to the following:
“The notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be published on the Company's
website three (3) months at the earliest and three (3) weeks at the latest
prior to the Meeting, although always a minimum of nine (9) days prior to the
record date of the Meeting as defined in Chapter 4, Section 2, Subsection 2 of
the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. The Board of Directors can also
decide to publish the notice by other means. In order for the shareholders to
be entitled to participate in the Meeting, they are required to register for
the Meeting on the date specified in the notice at the latest, which can be ten
(10) days prior to the Meeting at the earliest.” 

ORGANISATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Stock Exchange Release, 30 March 2011

In its organisation meeting held after the Annual General meeting, the Board
elected Hannu Ryöppönen as its chairman and Juha Mikkonen as its vice chairman.
Hannu Ryöppönen was elected chairman of the Appointment and Remuneration
Committee of the Board and Alexander Rosenlew and Juha Mikkonen were elected
members of this committee. Juha Mikkonen was elected chairman of the Audit
Committee and Hannu Ryöppönen and Sissi Silván were elected members. 


The size of the Management Group decreased as two Management Group members left
Tiimari: Sirpa Kosunen, Logistics Manager, in March 2011 and Tarja
Nikkarikoski, IT Director, in April 2011. 

Mikko Saikko (b. 1971) was appointed Senior Vice President in ICT and Business
Development for Tiimari Retail Ltd's 1 April 2011. Saikko has previously worked
at Suomen Lähikauppa Ltd in a variety of business management and development
positions, most recently responsible for managing the pricing and product
management processes. Saikko holds a M.Sc. in Social Sciences. Saikko is a
member of Tiimari's Management Group. 


The Group's revenue and results development is affected by several
uncertainties related to the business operations. The main risks relate to the
following factors: 

  -- The Group has ensured the continuity of debt financing with the Standstill
     agreement, signed on 30 December 2010 for the period ending 30 December
     2011. Despite of the Standstill agreement and financial arrangements
     carried out in yearly 2011, the Group's financial position continues to be
     very challenging. The Group explores options to secure long-term financing,
     as announced previously. Failure to maintain adequate liquidity and
     refinancing risk management may jeopardize the continuity of business.
  -- the costs associated with acquiring capital are difficult to predict
  -- the success of the management in the measures taken to develop operations
     and improve profitability: renewal of the product offering and elimination
     of non-profitable operations
  -- the actual sales can differ greatly from the forecast as can the
     periodisation of the seasonal operative cash flow accrual and their impact
     on the company's financial position, loan covenants and on the
     predictability of both cash flow and results
  -- the development of foreign exchange rates for goods purchased outside the
     euro currency area and the gross margin received from the sales of these
  -- the choice of business premises in the long term
  -- the availability of seasonal products and the functionality of the supply
  -- the general development of salaries, rents and transport expenses
  -- sensitivity to changes in various factors in the valuation of goodwill and
     the Tiimari and Gallerix brands
  -- general changes in interest rates
  -- The company is involved as a defendant and a plaintiff in certain ongoing
     property and rental agreement-related disputes as well as in one other
     contract termination-related dispute. The Financial Statement does not
     include any significant reservations for these because according to the
     management's assessment the company does not have any compensation
     liabilities. Nor have the claims presented by the company been recognised
     in the Financial Statement.

The operational risks and uncertainties of the company have been presented in
more detail in the 2010 financial statements and no significant changes in
risks have occurred since. 


The April's sales release is published at the same time with this Interim
Report. In this Interim Report references are made to the April's sales

Board of Directors
Tiimari Plc

Further information:

Managing Director Hannu Krook, +358 (0)3 812911, hannu.krook@tiimari.fi

Chief Financial Officer Kai Järvikare, +358 (0)44 7129475,

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
important news media

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of two retail shop
concepts: Tiimari and Gallerix. These two concepts do business in five
countries within the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300
shops. All concepts belong to the forerunners of their market segment. 

