2017-02-16 13:25:08 CET

2017-02-16 13:25:08 CET


Solteq Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Solteq to purchase the majority of Tuko’s store and inventory replenishment services, thereby strengthening its analytics expertise

Solteq Plc Stock Exchange Bulletin 16.2.2017 at 2.25 pm.

Solteq Plc signed an agreement today according to which Tuko Logistics
Osuuskunta will incorporate its business operations that focus on store and
inventory replenishment into a company to be established, and Solteq will
acquire 51 percent of the company if certain conditions for closing the deal are
met. After the deal, Tuko will hold 49 percent of the company to be established.
The aim is to develop the new company into a significant player in the Nordic
market. To ensure a successful launch for the business, the client and supplier
contracts of Tuko Logistics are included in the deal.

The store and inventory replenishment service offers a prediction-based supply
chain and assortment management solution for businesses of all sizes. The
solution is based on the service developed by Tuko and Retail Logistics
Excellence - Relex Oy (Relex). Companies such as Tuko, Stockmann and Wihuri
already use the solution. The solution helps achieve cost savings through supply
chain optimisation, effective use of resources and reduced wastage. Besides,
improved product availability enhances both growth in sales and customer

Solteq is an eCommerce expert. Its core business includes online, mobile and
brick and mortar solutions for retailers, wholesalers and industrial companies.
Solteq believes that in the next few years, businesses will develop their
operations towards service purchasing scaled in accordance with demand. This
trend will also apply to processes that businesses have traditionally managed
themselves, such as store and inventory replenishment. Analytics-based expertise
will also play an important role in future business models.

- We see the acquisition as part of a wider entity: On the one hand, the
business as such is interesting and has a strong growth potential. On the other
hand, this growth investment is an investment in analytics expertise, and it
will expand our service business, says Solteq’s CEO Repe Harmanen.

- When Solteq’s wholesale and retail expertise is combined with the analytics
expertise transferred from Tuko, the result will be unique. Our services will
help our clients improve their profitability significantly. The store and
inventory replenishment services will be produced by specialised top
professionals using the best available tools, Ilkka Brander, Vice President of
the Customer Solutions segment, explains.

- We have developed this service for several years, and our existing clients are
extremely satisfied with it. It is great that highly advanced analytics
expertise will be part of Solteq’s next growth spurt, Tuko’s CEO Juha Viskari

- This is an interesting stage in Tuko’s and Relex’s long shared history. We are
excited about this opportunity to participate in the creation of entirely new
service business. This business model will enhance the utilisation of Relex
solutions as our clients can complement their own expertise with expertise
provided as a service in a flexible manner, states Relex’s Partnership Director
and Co-founder Johanna Småros.

The annual revenue from the operations to be transferred to the new company is
about 2 million euro, and a total of 19 employees will transfer to the new
company. The parties have agreed not to publish the price of the transaction.
The deal is conditional, and Solteq believes that the arrangement will be
completed in about two months. A separate announcement on the closure of the
deal will be released later.

Additional Information

Ilkka Brander, Vice President, Customer Solutions, Solteq Plc
Tel. +358 50 388 3108
ilkka.brander@solteq.com (repe.harmanen@solteq.com)

Juha Viskari, CEO, Tuko Logistics Osk
Tel. +358 40 517 2020

Johanna Småros, Partnership Director, Retail Logistics Excellence - Relex Oy,
Tel. +358 40 543 1142



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Solteq in Brief

Solteq is a digital commerce expert. We offer total solutions for omnicommerce,
from back end processes all the way to the purchasing experience of the customer
and from supply chain management to digital marketing. Our passion is to deliver
the unexpected to our clients – in the fast changing world, you need a partner
that can deliver today what you will need tomorrow. We employ about 500 experts
in three countries and make deliveries to Europe, North America, Asia and
Australia. In 2015, our annual revenue amounted to 54 million euro.