2012-04-24 12:00:02 CEST

2012-04-24 12:00:14 CEST


Englanti Suomi
Componenta - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Componenta interim report 1 January - 31 March 2012: Operating profit improved clearly, high financial expenses burdened result, full year outlook remains the same

Componenta Corporation   Interim report 24.4.2012 at 13.00

January - March 2012 in brief

  -- The Group's order book at the end of March was on the same level as in the
     previous year, MEUR 106 (MEUR 104).
  -- Consolidated net sales in the review period rose 4% to MEUR 150 (MEUR 144).
  -- EBITDA excluding one-time items was MEUR 14.5 (MEUR 13.3).
  -- Operating profit excluding one-time items was MEUR 10.2 (MEUR 8.5) and
     after one-time items MEUR 10.1 (MEUR 6.0).
  -- The result after financial items excluding one-time items was MEUR 2.8
     (MEUR 3.2) and after one-time items MEUR 2.7 (MEUR 0.7).
  -- Earnings per share excluding one-time items was EUR 0.13 (EUR 0.13) and
     after one-time items EUR 0.13 (EUR 0.03).
  -- Cash funds and committed unused credit facilities totalled MEUR 66 (MEUR
     67) at the end of the review period.

Business environment 2012

The demand outlook in all the Group's customer sectors is satisfactory. Demand
prospects in the heavy trucks industry are uncertain in the early part of 2012.
At the end of the review period, the order book for 

Componenta's heavy trucks customer sector was 2% higher than at the same time
in the previous year.  Demand for construction and mining machinery components
is expected to continue to develop favourably, mainly because of the high level
of activity in the mining industry and in developing markets. The order book
for Componenta's construction and mining customer sector was 4% higher at the
end of the period than in the previous year. Demand for agricultural machinery
is estimated to rise from its 2011 level mainly due to relatively high food
prices. The order book for Componenta's agricultural machinery customer sector
was 33% higher at the end of March than at the same time in the previous year.
Demand in the automotive industry is estimated to decline 3-5%. The order book
for Componenta's automotive customer sector was 24% lower at the end of the
period than at the same time in the previous year. Demand in the machine
building industry is expected to remain at the same level as in the previous
year. At the end of March, the order book for Componenta's machine building
customer sector was 5% higher than at the same time in the previous year. 

Outlook for Componenta 2012

Componenta's order book at the end of March was at a similar level to that at
the same time in the previous year. 

Full year net sales in 2012 are expected to remain at the same level as in the
previous year or to rise slightly. As a result of the implemented price rises
and closure of three unprofitable business units, the operating profit is
expected to show a clear improvement. The result after financial items
excluding one-time items is expected to improve significantly, bearing in mind
the low level of the figure for comparison. Net cash flow from operations is
expected to improve clearly and changes in working capital should continue to
be moderate. Investments in production facilities in 2012 are expected to be
some EUR 12 million. 

Key figures

                                                   1-3/2012  1-3/2011  1-12/2011
Order book at end of review period, MEUR              105.9     104.3     99.5*)
Net sales, MEUR                                       150.4     144.1      576.4
Operating profit before one-time items, MEUR           10.2       8.5       29.8
Operating profit before one-time items, %               6.8       5.9        5.2
Result after financial items excl. one-time             2.8       3.2        3.9
 items, MEUR                                                                    
Net result for the period, MEUR                         2.5       0.8       -3.1
Earnings per share excl. one time items, EUR           0.13      0.13       0.09
Net gearing, preferred capital notes as equity, %     158.9     192.3      271.2
Return on investment, excl. one-time items, %          12.8      11.5       10.2
Return on equity, excl. one-time items, %              16.9      15.8        5.1
Number of personnel at period end, incl. leased       4,790     4,727      4,665

*) 12 January 2012

Heikki Lehtonen, President and CEO:

”Componenta's order book at the end of March was on the same level as in the
previous year.  Net sales rose 4% compared to the same period in the previous
year and operating profit improved 20% as estimated. The Group's average
capacity utilisation rate was 70% or nearly on the same level as a year ago.
Development of the net sales and order book in the Turkey and Holland
operations was good, when development in the Finland and Sweden operations was

The Group's result during the first quarter of the year was burdened by
increased financing expenses. Net financing expenses rose from the previous
year due to fair valuation loss of interest rate hedges, foreign exchange
losses and increased arrangement fees of long-term financing. Due to the share
issue and hybrid bond issued in March the Group's equity ratio improved and net
gearing decreased compared to the year end. 

Componenta's new sales during the review period developed well and offers
submitted have stayed on high level. After the stable first quarter of the
year, the demand prospects in all customer sectors are satisfactory.” 

Componenta's interim report for the period January - March 2012 as a PDF is as
an attachment of this release. The interim report is also available on the
Componenta's website at www.componenta.com. 

Press conference to analysts and media representatives at 14.30 (EEST)

A press conference will be arranged in Käpylä, in auditorium of the Sato house,
at the address Panuntie 4, 00610 Helsinki starting at 14.30 (EEST). The press
conference will be webcast simultaneously via internet. Link can be found on
Componenta's Internet pages at www.componenta.com. 

Helsinki, 24 April 2012


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

ENCL. Interim report 1 January - 31 March 2012

For further information, please contact:

Heikki Lehtonen                                     Mika Hassinen
President and CEO                               CFO
tel. +358 10 403 2200                            tel. +358 10 403 2723

Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and
production plants located in Finland, Turkey, the Netherlands and Sweden. The
net sales of Componenta were EUR 576 million in 2011 and its share is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The Group employs approx. 4,700 people. Componenta
specializes in supplying cast and machined components and total solutions made
of them to its global customers who are manufacturers of vehicles, machines and