2008-08-07 07:30:00 CEST

2008-08-07 07:30:01 CEST


Engelska Finska
Trainer's House Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)



Trainers' House still performing well                                           

In January-June:                                                                
-Net sales for the quarter, amounting to EUR 24.3 million, were up 53.2% on the 
equivalent figure for the previous year (EUR 15.9 million).                     
-Operating profit before depreciation resulting from the allocation of the 
purchase price of Trainers' House Oy amounted to EUR 4.5 million, or 18.3% of   
net sales.                                                                      
-Operating profit grew by 157.1%, totalling EUR 2.8 million or 11.7% of net
sales(EUR 1.1 million, 7.0% of net sales). 
-Earnings per share were EUR 0.02 (EUR 0.02). 

In the second quarter:                                                          
-Net sales for the quarter, amounting to EUR 12.3 million, were up 57.7% on the 
equivalent figure for the previous year (EUR 7.8 million).                      
-Operating profit before depreciation resulting from the allocation of the 
purchase price of Trainers' House Oy amounted to EUR 2.2 million, or 17.8% of   
net sales.                                                                      
-Operating profit grew by 97.3%, totalling EUR 1.4 million or 11.3% of net
sales(EUR 0.7 million, 9.0%). 

Key figures                                                                     
-At the end of the period, interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 25.1
million(EUR 0.7 million), cash and cash equivalents EUR 8.4 million (EUR 0.5
million),and net liabilities EUR 16.7 million (EUR 0.1 million). During the
period under review, long-term interest-bearing debt was paid off in the amount
of EUR 9.1 million.
-Net gearing was 27.0% (0.6%). At the end of 2007, net gearing was 27.6%. 
-At the end of the period under review, the equity ratio was 61.6% (74.7%). At 
the end of 2007, the equity ratio was 56.0%.                                    

OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE                                                          

The company renews the financial forecast presented in the financial statements,
according to which the like-for-like operating profit for 2008 is expected to   
exceed that of the previous year.                                               

The like-for-like pro forma operating profit (= EBITDA - operative              
depreciations, before depreciation resulting from the allocation of acquisition 
cost) was EUR 7.3 million, or 15.6% of net sales.                               

The estimate is based on the actual results, current order book as well as the  
historical profit-making ability of the merged companies.                       

Due to the summer holidays, the bulk of the net sales and profit for the second 
half year will be generated in the last quarter of 2008.                        

CEO JARI SARASVUO ON THE FINANCIAL REPORT                                       

“As a cash flow fanatic, I feel grateful about the result of the first half and 
particularly the second quarter. Even though the result met our expectations, we
had to stay focused and work even harder than usual to secure a good holiday    

Expenses totalling almost one million euro related to the development of SaaS   
services burdens the first half's profitability. More of this will follow.      

While our H1 like-for-like net sales decreased slightly (-2.7 %), I am happy    
about the fact that the entire Group closed more sales in Q2 than in last year's
Q2 (+ 3 %). Despite the modest growth figures, I consider the result a defensive
victory and a cause of happiness. Even though H2 is always challenging due to   
holidays, I'm confident that we will fulfil our promises.                       

It is about time to accept that in 2007 our customers' euros answered our call  
more easily than this year. We have faced up to the challenge by meeting more   
customers and by offering them better services. During our 9,300 customer       
visits, we have received signals indicating that the economic upswing is coming 
to an end for many companies. The stalling of the economy allows Trainers' House
to accelerate the implementation of its growth strategy. In difficult times,    
customers raise their requirements, which is something that supports our vision.
Leading companies with modern methods of sales and marketing will become even   
more important during the economic downturn.                                    

When the euro gets shy, customers prefer to buy value rather than just hard     
work. The benefits of the growth system services offered by Trainers' House are 
easy to measure in euros.  We believe that this change in economic conditions   
serves the strategy, through which we aim to accomplish the next step of our    

For more information, please contact:                                           
Jari Sarasvuo, CEO, tel. 0500 665 666                                           
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, tel. 050 376 1115                                         

Press conference:                                                               

Trainers' House will hold a press and analyst conference regarding the financial
statements bulletin on 7 August, at noon-1 pm, at the company's office located  
at Porkkalankatu 11, Helsinki. Those wishing to participate should contact Mia  
Luostarinen, tel. 040 755 6146 or e-mail mia.luostarinen@trainershouse.fi.      

