2017-05-30 12:40:32 CEST

2017-05-30 12:40:32 CEST


Engelska Finska
Kojamo Oyj - Inside information

Kojamo plc: Kojamo plc receives investment grade rating from Moody's

Stock exchange release 30 May 2017 at 1.40 PM
Inside information

Kojamo plc receives investment grade rating from Moody's

Moody's Investor Service has today issued a long-term issuer rating of Baa2 with
a stable outlook for Kojamo plc.

The rating reflects Moody's view of Kojamo's high-quality housing portfolio in
Finland's growth centres, a stable cash flow and a high financial occupancy
rate. Additionally, the issuer rating reflects the strong real estate market and
the good demand for Kojamo's apartments.

Kojamo's CEO Jani Nieminen:
"Our strategic goal is to increase the value of the company's residential
property portfolio from the current level of approximately EUR 4.3 billion to at
least EUR 5.8 billion by the end of 2021. The investment grade rating and the
diversification of our financing structure support our growth."

Kojamo's CFO Erik Hjelt
"A public credit rating gives us the opportunity to take advantage of the
international financial markets more extensively, which in turn supports the
broadening of the company's financing base. The objective of the company is to
increase the share of unsecured financing in stages."

The company has released the rating process 30 May 2017 at 1.30 PM.

Further information:
Jani Nieminen, CEO, tel. +358 20 508 3201
Erik Hjelt, CFO, tel. +358 20 508 3225

Kojamo plc focuses on real estate investments in Finland, renewing rental
housing in order to make it increasingly attractive. The company develops Lumo
homes and services that promote work-related mobility in the urbanising Finland,
increase well-being and protect the environment. Over the past five years, the
Group has invested nearly EUR 1.5 billion in commercial rental housing. 
