2007-12-07 13:15:26 CET

2007-12-07 13:15:26 CET


Islandic English
FL GROUP hf. - Flöggun

Oddaflug B.V.

Nafn tilkynningarskylds aðila/Name of party notifying
Oddaflug B.V. 

Heimilisfang/Address of the party notifying
Parklaan 60 5613BII Eindhoven 99 NL

Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction

Fjöldi hluta í viðskiptum/Number of shares in transaction

Atkvæðisréttur eftir viðskipti/Voting right after the transaction

Fjöldi hluta fyrir viðskipti/Number of shares before the transaction

Fjöldi hluta eftir viðskipti/Number of shares after the transaction

Hlutfall af heildarhlutafé fyrir viðskipti %/Holdings of total nominal value 
before the transaction % 

Hlutfall af heildarhlutafé eftir viðskipti %/Holdings of total nominal value
after the transaction % 

Aðrar upplýsingar/Additional informations:
Vísað er til tilkynningar um samkomulag Oddaflugs B.V. og Materia Invest ehf.
sem birtist á vef OMX þann 6. desember 2007. 

Oddaflug B.V. er í eigu Eignarhaldsfélagsins Oddaflug ehf. sem er í eigu
Hannesar Smárasonar fyrrverandi forstjóra FL Group hf. 

We refer to the notice regarding agreement between Oddaflug B.V. and Materia
Invest ehf. which was published on OMX on December 6, 2007. 

Oddaflug B.V. is held by Eignarhaldsfelagid Oddaflug ehf. which is ultimately
owned by Hannes Smarason the former CEO of FL Group.