A live videocast from the conference will be available at www.trainershouse.fi -
Investors starting at noon on 7 August 2008.                                    


REVIEW OF OPERATIONS                                                            

Business operations                                                             

Trainers' House Plc is a business growth company formed when Satama Interactive 
Plc acquired the entire share capital of Trainers' House Oy in 2007 and the     
companies merged on 31 December 2007. In connection with the merger, the        
combined company adopted the name Trainers' House Plc.                          

The Group has offices in Ruoholahti and Hernesaari, Helsinki, and in Tampere and
Turku. The Group's international operations are based in Düsseldorf, Stockholm  
and St. Petersburg.                                                             

Trainers' House aims to integrate the company's business operations into a      
single entity that helps customers to grow. The company's areas of expertise:   
marketing and communications, training and management systems are developed into
a growth system in which each component serves the whole. The growth system is  
comprised of an operating model and a BLARP management system based on the      
Software as a Service (SaaS) model.                                             

The company's strategic goals are to increase cash flow in Finland, develop SaaS
services that support the Growth System concept, and expand the company's       
international operations based on these services. In the short term, traditional
training and project work will continue to have a major role in the company's   
net sales. Trainers' House is an established operator in Finland, but the       
company aims to grow also internationally through organic growth and            

In the first half of 2008, the company has been integrating its business        
operations, developing its corporate structure to better suit the company's new 
strategy, and investing strongly in SaaS product development. The company has   
launched a customer acquisition programme based on a new mode of operation at   
its international offices in Sweden, Germany and Russia. While these investments
will temporarily slow down growth in net sales, they are necessary for achieving
the growth and profitability targets set for the future.                        

SaaS services                                                                   

SaaS services (Software as a Service) are software products sold to customers as
continuous services as part of the Growth System. The development of SaaS       
services plays a key role in the company's strategy. In the short term,         
investments in SaaS service development will weaken profitability, because the  
services have little impact on net sales. During the first half year, these     
expenses totalled almost EUR 1 million. However, in the long term we expect the 
share of SaaS services in our net sales to increase rapidly.                    

In the second quarter, the company established a separate unit for SaaS sales,  
marketing and service development in order to emphasize the key role of SaaS    
product development. The product development expertise of the unit was          
strengthened by increasing the number of personnel and by utilizing our offshore
partners. The unit currently employs more than 20 people.                       

The company's first continuous service product, the growth management system    
BLARP (Business Live Action Role Play), has so far been sold to eight customers.
Three deliveries have proceeded to production use. Product development continues
under close customer guidance.                                                  

The company has started the development of two new SaaS services. The Polku     
(path) service aims to support personal growth, while the latter, still unnamed 
service supports the growth of the entire organization. The Polku is a target   
programme for personal growth. The other new service combines the best practices
of the digital working environment with goal-oriented leadership, improved work 
efficiency and a sense of community at the workplace.                           


In the first quarter, Trainers' House sold its mobile technology unit to        
Nice-business Solutions Finland Oy. In connection with the divestment, 19       
employees were transferred to Nice-business Solutions. The divestment has not   
had any significant impact on the company's net sales or result in the period   
under review.                                                                   

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                                           

Corporate structure and comparative figures                                     

The comparative figures for the first half of the year are Satama Interactive   
Plc's actual figures for the first six months of 2007. Satama divested its Dutch
operations in autumn 2007, and the comparative figures have been adjusted to    
correspond to the structure of the continuing and discontinued operations.      

The comparative figures used for reporting operating profit include the reported
operating profit as well as operating profit before depreciation of allocated   
acquisition cost related to the acquisition of Trainers' House Oy. According to 
the company's management, these figures provide a more accurate view of the     
company's productivity. The company uses the adjusted operating profit as       
comparative data in presenting forecasts on future development.                 

After the merger, the volume and profitability of operations improved           
significantly year on year. Net sales increased by 53.2% from the previous year,
amounting to EUR 24.3 million (15.9 million). Operating profit before           
depreciation resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost amounted to EUR  
4.5 million, or 18.3% of net sales (EUR 1.1 million, or 7.0% of net sales). The 
efficiency of operations has also clearly improved year on year. Turnover per   
person increased by 28.8 % compared to last year.                               