2011-31 MARCH 2011 

Basis of preparation

This Interim Report was prepared in accordance with the IFRS accounting
standards, but in the preparation all IAS 34 standard requirements have not
been fulfilled. As of the beginning of the financial year, the company has
implemented new or revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations, as
described in the financial statements of 2010. The implementation of these new
and revised standards and interpretations does not have an impact on the
figures reported. Otherwise, the same accounting principles and calculation
methods as in the previous annual financial statements have been applied. 

The preparation of a financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires
Tiimari's management to use estimates and assumptions that affect amounts of
assets and liabilities at the time of the preparation as well as amounts of
income and expenses in the financial period. Inventory valuation is based on
regular stocktaking which is the foundation for the management of the goods
flow process. As a general rule, shops do not order goods directly but their
inventories are replenished automatically through the logistics system.
Time-based mechanical devaluations (30 months 25%, 36 months 50% and 42 months
100%) were abandoned at the end of the previous year as we moved into
comprehensive product life cycle management in a systematic goods flow process.
Specific write-offs are made, when necessary. 

Furthermore, discretion is needed in the application of financial statement
accounting principles. Estimates and assumptions are based on knowledge at the
time of the Interim Report and consequently include risks and uncertainties.
actual results may differ from the estimates and assumptions made. The figures
in the income statement and the balance sheet are for the entire Group. The sum
of individual figures may deviate from the presented total figures as the
figures in this document have been rounded. This Interim Report is unaudited. 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                            
EUR 1 000                        1-3/2011   1-3/2010  Change %  1-12/2010
SALES                              13 528     16 242       -17     75 797
Cost of goods sold                 -6 887     -7 287        -5    -31 963
Gross profit                        6 641      8 955       -26     43 834
Gross profit, %                      49 %       55 %        -6       58 %
Other operating income                562        456        23        961
benefit costs                      -4 931     -5 207        -5    -20 544
Depreciation                         -512       -745       -31     -3 124
Goodwill impairment                     0          0         0     -6 918
Other operating expenses           -6 573     -6 701        -2    -26 822
OPERATING PROFIT                   -4 813     -3 240       -49    -12 613
Operating profit, %                 -36 %      -20 %       -16      -17 %
Financial income                      617         99       523        266
Financial expenses                   -621       -594         5     -2 499
Net financial income                   -4       -495       -99     -2 233
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                -4 817     -3 735       -29    -14 845
Taxes                                  13         41       -68        192
NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD          -4 804     -3 694       -30    -14 653
Equity holders of the company      -4 804     -3 694       -30    -14 653
Earnings per share                                                       
for profit attributable                                                  
to the equity holders of the Company                                     
Total                               -0,29      -0,22       -30      -0,89
NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD          -4 804     -3 694       -30    -14 653
Translation diffrences                 19        270                  656
Comprehensive income                                                     
for the period net of tax          -4 785     -3 424       -40    -13 997
Comprehensive income for the period attributable to:                     
Equity holders of the company      -4 785     -3 424              -13 997

EUR 1 000                                                                   
                                            31.3.2011  31.3.2010  31.12.2010
Goodwill                                       25 884     32 630      25 877
Other intangible assets                        15 213     16 611      15 496
Tangible assets                                 4 108      4 709       4 275
Other financial assets                            104        104         104
Receivables                                         5         37           5
Deferred tax assets                                29         29          29
Total non-current assets                       45 343     54 118      45 785
Inventories                                    15 087     15 515      14 435
Trade and other receivables                     3 403      3 706       4 168
Cash and bank                                   2 912      4 521       1 626
Total current assets                           21 402     23 742      20 229
TOTAL ASSETS                                   66 745     77 860      66 013
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                        
Equity attributable to equity holders of parent company                     
Share capital                                   7 686      7 686       7 686
Distributable equity fund                      23 011     23 010      23 011
Translation differences                            12       -393          -7
Retained earnings                             -22 553     -7 351     -18 229
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                      8 156     22 952      12 461
Deferred tax liabilities                        5 724      5 848       5 740
Interest-bearing liabilities                   18 418     22 155      15 859
Provisions                                         31         31          31
Total non-current liabilities                  24 172     28 034      21 630
Interest bearing liabilities                   20 392     15 395      11 743
Account payable and other payable              14 025     11 479      20 180
Total current liabilities                      34 417     26 874      31 923
TOTAL LIABILITIES                              58 589     54 908      53 553
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     66 745     77 860      66 013

