2007-12-20 11:08:57 CET

2008-01-24 12:43:04 CET

Englanti Englanti Suomi Islanti
Samson eignarhaldsfélag ehf. - Prospectus/Announcement of Prospectus

Nokia Board Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee presents proposals for Composition of and Remuneration to the Board of Directors

Nokia Board Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee presents proposals for
Composition of and Remuneration to the Board of Directors                       

Espoo, Finland - The Nokia Board Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee  
will propose to the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2008 that the number of    
Board members remain at ten, and that the following current Board members be    
re-elected as members of the Nokia Board of Directors for a term until the close
of the Annual General Meeting in 2009: Georg Ehrnrooth, Lalita D. Gupte, Bengt  
Holmström, Henning Kagermann, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Per Karlsson, Jorma Ollila, 
Marjorie Scardino and Keijo Suila.                                              

Mr. Vesa Vainio, member of the Nokia Board since 1993, has informed the         
Committee that he will not stand for re-election to the Board of Directors at   
the Annual General Meeting 2008. During his membership in the Nokia Board of    
Directors over the past 15 years, Mr. Vainio has been a member of the Personnel 
Committee during 1997-2005, member of the Corporate Governance and Nomination   
Committee during 2001-2006, and most recently as member of the Audit Committee  
since 2005.                                                                     

The Committee will propose that Risto Siilasmaa be elected as a new member of   
the Nokia Board for the term from the Annual General Meeting in 2008 until the  
close of the Annual General Meeting in 2009. Mr. Siilasmaa, 41, is a founder of 
F-Secure Corporation, which provides security services protecting consumers and 
businesses against computer viruses and other threats from the Internet and     
mobile networks. He was the President and CEO of F-Secure Corporation during    
1999-2006. Currently, Mr. Siilasmaa is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of
F-Secure Corporation, a Board member in Elisa Corporation, and a Board Chair or 
Board member in some private companies. He is also Vice Chairman of the Board of
the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries.                                

The Nokia Board Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee will also propose 
to the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2008 that the annual fee payable to the 
Board members elected at the same meeting for the term until the close of the   
Annual General Meeting in 2009 be unchanged from 2007: EUR 150 000 for the Vice 
Chairman, and EUR 130 000 for each member; for the Chairman of the Audit        
Committee and the Chairman of the Personnel Committee an additional annual fee  
of EUR 25 000; and for each member of the Audit Committee an additional annual  
fee of EUR 10 000. Further, the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee   
will propose that approximately 40% of the remuneration be paid in Nokia        
Corporation shares purchased from the market. The Committee will also propose an
increase in the remuneration paid to the Chairman to EUR 440 000, a rise from   
the remuneration approved for 2006 and 2007 of EUR 375 000.                     

As background to the proposals on the Board composition and remuneration, the   
Nokia Board Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee's aim is that the     
Company has an efficient Board consisting of world-class professionals          
representing an appropriate and diverse mix of skills and experience. A         
competitive Board remuneration contributes to the achievement of this target.   
The Committee searches for potential director candidates based on the short-term
and long-term needs of the Company and its Board, and may also retain search    
firms or advisors to identify director candidates. It is the Committee's policy 
to review and compare the level of board remuneration paid in other global      
companies with net sales and business complexity comparable to that of Nokia. It
is also the Company's policy that a significant portion of director compensation
be paid in the form of Company stock purchased from the market.                 

The proposals above will be included in the notice to the Annual General Meeting
which will be published later.                                                  
Media Enquiries:                                                                

Tel. +358 7180 34900                                                            
Email: press.office@nokia.com                                                   