A total of EUR 10.2 million of the purchase price of Trainers' House Oy was     
allocated in intangible assets with a limited useful life. This item is         
depreciated over a period of five years. Depreciation resulting from the        
allocation totalled EUR 1.6 million in the period under review. The total       
portion of depreciation for 2008 is EUR 3.0 million. Operating profit after this
depreciation was EUR 2.8 million, or 11.7% of net sales.                        

The following table itemizes the Group's key figures (in thousands of euros):   

                                1-6/2008       1-6/2007                         
Net sales                         24,327         15,882                         
  expenses                       -12,301         -9,994                         
  Other expenses                  -7,034         -4,445                         
EBITDA                             4,992          1,444                         
  Depreciation of                                                               
  non-current assets                -541           -336                         
Operating profit before                                                         
depreciation of                                                                 
allocation of acquisition cost     4,451                                        
% of net sales                      18.3                                    
  Depreciation of allocation                                                    
  of acquisition cost             -1,603                                        
EBIT                               2,848          1,108                         
% of net sales                      11.7            7.0                         
  Financial income and expenses     -941             10                         
Profit/loss before tax             1,907          1,118                         
  Tax                               -678           -389                         
Profit for the period from                                                      
continuing operations              1,229            729                         
Discontinued operations                             358                         
Profit for the period              1,229          1,088                         
% of net sales                       5.1            6.8                         

The result for the period includes deferred taxes for the period. Recognized    
taxes have no impact on cash flow, because the company's balance sheet contains 
deferred tax assets from losses carried forward. On 30 June 2008, deferred tax  
assets on the balance sheet totalled EUR 8.0 million.                           

The following table itemizes the distribution of net sales for continuing       
operations and shows the quarterly profits or losses from the beginning of 2007 
(in thousands of euros). In the table, the figures for 2007 are adjusted to     
reflect the company's continuing operations.                                    

                     Q107    Q207    Q307    Q407    2007    Q108    Q208       
Net sales           8,070   7,812   5,945   8,161  29,989  12,009  12,318       
Operating profit                                                                
before depreciation                                                             
of acquisition cost   403     705     287     724   2,119   2,259   2,192       
Operating profit      403     705     287     724   2,119   1,458   1,390       

Pro forma comparison                                                            

In the pro forma comparison, the company's actual net sales and profit for the  
first half of 2008 are compared with the pro forma figures for the same period  
in 2007. The pro forma figures describe the net sales and profit of the merged  
company, had the merger of Satama and Trainer's House Oy taken place on 1       
January 2007.  The pro forma result is theoretical.                             

Satama divested its Dutch operations in autumn 2007, and the comparative figures
have been adjusted to correspond to the structure of the continuing and         
discontinued operations.                                                        

The pro forma figures are as follows:                                           

                                1-6/2008       1-6/2007                         
Net sales                         24,327         24,997                         

Operating profit before                                                         
depreciation of                                                                 
allocation of acquisition cost     4,451          4,774                         
% of net sales                      18.3           19,1                         
  Depreciation of allocation                                                    
  of acquisition cost             -1,603        - 1,603                         
EBIT                               2,848          3,171                         
% of net sales                      11.7           12.7                         

Average number of personnel          389            427                         

Pro forma net sales and operating profit were slightly lower than last year. The
efficiency of operations, measured by turnover per person and operating profit  
per person, improved year on year.                                              


Trainers' House Plc's Board of Directors has set the following long-term        
financial objectives for the company:                                           

The company will target 15% annual organic growth and 15% operating profit, and 
will aim to pay 30-50% of its annual profit as a dividend.                      

We expect to achieve these goals once our Growth System concepts have been      
completed and along with the internationalization of Trainers' House Plc.       

FINANCING, INVESTMENTS AND SOLVENCY                                             

Cash flow from operating activities was good in the period under review. Cash   
flow before financial items totalled EUR 3.4 million (EUR 0.2 million) and cash 
flow after financial items was EUR 2.6 million (EUR 0.2 million). Cash flow from
investments totalled EUR 0.0 million (EUR -0.7 million) and cash flow from      
financing was EUR -11.4 million (EUR 0.5 million).                              