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, EUR 1 000                               
                                                     1-3/11   1-3/10   1-12/10
Cash flow from operations                                                     
Profit/loss for financial period                      -4 804   -3 694  -14 653
   Depreciation and impairment                           512      745   10 043
   Gain (+) and loss (-) on sale of fixed assets                    1        7
   Financial income and expenses                          31      497    2 247
   Taxes                                                 -13      -41     -192
   Other adjustments                                     -19                77
Change in working capital:                                                    
   Change in inventories                                -648     -377      834
   Change in short-term receivables                      806     -216      472
   Change in short term liabilities                   -6 111   -7 090      501
Interest paid                                           -336     -128   -1 018
Interest income received                                 616        6       13
Other financing expenses paid                           -320      -28     -782
Taxes paid                                               -82      -53       -8
Net cash flow from operations                        -10 369  -10 378   -2 459
Cash flow from investment activities                                          
   Investments in                                                             
   tangible and intangible assets                        -48     -101     -665
   Capital gains from tangible and intangible assets                         2
   Repayment of loan receivables                                          -202
   Income on sale of investments                                             1
Net cash flow from investments                           -48     -101     -864
Cash flow from financing activities                                           
   Long-term loans, increase                           3 000                  
   Long-term loans, decrease                                                  
   Short-term loans, net change                        8 663   12 000    2 133
   Payment of lease liabilities                          -33      -58     -241
Net cash flow from financing                          11 630   11 942    1 892
Change in liquid assets                                1 213    1 464   -1 431
   Liquid assets, beginning of review period           1 626    3 024    3 024
   Effect of exchange rate changes on liquid assets       73       33       34
   Liquid assets, end of review period                 2 912    4 521    1 626

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
EUR 1 000                                                                       
Attributable to the equity holders of the company                               
                     Share     Distributable   Translation    Retained    Total 
                      capital   equity fund     differences    earnings         
Shareholders'           7 686          23 010           -663      -3 667  26 366
 equity 1.1.2010                                                                
for the period                                           270      -3 694  -3 424
Share based                                                           10      10
Equity on 31.3.2010     7 686          23 010           -393      -7 351  22 952
Shareholders'           7 686          23 011             -7     -18 229  12 461
 equity 1.1.2011                                                                
for the period                                            19      -4 804  -4 785
Equity portion of                                                    472     472
 convertible loan                                                               
Share based                                                            8       8
Equity on 31.3.2011     7 686          23 011             12     -22 553   8 156

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                         
NET SALES                                                                   
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2010
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Tiimari                                        10 194     13 048      61 924
Gallerix                                        3 366      3 198      13 914
Other operations                                    0         82         376
Eliminations                                      -32        -87        -416
Group                                          13 528     16 242      75 797
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2010
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Tiimari                                        -4 014     -1 828      -1 330
Gallerix                                          -60        -75         135
Muut toiminnot                                   -227       -592      -1 376
Konserni                                       -4 301     -2 494      -2 571
OPERATING PROFIT                                                            
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2010
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Tiimari                                        -4 322     -2 367     -10 435
Gallerix                                         -246       -261        -724
Other operations                                 -245       -613      -1 455
Group                                          -4 813     -3 240     -12 613
DEPRECIATION AND GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT                                        
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2010
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Tiimari                                           308        539       9 105
Gallerix                                          186        186         859
Other operations                                   18         21          79
Group                                             512        746      10 042
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                         
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2010
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Tiimari                                            22        101         622
Gallerix                                           25          0          33
Other operations                                    0          0          10
Group                                              48        101         665
NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA                                              
EUR 1 000                                        2011       2010        2009
                                                  1-3        1-3        1-12
Finland                                         9 554     12 170      58 384
Sweden                                          3 398      3 413      14 258
Other countries                                   577        659       3 156
Group                                          13 528     16 242      75 797
INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                                           
EUR 1 000                                   31.3.2011  31.3.2010  31.12.2010
Book value at 1 January                        41 373     49 401      49 402
Changes in exchange rates                          18        343         777
Additions                                                                184
Depreciation and impairment                      -294       -503      -8 879
Disposals and intra-balance sheet transfer                              -111
Book value at the end of period                41 097     49 241      41 373
TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                             
EUR 1 000                                   31.3.2011  31.3.2010  31.12.2010
Book value at 1 January                         4 275      4 904       4 904
Changes in exchange rates                           2        -48         262
Additions                                          48        101         481
Depreciation and impairment                      -217       -248      -1 131
Disposals and intra-balance sheet transfer                              -241
Book value at the end of period                 4 108      4 709       4 275

KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                          
                                         2011     2010     2010
                                          1-3      1-3     1-12
Net sales                              13 528   16 242   75 797
EBITDA                                 -4 301   -2 495   -2 571
Operating profit                       -4 813   -3 240  -12 613
Profit/loss for the financial period   -4 804   -3 694  -14 653
Earnings per share, EUR                 -0,29    -0,22    -0,89
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR      0,50     1,39     0,76
Solvency ratio                         12,2 %   29,5 %   18,9 %
Gearing                               440,1 %  143,9 %  208,5 %
Net working capital                     4 465    7 742   -1 551
Operating cash flow                   -10 302  -10 279   -1 429
Net Interest-bearing liabilities       35 898   33 029   25 976
Balance sheet total                    66 745   77 860   66 013
Average number of shares (pcs)         16 475   16 475   16 475

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                             
                                   31.3.2011  31.3.2010  31.12.2010
Loans from financial institutions                                  
against the following securities      20 295     21 500      11 632
Corporate mortgages                   31 137     31 137      31 137
Pledged shares                         1 476      1 476       1 476
Other own liabilities                                              
Bank quarantees                        2 895      2 843       2 891
Other liabilities                          5          5           5
Leasing liabilities                                                
Due within one year                       64         45          80
Due after one year                        44         58          48
OTHER RENT LIABILITIES                                             
Due within one year                   15 112     14 041      15 534
Due after one year                    23 160     24 353      26 182

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (EUR 1 000)  Q1 2011  Q1 2010  1-12 2010
Managing Director remuneration             56       56       231   
Board remuneration                         27       26       107   

Interest paid on capital loan (paid 31 March 2011 for period 1 Apr 2010 - 31 Mar
Hannu Krook                                                                    5
Hannu Ryöppönen                                                                5
Sven-Olof Kulldorff                                                            5
Virala Oy Ab (Atine Group Oy parent company)                                 216
Assetman Oy                                                                   38
Baltiska Handels A.B.                                                         19
Total                                                                        288

MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                         Shares  Shares %
Major shareholders 31 March 2011                           
Atine Group Oy                          3 293 000     19,99
Assetman Oy                             1 740 645     10,57
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company    828 912      5,03
Primate Oy                                764 800      4,64
Baltiska Handels A.B.                     716 483      4,35
Aktia Capital Fund                        600 000      3,64
Kargol Oy Ab                              580 000      3,52
Vessilä Oy Ab                             544 731      3,31
Cumasa Oy                                 407 625      2,47
Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company    210 000      1,27

CALCULATION OF KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS                                             
Gross margin = Revenue - materials and supplies *)                              
EBITDA = Operating profit + depreciation and amortisation        
Earnings/share (EPS), EUR =                                                     
Earnings before tax - income taxes / issue-adjusted average number of shares    
for the fiscal year                                                             
Shareholders' equity / share, EUR =                                             
Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company /               
issue-adjusted number of shares at the end of the fiscal year                   
Equity ratio % = Shareholders' equity * 100 /                                   
otal assets - prepayments received                                              
Gearing ratio % = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents * 100
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Interest-bearing net liabilities = Interest-bearing liabilities -               
cash and cash equivalents                                                       
Net working capital = Inventory + short-term non-interest-bearing receivables - 
short-term non-interest-bearing liabilities                                     
Operating cashflow = EBITDA - increase in net working capital -                 
capital expenditure                                                             
*) In Gallerix franchising activities further charged rental payments           
are reduced from gross margin.