2007-12-20 11:09:29 CET

2008-01-24 15:01:24 CET

English Islandic English Lithuanian
Samson eignarhaldsfélag ehf. - Prospectus/Announcement of Prospectus

Vilniaus baldai AB results for activity during period of January - December 2007

Net loss of AB „Vilniaus baldai “during December 2007 was 813 thousand LTL (236
thousand EUR), December of previous year - net loss was 2 082 thousand LTL (603
thousand EUR).	 
EBITDA during December 2007 was 0.82 million LTL (0.24 million EUR.). Year ago
it was minus 0.12 million LTL (0.04 million EUR.). 
Net profit during period 2007 January - December was 2 082 thousand LTL (603
thousand EUR), same period    year 2006 - net loss of 5 317 thousand LTL (1 540
thousand EUR). 
Result for period 2007 January-December considers loss of 2 340 thousand LTL
(678 thousand EUR) realized due to accounting of shares of UAB Giriu bizonas
using equity method. 
EBITDA was 17.69  million LTL (5.12  million EUR). Year ago it was 6 million
LTL (1.74 million EUR). 

Additional information:
Chief Financial Officer
Jelena Makmak
+370 (5) 2525 720