Cash flow from financing was affected most significantly by the repayment of a  
loan related to the acquisition of Trainers' House Oy totalling EUR 9.1 million 
and a dividend paid out in the amount of EUR 2.7 million. Cash flow from        
financing was affected positively in the amount of EUR 0.5 million by           
subscriptions made under warrant 2003C, for which the subscription period ended 
on 1 February 2008.                                                             

On 30 June 2008, the Group's liquid assets totalled EUR 8.4 million (0.5        
million). The equity ratio was 61.6% (74.7%) and net gearing 27.0% (0.6%). At   
the end of the period under review, the company had EUR 25.1 million of         
interest-bearing debt (EUR 0.7 million). The balance sheet ratios have improved 
since the merger completed at the end of 2007. On 31 December 2007, the equity  
ratio was 56.0% and net gearing 27.6%.                                          

Financial risks                       

Currency risks are insignificant, because Trainers' House operates principally  
in the euro zone. Interest rate risk is managed by covering part of the risk    
with hedging agreements. A bad debt provision, which is booked on the basis of  
ageing and case-specific risk analyses, covers risks to accounts receivable.    


The general outlook in the company's operating environment remains uncertain,   
which may influence the purchase decisions made by the company's customers and  
thereby affect the financial position of Trainers' House Plc. Other than this   
factor, Trainers' House Plc is not aware of any extraordinary risks that could  
have a significant negative impact on the company's operations.                 

About risks                                                                     

Trainers' House is an expert organization. Market and business risks are part of
regular business operations, and their extent is difficult to define. Typical   
risks in this field are associated with, for example, general economic          
development, distribution of the clientele, technology choices and development  
of the competitive situation and personnel expenses. Risks are managed through  
the efficient planning and regular monitoring of sales, human resources and     
business costs, enabling a quick response to changes in the operating           

The success of Trainers' House as an expert organization also depends on its    
ability to attract and retain skilled employees. Personnel risks are managed    
with competitive salaries and incentive schemes as well as investments in       
employee training, career opportunities and general job satisfaction.           

Risks are discussed in more detail in the annual report and on the company's    
website at: www.trainershouse.fi > Investors.     

AUTHORIZATIONS BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                        

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on the   
repurchase of the company's own shares. Under the authorization, whether on one 
or on several occasions, a maximum of 6,500,000 shares, which corresponds to    
approximately 9.62% of the company's shares, may be acquired. The authorization 
shall remain in force until 30 June 2009. At the same time the AGM countermanded
the earlier comparable authorization.                                           

The Board of Directors is otherwise authorized to decide on all conditions      
related to the acquisition of own shares, including the manner of acquisition of
shares. The authorization does not exclude the right of the Board of Directors  
to decide on a directed acquisition of own shares as well, if there is          
significant financial reason for the company to do so.                          

The authorization had not been exercised on 30 June 2008.                       

The AGM authorized the Board to decide on a share issue including the conveyance
of own shares, and the issue of special rights. With these authorizations       
related to share issue and/or issue of special rights, whether on one or on     
several occasions, a maximum of 13,000,000 new shares may be issued and/or      
treasury shares may be transferred, which corresponds to approximately 19.24% of
the company's shares. The authorization shall remain in force until 30 June     
2009. At the same time the AGM countermanded the earlier comparable             

The Board of Directors is otherwise authorized to decide on all terms regarding 
the share issue and issue of special rights, including the right to also decide 
on a directed share issue and a directed issue of special rights. Shareholders' 
pre-emptive subscription rights can be deviated from, provided that there is    
significant financial reason for the company to do so.                          

The authorizations had not been exercised on 30 June 2008.                      


