2010-03-25 17:05:18 CET

2010-03-25 17:06:21 CET


English Lithuanian
Linas Agro Group AB - Interim information

Linas Agro Group AB Notification about interim six months financial results of the season 2009-2010

The Company removed the technical mistake in the AB Linas Agro Group Interim
Financial Statements for the six months period ended 31 December 2009, in the
Cash flow statement. 
Corrected consolidated 2009-2010 for the six months period net cash flows from
(to) operating activities are LTL 31.539 thousand and net cash flows from (to)
financing activities are (LTL 26.103 thousand). 
Other announced data isn't changed.

Responsible persons of the Company confirmed AB Linas Agro Group the
Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the six months period ended 31
December 2009, corrected consolidated cash flow statement. 

Investor relations Agnė Barauskaitė
Ph. +370 45 507346