2007-06-04 13:30:00 CEST

2007-06-04 13:30:00 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Benefon Oyj - Company Announcement


1. Raising the second part of eighth financing tranche                          

Benefon today announced that the Board of Directors has decided to raise the    
second part of at maximum 1,350,000 euros of the 8th financing tranche according
to terms announced on May 8th 2007.                                             

The Board of Directors has according to the above terms decided to call the     
second part of the eighth tranche as follows.                                   

The Board decided to issue shares and convertible bond loan for a total maximum 
amount of EUR 1,350,000 to Tradewind Investment Services Ltd. and Biggles Ltd.  
(“directed offering”). The maximum number of new investment series shares       
offered for subscription is 8,100,000 and subscription price is EUR 0.15 per    
share. Of the shares at maximum 6,000,000 are offered for subscription to       
Tradewind Investment Services Ltd. and at maximum 2,100,000 to Biggles Ltd.     

The maximum principal amount of convertible bond loan, which includes a specific
right to use the loan to set off subscription price of shares as according to   
Chapter 10, Clause 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, is EUR 135,000 and each EUR  
0.025 of the loan principal entitles its holder to subscribe for one new        
investment series share. Of the loan at maximum EUR 100,000 is offered for      
subscription to Tradewind Investment Services Ltd. and at maximum EUR 35,000 to 
Biggles Ltd. The maximum number of shares that can be subscribed for by virtue  
of the loan is 5,400,000.                                                       

As a part of the directed offering Tradewind Investment Services Ltd. is also   
offered for subscription at maximum 2,500,000 and Biggles Ltd. at maximum       
875,000 option rights entitling to subscribe for corresponding amount of new    
investment series shares at share subscription price of EUR 0.15 per share      
during the share subscription period ending on June 30th, 2011.                 

Of the share subscription price EUR 0.01 is booked to share capital and the     
remainder in invested unrestricted equity fund. As a result of share issue      
company's share capital may increase by a maximum of EUR 81,000.00 as a result  
of convertible bond loan by a maximum of EUR 54,000.00 and as a result of option
rights by a maximum of EUR 33,750.00.                                           

Subscription period for the directed offering, forming the second part of the   
8th tranche investments, ends on June 6th, 2007. The shares offered for         
subscription in the directed offering represent at maximum 2.58 %, the          
convertible bond loan at maximum 1.72 % and option rights 1.07 % of the         
company's registered shares. The new shares subscribed for are equivalent of    
their right with company's existing investment series shares and will be applied
for listing as soon as the respective share subscriptions have been made and    
shares registered in trade register. Listing of the shares subscribed for in the
directed offering of shares shall take place as soon as practically possible.   

2. Offering option rights to the Chairman                                       

The Board has decided to offer to the Chairman of the Board 5,000,000 option    
rights each entitling to subscribe for one (1) new investment series share at   
the subscription price of EUR 0.14 between June 11th 2007 and December 31st     
2012. Chairman shall be entitled to exercise the options in full only if his    
appointment continues at least for a period of two years. In addition the       
Chairman is offered 2,500,000 option rights each entitling to subscribe for one 
(1) new investment series share upon a condition that certain agreed performance
targets bound to development of the market price of company's shares are met.   
The performance options are divided into three series. The offering of option   
rights has also been approved by the Annual General Meeting of April 16th 2007. 
The offered option rights represent at maximum of 2.39 % of the company's       
registered shares.                                                              

3. Offering option rights to certain key resources                              

The Board of Directors has also decided to issue at maximum 1,500,000 option    
rights to certain key resources of Benefon Oyj. Each option rights entitle its  
holder to subscribe for one (1) new investment series share at subscription     
price of EUR 0.14. The option rights are divided into two series. The share     
subscription period begins either on July 11th 2007 or June 1st 2009 depending  
on option series and end with all options on December 31st 2012.                

Subscription period for the option rights ends on December 31st 2007. The       
offered option rights represent at maximum of 0.48 % of the company's registered

June 4th, 2007                                                                  

BENEFON OYJ                                                                     

Tomi Raita                                                                      

For more information, please contact:                                           
Tomi Raita, CEO, tel. +358-2-77400                                              

Helsinki Exchanges                                                              
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