At the end of the period under review, the Group employed 391 (379) people, of  
whom 382 (318) were located in Finland.                                         

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

The company's shares have been listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange since 2000.    
Until 28 December 2007, the company's shares were listed under the name Satama  
Interactive Plc (SAI1V) and as of 31 December 2007 under the name Trainers'     
House Plc (TRH1V).                                                              

At the beginning of the period under review, Trainers' House Plc had issued     
74,577,375 shares and the company's registered share capital amounted to EUR    

The company's share capital was increased by a total of EUR 13,801.92 during the
period under review, as a result of subscriptions made on account of the 2003C  
warrants issued under the personnel's option programme. The total number of new 
shares subscribed for was 656,500.                                              

A total of 7,217,171 treasury shares acquired by Trainers' House Plc in the     
merger of Satama Interactive Plc and Trainers' House Oy were invalidated during 
the period under review. The invalidation did not affect the company's share    
capital. The change in the number of shares was registered in the trade register
on 7 March 2008. At the end of the period under review, the company did not     
possess any treasury shares.                                                    

At the end of the period, the share capital of Trainer's House Plc totalled     
EUR 880,743.59. The number of shares totalled 68,016,704. The undiluted and
diluted average number of shares totalled 69,210,766 and 69,472,670 respectively
during the period under review.                                                 

In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting, Trainers' House  
paid a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share on 11 April 2008. The dividend paid       
totalled EUR 2.7 million, or 31.4% of the profit for 2007.                      

Share performance                                                               

A total of 18.3 million shares, 26,5 % of the average number of shares, were    
traded on the Helsinki Exchanges during the review period for a value of EUR    
22.7 million (18.6 million shares, 45,3 % and EUR 21.0 million, respectively).  
The period's highest share quotation was EUR 1.44 (EUR 1.24), the lowest        
EUR 0.99 (EUR 1.00) and the closing price EUR 1.00 (EUR 1.16). The weighted     
average price was EUR 1.26 (EUR 1.13). At the closing price on 30 June 2008, the
company's market capitalization was EUR 68.0 million (EUR 47.8 million).        

PERSONNEL OPTION PROGRAMMES                                                     

Trainers' House Plc has one option programme for its personnel, included in the 
personnel's commitment and incentive scheme.                                    

The Annual General Meeting held on 29 March 2006 decided to commence an employee
option programme involving 2,000,000 warrants. Due to the resulting             
subscriptions, the share capital of Trainers' House Plc may increase by a       
maximum of EUR 42,046.98 and the number of shares by a maximum of 2,000,000.    
Half of the warrants are titled 2006A and the other half 2006B.                 

The subscription period for shares converted under the 2006A warrant is to begin
on 1 September 2008 and to end on 28 February 2009. The subscription period for 
the shares converted under the 2006B warrant is to begin on a date determined by
the Board of Directors after publication of the interim report for the second   
quarter of 2009, but not later than on 1 September 2009, and end on             
28 February 2010. The dividend-adjusted subscription price after dividend       
payment is EUR 0.98 for shares converted under the 2006A warrant, and EUR 1.14  
for shares converted under the 2006B warrant.                                   

CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP                                                            

During 2007, the company became aware of 8 notices of change in ownership       
passing the disclosure threshold. Information on notices of change in ownership 
is available on the company's website at www.trainershouse.fi > Investors.      

The merger of Trainers' House Oy affected the company's shareholder base        
significantly. More than half of the company's shares are currently owned by its

The company's CEO Jari Sarasvuo and his controlled company Isildur Oy currently 
hold a total of 35.5% of the share capital of Trainers' House Plc. The Finnish  
Financial Supervision Authority has granted an exemption to Jari Sarasvuo and   
Isildur Oy regarding the obligation to present a mandatory redemption offer     
concerning the company. The terms and conditions of the exemption require that  
the combined shareholding of Mr. Sarasvuo and Isildur Oy in Trainers' House will
decline to 30% or under within one (1) year from the date that the new shares   
have been registered.                                                           

Information on the company's ownership structure and major shareholders is      
available on the company's website at www.trainershouse.fi > Investors.         

CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES                                        

The interim report was compiled in accordance with the IAS 34 standard.         

The Group divested its Dutch operations in 2007, and the comparative figures for
2007 have been adjusted to correspond to the structure of the continuing and    
divested operations.                                                            

In accordance with the risk management principles described in the company's    
financial statements, the company has hedged to manage part of the interest rate
risk of financial liabilities and has also adopted hedge accounting.            

Amendments to and interpretations of published standards, as well as the new    
standards effective as of 1 January 2007 are presented in detail in the         
Financial Statements for 2007. Adoption of the standards did not cause any such 
impact on the accounting principles applied to the financial statements that    
would have called for retroactive changes to previous years' figures.           

The Group will adopt all the new and amended standards and interpretations that 
entered into force on 1 January 2008. The Group estimates that these new        
interpretations will not affect the consolidated financial statements.          

In producing this interim report, Trainers' House has applied the same          
accounting principles for key figures as in its Financial Statements for 2007.  
The calculation of key figures is described on page 45 of the Financial         
Statements included in the Annual Report 2007.                                  

The figures given in the interim report are unaudited.                          

INCOME STATEMENT, IFRS (kEUR)                                                   
                               Group     Group     Group     Group     Group    
                             01/04/-   01/04/-   01/01/-   01/01/-   01/01/-    
                            30/06/08  30/06/07  30/06/08  30/06/07  31/12/07    
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                                           
Net sales                     12,318     7,812    24,327    15,882    29,989    

Other income from operations       5         5       170         8        61    

Materials and services         1,573       984     2,842     1,933     3,437    
expenses                       6,234     4,727    12,301     9,994    18,663    
Depreciation                   1,084       174     2,144       336       713    
Other operating expenses       2,042     1,227     4,362     2,520     5,116    

Operating profit               1,390       705     2,848     1,108     2,119    

Financial income and expenses   -404        15      -941        10      -259    
Share from profit/loss of                                                       
associated companies                                                    -103    

Profit/loss before tax           987       720     1,907     1,118     1,758    

Tax                             -178*)    -262*)    -678*)    -389*)   3,082*)  

Profit for the period                                                           
Continuing operations            808       458     1,229       729     4,839    
Discontinued operations                    226                 358     3,822    

Profit/loss for the period       808       684     1,229     1,088     8,661    

Attributable to equity holders                                                  
of the parent company            808       684     1,229     1,088     8,661    

Earnings per share as calculated from the profit attributable to shareholders of
the parent company:                                                             
Undiluted earnings/share (EUR),                                                 
Continuing operations           0.01      0.01      0.02      0.02      0.12    
Discontinued operations                   0.01                0.01      0.09    
Diluted earnings/share (EUR),                                                   
Continuing operations           0.01      0.01      0.02      0.02      0.12    
Discontinued operations                   0.01                0.01      0.09    

*) The tax included in the income statement is deferred.                        

BALANCE SHEET, IFRS (kEUR)                                                      
                                        Group        Group        Group         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         
Non-current assets                                                              
Property, plant and equipment           1,158        1,540        1,706         
Goodwill                               51,772       10,020       52,467         
Other intangible assets                18,614          433       20,162         
Other financial assets                      4           54          230         
Other receivables                          24          101           24         
Deferred tax receivables                7,992        5,306        9,149         
Total non-current assets               79,563       17,454       83,738         

Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                15                        15         
Accounts receivable and                                                         
other receivables                      13,144       12,691       11,690         
Cash and cash equivalents               8,364          534       17,120         
Total current assets                   21,523       13,225       28,824         

Total assets                          101,086       30,680      112,562         

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                     
Share capital                             881          867          867         
Share issue                                                         256         
Premium fund                           13,943       13,228       13,228         
Hedging reserve                            70                                   
Distributable non-restricted                                                    
equity fund                            31,872                    31,348         
Translation differences                    -2           -1           -2         
Retained earnings                      15,174        8,832       16,551         
Total shareholders' equity             61,937       22,925       62,247         

Long-term liabilities                                                           
Deferred tax liabilities                4,727                     5,739         
Other long-term liabilities            24,870          658       34,012         

Accounts payable and other liabilities  9,553        7,096       10,563         

Total liabilities                      39,149        7,755       50,314         

Total shareholders' equity and                                                  
liabilities                           101,086       30,680      112,562         

CASH FLOW STATEMENT, IFRS (kEUR)                                                
                                        Group        Group        Group         
                                       01/01-       01/01-       01/01-         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Profit/loss for the period              1,229        1,088        8,661         
Adjustments to profit for the period    4,678          904       -5,854         
Change in working capital              -2,482       -1,749         -366         
Financial items                          -810           -7         -315         
Cash flow from operations               2,615          236        2,127         

Acquisition of subsidiaries                                     -26,858         
Divestment of subsidiaries                                        7,857         
Investments in tangible and                         
intangible assets                        -180         -661         -751         
Capital gains on tangible and                                                   
intangible assets                         326                                   
Capital gains on other investments                                 -187         
Change in the additional trade price      -98          -67                      
Cash flow from investments                 48         -728      -19,939         

Share issue subject to charges            491          135          391         
Dividend distribution                  -2,721                                   
Increase/decrease in long-term loans   -9,143                    33,639         
Increase/decrease in short-term loans     -46          285          219         
Increase/decrease in long-term receivables              59          136         
Cash flow from financing              -11,418          479       34,385         

Change in cash and cash equivalents    -8,756          -12       16,573         
Opening balance of cash and                                                     
cash equivalents                       17,120          547          547         
Closing balance of cash and                                                     
cash equivalents                        8,364          534       17,120         

CHANGE IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (kEUR)                                           
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                     

                                              table   Trans-                    
                                        Hed-  non-re- lation                    
                                        ging  stric-  dif-                      
                    Share Share Premium re-   ted     fe-    Retained 
                  capital issue fund    serve equity  rence  earnings  Total    
Equity 01/01/2007     859       13,101                   -1   7,704   21,663    
Translation differences                                  -1               -1    
Stock options used      8          127                                   135    
Share-based payments                                             40       40    
Profit/loss for the period                                    1,088    1,088    
Equity 30/06/2007     867       13,228                   -1   8,832   22,925    

Equity 01/01/2008     867  256  13,228        31,348     -2  16,551   62,247    
Cashflow hedging                          70                              70    
Stock options used     14 -256     715                                   473    
Share-based payments                                            115      115    
Taxes related to bookings                                                       
to shareholders' equity                          524                     524    
Profit/loss for the period                                    1,229    1,229    
Dividend distribution                                        -2,721   -2,721    
Equity 30/06/2008     881       13,943    70  31,872     -2  15,174   61,937    

INVESTMENTS (kEUR)                      Group        Group        Group         
                                       01/01-       01/01-       01/01-         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Gross investments in tangible                                                   
and intangible assets                                                           
and shares                                277          739       64,440         

Gross investments                                                               
% of net sales                            1.1          4.7        214.9         

RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS (kEUR)       Group        Group        Group                                           01/01-       01/01-       01/01-         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Management's emoluments                                                         
Salaries and other short-term                                                   
employee benefits                         309          452          726         
Share-based payments                                                 31         

PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES (kEUR)                                   

Trainers' House implemented a major restructuring programme in the second       
quarter of 2006. A provision of EUR 1.3 million was made in the financial       
statements of the second quarter of 2006 to cover the expenses arising from the 
restructuring programme. On 31 December 2007, EUR 64 thousand of the provision  
remained unused. In 2008, the remaining provision has been used to cover actual 

Restructuring provision (kEUR)          Group        Group        Group         
                                       01/01-       01/01-       01/01-         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Provisions 1 January                       64          160          160         
Provisions used                           -64          -60          -96         
Provisions 30 June/31 December              0          100           64         

PERSONNEL                               Group        Group        Group         
                                       01/01-       01/01-       01/01-         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Average number of personnel               389          373          369         
Personnel at the end of the period        391          379          400         

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES  Group        Group        Group                                 30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Collaterals and contingent liabilities                                          
given for own commitments               3,827        5,255        4,144         

Interest rate swaps                                                             
Fair value                                122                                   
Nominal value                          14,000                                   

OTHER KEY FIGURES                       Group        Group        Group         
                                     30/06/08     30/06/07     31/12/07         

Equity-to-assets ratio (%)               61.6         74.7         56.0         
Net gearing (%)                          27.0          0.6         27.6         
Shareholders' equity/share (EUR)         0.91         0.56         0.92         
Return on equity (%)                      8.6          5.9         11.5         
Return on investment (%)                  4.3          9.2          3.5         

Return on equity and return on investment are based on the previous 12 months.  

Helsinki, 7 August 2008                                                         

TRAINERS' HOUSE PLC                                                             

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Jari Sarasvuo, CEO, tel. +358 (0)500 665 666                                    
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, tel. +358 (0)50 376 1115                                  

OMX Nordic Exchange, Helsinki                                                   
Prominent media sources                                                         
www.trainershouse.fi - Investors